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/wp-admin/includes/ -> class-wp-importer.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 333 lines (7 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

WP_Importer:: (13 methods):

Class: WP_Importer  - X-Ref

WP_Importer base class

__construct()   X-Ref
Class Constructor

get_imported_posts( $importer_name, $blog_id )   X-Ref
Returns array with imported permalinks from WordPress database.

return: array
param: string $importer_name
param: string $blog_id

count_imported_posts( $importer_name, $blog_id )   X-Ref
Returns count of imported permalinks from WordPress database.

return: int
param: string $importer_name
param: string $blog_id

get_imported_comments( $blog_id )   X-Ref
Sets array with imported comments from WordPress database.

return: array
param: string $blog_id

set_blog( $blog_id )   X-Ref

return: int|void
param: int $blog_id

set_user( $user_id )   X-Ref

return: int|void
param: int $user_id

cmpr_strlen( $a, $b )   X-Ref
Sorts by strlen, longest string first.

return: int
param: string $a
param: string $b

get_page($url,$username = '',$password = '',$head = false)   X-Ref
Gets URL.

return: array
param: string $url
param: string $username
param: string $password
param: bool   $head

bump_request_timeout( $val )   X-Ref
Bumps up the request timeout for http requests.

return: int
param: int $val

is_user_over_quota()   X-Ref
Checks if user has exceeded disk quota.

return: bool

min_whitespace( $text )   X-Ref
Replaces newlines, tabs, and multiple spaces with a single space.

return: string
param: string $text

stop_the_insanity()   X-Ref
Resets global variables that grow out of control during imports.

get_cli_args( $param, $required = false )   X-Ref
Returns value of command line params.
Exits when a required param is not set.

return: mixed
param: string $param
param: bool   $required

Generated : Fri Feb 21 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref