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/wp-admin/includes/ -> export.php (summary)

WordPress Export Administration API

File Size: 732 lines (26 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 14 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

export_wp( $args = array()   X-Ref
Generates the WXR export file for download.

Default behavior is to export all content, however, note that post content will only
be exported for post types with the `can_export` argument enabled. Any posts with the
'auto-draft' status will be skipped.

param: array $args {

wxr_cdata( $str )   X-Ref
Wraps given string in XML CDATA tag.

param: string $str String to wrap in XML CDATA tag.
return: string

wxr_site_url()   X-Ref
Returns the URL of the site.

return: string Site URL.

wxr_cat_name( $category )   X-Ref
Outputs a cat_name XML tag from a given category object.

param: WP_Term $category Category Object.

wxr_category_description( $category )   X-Ref
Outputs a category_description XML tag from a given category object.

param: WP_Term $category Category Object.

wxr_tag_name( $tag )   X-Ref
Outputs a tag_name XML tag from a given tag object.

param: WP_Term $tag Tag Object.

wxr_tag_description( $tag )   X-Ref
Outputs a tag_description XML tag from a given tag object.

param: WP_Term $tag Tag Object.

wxr_term_name( $term )   X-Ref
Outputs a term_name XML tag from a given term object.

param: WP_Term $term Term Object.

wxr_term_description( $term )   X-Ref
Outputs a term_description XML tag from a given term object.

param: WP_Term $term Term Object.

wxr_term_meta( $term )   X-Ref
Outputs term meta XML tags for a given term object.

param: WP_Term $term Term object.

wxr_authors_list( ?array $post_ids = null )   X-Ref
Outputs list of authors with posts.

param: int[] $post_ids Optional. Array of post IDs to filter the query by.

wxr_nav_menu_terms()   X-Ref
Outputs all navigation menu terms.

wxr_post_taxonomy()   X-Ref
Outputs list of taxonomy terms, in XML tag format, associated with a post.

wxr_filter_postmeta( $return_me, $meta_key )   X-Ref
Determines whether to selectively skip post meta used for WXR exports.

param: bool   $return_me Whether to skip the current post meta. Default false.
param: string $meta_key  Meta key.
return: bool

Generated : Wed Jan 22 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref