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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)





/wp-admin/includes/ -> update-core.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * WordPress core upgrade functionality.
   4   *
   5   * Note: Newly introduced functions and methods cannot be used here.
   6   * All functions must be present in the previous version being upgraded from
   7   * as this file is used there too.
   8   *
   9   * @package WordPress
  10   * @subpackage Administration
  11   * @since 2.7.0
  12   */
  14  /**
  15   * Stores files to be deleted.
  16   *
  17   * Bundled theme files should not be included in this list.
  18   *
  19   * @since 2.7.0
  20   *
  21   * @global array $_old_files
  22   * @var array
  23   * @name $_old_files
  24   */
  25  global $_old_files;
  27  $_old_files = array(
  28      // 2.0
  29      'wp-admin/import-b2.php',
  30      'wp-admin/import-blogger.php',
  31      'wp-admin/import-greymatter.php',
  32      'wp-admin/import-livejournal.php',
  33      'wp-admin/import-mt.php',
  34      'wp-admin/import-rss.php',
  35      'wp-admin/import-textpattern.php',
  36      'wp-admin/quicktags.js',
  37      'wp-images/fade-butt.png',
  38      'wp-images/get-firefox.png',
  39      'wp-images/header-shadow.png',
  40      'wp-images/smilies',
  41      'wp-images/wp-small.png',
  42      'wp-images/wpminilogo.png',
  43      'wp.php',
  44      // 2.1
  45      'wp-admin/edit-form-ajax-cat.php',
  46      'wp-admin/execute-pings.php',
  47      'wp-admin/inline-uploading.php',
  48      'wp-admin/link-categories.php',
  49      'wp-admin/list-manipulation.js',
  50      'wp-admin/list-manipulation.php',
  51      'wp-includes/comment-functions.php',
  52      'wp-includes/feed-functions.php',
  53      'wp-includes/functions-compat.php',
  54      'wp-includes/functions-formatting.php',
  55      'wp-includes/functions-post.php',
  56      'wp-includes/js/dbx-key.js',
  57      'wp-includes/links.php',
  58      'wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php',
  59      'wp-includes/template-functions-author.php',
  60      'wp-includes/template-functions-category.php',
  61      'wp-includes/template-functions-general.php',
  62      'wp-includes/template-functions-links.php',
  63      'wp-includes/template-functions-post.php',
  64      'wp-includes/wp-l10n.php',
  65      // 2.2
  66      'wp-admin/cat-js.php',
  67      'wp-includes/js/autosave-js.php',
  68      'wp-includes/js/list-manipulation-js.php',
  69      'wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-js.php',
  70      // 2.3
  71      'wp-admin/admin-db.php',
  72      'wp-admin/cat.js',
  73      'wp-admin/categories.js',
  74      'wp-admin/custom-fields.js',
  75      'wp-admin/dbx-admin-key.js',
  76      'wp-admin/edit-comments.js',
  77      'wp-admin/install-rtl.css',
  78      'wp-admin/install.css',
  79      'wp-admin/upgrade-schema.php',
  80      'wp-admin/upload-functions.php',
  81      'wp-admin/upload-rtl.css',
  82      'wp-admin/upload.css',
  83      'wp-admin/upload.js',
  84      'wp-admin/users.js',
  85      'wp-admin/widgets-rtl.css',
  86      'wp-admin/widgets.css',
  87      'wp-admin/xfn.js',
  88      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/license.html',
  89      // 2.5
  90      'wp-admin/css/upload.css',
  91      'wp-admin/images/box-bg-left.gif',
  92      'wp-admin/images/box-bg-right.gif',
  93      'wp-admin/images/box-bg.gif',
  94      'wp-admin/images/box-butt-left.gif',
  95      'wp-admin/images/box-butt-right.gif',
  96      'wp-admin/images/box-butt.gif',
  97      'wp-admin/images/box-head-left.gif',
  98      'wp-admin/images/box-head-right.gif',
  99      'wp-admin/images/box-head.gif',
 100      'wp-admin/images/heading-bg.gif',
 101      'wp-admin/images/login-bkg-bottom.gif',
 102      'wp-admin/images/login-bkg-tile.gif',
 103      'wp-admin/images/notice.gif',
 104      'wp-admin/images/toggle.gif',
 105      'wp-admin/includes/upload.php',
 106      'wp-admin/js/dbx-admin-key.js',
 107      'wp-admin/js/link-cat.js',
 108      'wp-admin/profile-update.php',
 109      'wp-admin/templates.php',
 110      'wp-includes/js/dbx.js',
 111      'wp-includes/js/fat.js',
 112      'wp-includes/js/list-manipulation.js',
 113      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/en.js',
 114      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/directionality/images',
 115      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/directionality/langs',
 116      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/images',
 117      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/jscripts',
 118      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/langs',
 119      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/images',
 120      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/langs',
 121      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/wordpress.css',
 122      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wphelp',
 123      // 2.5.1
 124      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php',
 125      // 2.6
 126      'wp-admin/bookmarklet.php',
 127      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.dimensions.min.js',
 128      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/popups.css',
 129      'wp-includes/js/wp-ajax.js',
 130      // 2.7
 131      'wp-admin/css/press-this-ie-rtl.css',
 132      'wp-admin/css/press-this-ie.css',
 133      'wp-admin/css/upload-rtl.css',
 134      'wp-admin/edit-form.php',
 135      'wp-admin/images/comment-pill.gif',
 136      'wp-admin/images/comment-stalk-classic.gif',
 137      'wp-admin/images/comment-stalk-fresh.gif',
 138      'wp-admin/images/comment-stalk-rtl.gif',
 139      'wp-admin/images/del.png',
 140      'wp-admin/images/gear.png',
 141      'wp-admin/images/media-button-gallery.gif',
 142      'wp-admin/images/media-buttons.gif',
 143      'wp-admin/images/postbox-bg.gif',
 144      'wp-admin/images/tab.png',
 145      'wp-admin/images/tail.gif',
 146      'wp-admin/js/forms.js',
 147      'wp-admin/js/upload.js',
 148      'wp-admin/link-import.php',
 149      'wp-includes/images/audio.png',
 150      'wp-includes/images/css.png',
 151      'wp-includes/images/default.png',
 152      'wp-includes/images/doc.png',
 153      'wp-includes/images/exe.png',
 154      'wp-includes/images/html.png',
 155      'wp-includes/images/js.png',
 156      'wp-includes/images/pdf.png',
 157      'wp-includes/images/swf.png',
 158      'wp-includes/images/tar.png',
 159      'wp-includes/images/text.png',
 160      'wp-includes/images/video.png',
 161      'wp-includes/images/zip.png',
 162      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_config.php',
 163      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_ext.js',
 164      // 2.8
 165      'wp-admin/js/users.js',
 166      'wp-includes/js/swfupload/swfupload_f9.swf',
 167      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/autosave',
 168      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/css',
 169      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/utils/mclayer.js',
 170      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wordpress.css',
 171      // 2.9
 172      'wp-admin/js/page.dev.js',
 173      'wp-admin/js/page.js',
 174      'wp-admin/js/set-post-thumbnail-handler.dev.js',
 175      'wp-admin/js/set-post-thumbnail-handler.js',
 176      'wp-admin/js/slug.dev.js',
 177      'wp-admin/js/slug.js',
 178      'wp-includes/gettext.php',
 179      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/js',
 180      'wp-includes/streams.php',
 181      // MU
 182      'README.txt',
 183      'htaccess.dist',
 184      'index-install.php',
 185      'wp-admin/css/mu-rtl.css',
 186      'wp-admin/css/mu.css',
 187      'wp-admin/images/site-admin.png',
 188      'wp-admin/includes/mu.php',
 189      'wp-admin/wpmu-admin.php',
 190      'wp-admin/wpmu-blogs.php',
 191      'wp-admin/wpmu-edit.php',
 192      'wp-admin/wpmu-options.php',
 193      'wp-admin/wpmu-themes.php',
 194      'wp-admin/wpmu-upgrade-site.php',
 195      'wp-admin/wpmu-users.php',
 196      'wp-includes/images/wordpress-mu.png',
 197      'wp-includes/wpmu-default-filters.php',
 198      'wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php',
 199      'wpmu-settings.php',
 200      // 3.0
 201      'wp-admin/categories.php',
 202      'wp-admin/edit-category-form.php',
 203      'wp-admin/edit-page-form.php',
 204      'wp-admin/edit-pages.php',
 205      'wp-admin/images/admin-header-footer.png',
 206      'wp-admin/images/browse-happy.gif',
 207      'wp-admin/images/ico-add.png',
 208      'wp-admin/images/ico-close.png',
 209      'wp-admin/images/ico-edit.png',
 210      'wp-admin/images/ico-viewpage.png',
 211      'wp-admin/images/fav-top.png',
 212      'wp-admin/images/screen-options-left.gif',
 213      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo-vs.gif',
 214      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo.gif',
 215      'wp-admin/import',
 216      'wp-admin/js/wp-gears.dev.js',
 217      'wp-admin/js/wp-gears.js',
 218      'wp-admin/options-misc.php',
 219      'wp-admin/page-new.php',
 220      'wp-admin/page.php',
 221      'wp-admin/rtl.css',
 222      'wp-admin/rtl.dev.css',
 223      'wp-admin/update-links.php',
 224      'wp-admin/wp-admin.css',
 225      'wp-admin/wp-admin.dev.css',
 226      'wp-includes/js/codepress',
 227      'wp-includes/js/jquery/autocomplete.dev.js',
 228      'wp-includes/js/jquery/autocomplete.js',
 229      'wp-includes/js/jquery/interface.js',
 230      // Following file added back in 5.1, see #45645.
 231      //'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js',
 232      // 3.1
 233      'wp-admin/edit-attachment-rows.php',
 234      'wp-admin/edit-link-categories.php',
 235      'wp-admin/edit-link-category-form.php',
 236      'wp-admin/edit-post-rows.php',
 237      'wp-admin/images/button-grad-active-vs.png',
 238      'wp-admin/images/button-grad-vs.png',
 239      'wp-admin/images/fav-arrow-vs-rtl.gif',
 240      'wp-admin/images/fav-arrow-vs.gif',
 241      'wp-admin/images/fav-top-vs.gif',
 242      'wp-admin/images/list-vs.png',
 243      'wp-admin/images/screen-options-right-up.gif',
 244      'wp-admin/images/screen-options-right.gif',
 245      'wp-admin/images/visit-site-button-grad-vs.gif',
 246      'wp-admin/images/visit-site-button-grad.gif',
 247      'wp-admin/link-category.php',
 248      'wp-admin/sidebar.php',
 249      'wp-includes/classes.php',
 250      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/blank.htm',
 251      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/img',
 252      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/safari',
 253      // 3.2
 254      'wp-admin/images/logo-login.gif',
 255      'wp-admin/images/star.gif',
 256      'wp-admin/js/list-table.dev.js',
 257      'wp-admin/js/list-table.js',
 258      'wp-includes/default-embeds.php',
 259      // 3.3
 260      'wp-admin/css/colors-classic-rtl.css',
 261      'wp-admin/css/colors-classic-rtl.dev.css',
 262      'wp-admin/css/colors-fresh-rtl.css',
 263      'wp-admin/css/colors-fresh-rtl.dev.css',
 264      'wp-admin/css/dashboard-rtl.dev.css',
 265      'wp-admin/css/dashboard.dev.css',
 266      'wp-admin/css/global-rtl.css',
 267      'wp-admin/css/global-rtl.dev.css',
 268      'wp-admin/css/global.css',
 269      'wp-admin/css/global.dev.css',
 270      'wp-admin/css/install-rtl.dev.css',
 271      'wp-admin/css/login-rtl.dev.css',
 272      'wp-admin/css/login.dev.css',
 273      'wp-admin/css/ms.css',
 274      'wp-admin/css/ms.dev.css',
 275      'wp-admin/css/nav-menu-rtl.css',
 276      'wp-admin/css/nav-menu-rtl.dev.css',
 277      'wp-admin/css/nav-menu.css',
 278      'wp-admin/css/nav-menu.dev.css',
 279      'wp-admin/css/plugin-install-rtl.css',
 280      'wp-admin/css/plugin-install-rtl.dev.css',
 281      'wp-admin/css/plugin-install.css',
 282      'wp-admin/css/plugin-install.dev.css',
 283      'wp-admin/css/press-this-rtl.dev.css',
 284      'wp-admin/css/press-this.dev.css',
 285      'wp-admin/css/theme-editor-rtl.css',
 286      'wp-admin/css/theme-editor-rtl.dev.css',
 287      'wp-admin/css/theme-editor.css',
 288      'wp-admin/css/theme-editor.dev.css',
 289      'wp-admin/css/theme-install-rtl.css',
 290      'wp-admin/css/theme-install-rtl.dev.css',
 291      'wp-admin/css/theme-install.css',
 292      'wp-admin/css/theme-install.dev.css',
 293      'wp-admin/css/widgets-rtl.dev.css',
 294      'wp-admin/css/widgets.dev.css',
 295      'wp-admin/includes/internal-linking.php',
 296      'wp-includes/images/admin-bar-sprite-rtl.png',
 297      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.button.js',
 298      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.core.js',
 299      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.dialog.js',
 300      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.draggable.js',
 301      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.droppable.js',
 302      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.mouse.js',
 303      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.position.js',
 304      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.resizable.js',
 305      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.selectable.js',
 306      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.sortable.js',
 307      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.tabs.js',
 308      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui.widget.js',
 309      'wp-includes/js/l10n.dev.js',
 310      'wp-includes/js/l10n.js',
 311      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/css',
 312      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/img',
 313      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/js',
 314      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-rss.php',
 315      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-rdf.php',
 316      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-rss2.php',
 317      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-commentsrss2.php',
 318      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-atom.php',
 319      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-feed.php',
 320      // 3.4
 321      'wp-admin/images/gray-star.png',
 322      'wp-admin/images/logo-login.png',
 323      'wp-admin/images/star.png',
 324      'wp-admin/index-extra.php',
 325      'wp-admin/network/index-extra.php',
 326      'wp-admin/user/index-extra.php',
 327      'wp-includes/css/editor-buttons.css',
 328      'wp-includes/css/editor-buttons.dev.css',
 329      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/blank.htm',
 330      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/css',
 331      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/editor_plugin.dev.js',
 332      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpdialogs/editor_plugin.dev.js',
 333      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/editor_plugin.dev.js',
 334      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpgallery/editor_plugin.dev.js',
 335      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/editor_plugin.dev.js',
 336      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-pass.php',
 337      // Don't delete, yet: 'wp-register.php',
 338      // 3.5
 339      'wp-admin/gears-manifest.php',
 340      'wp-admin/includes/manifest.php',
 341      'wp-admin/images/archive-link.png',
 342      'wp-admin/images/blue-grad.png',
 343      'wp-admin/images/button-grad-active.png',
 344      'wp-admin/images/button-grad.png',
 345      'wp-admin/images/ed-bg-vs.gif',
 346      'wp-admin/images/ed-bg.gif',
 347      'wp-admin/images/fade-butt.png',
 348      'wp-admin/images/fav-arrow-rtl.gif',
 349      'wp-admin/images/fav-arrow.gif',
 350      'wp-admin/images/fav-vs.png',
 351      'wp-admin/images/fav.png',
 352      'wp-admin/images/gray-grad.png',
 353      'wp-admin/images/loading-publish.gif',
 354      'wp-admin/images/logo-ghost.png',
 355      'wp-admin/images/logo.gif',
 356      'wp-admin/images/menu-arrow-frame-rtl.png',
 357      'wp-admin/images/menu-arrow-frame.png',
 358      'wp-admin/images/menu-arrows.gif',
 359      'wp-admin/images/menu-bits-rtl-vs.gif',
 360      'wp-admin/images/menu-bits-rtl.gif',
 361      'wp-admin/images/menu-bits-vs.gif',
 362      'wp-admin/images/menu-bits.gif',
 363      'wp-admin/images/menu-dark-rtl-vs.gif',
 364      'wp-admin/images/menu-dark-rtl.gif',
 365      'wp-admin/images/menu-dark-vs.gif',
 366      'wp-admin/images/menu-dark.gif',
 367      'wp-admin/images/required.gif',
 368      'wp-admin/images/screen-options-toggle-vs.gif',
 369      'wp-admin/images/screen-options-toggle.gif',
 370      'wp-admin/images/toggle-arrow-rtl.gif',
 371      'wp-admin/images/toggle-arrow.gif',
 372      'wp-admin/images/upload-classic.png',
 373      'wp-admin/images/upload-fresh.png',
 374      'wp-admin/images/white-grad-active.png',
 375      'wp-admin/images/white-grad.png',
 376      'wp-admin/images/widgets-arrow-vs.gif',
 377      'wp-admin/images/widgets-arrow.gif',
 378      'wp-admin/images/wpspin_dark.gif',
 379      'wp-includes/images/upload.png',
 380      'wp-includes/js/prototype.js',
 381      'wp-includes/js/scriptaculous',
 382      'wp-admin/css/wp-admin-rtl.dev.css',
 383      'wp-admin/css/wp-admin.dev.css',
 384      'wp-admin/css/media-rtl.dev.css',
 385      'wp-admin/css/media.dev.css',
 386      'wp-admin/css/colors-classic.dev.css',
 387      'wp-admin/css/customize-controls-rtl.dev.css',
 388      'wp-admin/css/customize-controls.dev.css',
 389      'wp-admin/css/ie-rtl.dev.css',
 390      'wp-admin/css/ie.dev.css',
 391      'wp-admin/css/install.dev.css',
 392      'wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.dev.css',
 393      'wp-includes/js/customize-base.dev.js',
 394      'wp-includes/js/json2.dev.js',
 395      'wp-includes/js/comment-reply.dev.js',
 396      'wp-includes/js/customize-preview.dev.js',
 397      'wp-includes/js/wplink.dev.js',
 398      'wp-includes/js/tw-sack.dev.js',
 399      'wp-includes/js/wp-list-revisions.dev.js',
 400      'wp-includes/js/autosave.dev.js',
 401      'wp-includes/js/admin-bar.dev.js',
 402      'wp-includes/js/quicktags.dev.js',
 403      'wp-includes/js/wp-ajax-response.dev.js',
 404      'wp-includes/js/wp-pointer.dev.js',
 405      'wp-includes/js/hoverIntent.dev.js',
 406      'wp-includes/js/colorpicker.dev.js',
 407      'wp-includes/js/wp-lists.dev.js',
 408      'wp-includes/js/customize-loader.dev.js',
 409      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.table-hotkeys.dev.js',
 410      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.color.dev.js',
 411      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.color.js',
 412      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.hotkeys.dev.js',
 413      'wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.form.dev.js',
 414      'wp-includes/js/jquery/suggest.dev.js',
 415      'wp-admin/js/xfn.dev.js',
 416      'wp-admin/js/set-post-thumbnail.dev.js',
 417      'wp-admin/js/comment.dev.js',
 418      'wp-admin/js/theme.dev.js',
 419      'wp-admin/js/cat.dev.js',
 420      'wp-admin/js/password-strength-meter.dev.js',
 421      'wp-admin/js/user-profile.dev.js',
 422      'wp-admin/js/theme-preview.dev.js',
 423      'wp-admin/js/post.dev.js',
 424      'wp-admin/js/media-upload.dev.js',
 425      'wp-admin/js/word-count.dev.js',
 426      'wp-admin/js/plugin-install.dev.js',
 427      'wp-admin/js/edit-comments.dev.js',
 428      'wp-admin/js/media-gallery.dev.js',
 429      'wp-admin/js/custom-fields.dev.js',
 430      'wp-admin/js/custom-background.dev.js',
 431      'wp-admin/js/common.dev.js',
 432      'wp-admin/js/inline-edit-tax.dev.js',
 433      'wp-admin/js/gallery.dev.js',
 434      'wp-admin/js/utils.dev.js',
 435      'wp-admin/js/widgets.dev.js',
 436      'wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.dev.js',
 437      'wp-admin/js/nav-menu.dev.js',
 438      'wp-admin/js/dashboard.dev.js',
 439      'wp-admin/js/link.dev.js',
 440      'wp-admin/js/user-suggest.dev.js',
 441      'wp-admin/js/postbox.dev.js',
 442      'wp-admin/js/tags.dev.js',
 443      'wp-admin/js/image-edit.dev.js',
 444      'wp-admin/js/media.dev.js',
 445      'wp-admin/js/customize-controls.dev.js',
 446      'wp-admin/js/inline-edit-post.dev.js',
 447      'wp-admin/js/categories.dev.js',
 448      'wp-admin/js/editor.dev.js',
 449      'wp-includes/js/plupload/handlers.dev.js',
 450      'wp-includes/js/plupload/wp-plupload.dev.js',
 451      'wp-includes/js/swfupload/handlers.dev.js',
 452      'wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.dev.js',
 453      'wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.js',
 454      'wp-includes/js/jcrop/jquery.Jcrop.css',
 455      'wp-includes/js/imgareaselect/jquery.imgareaselect.dev.js',
 456      'wp-includes/css/wp-pointer.dev.css',
 457      'wp-includes/css/editor.dev.css',
 458      'wp-includes/css/jquery-ui-dialog.dev.css',
 459      'wp-includes/css/admin-bar-rtl.dev.css',
 460      'wp-includes/css/admin-bar.dev.css',
 461      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.clip.min.js',
 462      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.scale.min.js',
 463      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.blind.min.js',
 464      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.core.min.js',
 465      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.shake.min.js',
 466      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.fade.min.js',
 467      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.explode.min.js',
 468      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.slide.min.js',
 469      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.drop.min.js',
 470      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.highlight.min.js',
 471      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.bounce.min.js',
 472      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.pulsate.min.js',
 473      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.transfer.min.js',
 474      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.effects.fold.min.js',
 475      'wp-admin/js/utils.js',
 476      // Added back in 5.3 [45448], see #43895.
 477      // 'wp-admin/options-privacy.php',
 478      'wp-app.php',
 479      'wp-includes/class-wp-atom-server.php',
 480      // 3.5.2
 481      'wp-includes/js/swfupload/swfupload-all.js',
 482      // 3.6
 483      'wp-admin/js/revisions-js.php',
 484      'wp-admin/images/screenshots',
 485      'wp-admin/js/categories.js',
 486      'wp-admin/js/categories.min.js',
 487      'wp-admin/js/custom-fields.js',
 488      'wp-admin/js/custom-fields.min.js',
 489      // 3.7
 490      'wp-admin/js/cat.js',
 491      'wp-admin/js/cat.min.js',
 492      // 3.8
 493      'wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close-2x.png',
 494      'wp-includes/js/thickbox/tb-close.png',
 495      'wp-includes/images/wpmini-blue-2x.png',
 496      'wp-includes/images/wpmini-blue.png',
 497      'wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.css',
 498      'wp-admin/css/colors-classic.css',
 499      'wp-admin/css/colors-fresh.min.css',
 500      'wp-admin/css/colors-classic.min.css',
 501      'wp-admin/js/about.min.js',
 502      'wp-admin/js/about.js',
 503      'wp-admin/images/arrows-dark-vs-2x.png',
 504      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo-vs.png',
 505      'wp-admin/images/arrows-dark-vs.png',
 506      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo.png',
 507      'wp-admin/images/arrows-pr.png',
 508      'wp-admin/images/arrows-dark.png',
 509      'wp-admin/images/press-this.png',
 510      'wp-admin/images/press-this-2x.png',
 511      'wp-admin/images/arrows-vs-2x.png',
 512      'wp-admin/images/welcome-icons.png',
 513      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo-2x.png',
 514      'wp-admin/images/stars-rtl-2x.png',
 515      'wp-admin/images/arrows-dark-2x.png',
 516      'wp-admin/images/arrows-pr-2x.png',
 517      'wp-admin/images/menu-shadow-rtl.png',
 518      'wp-admin/images/arrows-vs.png',
 519      'wp-admin/images/about-search-2x.png',
 520      'wp-admin/images/bubble_bg-rtl-2x.gif',
 521      'wp-admin/images/wp-badge-2x.png',
 522      'wp-admin/images/wordpress-logo-2x.png',
 523      'wp-admin/images/bubble_bg-rtl.gif',
 524      'wp-admin/images/wp-badge.png',
 525      'wp-admin/images/menu-shadow.png',
 526      'wp-admin/images/about-globe-2x.png',
 527      'wp-admin/images/welcome-icons-2x.png',
 528      'wp-admin/images/stars-rtl.png',
 529      'wp-admin/images/wp-logo-vs-2x.png',
 530      'wp-admin/images/about-updates-2x.png',
 531      // 3.9
 532      'wp-admin/css/colors.css',
 533      'wp-admin/css/colors.min.css',
 534      'wp-admin/css/colors-rtl.css',
 535      'wp-admin/css/colors-rtl.min.css',
 536      // Following files added back in 4.5, see #36083.
 537      // 'wp-admin/css/media-rtl.min.css',
 538      // 'wp-admin/css/media.min.css',
 539      // 'wp-admin/css/farbtastic-rtl.min.css',
 540      'wp-admin/images/lock-2x.png',
 541      'wp-admin/images/lock.png',
 542      'wp-admin/js/theme-preview.js',
 543      'wp-admin/js/theme-install.min.js',
 544      'wp-admin/js/theme-install.js',
 545      'wp-admin/js/theme-preview.min.js',
 546      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.html4.js',
 547      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.html5.js',
 548      'wp-includes/js/plupload/changelog.txt',
 549      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.js',
 550      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.flash.js',
 551      // Added back in 4.9 [41328], see #41755.
 552      // 'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.js',
 553      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/spellchecker',
 554      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/inlinepopups',
 555      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/js',
 556      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/css',
 557      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img',
 558      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpdialogs/js',
 559      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/img',
 560      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/js',
 561      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/css',
 562      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpgallery/img',
 563      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/js',
 564      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/themes/advanced',
 565      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js',
 566      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/mark_loaded_src.js',
 567      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js',
 568      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/editor_plugin.js',
 569      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/editor_plugin_src.js',
 570      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/media.htm',
 571      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpview/editor_plugin_src.js',
 572      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpview/editor_plugin.js',
 573      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/directionality/editor_plugin.js',
 574      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/directionality/editor_plugin_src.js',
 575      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/editor_plugin.js',
 576      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/editor_plugin_src.js',
 577      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpdialogs/editor_plugin_src.js',
 578      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpdialogs/editor_plugin.js',
 579      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/editimage.html',
 580      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/editor_plugin.js',
 581      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpeditimage/editor_plugin_src.js',
 582      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/editor_plugin_src.js',
 583      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/fullscreen.htm',
 584      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/fullscreen/editor_plugin.js',
 585      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/editor_plugin_src.js',
 586      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wplink/editor_plugin.js',
 587      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpgallery/editor_plugin_src.js',
 588      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpgallery/editor_plugin.js',
 589      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/tabfocus/editor_plugin.js',
 590      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/tabfocus/editor_plugin_src.js',
 591      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/editor_plugin.js',
 592      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/pasteword.htm',
 593      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/editor_plugin_src.js',
 594      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/paste/pastetext.htm',
 595      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php',
 596      // 4.1
 597      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.accordion.min.js',
 598      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.autocomplete.min.js',
 599      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.button.min.js',
 600      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.core.min.js',
 601      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.min.js',
 602      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.dialog.min.js',
 603      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.draggable.min.js',
 604      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.droppable.min.js',
 605      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-blind.min.js',
 606      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-bounce.min.js',
 607      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-clip.min.js',
 608      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-drop.min.js',
 609      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-explode.min.js',
 610      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-fade.min.js',
 611      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-fold.min.js',
 612      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-highlight.min.js',
 613      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-pulsate.min.js',
 614      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-scale.min.js',
 615      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-shake.min.js',
 616      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-slide.min.js',
 617      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect-transfer.min.js',
 618      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.effect.min.js',
 619      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.menu.min.js',
 620      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.mouse.min.js',
 621      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.position.min.js',
 622      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.progressbar.min.js',
 623      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.resizable.min.js',
 624      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.selectable.min.js',
 625      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.slider.min.js',
 626      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.min.js',
 627      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.spinner.min.js',
 628      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.min.js',
 629      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.min.js',
 630      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/jquery.ui.widget.min.js',
 631      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/wordpress/images/dashicon-no-alt.png',
 632      // 4.3
 633      'wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.js',
 634      'wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen.min.js',
 635      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-mce-help.php',
 636      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpfullscreen',
 637      // 4.5
 638      'wp-includes/theme-compat/comments-popup.php',
 639      // 4.6
 640      'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-automatic-upgrader.php', // Wrong file name, see #37628.
 641      // 4.8
 642      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpembed',
 643      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/moxieplayer.swf',
 644      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/readme.md',
 645      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce-small.json',
 646      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/fonts/tinymce.json',
 647      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/skin.ie7.min.css',
 648      // 4.9
 649      'wp-admin/css/press-this-editor-rtl.css',
 650      'wp-admin/css/press-this-editor-rtl.min.css',
 651      'wp-admin/css/press-this-editor.css',
 652      'wp-admin/css/press-this-editor.min.css',
 653      'wp-admin/css/press-this-rtl.css',
 654      'wp-admin/css/press-this-rtl.min.css',
 655      'wp-admin/css/press-this.css',
 656      'wp-admin/css/press-this.min.css',
 657      'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-press-this.php',
 658      'wp-admin/js/bookmarklet.js',
 659      'wp-admin/js/bookmarklet.min.js',
 660      'wp-admin/js/press-this.js',
 661      'wp-admin/js/press-this.min.js',
 662      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/background.png',
 663      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/bigplay.png',
 664      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/bigplay.svg',
 665      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/controls.png',
 666      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/controls.svg',
 667      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/flashmediaelement.swf',
 668      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/froogaloop.min.js',
 669      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/jumpforward.png',
 670      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/loading.gif',
 671      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/silverlightmediaelement.xap',
 672      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/skipback.png',
 673      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.flash.swf',
 674      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.full.min.js',
 675      'wp-includes/js/plupload/plupload.silverlight.xap',
 676      'wp-includes/js/swfupload/plugins',
 677      'wp-includes/js/swfupload/swfupload.swf',
 678      // 4.9.2
 679      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/lang',
 680      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-flash-audio-ogg.swf',
 681      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-flash-audio.swf',
 682      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-flash-video-hls.swf',
 683      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-flash-video-mdash.swf',
 684      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/mediaelement-flash-video.swf',
 685      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/dailymotion.js',
 686      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/dailymotion.min.js',
 687      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/facebook.js',
 688      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/facebook.min.js',
 689      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/soundcloud.js',
 690      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/soundcloud.min.js',
 691      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/twitch.js',
 692      'wp-includes/js/mediaelement/renderers/twitch.min.js',
 693      // 5.0
 694      'wp-includes/js/codemirror/jshint.js',
 695      // 5.1
 696      'wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.js.gz',
 697      // 5.3
 698      'wp-includes/js/wp-a11y.js',     // Moved to: wp-includes/js/dist/a11y.js
 699      'wp-includes/js/wp-a11y.min.js', // Moved to: wp-includes/js/dist/a11y.min.js
 700      // 5.4
 701      'wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen-stub.js',
 702      'wp-admin/js/wp-fullscreen-stub.min.js',
 703      // 5.5
 704      'wp-admin/css/ie.css',
 705      'wp-admin/css/ie.min.css',
 706      'wp-admin/css/ie-rtl.css',
 707      'wp-admin/css/ie-rtl.min.css',
 708      // 5.6
 709      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/position.min.js',
 710      'wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/widget.min.js',
 711      // 5.7
 712      'wp-includes/blocks/classic/block.json',
 713      // 5.8
 714      'wp-admin/images/freedoms.png',
 715      'wp-admin/images/privacy.png',
 716      'wp-admin/images/about-badge.svg',
 717      'wp-admin/images/about-color-palette.svg',
 718      'wp-admin/images/about-color-palette-vert.svg',
 719      'wp-admin/images/about-header-brushes.svg',
 720      'wp-includes/block-patterns/large-header.php',
 721      'wp-includes/block-patterns/heading-paragraph.php',
 722      'wp-includes/block-patterns/quote.php',
 723      'wp-includes/block-patterns/text-three-columns-buttons.php',
 724      'wp-includes/block-patterns/two-buttons.php',
 725      'wp-includes/block-patterns/two-images.php',
 726      'wp-includes/block-patterns/three-buttons.php',
 727      'wp-includes/block-patterns/text-two-columns-with-images.php',
 728      'wp-includes/block-patterns/text-two-columns.php',
 729      'wp-includes/block-patterns/large-header-button.php',
 730      'wp-includes/blocks/subhead',
 731      'wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.css',
 732      'wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles.min.css',
 733      'wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.css',
 734      'wp-includes/css/dist/editor/editor-styles-rtl.min.css',
 735      // 5.9
 736      'wp-includes/blocks/heading/editor.css',
 737      'wp-includes/blocks/heading/editor.min.css',
 738      'wp-includes/blocks/heading/editor-rtl.css',
 739      'wp-includes/blocks/heading/editor-rtl.min.css',
 740      'wp-includes/blocks/query-title/editor.css',
 741      'wp-includes/blocks/query-title/editor.min.css',
 742      'wp-includes/blocks/query-title/editor-rtl.css',
 743      'wp-includes/blocks/query-title/editor-rtl.min.css',
 744      /*
 745       * Restored in WordPress 6.7
 746       *
 747       * 'wp-includes/blocks/tag-cloud/editor.css',
 748       * 'wp-includes/blocks/tag-cloud/editor.min.css',
 749       * 'wp-includes/blocks/tag-cloud/editor-rtl.css',
 750       * 'wp-includes/blocks/tag-cloud/editor-rtl.min.css',
 751       */
 752      // 6.1
 753      'wp-includes/blocks/post-comments.php',
 754      'wp-includes/blocks/post-comments',
 755      'wp-includes/blocks/comments-query-loop',
 756      // 6.3
 757      'wp-includes/images/wlw',
 758      'wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml',
 759      'wp-includes/random_compat',
 760      // 6.4
 761      'wp-includes/navigation-fallback.php',
 762      'wp-includes/blocks/navigation/view-modal.min.js',
 763      'wp-includes/blocks/navigation/view-modal.js',
 764      // 6.5
 765      'wp-includes/ID3/license.commercial.txt',
 766      'wp-includes/blocks/query/style-rtl.min.css',
 767      'wp-includes/blocks/query/style.min.css',
 768      'wp-includes/blocks/query/style-rtl.css',
 769      'wp-includes/blocks/query/style.css',
 770      'wp-admin/images/about-header-privacy.svg',
 771      'wp-admin/images/about-header-about.svg',
 772      'wp-admin/images/about-header-credits.svg',
 773      'wp-admin/images/about-header-freedoms.svg',
 774      'wp-admin/images/about-header-contribute.svg',
 775      'wp-admin/images/about-header-background.svg',
 776      // 6.6
 777      'wp-includes/blocks/block/editor.css',
 778      'wp-includes/blocks/block/editor.min.css',
 779      'wp-includes/blocks/block/editor-rtl.css',
 780      'wp-includes/blocks/block/editor-rtl.min.css',
 781      /*
 782       * 6.7
 783       *
 784       * WordPress 6.7 included a SimplePie upgrade that included a major
 785       * refactoring of the file structure and library. The old files are
 786       * split in to two sections to account for this: files and directories.
 787       *
 788       * See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/changeset/59141
 789       */
 790      // 6.7 - files
 791      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity-router.asset.php',
 792      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity-router.js',
 793      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity-router.min.js',
 794      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity-router.min.asset.php',
 795      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.js',
 796      'wp-includes/js/dist/interactivity.min.js',
 797      'wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react-dom.min.js.LICENSE.txt',
 798      'wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/react.min.js.LICENSE.txt',
 799      'wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-importmap.js',
 800      'wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-importmap.min.js',
 801      'wp-includes/sodium_compat/src/Core/Base64/Common.php',
 802      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Author.php',
 803      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Cache.php',
 804      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Caption.php',
 805      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Category.php',
 806      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Copyright.php',
 807      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Core.php',
 808      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Credit.php',
 809      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Enclosure.php',
 810      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Exception.php',
 811      'wp-includes/SimplePie/File.php',
 812      'wp-includes/SimplePie/gzdecode.php',
 813      'wp-includes/SimplePie/IRI.php',
 814      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Item.php',
 815      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Locator.php',
 816      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Misc.php',
 817      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Parser.php',
 818      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Rating.php',
 819      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Registry.php',
 820      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Restriction.php',
 821      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Sanitize.php',
 822      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Source.php',
 823      // 6.7 - directories
 824      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Cache/',
 825      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Content/',
 826      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Decode/',
 827      'wp-includes/SimplePie/HTTP/',
 828      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Net/',
 829      'wp-includes/SimplePie/Parse/',
 830      'wp-includes/SimplePie/XML/',
 831  );
 833  /**
 834   * Stores Requests files to be preloaded and deleted.
 835   *
 836   * For classes/interfaces, use the class/interface name
 837   * as the array key.
 838   *
 839   * All other files/directories should not have a key.
 840   *
 841   * @since 6.2.0
 842   *
 843   * @global array $_old_requests_files
 844   * @var array
 845   * @name $_old_requests_files
 846   */
 847  global $_old_requests_files;
 849  $_old_requests_files = array(
 850      // Interfaces.
 851      'Requests_Auth'                              => 'wp-includes/Requests/Auth.php',
 852      'Requests_Hooker'                            => 'wp-includes/Requests/Hooker.php',
 853      'Requests_Proxy'                             => 'wp-includes/Requests/Proxy.php',
 854      'Requests_Transport'                         => 'wp-includes/Requests/Transport.php',
 856      // Classes.
 857      'Requests_Auth_Basic'                        => 'wp-includes/Requests/Auth/Basic.php',
 858      'Requests_Cookie_Jar'                        => 'wp-includes/Requests/Cookie/Jar.php',
 859      'Requests_Exception_HTTP'                    => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP.php',
 860      'Requests_Exception_Transport'               => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/Transport.php',
 861      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_304'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/304.php',
 862      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_305'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/305.php',
 863      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_306'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/306.php',
 864      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_400'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/400.php',
 865      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_401'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/401.php',
 866      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_402'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/402.php',
 867      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_403'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/403.php',
 868      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_404'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/404.php',
 869      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_405'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/405.php',
 870      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_406'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/406.php',
 871      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_407'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/407.php',
 872      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_408'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/408.php',
 873      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_409'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/409.php',
 874      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_410'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/410.php',
 875      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_411'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/411.php',
 876      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_412'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/412.php',
 877      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_413'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/413.php',
 878      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_414'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/414.php',
 879      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_415'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/415.php',
 880      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_416'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/416.php',
 881      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_417'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/417.php',
 882      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_418'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/418.php',
 883      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_428'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/428.php',
 884      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_429'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/429.php',
 885      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_431'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/431.php',
 886      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_500'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/500.php',
 887      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_501'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/501.php',
 888      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_502'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/502.php',
 889      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_503'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/503.php',
 890      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_504'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/504.php',
 891      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_505'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/505.php',
 892      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_511'                => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/511.php',
 893      'Requests_Exception_HTTP_Unknown'            => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/Unknown.php',
 894      'Requests_Exception_Transport_cURL'          => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/Transport/cURL.php',
 895      'Requests_Proxy_HTTP'                        => 'wp-includes/Requests/Proxy/HTTP.php',
 896      'Requests_Response_Headers'                  => 'wp-includes/Requests/Response/Headers.php',
 897      'Requests_Transport_cURL'                    => 'wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php',
 898      'Requests_Transport_fsockopen'               => 'wp-includes/Requests/Transport/fsockopen.php',
 899      'Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary' => 'wp-includes/Requests/Utility/CaseInsensitiveDictionary.php',
 900      'Requests_Utility_FilteredIterator'          => 'wp-includes/Requests/Utility/FilteredIterator.php',
 901      'Requests_Cookie'                            => 'wp-includes/Requests/Cookie.php',
 902      'Requests_Exception'                         => 'wp-includes/Requests/Exception.php',
 903      'Requests_Hooks'                             => 'wp-includes/Requests/Hooks.php',
 904      'Requests_IDNAEncoder'                       => 'wp-includes/Requests/IDNAEncoder.php',
 905      'Requests_IPv6'                              => 'wp-includes/Requests/IPv6.php',
 906      'Requests_IRI'                               => 'wp-includes/Requests/IRI.php',
 907      'Requests_Response'                          => 'wp-includes/Requests/Response.php',
 908      'Requests_SSL'                               => 'wp-includes/Requests/SSL.php',
 909      'Requests_Session'                           => 'wp-includes/Requests/Session.php',
 911      // Directories.
 912      'wp-includes/Requests/Auth/',
 913      'wp-includes/Requests/Cookie/',
 914      'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/HTTP/',
 915      'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/Transport/',
 916      'wp-includes/Requests/Exception/',
 917      'wp-includes/Requests/Proxy/',
 918      'wp-includes/Requests/Response/',
 919      'wp-includes/Requests/Transport/',
 920      'wp-includes/Requests/Utility/',
 921  );
 923  /**
 924   * Stores new files in wp-content to copy
 925   *
 926   * The contents of this array indicate any new bundled plugins/themes which
 927   * should be installed with the WordPress Upgrade. These items will not be
 928   * re-installed in future upgrades, this behavior is controlled by the
 929   * introduced version present here being older than the current installed version.
 930   *
 931   * The content of this array should follow the following format:
 932   * Filename (relative to wp-content) => Introduced version
 933   * Directories should be noted by suffixing it with a trailing slash (/)
 934   *
 935   * @since 3.2.0
 936   * @since 4.7.0 New themes were not automatically installed for 4.4-4.6 on
 937   *              upgrade. New themes are now installed again. To disable new
 938   *              themes from being installed on upgrade, explicitly define
 939   *              CORE_UPGRADE_SKIP_NEW_BUNDLED as true.
 940   * @global array $_new_bundled_files
 941   * @var array
 942   * @name $_new_bundled_files
 943   */
 944  global $_new_bundled_files;
 946  $_new_bundled_files = array(
 947      'plugins/akismet/'          => '2.0',
 948      'themes/twentyten/'         => '3.0',
 949      'themes/twentyeleven/'      => '3.2',
 950      'themes/twentytwelve/'      => '3.5',
 951      'themes/twentythirteen/'    => '3.6',
 952      'themes/twentyfourteen/'    => '3.8',
 953      'themes/twentyfifteen/'     => '4.1',
 954      'themes/twentysixteen/'     => '4.4',
 955      'themes/twentyseventeen/'   => '4.7',
 956      'themes/twentynineteen/'    => '5.0',
 957      'themes/twentytwenty/'      => '5.3',
 958      'themes/twentytwentyone/'   => '5.6',
 959      'themes/twentytwentytwo/'   => '5.9',
 960      'themes/twentytwentythree/' => '6.1',
 961      'themes/twentytwentyfour/'  => '6.4',
 962      'themes/twentytwentyfive/'  => '6.7',
 963  );
 965  /**
 966   * Upgrades the core of WordPress.
 967   *
 968   * This will create a .maintenance file at the base of the WordPress directory
 969   * to ensure that people can not access the website, when the files are being
 970   * copied to their locations.
 971   *
 972   * The files in the `$_old_files` list will be removed and the new files
 973   * copied from the zip file after the database is upgraded.
 974   *
 975   * The files in the `$_new_bundled_files` list will be added to the installation
 976   * if the version is greater than or equal to the old version being upgraded.
 977   *
 978   * The steps for the upgrader for after the new release is downloaded and
 979   * unzipped is:
 980   *   1. Test unzipped location for select files to ensure that unzipped worked.
 981   *   2. Create the .maintenance file in current WordPress base.
 982   *   3. Copy new WordPress directory over old WordPress files.
 983   *   4. Upgrade WordPress to new version.
 984   *     4.1. Copy all files/folders other than wp-content
 985   *     4.2. Copy any language files to WP_LANG_DIR (which may differ from WP_CONTENT_DIR
 986   *     4.3. Copy any new bundled themes/plugins to their respective locations
 987   *   5. Delete new WordPress directory path.
 988   *   6. Delete .maintenance file.
 989   *   7. Remove old files.
 990   *   8. Delete 'update_core' option.
 991   *
 992   * There are several areas of failure. For instance if PHP times out before step
 993   * 6, then you will not be able to access any portion of your site. Also, since
 994   * the upgrade will not continue where it left off, you will not be able to
 995   * automatically remove old files and remove the 'update_core' option. This
 996   * isn't that bad.
 997   *
 998   * If the copy of the new WordPress over the old fails, then the worse is that
 999   * the new WordPress directory will remain.
1000   *
1001   * If it is assumed that every file will be copied over, including plugins and
1002   * themes, then if you edit the default theme, you should rename it, so that
1003   * your changes remain.
1004   *
1005   * @since 2.7.0
1006   *
1007   * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem          WordPress filesystem subclass.
1008   * @global array              $_old_files
1009   * @global array              $_old_requests_files
1010   * @global array              $_new_bundled_files
1011   * @global wpdb               $wpdb                   WordPress database abstraction object.
1012   *
1013   * @param string $from New release unzipped path.
1014   * @param string $to   Path to old WordPress installation.
1015   * @return string|WP_Error New WordPress version on success, WP_Error on failure.
1016   */
1017  function update_core( $from, $to ) {
1018      global $wp_filesystem, $_old_files, $_old_requests_files, $_new_bundled_files, $wpdb;
1020      /*
1021       * Give core update script an additional 300 seconds (5 minutes)
1022       * to finish updating large files when running on slower servers.
1023       */
1024      if ( function_exists( 'set_time_limit' ) ) {
1025          set_time_limit( 300 );
1026      }
1028      /*
1029       * Merge the old Requests files and directories into the `$_old_files`.
1030       * Then preload these Requests files first, before the files are deleted
1031       * and replaced to ensure the code is in memory if needed.
1032       */
1033      $_old_files = array_merge( $_old_files, array_values( $_old_requests_files ) );
1034      _preload_old_requests_classes_and_interfaces( $to );
1036      /**
1037       * Filters feedback messages displayed during the core update process.
1038       *
1039       * The filter is first evaluated after the zip file for the latest version
1040       * has been downloaded and unzipped. It is evaluated five more times during
1041       * the process:
1042       *
1043       * 1. Before WordPress begins the core upgrade process.
1044       * 2. Before Maintenance Mode is enabled.
1045       * 3. Before WordPress begins copying over the necessary files.
1046       * 4. Before Maintenance Mode is disabled.
1047       * 5. Before the database is upgraded.
1048       *
1049       * @since 2.5.0
1050       *
1051       * @param string $feedback The core update feedback messages.
1052       */
1053      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Verifying the unpacked files&#8230;' ) );
1055      // Confidence check the unzipped distribution.
1056      $distro = '';
1057      $roots  = array( '/wordpress/', '/wordpress-mu/' );
1059      foreach ( $roots as $root ) {
1060          if ( $wp_filesystem->exists( $from . $root . 'readme.html' )
1061              && $wp_filesystem->exists( $from . $root . 'wp-includes/version.php' )
1062          ) {
1063              $distro = $root;
1064              break;
1065          }
1066      }
1068      if ( ! $distro ) {
1069          $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1071          return new WP_Error( 'insane_distro', __( 'The update could not be unpacked' ) );
1072      }
1074      /*
1075       * Import $wp_version, $required_php_version, $required_php_extensions, and $required_mysql_version from the new version.
1076       * DO NOT globalize any variables imported from `version-current.php` in this function.
1077       *
1078       * BC Note: $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() returned unslashed pre-2.8.
1079       */
1080      $versions_file = trailingslashit( $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() ) . 'upgrade/version-current.php';
1082      if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $from . $distro . 'wp-includes/version.php', $versions_file ) ) {
1083          $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1085          return new WP_Error(
1086              'copy_failed_for_version_file',
1087              __( 'The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.' ),
1088              'wp-includes/version.php'
1089          );
1090      }
1092      $wp_filesystem->chmod( $versions_file, FS_CHMOD_FILE );
1094      /*
1095       * `wp_opcache_invalidate()` only exists in WordPress 5.5 or later,
1096       * so don't run it when upgrading from older versions.
1097       */
1098      if ( function_exists( 'wp_opcache_invalidate' ) ) {
1099          wp_opcache_invalidate( $versions_file );
1100      }
1102      require WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/upgrade/version-current.php';
1103      $wp_filesystem->delete( $versions_file );
1105      $php_version    = PHP_VERSION;
1106      $mysql_version  = $wpdb->db_version();
1107      $old_wp_version = $GLOBALS['wp_version']; // The version of WordPress we're updating from.
1108      /*
1109       * Note: str_contains() is not used here, as this file is included
1110       * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1111       * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1112       */
1113      $development_build = ( false !== strpos( $old_wp_version . $wp_version, '-' ) ); // A dash in the version indicates a development release.
1114      $php_compat        = version_compare( $php_version, $required_php_version, '>=' );
1116      if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php' ) && empty( $wpdb->is_mysql ) ) {
1117          $mysql_compat = true;
1118      } else {
1119          $mysql_compat = version_compare( $mysql_version, $required_mysql_version, '>=' );
1120      }
1122      if ( ! $mysql_compat || ! $php_compat ) {
1123          $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1124      }
1126      $php_update_message = '';
1128      if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_update_php_url' ) ) {
1129          $php_update_message = '</p><p>' . sprintf(
1130              /* translators: %s: URL to Update PHP page. */
1131              __( '<a href="%s">Learn more about updating PHP</a>.' ),
1132              esc_url( wp_get_update_php_url() )
1133          );
1135          if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_update_php_annotation' ) ) {
1136              $annotation = wp_get_update_php_annotation();
1138              if ( $annotation ) {
1139                  $php_update_message .= '</p><p><em>' . $annotation . '</em>';
1140              }
1141          }
1142      }
1144      if ( ! $mysql_compat && ! $php_compat ) {
1145          return new WP_Error(
1146              'php_mysql_not_compatible',
1147              sprintf(
1148                  /* translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: Minimum required PHP version number, 3: Minimum required MySQL version number, 4: Current PHP version number, 5: Current MySQL version number. */
1149                  __( 'The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s.' ),
1150                  $wp_version,
1151                  $required_php_version,
1152                  $required_mysql_version,
1153                  $php_version,
1154                  $mysql_version
1155              ) . $php_update_message
1156          );
1157      } elseif ( ! $php_compat ) {
1158          return new WP_Error(
1159              'php_not_compatible',
1160              sprintf(
1161                  /* translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: Minimum required PHP version number, 3: Current PHP version number. */
1162                  __( 'The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.' ),
1163                  $wp_version,
1164                  $required_php_version,
1165                  $php_version
1166              ) . $php_update_message
1167          );
1168      } elseif ( ! $mysql_compat ) {
1169          return new WP_Error(
1170              'mysql_not_compatible',
1171              sprintf(
1172                  /* translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: Minimum required MySQL version number, 3: Current MySQL version number. */
1173                  __( 'The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.' ),
1174                  $wp_version,
1175                  $required_mysql_version,
1176                  $mysql_version
1177              )
1178          );
1179      }
1181      if ( isset( $required_php_extensions ) && is_array( $required_php_extensions ) ) {
1182          $missing_extensions = new WP_Error();
1184          foreach ( $required_php_extensions as $extension ) {
1185              if ( extension_loaded( $extension ) ) {
1186                  continue;
1187              }
1189              $missing_extensions->add(
1190                  "php_not_compatible_{$extension}",
1191                  sprintf(
1192                      /* translators: 1: WordPress version number, 2: The PHP extension name needed. */
1193                      __( 'The update cannot be installed because WordPress %1$s requires the %2$s PHP extension.' ),
1194                      $wp_version,
1195                      $extension
1196                  )
1197              );
1198          }
1200          // Add a warning when required PHP extensions are missing.
1201          if ( $missing_extensions->has_errors() ) {
1202              return $missing_extensions;
1203          }
1204      }
1206      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
1207      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Preparing to install the latest version&#8230;' ) );
1209      /*
1210       * Don't copy wp-content, we'll deal with that below.
1211       * We also copy version.php last so failed updates report their old version.
1212       */
1213      $skip              = array( 'wp-content', 'wp-includes/version.php' );
1214      $check_is_writable = array();
1216      // Check to see which files don't really need updating - only available for 3.7 and higher.
1217      if ( function_exists( 'get_core_checksums' ) ) {
1218          // Find the local version of the working directory.
1219          $working_dir_local = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/upgrade/' . basename( $from ) . $distro;
1221          $checksums = get_core_checksums( $wp_version, isset( $wp_local_package ) ? $wp_local_package : 'en_US' );
1223          if ( is_array( $checksums ) && isset( $checksums[ $wp_version ] ) ) {
1224              $checksums = $checksums[ $wp_version ]; // Compat code for 3.7-beta2.
1225          }
1227          if ( is_array( $checksums ) ) {
1228              foreach ( $checksums as $file => $checksum ) {
1229                  /*
1230                   * Note: str_starts_with() is not used here, as this file is included
1231                   * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1232                   * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1233                   */
1234                  if ( 'wp-content' === substr( $file, 0, 10 ) ) {
1235                      continue;
1236                  }
1238                  if ( ! file_exists( ABSPATH . $file ) ) {
1239                      continue;
1240                  }
1242                  if ( ! file_exists( $working_dir_local . $file ) ) {
1243                      continue;
1244                  }
1246                  if ( '.' === dirname( $file )
1247                      && in_array( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ), array( 'html', 'txt' ), true )
1248                  ) {
1249                      continue;
1250                  }
1252                  if ( md5_file( ABSPATH . $file ) === $checksum ) {
1253                      $skip[] = $file;
1254                  } else {
1255                      $check_is_writable[ $file ] = ABSPATH . $file;
1256                  }
1257              }
1258          }
1259      }
1261      // If we're using the direct method, we can predict write failures that are due to permissions.
1262      if ( $check_is_writable && 'direct' === $wp_filesystem->method ) {
1263          $files_writable = array_filter( $check_is_writable, array( $wp_filesystem, 'is_writable' ) );
1265          if ( $files_writable !== $check_is_writable ) {
1266              $files_not_writable = array_diff_key( $check_is_writable, $files_writable );
1268              foreach ( $files_not_writable as $relative_file_not_writable => $file_not_writable ) {
1269                  // If the writable check failed, chmod file to 0644 and try again, same as copy_dir().
1270                  $wp_filesystem->chmod( $file_not_writable, FS_CHMOD_FILE );
1272                  if ( $wp_filesystem->is_writable( $file_not_writable ) ) {
1273                      unset( $files_not_writable[ $relative_file_not_writable ] );
1274                  }
1275              }
1277              // Store package-relative paths (the key) of non-writable files in the WP_Error object.
1278              $error_data = version_compare( $old_wp_version, '3.7-beta2', '>' ) ? array_keys( $files_not_writable ) : '';
1280              if ( $files_not_writable ) {
1281                  return new WP_Error(
1282                      'files_not_writable',
1283                      __( 'The update cannot be installed because your site is unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.' ),
1284                      implode( ', ', $error_data )
1285                  );
1286              }
1287          }
1288      }
1290      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
1291      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Enabling Maintenance mode&#8230;' ) );
1293      // Create maintenance file to signal that we are upgrading.
1294      $maintenance_string = '<?php $upgrading = ' . time() . '; ?>';
1295      $maintenance_file   = $to . '.maintenance';
1296      $wp_filesystem->delete( $maintenance_file );
1297      $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $maintenance_file, $maintenance_string, FS_CHMOD_FILE );
1299      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
1300      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Copying the required files&#8230;' ) );
1302      // Copy new versions of WP files into place.
1303      $result = copy_dir( $from . $distro, $to, $skip );
1305      if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1306          $result = new WP_Error(
1307              $result->get_error_code(),
1308              $result->get_error_message(),
1309              substr( $result->get_error_data(), strlen( $to ) )
1310          );
1311      }
1313      // Since we know the core files have copied over, we can now copy the version file.
1314      if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1315          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $from . $distro . 'wp-includes/version.php', $to . 'wp-includes/version.php', true /* overwrite */ ) ) {
1316              $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1317              $result = new WP_Error(
1318                  'copy_failed_for_version_file',
1319                  __( 'The update cannot be installed because your site is unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.' ),
1320                  'wp-includes/version.php'
1321              );
1322          }
1324          $wp_filesystem->chmod( $to . 'wp-includes/version.php', FS_CHMOD_FILE );
1326          /*
1327           * `wp_opcache_invalidate()` only exists in WordPress 5.5 or later,
1328           * so don't run it when upgrading from older versions.
1329           */
1330          if ( function_exists( 'wp_opcache_invalidate' ) ) {
1331              wp_opcache_invalidate( $to . 'wp-includes/version.php' );
1332          }
1333      }
1335      // Check to make sure everything copied correctly, ignoring the contents of wp-content.
1336      $skip   = array( 'wp-content' );
1337      $failed = array();
1339      if ( isset( $checksums ) && is_array( $checksums ) ) {
1340          foreach ( $checksums as $file => $checksum ) {
1341              /*
1342               * Note: str_starts_with() is not used here, as this file is included
1343               * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1344               * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1345               */
1346              if ( 'wp-content' === substr( $file, 0, 10 ) ) {
1347                  continue;
1348              }
1350              if ( ! file_exists( $working_dir_local . $file ) ) {
1351                  continue;
1352              }
1354              if ( '.' === dirname( $file )
1355                  && in_array( pathinfo( $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ), array( 'html', 'txt' ), true )
1356              ) {
1357                  $skip[] = $file;
1358                  continue;
1359              }
1361              if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . $file ) && md5_file( ABSPATH . $file ) === $checksum ) {
1362                  $skip[] = $file;
1363              } else {
1364                  $failed[] = $file;
1365              }
1366          }
1367      }
1369      // Some files didn't copy properly.
1370      if ( ! empty( $failed ) ) {
1371          $total_size = 0;
1373          foreach ( $failed as $file ) {
1374              if ( file_exists( $working_dir_local . $file ) ) {
1375                  $total_size += filesize( $working_dir_local . $file );
1376              }
1377          }
1379          /*
1380           * If we don't have enough free space, it isn't worth trying again.
1381           * Unlikely to be hit due to the check in unzip_file().
1382           */
1383          $available_space = function_exists( 'disk_free_space' ) ? @disk_free_space( ABSPATH ) : false;
1385          if ( $available_space && $total_size >= $available_space ) {
1386              $result = new WP_Error( 'disk_full', __( 'There is not enough free disk space to complete the update.' ) );
1387          } else {
1388              $result = copy_dir( $from . $distro, $to, $skip );
1390              if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1391                  $result = new WP_Error(
1392                      $result->get_error_code() . '_retry',
1393                      $result->get_error_message(),
1394                      substr( $result->get_error_data(), strlen( $to ) )
1395                  );
1396              }
1397          }
1398      }
1400      /*
1401       * Custom content directory needs updating now.
1402       * Copy languages.
1403       */
1404      if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) && $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $from . $distro . 'wp-content/languages' ) ) {
1405          if ( WP_LANG_DIR !== ABSPATH . WPINC . '/languages' || @is_dir( WP_LANG_DIR ) ) {
1406              $lang_dir = WP_LANG_DIR;
1407          } else {
1408              $lang_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/languages';
1409          }
1410          /*
1411           * Note: str_starts_with() is not used here, as this file is included
1412           * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1413           * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1414           */
1415          // Check if the language directory exists first.
1416          if ( ! @is_dir( $lang_dir ) && 0 === strpos( $lang_dir, ABSPATH ) ) {
1417              // If it's within the ABSPATH we can handle it here, otherwise they're out of luck.
1418              $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $to . str_replace( ABSPATH, '', $lang_dir ), FS_CHMOD_DIR );
1419              clearstatcache(); // For FTP, need to clear the stat cache.
1420          }
1422          if ( @is_dir( $lang_dir ) ) {
1423              $wp_lang_dir = $wp_filesystem->find_folder( $lang_dir );
1425              if ( $wp_lang_dir ) {
1426                  $result = copy_dir( $from . $distro . 'wp-content/languages/', $wp_lang_dir );
1428                  if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1429                      $result = new WP_Error(
1430                          $result->get_error_code() . '_languages',
1431                          $result->get_error_message(),
1432                          substr( $result->get_error_data(), strlen( $wp_lang_dir ) )
1433                      );
1434                  }
1435              }
1436          }
1437      }
1439      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
1440      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Disabling Maintenance mode&#8230;' ) );
1442      // Remove maintenance file, we're done with potential site-breaking changes.
1443      $wp_filesystem->delete( $maintenance_file );
1445      /*
1446       * 3.5 -> 3.5+ - an empty twentytwelve directory was created upon upgrade to 3.5 for some users,
1447       * preventing installation of Twenty Twelve.
1448       */
1449      if ( '3.5' === $old_wp_version ) {
1450          if ( is_dir( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/twentytwelve' )
1451              && ! file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/twentytwelve/style.css' )
1452          ) {
1453              $wp_filesystem->delete( $wp_filesystem->wp_themes_dir() . 'twentytwelve/' );
1454          }
1455      }
1457      /*
1458       * Copy new bundled plugins & themes.
1459       * This gives us the ability to install new plugins & themes bundled with
1460       * future versions of WordPress whilst avoiding the re-install upon upgrade issue.
1461       * $development_build controls us overwriting bundled themes and plugins when a non-stable release is being updated.
1462       */
1463      if ( ! is_wp_error( $result )
1464          && ( ! defined( 'CORE_UPGRADE_SKIP_NEW_BUNDLED' ) || ! CORE_UPGRADE_SKIP_NEW_BUNDLED )
1465      ) {
1466          foreach ( (array) $_new_bundled_files as $file => $introduced_version ) {
1467              // If a $development_build or if $introduced version is greater than what the site was previously running.
1468              if ( $development_build || version_compare( $introduced_version, $old_wp_version, '>' ) ) {
1469                  $directory = ( '/' === $file[ strlen( $file ) - 1 ] );
1471                  list( $type, $filename ) = explode( '/', $file, 2 );
1473                  // Check to see if the bundled items exist before attempting to copy them.
1474                  if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $from . $distro . 'wp-content/' . $file ) ) {
1475                      continue;
1476                  }
1478                  if ( 'plugins' === $type ) {
1479                      $dest = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir();
1480                  } elseif ( 'themes' === $type ) {
1481                      // Back-compat, ::wp_themes_dir() did not return trailingslash'd pre-3.2.
1482                      $dest = trailingslashit( $wp_filesystem->wp_themes_dir() );
1483                  } else {
1484                      continue;
1485                  }
1487                  if ( ! $directory ) {
1488                      if ( ! $development_build && $wp_filesystem->exists( $dest . $filename ) ) {
1489                          continue;
1490                      }
1492                      if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $from . $distro . 'wp-content/' . $file, $dest . $filename, FS_CHMOD_FILE ) ) {
1493                          $result = new WP_Error( "copy_failed_for_new_bundled_$type", __( 'Could not copy file.' ), $dest . $filename );
1494                      }
1495                  } else {
1496                      if ( ! $development_build && $wp_filesystem->is_dir( $dest . $filename ) ) {
1497                          continue;
1498                      }
1500                      $wp_filesystem->mkdir( $dest . $filename, FS_CHMOD_DIR );
1501                      $_result = copy_dir( $from . $distro . 'wp-content/' . $file, $dest . $filename );
1503                      /*
1504                       * If an error occurs partway through this final step,
1505                       * keep the error flowing through, but keep the process going.
1506                       */
1507                      if ( is_wp_error( $_result ) ) {
1508                          if ( ! is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1509                              $result = new WP_Error();
1510                          }
1512                          $result->add(
1513                              $_result->get_error_code() . "_$type",
1514                              $_result->get_error_message(),
1515                              substr( $_result->get_error_data(), strlen( $dest ) )
1516                          );
1517                      }
1518                  }
1519              }
1520          } // End foreach.
1521      }
1523      // Handle $result error from the above blocks.
1524      if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
1525          $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1527          return $result;
1528      }
1530      // Remove old files.
1531      foreach ( $_old_files as $old_file ) {
1532          $old_file = $to . $old_file;
1534          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $old_file ) ) {
1535              continue;
1536          }
1538          // If the file isn't deleted, try writing an empty string to the file instead.
1539          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->delete( $old_file, true ) && $wp_filesystem->is_file( $old_file ) ) {
1540              $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $old_file, '' );
1541          }
1542      }
1544      // Remove any Genericons example.html's from the filesystem.
1545      _upgrade_422_remove_genericons();
1547      // Deactivate the REST API plugin if its version is 2.0 Beta 4 or lower.
1548      _upgrade_440_force_deactivate_incompatible_plugins();
1550      // Deactivate incompatible plugins.
1551      _upgrade_core_deactivate_incompatible_plugins();
1553      // Upgrade DB with separate request.
1554      /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
1555      apply_filters( 'update_feedback', __( 'Upgrading database&#8230;' ) );
1557      $db_upgrade_url = admin_url( 'upgrade.php?step=upgrade_db' );
1558      wp_remote_post( $db_upgrade_url, array( 'timeout' => 60 ) );
1560      // Clear the cache to prevent an update_option() from saving a stale db_version to the cache.
1561      wp_cache_flush();
1562      // Not all cache back ends listen to 'flush'.
1563      wp_cache_delete( 'alloptions', 'options' );
1565      // Remove working directory.
1566      $wp_filesystem->delete( $from, true );
1568      // Force refresh of update information.
1569      if ( function_exists( 'delete_site_transient' ) ) {
1570          delete_site_transient( 'update_core' );
1571      } else {
1572          delete_option( 'update_core' );
1573      }
1575      /**
1576       * Fires after WordPress core has been successfully updated.
1577       *
1578       * @since 3.3.0
1579       *
1580       * @param string $wp_version The current WordPress version.
1581       */
1582      do_action( '_core_updated_successfully', $wp_version );
1584      // Clear the option that blocks auto-updates after failures, now that we've been successful.
1585      if ( function_exists( 'delete_site_option' ) ) {
1586          delete_site_option( 'auto_core_update_failed' );
1587      }
1589      return $wp_version;
1590  }
1592  /**
1593   * Preloads old Requests classes and interfaces.
1594   *
1595   * This function preloads the old Requests code into memory before the
1596   * upgrade process deletes the files. Why? Requests code is loaded into
1597   * memory via an autoloader, meaning when a class or interface is needed
1598   * If a request is in process, Requests could attempt to access code. If
1599   * the file is not there, a fatal error could occur. If the file was
1600   * replaced, the new code is not compatible with the old, resulting in
1601   * a fatal error. Preloading ensures the code is in memory before the
1602   * code is updated.
1603   *
1604   * @since 6.2.0
1605   *
1606   * @global array              $_old_requests_files Requests files to be preloaded.
1607   * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem       WordPress filesystem subclass.
1608   * @global string             $wp_version          The WordPress version string.
1609   *
1610   * @param string $to Path to old WordPress installation.
1611   */
1612  function _preload_old_requests_classes_and_interfaces( $to ) {
1613      global $_old_requests_files, $wp_filesystem, $wp_version;
1615      /*
1616       * Requests was introduced in WordPress 4.6.
1617       *
1618       * Skip preloading if the website was previously using
1619       * an earlier version of WordPress.
1620       */
1621      if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '4.6', '<' ) ) {
1622          return;
1623      }
1625      if ( ! defined( 'REQUESTS_SILENCE_PSR0_DEPRECATIONS' ) ) {
1626          define( 'REQUESTS_SILENCE_PSR0_DEPRECATIONS', true );
1627      }
1629      foreach ( $_old_requests_files as $name => $file ) {
1630          // Skip files that aren't interfaces or classes.
1631          if ( is_int( $name ) ) {
1632              continue;
1633          }
1635          // Skip if it's already loaded.
1636          if ( class_exists( $name ) || interface_exists( $name ) ) {
1637              continue;
1638          }
1640          // Skip if the file is missing.
1641          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->is_file( $to . $file ) ) {
1642              continue;
1643          }
1645          require_once $to . $file;
1646      }
1647  }
1649  /**
1650   * Redirect to the About WordPress page after a successful upgrade.
1651   *
1652   * This function is only needed when the existing installation is older than 3.4.0.
1653   *
1654   * @since 3.3.0
1655   *
1656   * @global string $wp_version The WordPress version string.
1657   * @global string $pagenow    The filename of the current screen.
1658   * @global string $action
1659   *
1660   * @param string $new_version
1661   */
1662  function _redirect_to_about_wordpress( $new_version ) {
1663      global $wp_version, $pagenow, $action;
1665      if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '3.4-RC1', '>=' ) ) {
1666          return;
1667      }
1669      // Ensure we only run this on the update-core.php page. The Core_Upgrader may be used in other contexts.
1670      if ( 'update-core.php' !== $pagenow ) {
1671          return;
1672      }
1674      if ( 'do-core-upgrade' !== $action && 'do-core-reinstall' !== $action ) {
1675          return;
1676      }
1678      // Load the updated default text localization domain for new strings.
1679      load_default_textdomain();
1681      // See do_core_upgrade().
1682      show_message( __( 'WordPress updated successfully.' ) );
1684      // self_admin_url() won't exist when upgrading from <= 3.0, so relative URLs are intentional.
1685      show_message(
1686          '<span class="hide-if-no-js">' . sprintf(
1687              /* translators: 1: WordPress version, 2: URL to About screen. */
1688              __( 'Welcome to WordPress %1$s. You will be redirected to the About WordPress screen. If not, click <a href="%2$s">here</a>.' ),
1689              $new_version,
1690              'about.php?updated'
1691          ) . '</span>'
1692      );
1693      show_message(
1694          '<span class="hide-if-js">' . sprintf(
1695              /* translators: 1: WordPress version, 2: URL to About screen. */
1696              __( 'Welcome to WordPress %1$s. <a href="%2$s">Learn more</a>.' ),
1697              $new_version,
1698              'about.php?updated'
1699          ) . '</span>'
1700      );
1701      echo '</div>';
1702      ?>
1703  <script type="text/javascript">
1704  window.location = 'about.php?updated';
1705  </script>
1706      <?php
1708      // Include admin-footer.php and exit.
1709      require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php';
1710      exit;
1711  }
1713  /**
1714   * Cleans up Genericons example files.
1715   *
1716   * @since 4.2.2
1717   *
1718   * @global array              $wp_theme_directories
1719   * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem
1720   */
1721  function _upgrade_422_remove_genericons() {
1722      global $wp_theme_directories, $wp_filesystem;
1724      // A list of the affected files using the filesystem absolute paths.
1725      $affected_files = array();
1727      // Themes.
1728      foreach ( $wp_theme_directories as $directory ) {
1729          $affected_theme_files = _upgrade_422_find_genericons_files_in_folder( $directory );
1730          $affected_files       = array_merge( $affected_files, $affected_theme_files );
1731      }
1733      // Plugins.
1734      $affected_plugin_files = _upgrade_422_find_genericons_files_in_folder( WP_PLUGIN_DIR );
1735      $affected_files        = array_merge( $affected_files, $affected_plugin_files );
1737      foreach ( $affected_files as $file ) {
1738          $gen_dir = $wp_filesystem->find_folder( trailingslashit( dirname( $file ) ) );
1740          if ( empty( $gen_dir ) ) {
1741              continue;
1742          }
1744          // The path when the file is accessed via WP_Filesystem may differ in the case of FTP.
1745          $remote_file = $gen_dir . basename( $file );
1747          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists( $remote_file ) ) {
1748              continue;
1749          }
1751          if ( ! $wp_filesystem->delete( $remote_file, false, 'f' ) ) {
1752              $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $remote_file, '' );
1753          }
1754      }
1755  }
1757  /**
1758   * Recursively find Genericons example files in a given folder.
1759   *
1760   * @ignore
1761   * @since 4.2.2
1762   *
1763   * @param string $directory Directory path. Expects trailingslashed.
1764   * @return array
1765   */
1766  function _upgrade_422_find_genericons_files_in_folder( $directory ) {
1767      $directory = trailingslashit( $directory );
1768      $files     = array();
1770      if ( file_exists( "{$directory}example.html" )
1771          /*
1772           * Note: str_contains() is not used here, as this file is included
1773           * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1774           * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1775           */
1776          && false !== strpos( file_get_contents( "{$directory}example.html" ), '<title>Genericons</title>' )
1777      ) {
1778          $files[] = "{$directory}example.html";
1779      }
1781      $dirs = glob( $directory . '*', GLOB_ONLYDIR );
1782      $dirs = array_filter(
1783          $dirs,
1784          static function ( $dir ) {
1785              /*
1786               * Skip any node_modules directories.
1787               *
1788               * Note: str_contains() is not used here, as this file is included
1789               * when updating from older WordPress versions, in which case
1790               * the polyfills from wp-includes/compat.php may not be available.
1791               */
1792              return false === strpos( $dir, 'node_modules' );
1793          }
1794      );
1796      if ( $dirs ) {
1797          foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
1798              $files = array_merge( $files, _upgrade_422_find_genericons_files_in_folder( $dir ) );
1799          }
1800      }
1802      return $files;
1803  }
1805  /**
1806   * @ignore
1807   * @since 4.4.0
1808   */
1809  function _upgrade_440_force_deactivate_incompatible_plugins() {
1810      if ( defined( 'REST_API_VERSION' ) && version_compare( REST_API_VERSION, '2.0-beta4', '<=' ) ) {
1811          deactivate_plugins( array( 'rest-api/plugin.php' ), true );
1812      }
1813  }
1815  /**
1816   * @access private
1817   * @ignore
1818   * @since 5.8.0
1819   * @since 5.9.0 The minimum compatible version of Gutenberg is 11.9.
1820   * @since 6.1.1 The minimum compatible version of Gutenberg is 14.1.
1821   * @since 6.4.0 The minimum compatible version of Gutenberg is 16.5.
1822   * @since 6.5.0 The minimum compatible version of Gutenberg is 17.6.
1823   */
1824  function _upgrade_core_deactivate_incompatible_plugins() {
1825      if ( defined( 'GUTENBERG_VERSION' ) && version_compare( GUTENBERG_VERSION, '17.6', '<' ) ) {
1826          $deactivated_gutenberg['gutenberg'] = array(
1827              'plugin_name'         => 'Gutenberg',
1828              'version_deactivated' => GUTENBERG_VERSION,
1829              'version_compatible'  => '17.6',
1830          );
1831          if ( is_plugin_active_for_network( 'gutenberg/gutenberg.php' ) ) {
1832              $deactivated_plugins = get_site_option( 'wp_force_deactivated_plugins', array() );
1833              $deactivated_plugins = array_merge( $deactivated_plugins, $deactivated_gutenberg );
1834              update_site_option( 'wp_force_deactivated_plugins', $deactivated_plugins );
1835          } else {
1836              $deactivated_plugins = get_option( 'wp_force_deactivated_plugins', array() );
1837              $deactivated_plugins = array_merge( $deactivated_plugins, $deactivated_gutenberg );
1838              update_option( 'wp_force_deactivated_plugins', $deactivated_plugins, false );
1839          }
1840          deactivate_plugins( array( 'gutenberg/gutenberg.php' ), true );
1841      }
1842  }

Generated : Fri Feb 21 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref