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WordPress Theme Administration API
File Size: | 1256 lines (48 kb) |
Included or required: | 4 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 2 files wp-admin/admin-footer.php wp-admin/admin-header.php |
delete_theme( $stylesheet, $redirect = '' ) X-Ref |
Removes a theme. param: string $stylesheet Stylesheet of the theme to delete. param: string $redirect Redirect to page when complete. return: bool|null|WP_Error True on success, false if `$stylesheet` is empty, WP_Error on failure. |
get_page_templates( $post = null, $post_type = 'page' ) X-Ref |
Gets the page templates available in this theme. param: WP_Post|null $post Optional. The post being edited, provided for context. param: string $post_type Optional. Post type to get the templates for. Default 'page'. return: string[] Array of template file names keyed by the template header name. |
_get_template_edit_filename( $fullpath, $containingfolder ) X-Ref |
Tidies a filename for url display by the theme file editor. param: string $fullpath Full path to the theme file param: string $containingfolder Path of the theme parent folder return: string |
theme_update_available( $theme ) X-Ref |
Check if there is an update for a theme available. Will display link, if there is an update available. param: WP_Theme $theme Theme data object. |
get_theme_update_available( $theme ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the update link if there is a theme update available. Will return a link if there is an update available. param: WP_Theme $theme WP_Theme object. return: string|false HTML for the update link, or false if invalid info was passed. |
get_theme_feature_list( $api = true ) X-Ref |
Retrieves list of WordPress theme features (aka theme tags). param: bool $api Optional. Whether try to fetch tags from the WordPress.org API. Defaults to true. return: array Array of features keyed by category with translations keyed by slug. |
themes_api( $action, $args = array() X-Ref |
Retrieves theme installer pages from the WordPress.org Themes API. It is possible for a theme to override the Themes API result with three filters. Assume this is for themes, which can extend on the Theme Info to offer more choices. This is very powerful and must be used with care, when overriding the filters. The first filter, {@see 'themes_api_args'}, is for the args and gives the action as the second parameter. The hook for {@see 'themes_api_args'} must ensure that an object is returned. The second filter, {@see 'themes_api'}, allows a plugin to override the WordPress.org Theme API entirely. If `$action` is 'query_themes', 'theme_information', or 'feature_list', an object MUST be passed. If `$action` is 'hot_tags', an array should be passed. Finally, the third filter, {@see 'themes_api_result'}, makes it possible to filter the response object or array, depending on the `$action` type. Supported arguments per action: | Argument Name | 'query_themes' | 'theme_information' | 'hot_tags' | 'feature_list' | | -------------------| :------------: | :-----------------: | :--------: | :--------------: | | `$slug` | No | Yes | No | No | | `$per_page` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$page` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$number` | No | No | Yes | No | | `$search` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$tag` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$author` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$user` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$browse` | Yes | No | No | No | | `$locale` | Yes | Yes | No | No | | `$fields` | Yes | Yes | No | No | param: string $action API action to perform: Accepts 'query_themes', 'theme_information', param: array|object $args { return: object|array|WP_Error Response object or array on success, WP_Error on failure. See the |
wp_prepare_themes_for_js( $themes = null ) X-Ref |
Prepares themes for JavaScript. param: WP_Theme[] $themes Optional. Array of theme objects to prepare. return: array An associative array of theme data, sorted by name. |
customize_themes_print_templates() X-Ref |
Prints JS templates for the theme-browsing UI in the Customizer. |
is_theme_paused( $theme ) X-Ref |
Determines whether a theme is technically active but was paused while loading. For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out the {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/conditional-tags/ Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. param: string $theme Path to the theme directory relative to the themes directory. return: bool True, if in the list of paused themes. False, not in the list. |
wp_get_theme_error( $theme ) X-Ref |
Gets the error that was recorded for a paused theme. param: string $theme Path to the theme directory relative to the themes return: array|false Array of error information as it was returned by |
resume_theme( $theme, $redirect = '' ) X-Ref |
Tries to resume a single theme. If a redirect was provided and a functions.php file was found, we first ensure that functions.php file does not throw fatal errors anymore. The way it works is by setting the redirection to the error before trying to include the file. If the theme fails, then the redirection will not be overwritten with the success message and the theme will not be resumed. param: string $theme Single theme to resume. param: string $redirect Optional. URL to redirect to. Default empty string. return: bool|WP_Error True on success, false if `$theme` was not paused, |
paused_themes_notice() X-Ref |
Renders an admin notice in case some themes have been paused due to errors. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |