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/wp-includes/ -> block-editor.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Block Editor API.
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage Editor
   7   * @since 5.8.0
   8   */
  10  /**
  11   * Returns the list of default categories for block types.
  12   *
  13   * @since 5.8.0
  14   * @since 6.3.0 Reusable Blocks renamed to Patterns.
  15   *
  16   * @return array[] Array of categories for block types.
  17   */
  18  function get_default_block_categories() {
  19      return array(
  20          array(
  21              'slug'  => 'text',
  22              'title' => _x( 'Text', 'block category' ),
  23              'icon'  => null,
  24          ),
  25          array(
  26              'slug'  => 'media',
  27              'title' => _x( 'Media', 'block category' ),
  28              'icon'  => null,
  29          ),
  30          array(
  31              'slug'  => 'design',
  32              'title' => _x( 'Design', 'block category' ),
  33              'icon'  => null,
  34          ),
  35          array(
  36              'slug'  => 'widgets',
  37              'title' => _x( 'Widgets', 'block category' ),
  38              'icon'  => null,
  39          ),
  40          array(
  41              'slug'  => 'theme',
  42              'title' => _x( 'Theme', 'block category' ),
  43              'icon'  => null,
  44          ),
  45          array(
  46              'slug'  => 'embed',
  47              'title' => _x( 'Embeds', 'block category' ),
  48              'icon'  => null,
  49          ),
  50          array(
  51              'slug'  => 'reusable',
  52              'title' => _x( 'Patterns', 'block category' ),
  53              'icon'  => null,
  54          ),
  55      );
  56  }
  58  /**
  59   * Returns all the categories for block types that will be shown in the block editor.
  60   *
  61   * @since 5.0.0
  62   * @since 5.8.0 It is possible to pass the block editor context as param.
  63   *
  64   * @param WP_Post|WP_Block_Editor_Context $post_or_block_editor_context The current post object or
  65   *                                                                      the block editor context.
  66   *
  67   * @return array[] Array of categories for block types.
  68   */
  69  function get_block_categories( $post_or_block_editor_context ) {
  70      $block_categories     = get_default_block_categories();
  71      $block_editor_context = $post_or_block_editor_context instanceof WP_Post ?
  72          new WP_Block_Editor_Context(
  73              array(
  74                  'post' => $post_or_block_editor_context,
  75              )
  76          ) : $post_or_block_editor_context;
  78      /**
  79       * Filters the default array of categories for block types.
  80       *
  81       * @since 5.8.0
  82       *
  83       * @param array[]                 $block_categories     Array of categories for block types.
  84       * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
  85       */
  86      $block_categories = apply_filters( 'block_categories_all', $block_categories, $block_editor_context );
  88      if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) {
  89          $post = $block_editor_context->post;
  91          /**
  92           * Filters the default array of categories for block types.
  93           *
  94           * @since 5.0.0
  95           * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'block_categories_all'} filter instead.
  96           *
  97           * @param array[] $block_categories Array of categories for block types.
  98           * @param WP_Post $post             Post being loaded.
  99           */
 100          $block_categories = apply_filters_deprecated( 'block_categories', array( $block_categories, $post ), '5.8.0', 'block_categories_all' );
 101      }
 103      return $block_categories;
 104  }
 106  /**
 107   * Gets the list of allowed block types to use in the block editor.
 108   *
 109   * @since 5.8.0
 110   *
 111   * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 112   *
 113   * @return bool|string[] Array of block type slugs, or boolean to enable/disable all.
 114   */
 115  function get_allowed_block_types( $block_editor_context ) {
 116      $allowed_block_types = true;
 118      /**
 119       * Filters the allowed block types for all editor types.
 120       *
 121       * @since 5.8.0
 122       *
 123       * @param bool|string[]           $allowed_block_types  Array of block type slugs, or boolean to enable/disable all.
 124       *                                                      Default true (all registered block types supported).
 125       * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 126       */
 127      $allowed_block_types = apply_filters( 'allowed_block_types_all', $allowed_block_types, $block_editor_context );
 129      if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) {
 130          $post = $block_editor_context->post;
 132          /**
 133           * Filters the allowed block types for the editor.
 134           *
 135           * @since 5.0.0
 136           * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'allowed_block_types_all'} filter instead.
 137           *
 138           * @param bool|string[] $allowed_block_types Array of block type slugs, or boolean to enable/disable all.
 139           *                                           Default true (all registered block types supported)
 140           * @param WP_Post       $post                The post resource data.
 141           */
 142          $allowed_block_types = apply_filters_deprecated( 'allowed_block_types', array( $allowed_block_types, $post ), '5.8.0', 'allowed_block_types_all' );
 143      }
 145      return $allowed_block_types;
 146  }
 148  /**
 149   * Returns the default block editor settings.
 150   *
 151   * @since 5.8.0
 152   *
 153   * @return array The default block editor settings.
 154   */
 155  function get_default_block_editor_settings() {
 156      // Media settings.
 158      // wp_max_upload_size() can be expensive, so only call it when relevant for the current user.
 159      $max_upload_size = 0;
 160      if ( current_user_can( 'upload_files' ) ) {
 161          $max_upload_size = wp_max_upload_size();
 162          if ( ! $max_upload_size ) {
 163              $max_upload_size = 0;
 164          }
 165      }
 167      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
 168      $image_size_names = apply_filters(
 169          'image_size_names_choose',
 170          array(
 171              'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail' ),
 172              'medium'    => __( 'Medium' ),
 173              'large'     => __( 'Large' ),
 174              'full'      => __( 'Full Size' ),
 175          )
 176      );
 178      $available_image_sizes = array();
 179      foreach ( $image_size_names as $image_size_slug => $image_size_name ) {
 180          $available_image_sizes[] = array(
 181              'slug' => $image_size_slug,
 182              'name' => $image_size_name,
 183          );
 184      }
 186      $default_size       = get_option( 'image_default_size', 'large' );
 187      $image_default_size = in_array( $default_size, array_keys( $image_size_names ), true ) ? $default_size : 'large';
 189      $image_dimensions = array();
 190      $all_sizes        = wp_get_registered_image_subsizes();
 191      foreach ( $available_image_sizes as $size ) {
 192          $key = $size['slug'];
 193          if ( isset( $all_sizes[ $key ] ) ) {
 194              $image_dimensions[ $key ] = $all_sizes[ $key ];
 195          }
 196      }
 198      // These styles are used if the "no theme styles" options is triggered or on
 199      // themes without their own editor styles.
 200      $default_editor_styles_file = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/css/dist/block-editor/default-editor-styles.css';
 202      static $default_editor_styles_file_contents = false;
 203      if ( ! $default_editor_styles_file_contents && file_exists( $default_editor_styles_file ) ) {
 204          $default_editor_styles_file_contents = file_get_contents( $default_editor_styles_file );
 205      }
 207      $default_editor_styles = array();
 208      if ( $default_editor_styles_file_contents ) {
 209          $default_editor_styles = array(
 210              array( 'css' => $default_editor_styles_file_contents ),
 211          );
 212      }
 214      $editor_settings = array(
 215          'alignWide'                        => get_theme_support( 'align-wide' ),
 216          'allowedBlockTypes'                => true,
 217          'allowedMimeTypes'                 => get_allowed_mime_types(),
 218          'defaultEditorStyles'              => $default_editor_styles,
 219          'blockCategories'                  => get_default_block_categories(),
 220          'isRTL'                            => is_rtl(),
 221          'imageDefaultSize'                 => $image_default_size,
 222          'imageDimensions'                  => $image_dimensions,
 223          'imageEditing'                     => true,
 224          'imageSizes'                       => $available_image_sizes,
 225          'maxUploadFileSize'                => $max_upload_size,
 226          // The following flag is required to enable the new Gallery block format on the mobile apps in 5.9.
 227          '__unstableGalleryWithImageBlocks' => true,
 228      );
 230      $theme_settings = get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings();
 231      foreach ( $theme_settings as $key => $value ) {
 232          $editor_settings[ $key ] = $value;
 233      }
 235      return $editor_settings;
 236  }
 238  /**
 239   * Returns the block editor settings needed to use the Legacy Widget block which
 240   * is not registered by default.
 241   *
 242   * @since 5.8.0
 243   *
 244   * @return array Settings to be used with get_block_editor_settings().
 245   */
 246  function get_legacy_widget_block_editor_settings() {
 247      $editor_settings = array();
 249      /**
 250       * Filters the list of widget-type IDs that should **not** be offered by the
 251       * Legacy Widget block.
 252       *
 253       * Returning an empty array will make all widgets available.
 254       *
 255       * @since 5.8.0
 256       *
 257       * @param string[] $widgets An array of excluded widget-type IDs.
 258       */
 259      $editor_settings['widgetTypesToHideFromLegacyWidgetBlock'] = apply_filters(
 260          'widget_types_to_hide_from_legacy_widget_block',
 261          array(
 262              'pages',
 263              'calendar',
 264              'archives',
 265              'media_audio',
 266              'media_image',
 267              'media_gallery',
 268              'media_video',
 269              'search',
 270              'text',
 271              'categories',
 272              'recent-posts',
 273              'recent-comments',
 274              'rss',
 275              'tag_cloud',
 276              'custom_html',
 277              'block',
 278          )
 279      );
 281      return $editor_settings;
 282  }
 284  /**
 285   * Collect the block editor assets that need to be loaded into the editor's iframe.
 286   *
 287   * @since 6.0.0
 288   * @access private
 289   *
 290   * @global WP_Styles  $wp_styles  The WP_Styles current instance.
 291   * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts current instance.
 292   *
 293   * @return array {
 294   *     The block editor assets.
 295   *
 296   *     @type string|false $styles  String containing the HTML for styles.
 297   *     @type string|false $scripts String containing the HTML for scripts.
 298   * }
 299   */
 300  function _wp_get_iframed_editor_assets() {
 301      global $wp_styles, $wp_scripts;
 303      // Keep track of the styles and scripts instance to restore later.
 304      $current_wp_styles  = $wp_styles;
 305      $current_wp_scripts = $wp_scripts;
 307      // Create new instances to collect the assets.
 308      $wp_styles  = new WP_Styles();
 309      $wp_scripts = new WP_Scripts();
 311      /*
 312       * Register all currently registered styles and scripts. The actions that
 313       * follow enqueue assets, but don't necessarily register them.
 314       */
 315      $wp_styles->registered  = $current_wp_styles->registered;
 316      $wp_scripts->registered = $current_wp_scripts->registered;
 318      /*
 319       * We generally do not need reset styles for the iframed editor.
 320       * However, if it's a classic theme, margins will be added to every block,
 321       * which is reset specifically for list items, so classic themes rely on
 322       * these reset styles.
 323       */
 324      $wp_styles->done =
 325          wp_theme_has_theme_json() ? array( 'wp-reset-editor-styles' ) : array();
 327      wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-polyfill' );
 328      // Enqueue the `editorStyle` handles for all core block, and dependencies.
 329      wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-edit-blocks' );
 331      if ( current_theme_supports( 'wp-block-styles' ) ) {
 332          wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-block-library-theme' );
 333      }
 335      /*
 336       * We don't want to load EDITOR scripts in the iframe, only enqueue
 337       * front-end assets for the content.
 338       */
 339      add_filter( 'should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles', '__return_false' );
 340      do_action( 'enqueue_block_assets' );
 341      remove_filter( 'should_load_block_editor_scripts_and_styles', '__return_false' );
 343      $block_registry = WP_Block_Type_Registry::get_instance();
 345      /*
 346       * Additionally, do enqueue `editorStyle` assets for all blocks, which
 347       * contains editor-only styling for blocks (editor content).
 348       */
 349      foreach ( $block_registry->get_all_registered() as $block_type ) {
 350          if ( isset( $block_type->editor_style_handles ) && is_array( $block_type->editor_style_handles ) ) {
 351              foreach ( $block_type->editor_style_handles as $style_handle ) {
 352                  wp_enqueue_style( $style_handle );
 353              }
 354          }
 355      }
 357      /**
 358       * Remove the deprecated `print_emoji_styles` handler.
 359       * It avoids breaking style generation with a deprecation message.
 360       */
 361      $has_emoji_styles = has_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
 362      if ( $has_emoji_styles ) {
 363          remove_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
 364      }
 366      ob_start();
 367      wp_print_styles();
 368      wp_print_font_faces();
 369      $styles = ob_get_clean();
 371      if ( $has_emoji_styles ) {
 372          add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles' );
 373      }
 375      ob_start();
 376      wp_print_head_scripts();
 377      wp_print_footer_scripts();
 378      $scripts = ob_get_clean();
 380      // Restore the original instances.
 381      $wp_styles  = $current_wp_styles;
 382      $wp_scripts = $current_wp_scripts;
 384      return array(
 385          'styles'  => $styles,
 386          'scripts' => $scripts,
 387      );
 388  }
 390  /**
 391   * Finds the first occurrence of a specific block in an array of blocks.
 392   *
 393   * @since 6.3.0
 394   *
 395   * @param array  $blocks     Array of blocks.
 396   * @param string $block_name Name of the block to find.
 397   * @return array Found block, or empty array if none found.
 398   */
 399  function wp_get_first_block( $blocks, $block_name ) {
 400      foreach ( $blocks as $block ) {
 401          if ( $block_name === $block['blockName'] ) {
 402              return $block;
 403          }
 404          if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ) {
 405              $found_block = wp_get_first_block( $block['innerBlocks'], $block_name );
 407              if ( ! empty( $found_block ) ) {
 408                  return $found_block;
 409              }
 410          }
 411      }
 413      return array();
 414  }
 416  /**
 417   * Retrieves Post Content block attributes from the current post template.
 418   *
 419   * @since 6.3.0
 420   * @since 6.4.0 Return null if there is no post content block.
 421   * @access private
 422   *
 423   * @global int $post_ID
 424   *
 425   * @return array|null Post Content block attributes array or null if Post Content block doesn't exist.
 426   */
 427  function wp_get_post_content_block_attributes() {
 428      global $post_ID;
 430      $is_block_theme = wp_is_block_theme();
 432      if ( ! $is_block_theme || ! $post_ID ) {
 433          return null;
 434      }
 436      $template_slug = get_page_template_slug( $post_ID );
 438      if ( ! $template_slug ) {
 439          $post_slug      = 'singular';
 440          $page_slug      = 'singular';
 441          $template_types = get_block_templates();
 443          foreach ( $template_types as $template_type ) {
 444              if ( 'page' === $template_type->slug ) {
 445                  $page_slug = 'page';
 446              }
 447              if ( 'single' === $template_type->slug ) {
 448                  $post_slug = 'single';
 449              }
 450          }
 452          $what_post_type = get_post_type( $post_ID );
 453          switch ( $what_post_type ) {
 454              case 'page':
 455                  $template_slug = $page_slug;
 456                  break;
 457              default:
 458                  $template_slug = $post_slug;
 459                  break;
 460          }
 461      }
 463      $current_template = get_block_templates( array( 'slug__in' => array( $template_slug ) ) );
 465      if ( ! empty( $current_template ) ) {
 466          $template_blocks    = parse_blocks( $current_template[0]->content );
 467          $post_content_block = wp_get_first_block( $template_blocks, 'core/post-content' );
 469          if ( isset( $post_content_block['attrs'] ) ) {
 470              return $post_content_block['attrs'];
 471          }
 472      }
 474      return null;
 475  }
 477  /**
 478   * Returns the contextualized block editor settings for a selected editor context.
 479   *
 480   * @since 5.8.0
 481   *
 482   * @param array                   $custom_settings      Custom settings to use with the given editor type.
 483   * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 484   *
 485   * @return array The contextualized block editor settings.
 486   */
 487  function get_block_editor_settings( array $custom_settings, $block_editor_context ) {
 488      $editor_settings = array_merge(
 489          get_default_block_editor_settings(),
 490          array(
 491              'allowedBlockTypes' => get_allowed_block_types( $block_editor_context ),
 492              'blockCategories'   => get_block_categories( $block_editor_context ),
 493          ),
 494          $custom_settings
 495      );
 497      $global_styles = array();
 498      $presets       = array(
 499          array(
 500              'css'            => 'variables',
 501              '__unstableType' => 'presets',
 502              'isGlobalStyles' => true,
 503          ),
 504          array(
 505              'css'            => 'presets',
 506              '__unstableType' => 'presets',
 507              'isGlobalStyles' => true,
 508          ),
 509      );
 510      foreach ( $presets as $preset_style ) {
 511          $actual_css = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $preset_style['css'] ) );
 512          if ( '' !== $actual_css ) {
 513              $preset_style['css'] = $actual_css;
 514              $global_styles[]     = $preset_style;
 515          }
 516      }
 518      if ( wp_theme_has_theme_json() ) {
 519          $block_classes = array(
 520              'css'            => 'styles',
 521              '__unstableType' => 'theme',
 522              'isGlobalStyles' => true,
 523          );
 524          $actual_css    = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $block_classes['css'] ) );
 525          if ( '' !== $actual_css ) {
 526              $block_classes['css'] = $actual_css;
 527              $global_styles[]      = $block_classes;
 528          }
 530          /*
 531           * Add the custom CSS as a separate stylesheet so any invalid CSS
 532           * entered by users does not break other global styles.
 533           */
 534          $global_styles[] = array(
 535              'css'            => wp_get_global_styles_custom_css(),
 536              '__unstableType' => 'user',
 537              'isGlobalStyles' => true,
 538          );
 539      } else {
 540          // If there is no `theme.json` file, ensure base layout styles are still available.
 541          $block_classes = array(
 542              'css'            => 'base-layout-styles',
 543              '__unstableType' => 'base-layout',
 544              'isGlobalStyles' => true,
 545          );
 546          $actual_css    = wp_get_global_stylesheet( array( $block_classes['css'] ) );
 547          if ( '' !== $actual_css ) {
 548              $block_classes['css'] = $actual_css;
 549              $global_styles[]      = $block_classes;
 550          }
 551      }
 553      $editor_settings['styles'] = array_merge( $global_styles, get_block_editor_theme_styles() );
 555      $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures'] = wp_get_global_settings();
 556      // These settings may need to be updated based on data coming from theme.json sources.
 557      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['palette'] ) ) {
 558          $colors_by_origin          = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['palette'];
 559          $editor_settings['colors'] = isset( $colors_by_origin['custom'] ) ?
 560              $colors_by_origin['custom'] : (
 561                  isset( $colors_by_origin['theme'] ) ?
 562                      $colors_by_origin['theme'] :
 563                      $colors_by_origin['default']
 564              );
 565      }
 566      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['gradients'] ) ) {
 567          $gradients_by_origin          = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['gradients'];
 568          $editor_settings['gradients'] = isset( $gradients_by_origin['custom'] ) ?
 569              $gradients_by_origin['custom'] : (
 570                  isset( $gradients_by_origin['theme'] ) ?
 571                      $gradients_by_origin['theme'] :
 572                      $gradients_by_origin['default']
 573              );
 574      }
 575      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['fontSizes'] ) ) {
 576          $font_sizes_by_origin         = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['fontSizes'];
 577          $editor_settings['fontSizes'] = isset( $font_sizes_by_origin['custom'] ) ?
 578              $font_sizes_by_origin['custom'] : (
 579                  isset( $font_sizes_by_origin['theme'] ) ?
 580                      $font_sizes_by_origin['theme'] :
 581                      $font_sizes_by_origin['default']
 582              );
 583      }
 584      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom'] ) ) {
 585          $editor_settings['disableCustomColors'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom'];
 586          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['custom'] );
 587      }
 588      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient'] ) ) {
 589          $editor_settings['disableCustomGradients'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient'];
 590          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['color']['customGradient'] );
 591      }
 592      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize'] ) ) {
 593          $editor_settings['disableCustomFontSizes'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize'];
 594          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['customFontSize'] );
 595      }
 596      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight'] ) ) {
 597          $editor_settings['enableCustomLineHeight'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight'];
 598          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['typography']['lineHeight'] );
 599      }
 600      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units'] ) ) {
 601          $editor_settings['enableCustomUnits'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units'];
 602          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['units'] );
 603      }
 604      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding'] ) ) {
 605          $editor_settings['enableCustomSpacing'] = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding'];
 606          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['padding'] );
 607      }
 608      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize'] ) ) {
 609          $editor_settings['disableCustomSpacingSizes'] = ! $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize'];
 610          unset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['customSpacingSize'] );
 611      }
 613      if ( isset( $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['spacingSizes'] ) ) {
 614          $spacing_sizes_by_origin         = $editor_settings['__experimentalFeatures']['spacing']['spacingSizes'];
 615          $editor_settings['spacingSizes'] = isset( $spacing_sizes_by_origin['custom'] ) ?
 616              $spacing_sizes_by_origin['custom'] : (
 617                  isset( $spacing_sizes_by_origin['theme'] ) ?
 618                      $spacing_sizes_by_origin['theme'] :
 619                      $spacing_sizes_by_origin['default']
 620              );
 621      }
 623      $editor_settings['__unstableResolvedAssets']         = _wp_get_iframed_editor_assets();
 624      $editor_settings['__unstableIsBlockBasedTheme']      = wp_is_block_theme();
 625      $editor_settings['localAutosaveInterval']            = 15;
 626      $editor_settings['disableLayoutStyles']              = current_theme_supports( 'disable-layout-styles' );
 627      $editor_settings['__experimentalDiscussionSettings'] = array(
 628          'commentOrder'         => get_option( 'comment_order' ),
 629          'commentsPerPage'      => get_option( 'comments_per_page' ),
 630          'defaultCommentsPage'  => get_option( 'default_comments_page' ),
 631          'pageComments'         => get_option( 'page_comments' ),
 632          'threadComments'       => get_option( 'thread_comments' ),
 633          'threadCommentsDepth'  => get_option( 'thread_comments_depth' ),
 634          'defaultCommentStatus' => get_option( 'default_comment_status' ),
 635          'avatarURL'            => get_avatar_url(
 636              '',
 637              array(
 638                  'size'          => 96,
 639                  'force_default' => true,
 640                  'default'       => get_option( 'avatar_default' ),
 641              )
 642          ),
 643      );
 645      $post_content_block_attributes = wp_get_post_content_block_attributes();
 647      if ( isset( $post_content_block_attributes ) ) {
 648          $editor_settings['postContentAttributes'] = $post_content_block_attributes;
 649      }
 651      /**
 652       * Filters the settings to pass to the block editor for all editor type.
 653       *
 654       * @since 5.8.0
 655       *
 656       * @param array                   $editor_settings      Default editor settings.
 657       * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 658       */
 659      $editor_settings = apply_filters( 'block_editor_settings_all', $editor_settings, $block_editor_context );
 661      if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) {
 662          $post = $block_editor_context->post;
 664          /**
 665           * Filters the settings to pass to the block editor.
 666           *
 667           * @since 5.0.0
 668           * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'block_editor_settings_all'} filter instead.
 669           *
 670           * @param array   $editor_settings Default editor settings.
 671           * @param WP_Post $post            Post being edited.
 672           */
 673          $editor_settings = apply_filters_deprecated( 'block_editor_settings', array( $editor_settings, $post ), '5.8.0', 'block_editor_settings_all' );
 674      }
 676      return $editor_settings;
 677  }
 679  /**
 680   * Preloads common data used with the block editor by specifying an array of
 681   * REST API paths that will be preloaded for a given block editor context.
 682   *
 683   * @since 5.8.0
 684   *
 685   * @global WP_Post    $post       Global post object.
 686   * @global WP_Scripts $wp_scripts The WP_Scripts object for printing scripts.
 687   * @global WP_Styles  $wp_styles  The WP_Styles object for printing styles.
 688   *
 689   * @param (string|string[])[]     $preload_paths        List of paths to preload.
 690   * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 691   */
 692  function block_editor_rest_api_preload( array $preload_paths, $block_editor_context ) {
 693      global $post, $wp_scripts, $wp_styles;
 695      /**
 696       * Filters the array of REST API paths that will be used to preloaded common data for the block editor.
 697       *
 698       * @since 5.8.0
 699       *
 700       * @param (string|string[])[]     $preload_paths        Array of paths to preload.
 701       * @param WP_Block_Editor_Context $block_editor_context The current block editor context.
 702       */
 703      $preload_paths = apply_filters( 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths', $preload_paths, $block_editor_context );
 705      if ( ! empty( $block_editor_context->post ) ) {
 706          $selected_post = $block_editor_context->post;
 708          /**
 709           * Filters the array of paths that will be preloaded.
 710           *
 711           * Preload common data by specifying an array of REST API paths that will be preloaded.
 712           *
 713           * @since 5.0.0
 714           * @deprecated 5.8.0 Use the {@see 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths'} filter instead.
 715           *
 716           * @param (string|string[])[] $preload_paths Array of paths to preload.
 717           * @param WP_Post             $selected_post Post being edited.
 718           */
 719          $preload_paths = apply_filters_deprecated( 'block_editor_preload_paths', array( $preload_paths, $selected_post ), '5.8.0', 'block_editor_rest_api_preload_paths' );
 720      }
 722      if ( empty( $preload_paths ) ) {
 723          return;
 724      }
 726      /*
 727       * Ensure the global $post, $wp_scripts, and $wp_styles remain the same after
 728       * API data is preloaded.
 729       * Because API preloading can call the_content and other filters, plugins
 730       * can unexpectedly modify the global $post or enqueue assets which are not
 731       * intended for the block editor.
 732       */
 733      $backup_global_post = ! empty( $post ) ? clone $post : $post;
 734      $backup_wp_scripts  = ! empty( $wp_scripts ) ? clone $wp_scripts : $wp_scripts;
 735      $backup_wp_styles   = ! empty( $wp_styles ) ? clone $wp_styles : $wp_styles;
 737      foreach ( $preload_paths as &$path ) {
 738          if ( is_string( $path ) && ! str_starts_with( $path, '/' ) ) {
 739              $path = '/' . $path;
 740              continue;
 741          }
 743          if ( is_array( $path ) && is_string( $path[0] ) && ! str_starts_with( $path[0], '/' ) ) {
 744              $path[0] = '/' . $path[0];
 745          }
 746      }
 748      unset( $path );
 750      $preload_data = array_reduce(
 751          $preload_paths,
 752          'rest_preload_api_request',
 753          array()
 754      );
 756      // Restore the global $post, $wp_scripts, and $wp_styles as they were before API preloading.
 757      $post       = $backup_global_post;
 758      $wp_scripts = $backup_wp_scripts;
 759      $wp_styles  = $backup_wp_styles;
 761      wp_add_inline_script(
 762          'wp-api-fetch',
 763          sprintf(
 764              'wp.apiFetch.use( wp.apiFetch.createPreloadingMiddleware( %s ) );',
 765              wp_json_encode( $preload_data )
 766          ),
 767          'after'
 768      );
 769  }
 771  /**
 772   * Creates an array of theme styles to load into the block editor.
 773   *
 774   * @since 5.8.0
 775   *
 776   * @global array $editor_styles
 777   *
 778   * @return array An array of theme styles for the block editor.
 779   */
 780  function get_block_editor_theme_styles() {
 781      global $editor_styles;
 783      $styles = array();
 785      if ( $editor_styles && current_theme_supports( 'editor-styles' ) ) {
 786          foreach ( $editor_styles as $style ) {
 787              if ( preg_match( '~^(https?:)?//~', $style ) ) {
 788                  $response = wp_remote_get( $style );
 789                  if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
 790                      $styles[] = array(
 791                          'css'            => wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ),
 792                          '__unstableType' => 'theme',
 793                          'isGlobalStyles' => false,
 794                      );
 795                  }
 796              } else {
 797                  $file = get_theme_file_path( $style );
 798                  if ( is_file( $file ) ) {
 799                      $styles[] = array(
 800                          'css'            => file_get_contents( $file ),
 801                          'baseURL'        => get_theme_file_uri( $style ),
 802                          '__unstableType' => 'theme',
 803                          'isGlobalStyles' => false,
 804                      );
 805                  }
 806              }
 807          }
 808      }
 810      return $styles;
 811  }
 813  /**
 814   * Returns the classic theme supports settings for block editor.
 815   *
 816   * @since 6.2.0
 817   *
 818   * @return array The classic theme supports settings.
 819   */
 820  function get_classic_theme_supports_block_editor_settings() {
 821      $theme_settings = array(
 822          'disableCustomColors'    => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-colors' ),
 823          'disableCustomFontSizes' => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-font-sizes' ),
 824          'disableCustomGradients' => get_theme_support( 'disable-custom-gradients' ),
 825          'disableLayoutStyles'    => get_theme_support( 'disable-layout-styles' ),
 826          'enableCustomLineHeight' => get_theme_support( 'custom-line-height' ),
 827          'enableCustomSpacing'    => get_theme_support( 'custom-spacing' ),
 828          'enableCustomUnits'      => get_theme_support( 'custom-units' ),
 829      );
 831      // Theme settings.
 832      $color_palette = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-color-palette' ) );
 833      if ( false !== $color_palette ) {
 834          $theme_settings['colors'] = $color_palette;
 835      }
 837      $font_sizes = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-font-sizes' ) );
 838      if ( false !== $font_sizes ) {
 839          $theme_settings['fontSizes'] = $font_sizes;
 840      }
 842      $gradient_presets = current( (array) get_theme_support( 'editor-gradient-presets' ) );
 843      if ( false !== $gradient_presets ) {
 844          $theme_settings['gradients'] = $gradient_presets;
 845      }
 847      return $theme_settings;
 848  }

Generated : Thu May 9 08:20:02 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref