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/wp-admin/includes/ -> update.php (summary)

WordPress Administration Update API

File Size: 1127 lines (34 kb)
Included or required: 3 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 2 files

Defines 23 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

get_preferred_from_update_core()   X-Ref
Selects the first update version from the update_core option.

return: object|array|false The response from the API on success, false on failure.

get_core_updates( $options = array()   X-Ref
Gets available core updates.

param: array $options Set $options['dismissed'] to true to show dismissed upgrades too,
return: array|false Array of the update objects on success, false on failure.

find_core_auto_update()   X-Ref
Gets the best available (and enabled) Auto-Update for WordPress core.

If there's 1.2.3 and 1.3 on offer, it'll choose 1.3 if the installation allows it, else, 1.2.3.

return: object|false The core update offering on success, false on failure.

get_core_checksums( $version, $locale )   X-Ref
Gets and caches the checksums for the given version of WordPress.

param: string $version Version string to query.
param: string $locale  Locale to query.
return: array|false An array of checksums on success, false on failure.

dismiss_core_update( $update )   X-Ref
Dismisses core update.

param: object $update
return: bool

undismiss_core_update( $version, $locale )   X-Ref
Undismisses core update.

param: string $version
param: string $locale
return: bool

find_core_update( $version, $locale )   X-Ref
Finds the available update for WordPress core.

param: string $version Version string to find the update for.
param: string $locale  Locale to find the update for.
return: object|false The core update offering on success, false on failure.

core_update_footer( $msg = '' )   X-Ref
Returns core update footer message.

param: string $msg
return: string

update_nag()   X-Ref
Returns core update notification message.

return: void|false

update_right_now_message()   X-Ref
Displays WordPress version and active theme in the 'At a Glance' dashboard widget.

get_plugin_updates()   X-Ref
Retrieves plugins with updates available.

return: object[]

wp_plugin_update_rows()   X-Ref
Adds a callback to display update information for plugins with updates available.

wp_plugin_update_row( $file, $plugin_data )   X-Ref
Displays update information for a plugin.

param: string $file        Plugin basename.
param: array  $plugin_data Plugin information.
return: void|false

get_theme_updates()   X-Ref
Retrieves themes with updates available.

return: WP_Theme[]

wp_theme_update_rows()   X-Ref
Adds a callback to display update information for themes with updates available.

wp_theme_update_row( $theme_key, $theme )   X-Ref
Displays update information for a theme.

param: string   $theme_key Theme stylesheet.
param: WP_Theme $theme     Theme object.
return: void|false

maintenance_nag()   X-Ref
Displays maintenance nag HTML message.

return: void|false

wp_print_admin_notice_templates()   X-Ref
Prints the JavaScript templates for update admin notices.

wp_print_update_row_templates()   X-Ref
Prints the JavaScript templates for update and deletion rows in list tables.

wp_recovery_mode_nag()   X-Ref
Displays a notice when the user is in recovery mode.

wp_is_auto_update_enabled_for_type( $type )   X-Ref
Checks whether auto-updates are enabled.

param: string $type The type of update being checked: Either 'theme' or 'plugin'.
return: bool True if auto-updates are enabled for `$type`, false otherwise.

wp_is_auto_update_forced_for_item( $type, $update, $item )   X-Ref
Checks whether auto-updates are forced for an item.

param: string    $type   The type of update being checked: Either 'theme' or 'plugin'.
param: bool|null $update Whether to update. The value of null is internally used
param: object    $item   The update offer.
return: bool True if auto-updates are forced for `$item`, false otherwise.

wp_get_auto_update_message()   X-Ref
Determines the appropriate auto-update message to be displayed.

return: string The update message to be shown.

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref