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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)





/wp-admin/includes/ -> upgrade.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * WordPress Upgrade API
   4   *
   5   * Most of the functions are pluggable and can be overwritten.
   6   *
   7   * @package WordPress
   8   * @subpackage Administration
   9   */
  11  /** Include user installation customization script. */
  12  if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/install.php' ) ) {
  13      require WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/install.php';
  14  }
  16  /** WordPress Administration API */
  17  require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php';
  19  /** WordPress Schema API */
  20  require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/schema.php';
  22  if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_install' ) ) :
  23      /**
  24       * Installs the site.
  25       *
  26       * Runs the required functions to set up and populate the database,
  27       * including primary admin user and initial options.
  28       *
  29       * @since 2.1.0
  30       *
  31       * @param string $blog_title    Site title.
  32       * @param string $user_name     User's username.
  33       * @param string $user_email    User's email.
  34       * @param bool   $is_public     Whether the site is public.
  35       * @param string $deprecated    Optional. Not used.
  36       * @param string $user_password Optional. User's chosen password. Default empty (random password).
  37       * @param string $language      Optional. Language chosen. Default empty.
  38       * @return array {
  39       *     Data for the newly installed site.
  40       *
  41       *     @type string $url              The URL of the site.
  42       *     @type int    $user_id          The ID of the site owner.
  43       *     @type string $password         The password of the site owner, if their user account didn't already exist.
  44       *     @type string $password_message The explanatory message regarding the password.
  45       * }
  46       */
  47  	function wp_install( $blog_title, $user_name, $user_email, $is_public, $deprecated = '', $user_password = '', $language = '' ) {
  48          if ( ! empty( $deprecated ) ) {
  49              _deprecated_argument( __FUNCTION__, '2.6.0' );
  50          }
  52          wp_check_mysql_version();
  53          wp_cache_flush();
  54          make_db_current_silent();
  56          /*
  57           * Ensure update checks are delayed after installation.
  58           *
  59           * This prevents users being presented with a maintenance mode screen
  60           * immediately after installation.
  61           */
  62          wp_unschedule_hook( 'wp_version_check' );
  63          wp_unschedule_hook( 'wp_update_plugins' );
  64          wp_unschedule_hook( 'wp_update_themes' );
  66          wp_schedule_event( time() + HOUR_IN_SECONDS, 'twicedaily', 'wp_version_check' );
  67          wp_schedule_event( time() + ( 1.5 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ), 'twicedaily', 'wp_update_plugins' );
  68          wp_schedule_event( time() + ( 2 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ), 'twicedaily', 'wp_update_themes' );
  70          populate_options();
  71          populate_roles();
  73          update_option( 'blogname', $blog_title );
  74          update_option( 'admin_email', $user_email );
  75          update_option( 'blog_public', $is_public );
  77          // Freshness of site - in the future, this could get more specific about actions taken, perhaps.
  78          update_option( 'fresh_site', 1, false );
  80          if ( $language ) {
  81              update_option( 'WPLANG', $language );
  82          }
  84          $guessurl = wp_guess_url();
  86          update_option( 'siteurl', $guessurl );
  88          // If not a public site, don't ping.
  89          if ( ! $is_public ) {
  90              update_option( 'default_pingback_flag', 0 );
  91          }
  93          /*
  94           * Create default user. If the user already exists, the user tables are
  95           * being shared among sites. Just set the role in that case.
  96           */
  97          $user_id        = username_exists( $user_name );
  98          $user_password  = trim( $user_password );
  99          $email_password = false;
 100          $user_created   = false;
 102          if ( ! $user_id && empty( $user_password ) ) {
 103              $user_password = wp_generate_password( 12, false );
 104              $message       = __( '<strong><em>Note that password</em></strong> carefully! It is a <em>random</em> password that was generated just for you.' );
 105              $user_id       = wp_create_user( $user_name, $user_password, $user_email );
 106              update_user_meta( $user_id, 'default_password_nag', true );
 107              $email_password = true;
 108              $user_created   = true;
 109          } elseif ( ! $user_id ) {
 110              // Password has been provided.
 111              $message      = '<em>' . __( 'Your chosen password.' ) . '</em>';
 112              $user_id      = wp_create_user( $user_name, $user_password, $user_email );
 113              $user_created = true;
 114          } else {
 115              $message = __( 'User already exists. Password inherited.' );
 116          }
 118          $user = new WP_User( $user_id );
 119          $user->set_role( 'administrator' );
 121          if ( $user_created ) {
 122              $user->user_url = $guessurl;
 123              wp_update_user( $user );
 124          }
 126          wp_install_defaults( $user_id );
 128          wp_install_maybe_enable_pretty_permalinks();
 130          flush_rewrite_rules();
 132          wp_new_blog_notification( $blog_title, $guessurl, $user_id, ( $email_password ? $user_password : __( 'The password you chose during installation.' ) ) );
 134          wp_cache_flush();
 136          /**
 137           * Fires after a site is fully installed.
 138           *
 139           * @since 3.9.0
 140           *
 141           * @param WP_User $user The site owner.
 142           */
 143          do_action( 'wp_install', $user );
 145          return array(
 146              'url'              => $guessurl,
 147              'user_id'          => $user_id,
 148              'password'         => $user_password,
 149              'password_message' => $message,
 150          );
 151      }
 152  endif;
 154  if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_install_defaults' ) ) :
 155      /**
 156       * Creates the initial content for a newly-installed site.
 157       *
 158       * Adds the default "Uncategorized" category, the first post (with comment),
 159       * first page, and default widgets for default theme for the current version.
 160       *
 161       * @since 2.1.0
 162       *
 163       * @global wpdb       $wpdb         WordPress database abstraction object.
 164       * @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite   WordPress rewrite component.
 165       * @global string     $table_prefix The database table prefix.
 166       *
 167       * @param int $user_id User ID.
 168       */
 169  	function wp_install_defaults( $user_id ) {
 170          global $wpdb, $wp_rewrite, $table_prefix;
 172          // Default category.
 173          $cat_name = __( 'Uncategorized' );
 174          /* translators: Default category slug. */
 175          $cat_slug = sanitize_title( _x( 'Uncategorized', 'Default category slug' ) );
 177          $cat_id = 1;
 179          $wpdb->insert(
 180              $wpdb->terms,
 181              array(
 182                  'term_id'    => $cat_id,
 183                  'name'       => $cat_name,
 184                  'slug'       => $cat_slug,
 185                  'term_group' => 0,
 186              )
 187          );
 188          $wpdb->insert(
 189              $wpdb->term_taxonomy,
 190              array(
 191                  'term_id'     => $cat_id,
 192                  'taxonomy'    => 'category',
 193                  'description' => '',
 194                  'parent'      => 0,
 195                  'count'       => 1,
 196              )
 197          );
 198          $cat_tt_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
 200          // First post.
 201          $now             = current_time( 'mysql' );
 202          $now_gmt         = current_time( 'mysql', 1 );
 203          $first_post_guid = get_option( 'home' ) . '/?p=1';
 205          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 206              $first_post = get_site_option( 'first_post' );
 208              if ( ! $first_post ) {
 209                  $first_post = "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" .
 210                  /* translators: First post content. %s: Site link. */
 211                  __( 'Welcome to %s. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!' ) .
 212                  "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->";
 213              }
 215              $first_post = sprintf(
 216                  $first_post,
 217                  sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( network_home_url() ), get_network()->site_name )
 218              );
 220              // Back-compat for pre-4.4.
 221              $first_post = str_replace( 'SITE_URL', esc_url( network_home_url() ), $first_post );
 222              $first_post = str_replace( 'SITE_NAME', get_network()->site_name, $first_post );
 223          } else {
 224              $first_post = "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>" .
 225              /* translators: First post content. %s: Site link. */
 226              __( 'Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!' ) .
 227              "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->";
 228          }
 230          $wpdb->insert(
 231              $wpdb->posts,
 232              array(
 233                  'post_author'           => $user_id,
 234                  'post_date'             => $now,
 235                  'post_date_gmt'         => $now_gmt,
 236                  'post_content'          => $first_post,
 237                  'post_excerpt'          => '',
 238                  'post_title'            => __( 'Hello world!' ),
 239                  /* translators: Default post slug. */
 240                  'post_name'             => sanitize_title( _x( 'hello-world', 'Default post slug' ) ),
 241                  'post_modified'         => $now,
 242                  'post_modified_gmt'     => $now_gmt,
 243                  'guid'                  => $first_post_guid,
 244                  'comment_count'         => 1,
 245                  'to_ping'               => '',
 246                  'pinged'                => '',
 247                  'post_content_filtered' => '',
 248              )
 249          );
 251          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 252              update_posts_count();
 253          }
 255          $wpdb->insert(
 256              $wpdb->term_relationships,
 257              array(
 258                  'term_taxonomy_id' => $cat_tt_id,
 259                  'object_id'        => 1,
 260              )
 261          );
 263          // Default comment.
 264          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 265              $first_comment_author = get_site_option( 'first_comment_author' );
 266              $first_comment_email  = get_site_option( 'first_comment_email' );
 267              $first_comment_url    = get_site_option( 'first_comment_url', network_home_url() );
 268              $first_comment        = get_site_option( 'first_comment' );
 269          }
 271          $first_comment_author = ! empty( $first_comment_author ) ? $first_comment_author : __( 'A WordPress Commenter' );
 272          $first_comment_email  = ! empty( $first_comment_email ) ? $first_comment_email : 'wapuu@wordpress.example';
 273          $first_comment_url    = ! empty( $first_comment_url ) ? $first_comment_url : esc_url( __( 'https://wordpress.org/' ) );
 274          $first_comment        = ! empty( $first_comment ) ? $first_comment : sprintf(
 275              /* translators: %s: Gravatar URL. */
 276              __(
 277                  'Hi, this is a comment.
 278  To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard.
 279  Commenter avatars come from <a href="%s">Gravatar</a>.'
 280              ),
 281              /* translators: The localized Gravatar URL. */
 282              esc_url( __( 'https://gravatar.com/' ) )
 283          );
 284          $wpdb->insert(
 285              $wpdb->comments,
 286              array(
 287                  'comment_post_ID'      => 1,
 288                  'comment_author'       => $first_comment_author,
 289                  'comment_author_email' => $first_comment_email,
 290                  'comment_author_url'   => $first_comment_url,
 291                  'comment_date'         => $now,
 292                  'comment_date_gmt'     => $now_gmt,
 293                  'comment_content'      => $first_comment,
 294                  'comment_type'         => 'comment',
 295              )
 296          );
 298          // First page.
 299          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 300              $first_page = get_site_option( 'first_page' );
 301          }
 303          if ( empty( $first_page ) ) {
 304              $first_page = "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>";
 305              /* translators: First page content. */
 306              $first_page .= __( "This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:" );
 307              $first_page .= "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n";
 309              $first_page .= "<!-- wp:quote -->\n<blockquote class=\"wp-block-quote\"><p>";
 310              /* translators: First page content. */
 311              $first_page .= __( "Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my website. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like pi&#241;a coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)" );
 312              $first_page .= "</p></blockquote>\n<!-- /wp:quote -->\n\n";
 314              $first_page .= "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>";
 315              /* translators: First page content. */
 316              $first_page .= __( '...or something like this:' );
 317              $first_page .= "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->\n\n";
 319              $first_page .= "<!-- wp:quote -->\n<blockquote class=\"wp-block-quote\"><p>";
 320              /* translators: First page content. */
 321              $first_page .= __( 'The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.' );
 322              $first_page .= "</p></blockquote>\n<!-- /wp:quote -->\n\n";
 324              $first_page .= "<!-- wp:paragraph -->\n<p>";
 325              $first_page .= sprintf(
 326                  /* translators: First page content. %s: Site admin URL. */
 327                  __( 'As a new WordPress user, you should go to <a href="%s">your dashboard</a> to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!' ),
 328                  admin_url()
 329              );
 330              $first_page .= "</p>\n<!-- /wp:paragraph -->";
 331          }
 333          $first_post_guid = get_option( 'home' ) . '/?page_id=2';
 334          $wpdb->insert(
 335              $wpdb->posts,
 336              array(
 337                  'post_author'           => $user_id,
 338                  'post_date'             => $now,
 339                  'post_date_gmt'         => $now_gmt,
 340                  'post_content'          => $first_page,
 341                  'post_excerpt'          => '',
 342                  'comment_status'        => 'closed',
 343                  'post_title'            => __( 'Sample Page' ),
 344                  /* translators: Default page slug. */
 345                  'post_name'             => __( 'sample-page' ),
 346                  'post_modified'         => $now,
 347                  'post_modified_gmt'     => $now_gmt,
 348                  'guid'                  => $first_post_guid,
 349                  'post_type'             => 'page',
 350                  'to_ping'               => '',
 351                  'pinged'                => '',
 352                  'post_content_filtered' => '',
 353              )
 354          );
 355          $wpdb->insert(
 356              $wpdb->postmeta,
 357              array(
 358                  'post_id'    => 2,
 359                  'meta_key'   => '_wp_page_template',
 360                  'meta_value' => 'default',
 361              )
 362          );
 364          // Privacy Policy page.
 365          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 366              // Disable by default unless the suggested content is provided.
 367              $privacy_policy_content = get_site_option( 'default_privacy_policy_content' );
 368          } else {
 369              if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Privacy_Policy_Content' ) ) {
 370                  require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-privacy-policy-content.php';
 371              }
 373              $privacy_policy_content = WP_Privacy_Policy_Content::get_default_content();
 374          }
 376          if ( ! empty( $privacy_policy_content ) ) {
 377              $privacy_policy_guid = get_option( 'home' ) . '/?page_id=3';
 379              $wpdb->insert(
 380                  $wpdb->posts,
 381                  array(
 382                      'post_author'           => $user_id,
 383                      'post_date'             => $now,
 384                      'post_date_gmt'         => $now_gmt,
 385                      'post_content'          => $privacy_policy_content,
 386                      'post_excerpt'          => '',
 387                      'comment_status'        => 'closed',
 388                      'post_title'            => __( 'Privacy Policy' ),
 389                      /* translators: Privacy Policy page slug. */
 390                      'post_name'             => __( 'privacy-policy' ),
 391                      'post_modified'         => $now,
 392                      'post_modified_gmt'     => $now_gmt,
 393                      'guid'                  => $privacy_policy_guid,
 394                      'post_type'             => 'page',
 395                      'post_status'           => 'draft',
 396                      'to_ping'               => '',
 397                      'pinged'                => '',
 398                      'post_content_filtered' => '',
 399                  )
 400              );
 401              $wpdb->insert(
 402                  $wpdb->postmeta,
 403                  array(
 404                      'post_id'    => 3,
 405                      'meta_key'   => '_wp_page_template',
 406                      'meta_value' => 'default',
 407                  )
 408              );
 409              update_option( 'wp_page_for_privacy_policy', 3 );
 410          }
 412          // Set up default widgets for default theme.
 413          update_option(
 414              'widget_block',
 415              array(
 416                  2              => array( 'content' => '<!-- wp:search /-->' ),
 417                  3              => array( 'content' => '<!-- wp:group --><div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:heading --><h2>' . __( 'Recent Posts' ) . '</h2><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:latest-posts /--></div><!-- /wp:group -->' ),
 418                  4              => array( 'content' => '<!-- wp:group --><div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:heading --><h2>' . __( 'Recent Comments' ) . '</h2><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:latest-comments {"displayAvatar":false,"displayDate":false,"displayExcerpt":false} /--></div><!-- /wp:group -->' ),
 419                  5              => array( 'content' => '<!-- wp:group --><div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:heading --><h2>' . __( 'Archives' ) . '</h2><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:archives /--></div><!-- /wp:group -->' ),
 420                  6              => array( 'content' => '<!-- wp:group --><div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:heading --><h2>' . __( 'Categories' ) . '</h2><!-- /wp:heading --><!-- wp:categories /--></div><!-- /wp:group -->' ),
 421                  '_multiwidget' => 1,
 422              )
 423          );
 424          update_option(
 425              'sidebars_widgets',
 426              array(
 427                  'wp_inactive_widgets' => array(),
 428                  'sidebar-1'           => array(
 429                      0 => 'block-2',
 430                      1 => 'block-3',
 431                      2 => 'block-4',
 432                  ),
 433                  'sidebar-2'           => array(
 434                      0 => 'block-5',
 435                      1 => 'block-6',
 436                  ),
 437                  'array_version'       => 3,
 438              )
 439          );
 441          if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
 442              update_user_meta( $user_id, 'show_welcome_panel', 1 );
 443          } elseif ( ! is_super_admin( $user_id ) && ! metadata_exists( 'user', $user_id, 'show_welcome_panel' ) ) {
 444              update_user_meta( $user_id, 'show_welcome_panel', 2 );
 445          }
 447          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 448              // Flush rules to pick up the new page.
 449              $wp_rewrite->init();
 450              $wp_rewrite->flush_rules();
 452              $user = new WP_User( $user_id );
 453              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->options, array( 'option_value' => $user->user_email ), array( 'option_name' => 'admin_email' ) );
 455              // Remove all perms except for the login user.
 456              $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE user_id != %d AND meta_key = %s", $user_id, $table_prefix . 'user_level' ) );
 457              $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE user_id != %d AND meta_key = %s", $user_id, $table_prefix . 'capabilities' ) );
 459              /*
 460               * Delete any caps that snuck into the previously active blog. (Hardcoded to blog 1 for now.)
 461               * TODO: Get previous_blog_id.
 462               */
 463              if ( ! is_super_admin( $user_id ) && 1 !== $user_id ) {
 464                  $wpdb->delete(
 465                      $wpdb->usermeta,
 466                      array(
 467                          'user_id'  => $user_id,
 468                          'meta_key' => $wpdb->base_prefix . '1_capabilities',
 469                      )
 470                  );
 471              }
 472          }
 473      }
 474  endif;
 476  /**
 477   * Maybe enable pretty permalinks on installation.
 478   *
 479   * If after enabling pretty permalinks don't work, fallback to query-string permalinks.
 480   *
 481   * @since 4.2.0
 482   *
 483   * @global WP_Rewrite $wp_rewrite WordPress rewrite component.
 484   *
 485   * @return bool Whether pretty permalinks are enabled. False otherwise.
 486   */
 487  function wp_install_maybe_enable_pretty_permalinks() {
 488      global $wp_rewrite;
 490      // Bail if a permalink structure is already enabled.
 491      if ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) {
 492          return true;
 493      }
 495      /*
 496       * The Permalink structures to attempt.
 497       *
 498       * The first is designed for mod_rewrite or nginx rewriting.
 499       *
 500       * The second is PATHINFO-based permalinks for web server configurations
 501       * without a true rewrite module enabled.
 502       */
 503      $permalink_structures = array(
 504          '/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/',
 505          '/index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/',
 506      );
 508      foreach ( (array) $permalink_structures as $permalink_structure ) {
 509          $wp_rewrite->set_permalink_structure( $permalink_structure );
 511          /*
 512           * Flush rules with the hard option to force refresh of the web-server's
 513           * rewrite config file (e.g. .htaccess or web.config).
 514           */
 515          $wp_rewrite->flush_rules( true );
 517          $test_url = '';
 519          // Test against a real WordPress post.
 520          $first_post = get_page_by_path( sanitize_title( _x( 'hello-world', 'Default post slug' ) ), OBJECT, 'post' );
 521          if ( $first_post ) {
 522              $test_url = get_permalink( $first_post->ID );
 523          }
 525          /*
 526           * Send a request to the site, and check whether
 527           * the 'X-Pingback' header is returned as expected.
 528           *
 529           * Uses wp_remote_get() instead of wp_remote_head() because web servers
 530           * can block head requests.
 531           */
 532          $response          = wp_remote_get( $test_url, array( 'timeout' => 5 ) );
 533          $x_pingback_header = wp_remote_retrieve_header( $response, 'X-Pingback' );
 534          $pretty_permalinks = $x_pingback_header && get_bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ) === $x_pingback_header;
 536          if ( $pretty_permalinks ) {
 537              return true;
 538          }
 539      }
 541      /*
 542       * If it makes it this far, pretty permalinks failed.
 543       * Fallback to query-string permalinks.
 544       */
 545      $wp_rewrite->set_permalink_structure( '' );
 546      $wp_rewrite->flush_rules( true );
 548      return false;
 549  }
 551  if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_new_blog_notification' ) ) :
 552      /**
 553       * Notifies the site admin that the installation of WordPress is complete.
 554       *
 555       * Sends an email to the new administrator that the installation is complete
 556       * and provides them with a record of their login credentials.
 557       *
 558       * @since 2.1.0
 559       *
 560       * @param string $blog_title Site title.
 561       * @param string $blog_url   Site URL.
 562       * @param int    $user_id    Administrator's user ID.
 563       * @param string $password   Administrator's password. Note that a placeholder message is
 564       *                           usually passed instead of the actual password.
 565       */
 566  	function wp_new_blog_notification( $blog_title, $blog_url, $user_id, $password ) {
 567          $user      = new WP_User( $user_id );
 568          $email     = $user->user_email;
 569          $name      = $user->user_login;
 570          $login_url = wp_login_url();
 572          $message = sprintf(
 573              /* translators: New site notification email. 1: New site URL, 2: User login, 3: User password or password reset link, 4: Login URL. */
 574              __(
 575                  'Your new WordPress site has been successfully set up at:
 577  %1$s
 579  You can log in to the administrator account with the following information:
 581  Username: %2$s
 582  Password: %3$s
 583  Log in here: %4$s
 585  We hope you enjoy your new site. Thanks!
 587  --The WordPress Team
 588  https://wordpress.org/
 589  '
 590              ),
 591              $blog_url,
 592              $name,
 593              $password,
 594              $login_url
 595          );
 597          $installed_email = array(
 598              'to'      => $email,
 599              'subject' => __( 'New WordPress Site' ),
 600              'message' => $message,
 601              'headers' => '',
 602          );
 604          /**
 605           * Filters the contents of the email sent to the site administrator when WordPress is installed.
 606           *
 607           * @since 5.6.0
 608           *
 609           * @param array $installed_email {
 610           *     Used to build wp_mail().
 611           *
 612           *     @type string $to      The email address of the recipient.
 613           *     @type string $subject The subject of the email.
 614           *     @type string $message The content of the email.
 615           *     @type string $headers Headers.
 616           * }
 617           * @param WP_User $user          The site administrator user object.
 618           * @param string  $blog_title    The site title.
 619           * @param string  $blog_url      The site URL.
 620           * @param string  $password      The site administrator's password. Note that a placeholder message
 621           *                               is usually passed instead of the user's actual password.
 622           */
 623          $installed_email = apply_filters( 'wp_installed_email', $installed_email, $user, $blog_title, $blog_url, $password );
 625          wp_mail(
 626              $installed_email['to'],
 627              $installed_email['subject'],
 628              $installed_email['message'],
 629              $installed_email['headers']
 630          );
 631      }
 632  endif;
 634  if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_upgrade' ) ) :
 635      /**
 636       * Runs WordPress Upgrade functions.
 637       *
 638       * Upgrades the database if needed during a site update.
 639       *
 640       * @since 2.1.0
 641       *
 642       * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
 643       * @global int $wp_db_version         The new database version.
 644       */
 645  	function wp_upgrade() {
 646          global $wp_current_db_version, $wp_db_version;
 648          $wp_current_db_version = (int) __get_option( 'db_version' );
 650          // We are up to date. Nothing to do.
 651          if ( $wp_db_version === $wp_current_db_version ) {
 652              return;
 653          }
 655          if ( ! is_blog_installed() ) {
 656              return;
 657          }
 659          wp_check_mysql_version();
 660          wp_cache_flush();
 661          pre_schema_upgrade();
 662          make_db_current_silent();
 663          upgrade_all();
 664          if ( is_multisite() && is_main_site() ) {
 665              upgrade_network();
 666          }
 667          wp_cache_flush();
 669          if ( is_multisite() ) {
 670              update_site_meta( get_current_blog_id(), 'db_version', $wp_db_version );
 671              update_site_meta( get_current_blog_id(), 'db_last_updated', microtime() );
 672          }
 674          delete_transient( 'wp_core_block_css_files' );
 676          /**
 677           * Fires after a site is fully upgraded.
 678           *
 679           * @since 3.9.0
 680           *
 681           * @param int $wp_db_version         The new $wp_db_version.
 682           * @param int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) $wp_db_version.
 683           */
 684          do_action( 'wp_upgrade', $wp_db_version, $wp_current_db_version );
 685      }
 686  endif;
 688  /**
 689   * Functions to be called in installation and upgrade scripts.
 690   *
 691   * Contains conditional checks to determine which upgrade scripts to run,
 692   * based on database version and WP version being updated-to.
 693   *
 694   * @ignore
 695   * @since 1.0.1
 696   *
 697   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
 698   * @global int $wp_db_version         The new database version.
 699   */
 700  function upgrade_all() {
 701      global $wp_current_db_version, $wp_db_version;
 703      $wp_current_db_version = (int) __get_option( 'db_version' );
 705      // We are up to date. Nothing to do.
 706      if ( $wp_db_version === $wp_current_db_version ) {
 707          return;
 708      }
 710      // If the version is not set in the DB, try to guess the version.
 711      if ( empty( $wp_current_db_version ) ) {
 712          $wp_current_db_version = 0;
 714          // If the template option exists, we have 1.5.
 715          $template = __get_option( 'template' );
 716          if ( ! empty( $template ) ) {
 717              $wp_current_db_version = 2541;
 718          }
 719      }
 721      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 6039 ) {
 722          upgrade_230_options_table();
 723      }
 725      populate_options();
 727      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 2541 ) {
 728          upgrade_100();
 729          upgrade_101();
 730          upgrade_110();
 731          upgrade_130();
 732      }
 734      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 3308 ) {
 735          upgrade_160();
 736      }
 738      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 4772 ) {
 739          upgrade_210();
 740      }
 742      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 4351 ) {
 743          upgrade_old_slugs();
 744      }
 746      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 5539 ) {
 747          upgrade_230();
 748      }
 750      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 6124 ) {
 751          upgrade_230_old_tables();
 752      }
 754      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 7499 ) {
 755          upgrade_250();
 756      }
 758      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 7935 ) {
 759          upgrade_252();
 760      }
 762      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 8201 ) {
 763          upgrade_260();
 764      }
 766      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 8989 ) {
 767          upgrade_270();
 768      }
 770      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 10360 ) {
 771          upgrade_280();
 772      }
 774      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 11958 ) {
 775          upgrade_290();
 776      }
 778      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 15260 ) {
 779          upgrade_300();
 780      }
 782      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19389 ) {
 783          upgrade_330();
 784      }
 786      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 20080 ) {
 787          upgrade_340();
 788      }
 790      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 22422 ) {
 791          upgrade_350();
 792      }
 794      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25824 ) {
 795          upgrade_370();
 796      }
 798      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 26148 ) {
 799          upgrade_372();
 800      }
 802      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 26691 ) {
 803          upgrade_380();
 804      }
 806      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 29630 ) {
 807          upgrade_400();
 808      }
 810      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 33055 ) {
 811          upgrade_430();
 812      }
 814      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 33056 ) {
 815          upgrade_431();
 816      }
 818      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 35700 ) {
 819          upgrade_440();
 820      }
 822      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 36686 ) {
 823          upgrade_450();
 824      }
 826      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 37965 ) {
 827          upgrade_460();
 828      }
 830      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 44719 ) {
 831          upgrade_510();
 832      }
 834      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 45744 ) {
 835          upgrade_530();
 836      }
 838      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 48575 ) {
 839          upgrade_550();
 840      }
 842      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 49752 ) {
 843          upgrade_560();
 844      }
 846      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 51917 ) {
 847          upgrade_590();
 848      }
 850      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 53011 ) {
 851          upgrade_600();
 852      }
 854      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 55853 ) {
 855          upgrade_630();
 856      }
 858      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 56657 ) {
 859          upgrade_640();
 860      }
 862      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 57155 ) {
 863          upgrade_650();
 864      }
 866      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 58975 ) {
 867          upgrade_670();
 868      }
 869      maybe_disable_link_manager();
 871      maybe_disable_automattic_widgets();
 873      update_option( 'db_version', $wp_db_version );
 874      update_option( 'db_upgraded', true );
 875  }
 877  /**
 878   * Execute changes made in WordPress 1.0.
 879   *
 880   * @ignore
 881   * @since 1.0.0
 882   *
 883   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
 884   */
 885  function upgrade_100() {
 886      global $wpdb;
 888      // Get the title and ID of every post, post_name to check if it already has a value.
 889      $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title, post_name FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = ''" );
 890      if ( $posts ) {
 891          foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
 892              if ( '' === $post->post_name ) {
 893                  $newtitle = sanitize_title( $post->post_title );
 894                  $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_name = %s WHERE ID = %d", $newtitle, $post->ID ) );
 895              }
 896          }
 897      }
 899      $categories = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename FROM $wpdb->categories" );
 900      foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
 901          if ( '' === $category->category_nicename ) {
 902              $newtitle = sanitize_title( $category->cat_name );
 903              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->categories, array( 'category_nicename' => $newtitle ), array( 'cat_ID' => $category->cat_ID ) );
 904          }
 905      }
 907      $sql = "UPDATE $wpdb->options
 908          SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, 'wp-links/links-images/', 'wp-images/links/')
 909          WHERE option_name LIKE %s
 910          AND option_value LIKE %s";
 911      $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $wpdb->esc_like( 'links_rating_image' ) . '%', $wpdb->esc_like( 'wp-links/links-images/' ) . '%' ) );
 913      $done_ids = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM $wpdb->post2cat" );
 914      if ( $done_ids ) :
 915          $done_posts = array();
 916          foreach ( $done_ids as $done_id ) :
 917              $done_posts[] = $done_id->post_id;
 918          endforeach;
 919          $catwhere = ' AND ID NOT IN (' . implode( ',', $done_posts ) . ')';
 920      else :
 921          $catwhere = '';
 922      endif;
 924      $allposts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_category FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_category != '0' $catwhere" );
 925      if ( $allposts ) :
 926          foreach ( $allposts as $post ) {
 927              // Check to see if it's already been imported.
 928              $cat = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->post2cat WHERE post_id = %d AND category_id = %d", $post->ID, $post->post_category ) );
 929              if ( ! $cat && 0 !== (int) $post->post_category ) { // If there's no result.
 930                  $wpdb->insert(
 931                      $wpdb->post2cat,
 932                      array(
 933                          'post_id'     => $post->ID,
 934                          'category_id' => $post->post_category,
 935                      )
 936                  );
 937              }
 938          }
 939      endif;
 940  }
 942  /**
 943   * Execute changes made in WordPress 1.0.1.
 944   *
 945   * @ignore
 946   * @since 1.0.1
 947   *
 948   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
 949   */
 950  function upgrade_101() {
 951      global $wpdb;
 953      // Clean up indices, add a few.
 954      add_clean_index( $wpdb->posts, 'post_name' );
 955      add_clean_index( $wpdb->posts, 'post_status' );
 956      add_clean_index( $wpdb->categories, 'category_nicename' );
 957      add_clean_index( $wpdb->comments, 'comment_approved' );
 958      add_clean_index( $wpdb->comments, 'comment_post_ID' );
 959      add_clean_index( $wpdb->links, 'link_category' );
 960      add_clean_index( $wpdb->links, 'link_visible' );
 961  }
 963  /**
 964   * Execute changes made in WordPress 1.2.
 965   *
 966   * @ignore
 967   * @since 1.2.0
 968   *
 969   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
 970   */
 971  function upgrade_110() {
 972      global $wpdb;
 974      // Set user_nicename.
 975      $users = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, user_nickname, user_nicename FROM $wpdb->users" );
 976      foreach ( $users as $user ) {
 977          if ( '' === $user->user_nicename ) {
 978              $newname = sanitize_title( $user->user_nickname );
 979              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_nicename' => $newname ), array( 'ID' => $user->ID ) );
 980          }
 981      }
 983      $users = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, user_pass from $wpdb->users" );
 984      foreach ( $users as $row ) {
 985          if ( ! preg_match( '/^[A-Fa-f0-9]{32}$/', $row->user_pass ) ) {
 986              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'user_pass' => md5( $row->user_pass ) ), array( 'ID' => $row->ID ) );
 987          }
 988      }
 990      // Get the GMT offset, we'll use that later on.
 991      $all_options = get_alloptions_110();
 993      $time_difference = $all_options->time_difference;
 995      $server_time    = time() + gmdate( 'Z' );
 996      $weblogger_time = $server_time + $time_difference * HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
 997      $gmt_time       = time();
 999      $diff_gmt_server       = ( $gmt_time - $server_time ) / HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
1000      $diff_weblogger_server = ( $weblogger_time - $server_time ) / HOUR_IN_SECONDS;
1001      $diff_gmt_weblogger    = $diff_gmt_server - $diff_weblogger_server;
1002      $gmt_offset            = -$diff_gmt_weblogger;
1004      // Add a gmt_offset option, with value $gmt_offset.
1005      add_option( 'gmt_offset', $gmt_offset );
1007      /*
1008       * Check if we already set the GMT fields. If we did, then
1009       * MAX(post_date_gmt) can't be '0000-00-00 00:00:00'.
1010       * <michel_v> I just slapped myself silly for not thinking about it earlier.
1011       */
1012      $got_gmt_fields = ( '0000-00-00 00:00:00' !== $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT MAX(post_date_gmt) FROM $wpdb->posts" ) );
1014      if ( ! $got_gmt_fields ) {
1016          // Add or subtract time to all dates, to get GMT dates.
1017          $add_hours   = (int) $diff_gmt_weblogger;
1018          $add_minutes = (int) ( 60 * ( $diff_gmt_weblogger - $add_hours ) );
1019          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_date_gmt = DATE_ADD(post_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)" );
1020          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_modified = post_date" );
1021          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_modified_gmt = DATE_ADD(post_modified, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE) WHERE post_modified != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" );
1022          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_date_gmt = DATE_ADD(comment_date, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)" );
1023          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_registered = DATE_ADD(user_registered, INTERVAL '$add_hours:$add_minutes' HOUR_MINUTE)" );
1024      }
1025  }
1027  /**
1028   * Execute changes made in WordPress 1.5.
1029   *
1030   * @ignore
1031   * @since 1.5.0
1032   *
1033   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
1034   */
1035  function upgrade_130() {
1036      global $wpdb;
1038      // Remove extraneous backslashes.
1039      $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_title, post_content, post_excerpt, guid, post_date, post_name, post_status, post_author FROM $wpdb->posts" );
1040      if ( $posts ) {
1041          foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
1042              $post_content = addslashes( deslash( $post->post_content ) );
1043              $post_title   = addslashes( deslash( $post->post_title ) );
1044              $post_excerpt = addslashes( deslash( $post->post_excerpt ) );
1045              if ( empty( $post->guid ) ) {
1046                  $guid = get_permalink( $post->ID );
1047              } else {
1048                  $guid = $post->guid;
1049              }
1051              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, compact( 'post_title', 'post_content', 'post_excerpt', 'guid' ), array( 'ID' => $post->ID ) );
1053          }
1054      }
1056      // Remove extraneous backslashes.
1057      $comments = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT comment_ID, comment_author, comment_content FROM $wpdb->comments" );
1058      if ( $comments ) {
1059          foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
1060              $comment_content = deslash( $comment->comment_content );
1061              $comment_author  = deslash( $comment->comment_author );
1063              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->comments, compact( 'comment_content', 'comment_author' ), array( 'comment_ID' => $comment->comment_ID ) );
1064          }
1065      }
1067      // Remove extraneous backslashes.
1068      $links = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT link_id, link_name, link_description FROM $wpdb->links" );
1069      if ( $links ) {
1070          foreach ( $links as $link ) {
1071              $link_name        = deslash( $link->link_name );
1072              $link_description = deslash( $link->link_description );
1074              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->links, compact( 'link_name', 'link_description' ), array( 'link_id' => $link->link_id ) );
1075          }
1076      }
1078      $active_plugins = __get_option( 'active_plugins' );
1080      /*
1081       * If plugins are not stored in an array, they're stored in the old
1082       * newline separated format. Convert to new format.
1083       */
1084      if ( ! is_array( $active_plugins ) ) {
1085          $active_plugins = explode( "\n", trim( $active_plugins ) );
1086          update_option( 'active_plugins', $active_plugins );
1087      }
1089      // Obsolete tables.
1090      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'optionvalues' );
1091      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'optiontypes' );
1092      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'optiongroups' );
1093      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'optiongroup_options' );
1095      // Update comments table to use comment_type.
1096      $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_type='trackback', comment_content = REPLACE(comment_content, '<trackback />', '') WHERE comment_content LIKE '<trackback />%'" );
1097      $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->comments SET comment_type='pingback', comment_content = REPLACE(comment_content, '<pingback />', '') WHERE comment_content LIKE '<pingback />%'" );
1099      // Some versions have multiple duplicate option_name rows with the same values.
1100      $options = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name, COUNT(option_name) AS dupes FROM `$wpdb->options` GROUP BY option_name" );
1101      foreach ( $options as $option ) {
1102          if ( $option->dupes > 1 ) { // Could this be done in the query?
1103              $limit    = $option->dupes - 1;
1104              $dupe_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_id FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT %d", $option->option_name, $limit ) );
1105              if ( $dupe_ids ) {
1106                  $dupe_ids = implode( ',', $dupe_ids );
1107                  $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_id IN ($dupe_ids)" );
1108              }
1109          }
1110      }
1112      make_site_theme();
1113  }
1115  /**
1116   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.0.
1117   *
1118   * @ignore
1119   * @since 2.0.0
1120   *
1121   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1122   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1123   */
1124  function upgrade_160() {
1125      global $wpdb, $wp_current_db_version;
1127      populate_roles_160();
1129      $users = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users" );
1130      foreach ( $users as $user ) :
1131          if ( ! empty( $user->user_firstname ) ) {
1132              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'first_name', wp_slash( $user->user_firstname ) );
1133          }
1134          if ( ! empty( $user->user_lastname ) ) {
1135              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'last_name', wp_slash( $user->user_lastname ) );
1136          }
1137          if ( ! empty( $user->user_nickname ) ) {
1138              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'nickname', wp_slash( $user->user_nickname ) );
1139          }
1140          if ( ! empty( $user->user_level ) ) {
1141              update_user_meta( $user->ID, $wpdb->prefix . 'user_level', $user->user_level );
1142          }
1143          if ( ! empty( $user->user_icq ) ) {
1144              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'icq', wp_slash( $user->user_icq ) );
1145          }
1146          if ( ! empty( $user->user_aim ) ) {
1147              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'aim', wp_slash( $user->user_aim ) );
1148          }
1149          if ( ! empty( $user->user_msn ) ) {
1150              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'msn', wp_slash( $user->user_msn ) );
1151          }
1152          if ( ! empty( $user->user_yim ) ) {
1153              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'yim', wp_slash( $user->user_icq ) );
1154          }
1155          if ( ! empty( $user->user_description ) ) {
1156              update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'description', wp_slash( $user->user_description ) );
1157          }
1159          if ( isset( $user->user_idmode ) ) :
1160              $idmode = $user->user_idmode;
1161              if ( 'nickname' === $idmode ) {
1162                  $id = $user->user_nickname;
1163              }
1164              if ( 'login' === $idmode ) {
1165                  $id = $user->user_login;
1166              }
1167              if ( 'firstname' === $idmode ) {
1168                  $id = $user->user_firstname;
1169              }
1170              if ( 'lastname' === $idmode ) {
1171                  $id = $user->user_lastname;
1172              }
1173              if ( 'namefl' === $idmode ) {
1174                  $id = $user->user_firstname . ' ' . $user->user_lastname;
1175              }
1176              if ( 'namelf' === $idmode ) {
1177                  $id = $user->user_lastname . ' ' . $user->user_firstname;
1178              }
1179              if ( ! $idmode ) {
1180                  $id = $user->user_nickname;
1181              }
1182              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->users, array( 'display_name' => $id ), array( 'ID' => $user->ID ) );
1183          endif;
1185          // FIXME: RESET_CAPS is temporary code to reset roles and caps if flag is set.
1186          $caps = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities' );
1187          if ( empty( $caps ) || defined( 'RESET_CAPS' ) ) {
1188              $level = get_user_meta( $user->ID, $wpdb->prefix . 'user_level', true );
1189              $role  = translate_level_to_role( $level );
1190              update_user_meta( $user->ID, $wpdb->prefix . 'capabilities', array( $role => true ) );
1191          }
1193      endforeach;
1194      $old_user_fields = array( 'user_firstname', 'user_lastname', 'user_icq', 'user_aim', 'user_msn', 'user_yim', 'user_idmode', 'user_ip', 'user_domain', 'user_browser', 'user_description', 'user_nickname', 'user_level' );
1195      $wpdb->hide_errors();
1196      foreach ( $old_user_fields as $old ) {
1197          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->users DROP $old" );
1198      }
1199      $wpdb->show_errors();
1201      // Populate comment_count field of posts table.
1202      $comments = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT comment_post_ID, COUNT(*) as c FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' GROUP BY comment_post_ID" );
1203      if ( is_array( $comments ) ) {
1204          foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
1205              $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, array( 'comment_count' => $comment->c ), array( 'ID' => $comment->comment_post_ID ) );
1206          }
1207      }
1209      /*
1210       * Some alpha versions used a post status of object instead of attachment
1211       * and put the mime type in post_type instead of post_mime_type.
1212       */
1213      if ( $wp_current_db_version > 2541 && $wp_current_db_version <= 3091 ) {
1214          $objects = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_type FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'object'" );
1215          foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
1216              $wpdb->update(
1217                  $wpdb->posts,
1218                  array(
1219                      'post_status'    => 'attachment',
1220                      'post_mime_type' => $object->post_type,
1221                      'post_type'      => '',
1222                  ),
1223                  array( 'ID' => $object->ID )
1224              );
1226              $meta = get_post_meta( $object->ID, 'imagedata', true );
1227              if ( ! empty( $meta['file'] ) ) {
1228                  update_attached_file( $object->ID, $meta['file'] );
1229              }
1230          }
1231      }
1232  }
1234  /**
1235   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.1.
1236   *
1237   * @ignore
1238   * @since 2.1.0
1239   *
1240   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1241   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1242   */
1243  function upgrade_210() {
1244      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1246      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 3506 ) {
1247          // Update status and type.
1248          $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_status FROM $wpdb->posts" );
1250          if ( ! empty( $posts ) ) {
1251              foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
1252                  $status = $post->post_status;
1253                  $type   = 'post';
1255                  if ( 'static' === $status ) {
1256                      $status = 'publish';
1257                      $type   = 'page';
1258                  } elseif ( 'attachment' === $status ) {
1259                      $status = 'inherit';
1260                      $type   = 'attachment';
1261                  }
1263                  $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_status = %s, post_type = %s WHERE ID = %d", $status, $type, $post->ID ) );
1264              }
1265          }
1266      }
1268      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 3845 ) {
1269          populate_roles_210();
1270      }
1272      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 3531 ) {
1273          // Give future posts a post_status of future.
1274          $now = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:59' );
1275          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_status = 'future' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_date_gmt > '$now'" );
1277          $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_date FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status ='future'" );
1278          if ( ! empty( $posts ) ) {
1279              foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
1280                  wp_schedule_single_event( mysql2date( 'U', $post->post_date, false ), 'publish_future_post', array( $post->ID ) );
1281              }
1282          }
1283      }
1284  }
1286  /**
1287   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.3.
1288   *
1289   * @ignore
1290   * @since 2.3.0
1291   *
1292   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1293   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1294   */
1295  function upgrade_230() {
1296      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1298      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 5200 ) {
1299          populate_roles_230();
1300      }
1302      // Convert categories to terms.
1303      $tt_ids     = array();
1304      $have_tags  = false;
1305      $categories = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->categories ORDER BY cat_ID" );
1306      foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
1307          $term_id     = (int) $category->cat_ID;
1308          $name        = $category->cat_name;
1309          $description = $category->category_description;
1310          $slug        = $category->category_nicename;
1311          $parent      = $category->category_parent;
1312          $term_group  = 0;
1314          // Associate terms with the same slug in a term group and make slugs unique.
1315          $exists = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id, term_group FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $slug ) );
1316          if ( $exists ) {
1317              $term_group = $exists[0]->term_group;
1318              $id         = $exists[0]->term_id;
1319              $num        = 2;
1320              do {
1321                  $alt_slug = $slug . "-$num";
1322                  ++$num;
1323                  $slug_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT slug FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $alt_slug ) );
1324              } while ( $slug_check );
1326              $slug = $alt_slug;
1328              if ( empty( $term_group ) ) {
1329                  $term_group = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT MAX(term_group) FROM $wpdb->terms GROUP BY term_group" ) + 1;
1330                  $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE $wpdb->terms SET term_group = %d WHERE term_id = %d", $term_group, $id ) );
1331              }
1332          }
1334          $wpdb->query(
1335              $wpdb->prepare(
1336                  "INSERT INTO $wpdb->terms (term_id, name, slug, term_group) VALUES
1337          (%d, %s, %s, %d)",
1338                  $term_id,
1339                  $name,
1340                  $slug,
1341                  $term_group
1342              )
1343          );
1345          $count = 0;
1346          if ( ! empty( $category->category_count ) ) {
1347              $count    = (int) $category->category_count;
1348              $taxonomy = 'category';
1349              $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, %d, %d)", $term_id, $taxonomy, $description, $parent, $count ) );
1350              $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1351          }
1353          if ( ! empty( $category->link_count ) ) {
1354              $count    = (int) $category->link_count;
1355              $taxonomy = 'link_category';
1356              $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent, count) VALUES ( %d, %s, %s, %d, %d)", $term_id, $taxonomy, $description, $parent, $count ) );
1357              $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1358          }
1360          if ( ! empty( $category->tag_count ) ) {
1361              $have_tags = true;
1362              $count     = (int) $category->tag_count;
1363              $taxonomy  = 'post_tag';
1364              $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count' ) );
1365              $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1366          }
1368          if ( empty( $count ) ) {
1369              $count    = 0;
1370              $taxonomy = 'category';
1371              $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'term_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count' ) );
1372              $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1373          }
1374      }
1376      $select = 'post_id, category_id';
1377      if ( $have_tags ) {
1378          $select .= ', rel_type';
1379      }
1381      $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT $select FROM $wpdb->post2cat GROUP BY post_id, category_id" );
1382      foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
1383          $post_id  = (int) $post->post_id;
1384          $term_id  = (int) $post->category_id;
1385          $taxonomy = 'category';
1386          if ( ! empty( $post->rel_type ) && 'tag' === $post->rel_type ) {
1387              $taxonomy = 'tag';
1388          }
1389          $tt_id = $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ];
1390          if ( empty( $tt_id ) ) {
1391              continue;
1392          }
1394          $wpdb->insert(
1395              $wpdb->term_relationships,
1396              array(
1397                  'object_id'        => $post_id,
1398                  'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id,
1399              )
1400          );
1401      }
1403      // < 3570 we used linkcategories. >= 3570 we used categories and link2cat.
1404      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 3570 ) {
1405          /*
1406           * Create link_category terms for link categories. Create a map of link
1407           * category IDs to link_category terms.
1408           */
1409          $link_cat_id_map  = array();
1410          $default_link_cat = 0;
1411          $tt_ids           = array();
1412          $link_cats        = $wpdb->get_results( 'SELECT cat_id, cat_name FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'linkcategories' );
1413          foreach ( $link_cats as $category ) {
1414              $cat_id     = (int) $category->cat_id;
1415              $term_id    = 0;
1416              $name       = wp_slash( $category->cat_name );
1417              $slug       = sanitize_title( $name );
1418              $term_group = 0;
1420              // Associate terms with the same slug in a term group and make slugs unique.
1421              $exists = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term_id, term_group FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE slug = %s", $slug ) );
1422              if ( $exists ) {
1423                  $term_group = $exists[0]->term_group;
1424                  $term_id    = $exists[0]->term_id;
1425              }
1427              if ( empty( $term_id ) ) {
1428                  $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, compact( 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ) );
1429                  $term_id = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1430              }
1432              $link_cat_id_map[ $cat_id ] = $term_id;
1433              $default_link_cat           = $term_id;
1435              $wpdb->insert(
1436                  $wpdb->term_taxonomy,
1437                  array(
1438                      'term_id'     => $term_id,
1439                      'taxonomy'    => 'link_category',
1440                      'description' => '',
1441                      'parent'      => 0,
1442                      'count'       => 0,
1443                  )
1444              );
1445              $tt_ids[ $term_id ] = (int) $wpdb->insert_id;
1446          }
1448          // Associate links to categories.
1449          $links = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT link_id, link_category FROM $wpdb->links" );
1450          if ( ! empty( $links ) ) {
1451              foreach ( $links as $link ) {
1452                  if ( 0 === (int) $link->link_category ) {
1453                      continue;
1454                  }
1455                  if ( ! isset( $link_cat_id_map[ $link->link_category ] ) ) {
1456                      continue;
1457                  }
1458                  $term_id = $link_cat_id_map[ $link->link_category ];
1459                  $tt_id   = $tt_ids[ $term_id ];
1460                  if ( empty( $tt_id ) ) {
1461                      continue;
1462                  }
1464                  $wpdb->insert(
1465                      $wpdb->term_relationships,
1466                      array(
1467                          'object_id'        => $link->link_id,
1468                          'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id,
1469                      )
1470                  );
1471              }
1472          }
1474          // Set default to the last category we grabbed during the upgrade loop.
1475          update_option( 'default_link_category', $default_link_cat );
1476      } else {
1477          $links = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT link_id, category_id FROM $wpdb->link2cat GROUP BY link_id, category_id" );
1478          foreach ( $links as $link ) {
1479              $link_id  = (int) $link->link_id;
1480              $term_id  = (int) $link->category_id;
1481              $taxonomy = 'link_category';
1482              $tt_id    = $tt_ids[ $term_id ][ $taxonomy ];
1483              if ( empty( $tt_id ) ) {
1484                  continue;
1485              }
1486              $wpdb->insert(
1487                  $wpdb->term_relationships,
1488                  array(
1489                      'object_id'        => $link_id,
1490                      'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id,
1491                  )
1492              );
1493          }
1494      }
1496      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 4772 ) {
1497          // Obsolete linkcategories table.
1498          $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'linkcategories' );
1499      }
1501      // Recalculate all counts.
1502      $terms = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id, taxonomy FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy" );
1503      foreach ( (array) $terms as $term ) {
1504          if ( 'post_tag' === $term->taxonomy || 'category' === $term->taxonomy ) {
1505              $count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships, $wpdb->posts WHERE $wpdb->posts.ID = $wpdb->term_relationships.object_id AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term->term_taxonomy_id ) );
1506          } else {
1507              $count = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $term->term_taxonomy_id ) );
1508          }
1509          $wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'count' => $count ), array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term->term_taxonomy_id ) );
1510      }
1511  }
1513  /**
1514   * Remove old options from the database.
1515   *
1516   * @ignore
1517   * @since 2.3.0
1518   *
1519   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
1520   */
1521  function upgrade_230_options_table() {
1522      global $wpdb;
1523      $old_options_fields = array( 'option_can_override', 'option_type', 'option_width', 'option_height', 'option_description', 'option_admin_level' );
1524      $wpdb->hide_errors();
1525      foreach ( $old_options_fields as $old ) {
1526          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->options DROP $old" );
1527      }
1528      $wpdb->show_errors();
1529  }
1531  /**
1532   * Remove old categories, link2cat, and post2cat database tables.
1533   *
1534   * @ignore
1535   * @since 2.3.0
1536   *
1537   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
1538   */
1539  function upgrade_230_old_tables() {
1540      global $wpdb;
1541      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'categories' );
1542      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'link2cat' );
1543      $wpdb->query( 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'post2cat' );
1544  }
1546  /**
1547   * Upgrade old slugs made in version 2.2.
1548   *
1549   * @ignore
1550   * @since 2.2.0
1551   *
1552   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
1553   */
1554  function upgrade_old_slugs() {
1555      // Upgrade people who were using the Redirect Old Slugs plugin.
1556      global $wpdb;
1557      $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->postmeta SET meta_key = '_wp_old_slug' WHERE meta_key = 'old_slug'" );
1558  }
1560  /**
1561   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.5.0.
1562   *
1563   * @ignore
1564   * @since 2.5.0
1565   *
1566   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1567   */
1568  function upgrade_250() {
1569      global $wp_current_db_version;
1571      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 6689 ) {
1572          populate_roles_250();
1573      }
1574  }
1576  /**
1577   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.5.2.
1578   *
1579   * @ignore
1580   * @since 2.5.2
1581   *
1582   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
1583   */
1584  function upgrade_252() {
1585      global $wpdb;
1587      $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->users SET user_activation_key = ''" );
1588  }
1590  /**
1591   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.6.
1592   *
1593   * @ignore
1594   * @since 2.6.0
1595   *
1596   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1597   */
1598  function upgrade_260() {
1599      global $wp_current_db_version;
1601      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 8000 ) {
1602          populate_roles_260();
1603      }
1604  }
1606  /**
1607   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.7.
1608   *
1609   * @ignore
1610   * @since 2.7.0
1611   *
1612   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1613   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1614   */
1615  function upgrade_270() {
1616      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1618      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 8980 ) {
1619          populate_roles_270();
1620      }
1622      // Update post_date for unpublished posts with empty timestamp.
1623      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 8921 ) {
1624          $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->posts SET post_date = post_modified WHERE post_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'" );
1625      }
1626  }
1628  /**
1629   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.8.
1630   *
1631   * @ignore
1632   * @since 2.8.0
1633   *
1634   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1635   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1636   */
1637  function upgrade_280() {
1638      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1640      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 10360 ) {
1641          populate_roles_280();
1642      }
1643      if ( is_multisite() ) {
1644          $start = 0;
1645          while ( $rows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options ORDER BY option_id LIMIT $start, 20" ) ) {
1646              foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
1647                  $value = maybe_unserialize( $row->option_value );
1648                  if ( $value === $row->option_value ) {
1649                      $value = stripslashes( $value );
1650                  }
1651                  if ( $value !== $row->option_value ) {
1652                      update_option( $row->option_name, $value );
1653                  }
1654              }
1655              $start += 20;
1656          }
1657          clean_blog_cache( get_current_blog_id() );
1658      }
1659  }
1661  /**
1662   * Execute changes made in WordPress 2.9.
1663   *
1664   * @ignore
1665   * @since 2.9.0
1666   *
1667   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1668   */
1669  function upgrade_290() {
1670      global $wp_current_db_version;
1672      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 11958 ) {
1673          /*
1674           * Previously, setting depth to 1 would redundantly disable threading,
1675           * but now 2 is the minimum depth to avoid confusion.
1676           */
1677          if ( 1 === (int) get_option( 'thread_comments_depth' ) ) {
1678              update_option( 'thread_comments_depth', 2 );
1679              update_option( 'thread_comments', 0 );
1680          }
1681      }
1682  }
1684  /**
1685   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.0.
1686   *
1687   * @ignore
1688   * @since 3.0.0
1689   *
1690   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1691   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1692   */
1693  function upgrade_300() {
1694      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1696      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 15093 ) {
1697          populate_roles_300();
1698      }
1700      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 14139 && is_multisite() && is_main_site() && ! defined( 'MULTISITE' ) && get_site_option( 'siteurl' ) === false ) {
1701          add_site_option( 'siteurl', '' );
1702      }
1704      // 3.0 screen options key name changes.
1705      if ( wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
1706          $sql    = "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta
1707              WHERE meta_key LIKE %s
1708              OR meta_key LIKE %s
1709              OR meta_key LIKE %s
1710              OR meta_key LIKE %s
1711              OR meta_key LIKE %s
1712              OR meta_key LIKE %s
1713              OR meta_key = 'manageedittagscolumnshidden'
1714              OR meta_key = 'managecategoriescolumnshidden'
1715              OR meta_key = 'manageedit-tagscolumnshidden'
1716              OR meta_key = 'manageeditcolumnshidden'
1717              OR meta_key = 'categories_per_page'
1718              OR meta_key = 'edit_tags_per_page'";
1719          $prefix = $wpdb->esc_like( $wpdb->base_prefix );
1720          $wpdb->query(
1721              $wpdb->prepare(
1722                  $sql,
1723                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'meta-box-hidden' ) . '%',
1724                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'closedpostboxes' ) . '%',
1725                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'manage-' ) . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( '-columns-hidden' ) . '%',
1726                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'meta-box-order' ) . '%',
1727                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'metaboxorder' ) . '%',
1728                  $prefix . '%' . $wpdb->esc_like( 'screen_layout' ) . '%'
1729              )
1730          );
1731      }
1732  }
1734  /**
1735   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.3.
1736   *
1737   * @ignore
1738   * @since 3.3.0
1739   *
1740   * @global int   $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1741   * @global wpdb  $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1742   * @global array $wp_registered_widgets
1743   * @global array $sidebars_widgets
1744   */
1745  function upgrade_330() {
1746      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb, $wp_registered_widgets, $sidebars_widgets;
1748      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19061 && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
1749          $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key IN ('show_admin_bar_admin', 'plugins_last_view')" );
1750      }
1752      if ( $wp_current_db_version >= 11548 ) {
1753          return;
1754      }
1756      $sidebars_widgets  = get_option( 'sidebars_widgets', array() );
1757      $_sidebars_widgets = array();
1759      if ( isset( $sidebars_widgets['wp_inactive_widgets'] ) || empty( $sidebars_widgets ) ) {
1760          $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] = 3;
1761      } elseif ( ! isset( $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] ) ) {
1762          $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] = 1;
1763      }
1765      switch ( $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] ) {
1766          case 1:
1767              foreach ( (array) $sidebars_widgets as $index => $sidebar ) {
1768                  if ( is_array( $sidebar ) ) {
1769                      foreach ( (array) $sidebar as $i => $name ) {
1770                          $id = strtolower( $name );
1771                          if ( isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $id ] ) ) {
1772                              $_sidebars_widgets[ $index ][ $i ] = $id;
1773                              continue;
1774                          }
1776                          $id = sanitize_title( $name );
1777                          if ( isset( $wp_registered_widgets[ $id ] ) ) {
1778                              $_sidebars_widgets[ $index ][ $i ] = $id;
1779                              continue;
1780                          }
1782                          $found = false;
1784                          foreach ( $wp_registered_widgets as $widget_id => $widget ) {
1785                              if ( strtolower( $widget['name'] ) === strtolower( $name ) ) {
1786                                  $_sidebars_widgets[ $index ][ $i ] = $widget['id'];
1788                                  $found = true;
1789                                  break;
1790                              } elseif ( sanitize_title( $widget['name'] ) === sanitize_title( $name ) ) {
1791                                  $_sidebars_widgets[ $index ][ $i ] = $widget['id'];
1793                                  $found = true;
1794                                  break;
1795                              }
1796                          }
1798                          if ( $found ) {
1799                              continue;
1800                          }
1802                          unset( $_sidebars_widgets[ $index ][ $i ] );
1803                      }
1804                  }
1805              }
1806              $_sidebars_widgets['array_version'] = 2;
1807              $sidebars_widgets                   = $_sidebars_widgets;
1808              unset( $_sidebars_widgets );
1810              // Intentional fall-through to upgrade to the next version.
1811          case 2:
1812              $sidebars_widgets                  = retrieve_widgets();
1813              $sidebars_widgets['array_version'] = 3;
1814              update_option( 'sidebars_widgets', $sidebars_widgets );
1815      }
1816  }
1818  /**
1819   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.4.
1820   *
1821   * @ignore
1822   * @since 3.4.0
1823   *
1824   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1825   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1826   */
1827  function upgrade_340() {
1828      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1830      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19798 ) {
1831          $wpdb->hide_errors();
1832          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->options DROP COLUMN blog_id" );
1833          $wpdb->show_errors();
1834      }
1836      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19799 ) {
1837          $wpdb->hide_errors();
1838          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->comments DROP INDEX comment_approved" );
1839          $wpdb->show_errors();
1840      }
1842      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 20022 && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
1843          $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'themes_last_view'" );
1844      }
1846      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 20080 ) {
1847          if ( 'yes' === $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT autoload FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = 'uninstall_plugins'" ) ) {
1848              $uninstall_plugins = get_option( 'uninstall_plugins' );
1849              delete_option( 'uninstall_plugins' );
1850              add_option( 'uninstall_plugins', $uninstall_plugins, null, false );
1851          }
1852      }
1853  }
1855  /**
1856   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.5.
1857   *
1858   * @ignore
1859   * @since 3.5.0
1860   *
1861   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1862   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1863   */
1864  function upgrade_350() {
1865      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1867      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 22006 && $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT link_id FROM $wpdb->links LIMIT 1" ) ) {
1868          update_option( 'link_manager_enabled', 1 ); // Previously set to 0 by populate_options().
1869      }
1871      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 21811 && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
1872          $meta_keys = array();
1873          foreach ( array_merge( get_post_types(), get_taxonomies() ) as $name ) {
1874              if ( str_contains( $name, '-' ) ) {
1875                  $meta_keys[] = 'edit_' . str_replace( '-', '_', $name ) . '_per_page';
1876              }
1877          }
1878          if ( $meta_keys ) {
1879              $meta_keys = implode( "', '", $meta_keys );
1880              $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->usermeta WHERE meta_key IN ('$meta_keys')" );
1881          }
1882      }
1884      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 22422 ) {
1885          $term = get_term_by( 'slug', 'post-format-standard', 'post_format' );
1886          if ( $term ) {
1887              wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, 'post_format' );
1888          }
1889      }
1890  }
1892  /**
1893   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.7.
1894   *
1895   * @ignore
1896   * @since 3.7.0
1897   *
1898   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1899   */
1900  function upgrade_370() {
1901      global $wp_current_db_version;
1903      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25824 ) {
1904          wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_auto_updates_maybe_update' );
1905      }
1906  }
1908  /**
1909   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.7.2.
1910   *
1911   * @ignore
1912   * @since 3.7.2
1913   *
1914   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1915   */
1916  function upgrade_372() {
1917      global $wp_current_db_version;
1919      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 26148 ) {
1920          wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_maybe_auto_update' );
1921      }
1922  }
1924  /**
1925   * Execute changes made in WordPress 3.8.0.
1926   *
1927   * @ignore
1928   * @since 3.8.0
1929   *
1930   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1931   */
1932  function upgrade_380() {
1933      global $wp_current_db_version;
1935      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 26691 ) {
1936          deactivate_plugins( array( 'mp6/mp6.php' ), true );
1937      }
1938  }
1940  /**
1941   * Execute changes made in WordPress 4.0.0.
1942   *
1943   * @ignore
1944   * @since 4.0.0
1945   *
1946   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1947   */
1948  function upgrade_400() {
1949      global $wp_current_db_version;
1951      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 29630 ) {
1952          if ( ! is_multisite() && false === get_option( 'WPLANG' ) ) {
1953              if ( defined( 'WPLANG' ) && ( '' !== WPLANG ) && in_array( WPLANG, get_available_languages(), true ) ) {
1954                  update_option( 'WPLANG', WPLANG );
1955              } else {
1956                  update_option( 'WPLANG', '' );
1957              }
1958          }
1959      }
1960  }
1962  /**
1963   * Execute changes made in WordPress 4.2.0.
1964   *
1965   * @ignore
1966   * @since 4.2.0
1967   */
1968  function upgrade_420() {}
1970  /**
1971   * Executes changes made in WordPress 4.3.0.
1972   *
1973   * @ignore
1974   * @since 4.3.0
1975   *
1976   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
1977   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
1978   */
1979  function upgrade_430() {
1980      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
1982      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 32364 ) {
1983          upgrade_430_fix_comments();
1984      }
1986      // Shared terms are split in a separate process.
1987      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 32814 ) {
1988          update_option( 'finished_splitting_shared_terms', 0 );
1989          wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( 1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ), 'wp_split_shared_term_batch' );
1990      }
1992      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 33055 && 'utf8mb4' === $wpdb->charset ) {
1993          if ( is_multisite() ) {
1994              $tables = $wpdb->tables( 'blog' );
1995          } else {
1996              $tables = $wpdb->tables( 'all' );
1997              if ( ! wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
1998                  $global_tables = $wpdb->tables( 'global' );
1999                  $tables        = array_diff_assoc( $tables, $global_tables );
2000              }
2001          }
2003          foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
2004              maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4( $table );
2005          }
2006      }
2007  }
2009  /**
2010   * Executes comments changes made in WordPress 4.3.0.
2011   *
2012   * @ignore
2013   * @since 4.3.0
2014   *
2015   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2016   */
2017  function upgrade_430_fix_comments() {
2018      global $wpdb;
2020      $content_length = $wpdb->get_col_length( $wpdb->comments, 'comment_content' );
2022      if ( is_wp_error( $content_length ) ) {
2023          return;
2024      }
2026      if ( false === $content_length ) {
2027          $content_length = array(
2028              'type'   => 'byte',
2029              'length' => 65535,
2030          );
2031      } elseif ( ! is_array( $content_length ) ) {
2032          $length         = (int) $content_length > 0 ? (int) $content_length : 65535;
2033          $content_length = array(
2034              'type'   => 'byte',
2035              'length' => $length,
2036          );
2037      }
2039      if ( 'byte' !== $content_length['type'] || 0 === $content_length['length'] ) {
2040          // Sites with malformed DB schemas are on their own.
2041          return;
2042      }
2044      $allowed_length = (int) $content_length['length'] - 10;
2046      $comments = $wpdb->get_results(
2047          "SELECT `comment_ID` FROM `{$wpdb->comments}`
2048              WHERE `comment_date_gmt` > '2015-04-26'
2049              AND LENGTH( `comment_content` ) >= {$allowed_length}
2050              AND ( `comment_content` LIKE '%<%' OR `comment_content` LIKE '%>%' )"
2051      );
2053      foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
2054          wp_delete_comment( $comment->comment_ID, true );
2055      }
2056  }
2058  /**
2059   * Executes changes made in WordPress 4.3.1.
2060   *
2061   * @ignore
2062   * @since 4.3.1
2063   */
2064  function upgrade_431() {
2065      // Fix incorrect cron entries for term splitting.
2066      $cron_array = _get_cron_array();
2067      if ( isset( $cron_array['wp_batch_split_terms'] ) ) {
2068          unset( $cron_array['wp_batch_split_terms'] );
2069          _set_cron_array( $cron_array );
2070      }
2071  }
2073  /**
2074   * Executes changes made in WordPress 4.4.0.
2075   *
2076   * @ignore
2077   * @since 4.4.0
2078   *
2079   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2080   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
2081   */
2082  function upgrade_440() {
2083      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
2085      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 34030 ) {
2086          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->options} MODIFY option_name VARCHAR(191)" );
2087      }
2089      // Remove the unused 'add_users' role.
2090      $roles = wp_roles();
2091      foreach ( $roles->role_objects as $role ) {
2092          if ( $role->has_cap( 'add_users' ) ) {
2093              $role->remove_cap( 'add_users' );
2094          }
2095      }
2096  }
2098  /**
2099   * Executes changes made in WordPress 4.5.0.
2100   *
2101   * @ignore
2102   * @since 4.5.0
2103   *
2104   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2105   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
2106   */
2107  function upgrade_450() {
2108      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
2110      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 36180 ) {
2111          wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_maybe_auto_update' );
2112      }
2114      // Remove unused email confirmation options, moved to usermeta.
2115      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 36679 && is_multisite() ) {
2116          $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name REGEXP '^[0-9]+_new_email$'" );
2117      }
2119      // Remove unused user setting for wpLink.
2120      delete_user_setting( 'wplink' );
2121  }
2123  /**
2124   * Executes changes made in WordPress 4.6.0.
2125   *
2126   * @ignore
2127   * @since 4.6.0
2128   *
2129   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2130   */
2131  function upgrade_460() {
2132      global $wp_current_db_version;
2134      // Remove unused post meta.
2135      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 37854 ) {
2136          delete_post_meta_by_key( '_post_restored_from' );
2137      }
2139      // Remove plugins with callback as an array object/method as the uninstall hook, see #13786.
2140      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 37965 ) {
2141          $uninstall_plugins = get_option( 'uninstall_plugins', array() );
2143          if ( ! empty( $uninstall_plugins ) ) {
2144              foreach ( $uninstall_plugins as $basename => $callback ) {
2145                  if ( is_array( $callback ) && is_object( $callback[0] ) ) {
2146                      unset( $uninstall_plugins[ $basename ] );
2147                  }
2148              }
2150              update_option( 'uninstall_plugins', $uninstall_plugins );
2151          }
2152      }
2153  }
2155  /**
2156   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.0.0.
2157   *
2158   * @ignore
2159   * @since 5.0.0
2160   * @deprecated 5.1.0
2161   */
2162  function upgrade_500() {
2163  }
2165  /**
2166   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.1.0.
2167   *
2168   * @ignore
2169   * @since 5.1.0
2170   */
2171  function upgrade_510() {
2172      delete_site_option( 'upgrade_500_was_gutenberg_active' );
2173  }
2175  /**
2176   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.3.0.
2177   *
2178   * @ignore
2179   * @since 5.3.0
2180   */
2181  function upgrade_530() {
2182      /*
2183       * The `admin_email_lifespan` option may have been set by an admin that just logged in,
2184       * saw the verification screen, clicked on a button there, and is now upgrading the db,
2185       * or by populate_options() that is called earlier in upgrade_all().
2186       * In the second case `admin_email_lifespan` should be reset so the verification screen
2187       * is shown next time an admin logs in.
2188       */
2189      if ( function_exists( 'current_user_can' ) && ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
2190          update_option( 'admin_email_lifespan', 0 );
2191      }
2192  }
2194  /**
2195   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.5.0.
2196   *
2197   * @ignore
2198   * @since 5.5.0
2199   *
2200   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2201   */
2202  function upgrade_550() {
2203      global $wp_current_db_version;
2205      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 48121 ) {
2206          $comment_previously_approved = get_option( 'comment_whitelist', '' );
2207          update_option( 'comment_previously_approved', $comment_previously_approved );
2208          delete_option( 'comment_whitelist' );
2209      }
2211      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 48575 ) {
2212          // Use more clear and inclusive language.
2213          $disallowed_list = get_option( 'blacklist_keys' );
2215          /*
2216           * This option key was briefly renamed `blocklist_keys`.
2217           * Account for sites that have this key present when the original key does not exist.
2218           */
2219          if ( false === $disallowed_list ) {
2220              $disallowed_list = get_option( 'blocklist_keys' );
2221          }
2223          update_option( 'disallowed_keys', $disallowed_list );
2224          delete_option( 'blacklist_keys' );
2225          delete_option( 'blocklist_keys' );
2226      }
2228      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 48748 ) {
2229          update_option( 'finished_updating_comment_type', 0 );
2230          wp_schedule_single_event( time() + ( 1 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS ), 'wp_update_comment_type_batch' );
2231      }
2232  }
2234  /**
2235   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.6.0.
2236   *
2237   * @ignore
2238   * @since 5.6.0
2239   *
2240   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2241   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
2242   */
2243  function upgrade_560() {
2244      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
2246      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 49572 ) {
2247          /*
2248           * Clean up the `post_category` column removed from schema in version 2.8.0.
2249           * Its presence may conflict with `WP_Post::__get()`.
2250           */
2251          $post_category_exists = $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $wpdb->posts LIKE 'post_category'" );
2252          if ( ! is_null( $post_category_exists ) ) {
2253              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts DROP COLUMN `post_category`" );
2254          }
2256          /*
2257           * When upgrading from WP < 5.6.0 set the core major auto-updates option to `unset` by default.
2258           * This overrides the same option from populate_options() that is intended for new installs.
2259           * See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/51742.
2260           */
2261          update_option( 'auto_update_core_major', 'unset' );
2262      }
2264      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 49632 ) {
2265          /*
2266           * Regenerate the .htaccess file to add the `HTTP_AUTHORIZATION` rewrite rule.
2267           * See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/51723.
2268           */
2269          save_mod_rewrite_rules();
2270      }
2272      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 49735 ) {
2273          delete_transient( 'dirsize_cache' );
2274      }
2276      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 49752 ) {
2277          $results = $wpdb->get_results(
2278              $wpdb->prepare(
2279                  "SELECT 1 FROM {$wpdb->usermeta} WHERE meta_key = %s LIMIT 1",
2280                  WP_Application_Passwords::USERMETA_KEY_APPLICATION_PASSWORDS
2281              )
2282          );
2284          if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
2285              $network_id = get_main_network_id();
2286              update_network_option( $network_id, WP_Application_Passwords::OPTION_KEY_IN_USE, 1 );
2287          }
2288      }
2289  }
2291  /**
2292   * Executes changes made in WordPress 5.9.0.
2293   *
2294   * @ignore
2295   * @since 5.9.0
2296   *
2297   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2298   */
2299  function upgrade_590() {
2300      global $wp_current_db_version;
2302      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 51917 ) {
2303          $crons = _get_cron_array();
2305          if ( $crons && is_array( $crons ) ) {
2306              // Remove errant `false` values, see #53950, #54906.
2307              $crons = array_filter( $crons );
2308              _set_cron_array( $crons );
2309          }
2310      }
2311  }
2313  /**
2314   * Executes changes made in WordPress 6.0.0.
2315   *
2316   * @ignore
2317   * @since 6.0.0
2318   *
2319   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2320   */
2321  function upgrade_600() {
2322      global $wp_current_db_version;
2324      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 53011 ) {
2325          wp_update_user_counts();
2326      }
2327  }
2329  /**
2330   * Executes changes made in WordPress 6.3.0.
2331   *
2332   * @ignore
2333   * @since 6.3.0
2334   *
2335   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2336   */
2337  function upgrade_630() {
2338      global $wp_current_db_version;
2340      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 55853 ) {
2341          if ( ! is_multisite() ) {
2342              // Replace non-autoload option can_compress_scripts with autoload option, see #55270
2343              $can_compress_scripts = get_option( 'can_compress_scripts', false );
2344              if ( false !== $can_compress_scripts ) {
2345                  delete_option( 'can_compress_scripts' );
2346                  add_option( 'can_compress_scripts', $can_compress_scripts, '', true );
2347              }
2348          }
2349      }
2350  }
2352  /**
2353   * Executes changes made in WordPress 6.4.0.
2354   *
2355   * @ignore
2356   * @since 6.4.0
2357   *
2358   * @global int $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2359   */
2360  function upgrade_640() {
2361      global $wp_current_db_version;
2363      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 56657 ) {
2364          // Enable attachment pages.
2365          update_option( 'wp_attachment_pages_enabled', 1 );
2367          // Remove the wp_https_detection cron. Https status is checked directly in an async Site Health check.
2368          $scheduled = wp_get_scheduled_event( 'wp_https_detection' );
2369          if ( $scheduled ) {
2370              wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_https_detection' );
2371          }
2372      }
2373  }
2375  /**
2376   * Executes changes made in WordPress 6.5.0.
2377   *
2378   * @ignore
2379   * @since 6.5.0
2380   *
2381   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2382   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
2383   */
2384  function upgrade_650() {
2385      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
2387      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 57155 ) {
2388          $stylesheet = get_stylesheet();
2390          // Set autoload=no for all themes except the current one.
2391          $theme_mods_options = $wpdb->get_col(
2392              $wpdb->prepare(
2393                  "SELECT option_name FROM $wpdb->options WHERE autoload = 'yes' AND option_name != %s AND option_name LIKE %s",
2394                  "theme_mods_$stylesheet",
2395                  $wpdb->esc_like( 'theme_mods_' ) . '%'
2396              )
2397          );
2399          $autoload = array_fill_keys( $theme_mods_options, false );
2400          wp_set_option_autoload_values( $autoload );
2401      }
2402  }
2403  /**
2404   * Executes changes made in WordPress 6.7.0.
2405   *
2406   * @ignore
2407   * @since 6.7.0
2408   *
2409   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2410   */
2411  function upgrade_670() {
2412      global $wp_current_db_version;
2414      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 58975 ) {
2415          $options = array(
2416              'recently_activated',
2417              '_wp_suggested_policy_text_has_changed',
2418              'dashboard_widget_options',
2419              'ftp_credentials',
2420              'adminhash',
2421              'nav_menu_options',
2422              'wp_force_deactivated_plugins',
2423              'delete_blog_hash',
2424              'allowedthemes',
2425              'recovery_keys',
2426              'https_detection_errors',
2427              'fresh_site',
2428          );
2430          wp_set_options_autoload( $options, false );
2431      }
2432  }
2433  /**
2434   * Executes network-level upgrade routines.
2435   *
2436   * @since 3.0.0
2437   *
2438   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
2439   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
2440   */
2441  function upgrade_network() {
2442      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
2444      // Always clear expired transients.
2445      delete_expired_transients( true );
2447      // 2.8.0
2448      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 11549 ) {
2449          $wpmu_sitewide_plugins   = get_site_option( 'wpmu_sitewide_plugins' );
2450          $active_sitewide_plugins = get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins' );
2451          if ( $wpmu_sitewide_plugins ) {
2452              if ( ! $active_sitewide_plugins ) {
2453                  $sitewide_plugins = (array) $wpmu_sitewide_plugins;
2454              } else {
2455                  $sitewide_plugins = array_merge( (array) $active_sitewide_plugins, (array) $wpmu_sitewide_plugins );
2456              }
2458              update_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', $sitewide_plugins );
2459          }
2460          delete_site_option( 'wpmu_sitewide_plugins' );
2461          delete_site_option( 'deactivated_sitewide_plugins' );
2463          $start = 0;
2464          while ( $rows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT meta_key, meta_value FROM {$wpdb->sitemeta} ORDER BY meta_id LIMIT $start, 20" ) ) {
2465              foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
2466                  $value = $row->meta_value;
2467                  if ( ! @unserialize( $value ) ) {
2468                      $value = stripslashes( $value );
2469                  }
2470                  if ( $value !== $row->meta_value ) {
2471                      update_site_option( $row->meta_key, $value );
2472                  }
2473              }
2474              $start += 20;
2475          }
2476      }
2478      // 3.0.0
2479      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 13576 ) {
2480          update_site_option( 'global_terms_enabled', '1' );
2481      }
2483      // 3.3.0
2484      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19390 ) {
2485          update_site_option( 'initial_db_version', $wp_current_db_version );
2486      }
2488      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 19470 ) {
2489          if ( false === get_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins' ) ) {
2490              update_site_option( 'active_sitewide_plugins', array() );
2491          }
2492      }
2494      // 3.4.0
2495      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 20148 ) {
2496          // 'allowedthemes' keys things by stylesheet. 'allowed_themes' keyed things by name.
2497          $allowedthemes  = get_site_option( 'allowedthemes' );
2498          $allowed_themes = get_site_option( 'allowed_themes' );
2499          if ( false === $allowedthemes && is_array( $allowed_themes ) && $allowed_themes ) {
2500              $converted = array();
2501              $themes    = wp_get_themes();
2502              foreach ( $themes as $stylesheet => $theme_data ) {
2503                  if ( isset( $allowed_themes[ $theme_data->get( 'Name' ) ] ) ) {
2504                      $converted[ $stylesheet ] = true;
2505                  }
2506              }
2507              update_site_option( 'allowedthemes', $converted );
2508              delete_site_option( 'allowed_themes' );
2509          }
2510      }
2512      // 3.5.0
2513      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 21823 ) {
2514          update_site_option( 'ms_files_rewriting', '1' );
2515      }
2517      // 3.5.2
2518      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 24448 ) {
2519          $illegal_names = get_site_option( 'illegal_names' );
2520          if ( is_array( $illegal_names ) && count( $illegal_names ) === 1 ) {
2521              $illegal_name  = reset( $illegal_names );
2522              $illegal_names = explode( ' ', $illegal_name );
2523              update_site_option( 'illegal_names', $illegal_names );
2524          }
2525      }
2527      // 4.2.0
2528      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 31351 && 'utf8mb4' === $wpdb->charset ) {
2529          if ( wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
2530              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->usermeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
2531              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->site DROP INDEX domain, ADD INDEX domain(domain(140),path(51))" );
2532              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->sitemeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
2533              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->signups DROP INDEX domain_path, ADD INDEX domain_path(domain(140),path(51))" );
2535              $tables = $wpdb->tables( 'global' );
2537              // sitecategories may not exist.
2538              if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$tables['sitecategories']}'" ) ) {
2539                  unset( $tables['sitecategories'] );
2540              }
2542              foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
2543                  maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4( $table );
2544              }
2545          }
2546      }
2548      // 4.3.0
2549      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 33055 && 'utf8mb4' === $wpdb->charset ) {
2550          if ( wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
2551              $upgrade = false;
2552              $indexes = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW INDEXES FROM $wpdb->signups" );
2553              foreach ( $indexes as $index ) {
2554                  if ( 'domain_path' === $index->Key_name && 'domain' === $index->Column_name && '140' !== $index->Sub_part ) {
2555                      $upgrade = true;
2556                      break;
2557                  }
2558              }
2560              if ( $upgrade ) {
2561                  $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->signups DROP INDEX domain_path, ADD INDEX domain_path(domain(140),path(51))" );
2562              }
2564              $tables = $wpdb->tables( 'global' );
2566              // sitecategories may not exist.
2567              if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$tables['sitecategories']}'" ) ) {
2568                  unset( $tables['sitecategories'] );
2569              }
2571              foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
2572                  maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4( $table );
2573              }
2574          }
2575      }
2577      // 5.1.0
2578      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 44467 ) {
2579          $network_id = get_main_network_id();
2580          delete_network_option( $network_id, 'site_meta_supported' );
2581          is_site_meta_supported();
2582      }
2583  }
2585  //
2586  // General functions we use to actually do stuff.
2587  //
2589  /**
2590   * Creates a table in the database, if it doesn't already exist.
2591   *
2592   * This method checks for an existing database table and creates a new one if it's not
2593   * already present. It doesn't rely on MySQL's "IF NOT EXISTS" statement, but chooses
2594   * to query all tables first and then run the SQL statement creating the table.
2595   *
2596   * @since 1.0.0
2597   *
2598   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2599   *
2600   * @param string $table_name Database table name.
2601   * @param string $create_ddl SQL statement to create table.
2602   * @return bool True on success or if the table already exists. False on failure.
2603   */
2604  function maybe_create_table( $table_name, $create_ddl ) {
2605      global $wpdb;
2607      $query = $wpdb->prepare( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE %s', $wpdb->esc_like( $table_name ) );
2609      if ( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) === $table_name ) {
2610          return true;
2611      }
2613      // Didn't find it, so try to create it.
2614      $wpdb->query( $create_ddl );
2616      // We cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded!
2617      if ( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) === $table_name ) {
2618          return true;
2619      }
2621      return false;
2622  }
2624  /**
2625   * Drops a specified index from a table.
2626   *
2627   * @since 1.0.1
2628   *
2629   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2630   *
2631   * @param string $table Database table name.
2632   * @param string $index Index name to drop.
2633   * @return true True, when finished.
2634   */
2635  function drop_index( $table, $index ) {
2636      global $wpdb;
2638      $wpdb->hide_errors();
2640      $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `$table` DROP INDEX `$index`" );
2642      // Now we need to take out all the extra ones we may have created.
2643      for ( $i = 0; $i < 25; $i++ ) {
2644          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `$table` DROP INDEX `{$index}_$i`" );
2645      }
2647      $wpdb->show_errors();
2649      return true;
2650  }
2652  /**
2653   * Adds an index to a specified table.
2654   *
2655   * @since 1.0.1
2656   *
2657   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2658   *
2659   * @param string $table Database table name.
2660   * @param string $index Database table index column.
2661   * @return true True, when done with execution.
2662   */
2663  function add_clean_index( $table, $index ) {
2664      global $wpdb;
2666      drop_index( $table, $index );
2667      $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD INDEX ( `$index` )" );
2669      return true;
2670  }
2672  /**
2673   * Adds column to a database table, if it doesn't already exist.
2674   *
2675   * @since 1.3.0
2676   *
2677   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2678   *
2679   * @param string $table_name  Database table name.
2680   * @param string $column_name Table column name.
2681   * @param string $create_ddl  SQL statement to add column.
2682   * @return bool True on success or if the column already exists. False on failure.
2683   */
2684  function maybe_add_column( $table_name, $column_name, $create_ddl ) {
2685      global $wpdb;
2687      foreach ( $wpdb->get_col( "DESC $table_name", 0 ) as $column ) {
2688          if ( $column === $column_name ) {
2689              return true;
2690          }
2691      }
2693      // Didn't find it, so try to create it.
2694      $wpdb->query( $create_ddl );
2696      // We cannot directly tell that whether this succeeded!
2697      foreach ( $wpdb->get_col( "DESC $table_name", 0 ) as $column ) {
2698          if ( $column === $column_name ) {
2699              return true;
2700          }
2701      }
2703      return false;
2704  }
2706  /**
2707   * If a table only contains utf8 or utf8mb4 columns, convert it to utf8mb4.
2708   *
2709   * @since 4.2.0
2710   *
2711   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2712   *
2713   * @param string $table The table to convert.
2714   * @return bool True if the table was converted, false if it wasn't.
2715   */
2716  function maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4( $table ) {
2717      global $wpdb;
2719      $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `$table`" );
2720      if ( ! $results ) {
2721          return false;
2722      }
2724      foreach ( $results as $column ) {
2725          if ( $column->Collation ) {
2726              list( $charset ) = explode( '_', $column->Collation );
2727              $charset         = strtolower( $charset );
2728              if ( 'utf8' !== $charset && 'utf8mb4' !== $charset ) {
2729                  // Don't upgrade tables that have non-utf8 columns.
2730                  return false;
2731              }
2732          }
2733      }
2735      $table_details = $wpdb->get_row( "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$table'" );
2736      if ( ! $table_details ) {
2737          return false;
2738      }
2740      list( $table_charset ) = explode( '_', $table_details->Collation );
2741      $table_charset         = strtolower( $table_charset );
2742      if ( 'utf8mb4' === $table_charset ) {
2743          return true;
2744      }
2746      return $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $table CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci" );
2747  }
2749  /**
2750   * Retrieve all options as it was for 1.2.
2751   *
2752   * @since 1.2.0
2753   *
2754   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2755   *
2756   * @return stdClass List of options.
2757   */
2758  function get_alloptions_110() {
2759      global $wpdb;
2760      $all_options = new stdClass();
2761      $options     = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options" );
2762      if ( $options ) {
2763          foreach ( $options as $option ) {
2764              if ( 'siteurl' === $option->option_name || 'home' === $option->option_name || 'category_base' === $option->option_name ) {
2765                  $option->option_value = untrailingslashit( $option->option_value );
2766              }
2767              $all_options->{$option->option_name} = stripslashes( $option->option_value );
2768          }
2769      }
2770      return $all_options;
2771  }
2773  /**
2774   * Utility version of get_option that is private to installation/upgrade.
2775   *
2776   * @ignore
2777   * @since 1.5.1
2778   * @access private
2779   *
2780   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2781   *
2782   * @param string $setting Option name.
2783   * @return mixed
2784   */
2785  function __get_option( $setting ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionDoubleUnderscore,PHPCompatibility.FunctionNameRestrictions.ReservedFunctionNames.FunctionDoubleUnderscore
2786      global $wpdb;
2788      if ( 'home' === $setting && defined( 'WP_HOME' ) ) {
2789          return untrailingslashit( WP_HOME );
2790      }
2792      if ( 'siteurl' === $setting && defined( 'WP_SITEURL' ) ) {
2793          return untrailingslashit( WP_SITEURL );
2794      }
2796      $option = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s", $setting ) );
2798      if ( 'home' === $setting && ! $option ) {
2799          return __get_option( 'siteurl' );
2800      }
2802      if ( in_array( $setting, array( 'siteurl', 'home', 'category_base', 'tag_base' ), true ) ) {
2803          $option = untrailingslashit( $option );
2804      }
2806      return maybe_unserialize( $option );
2807  }
2809  /**
2810   * Filters for content to remove unnecessary slashes.
2811   *
2812   * @since 1.5.0
2813   *
2814   * @param string $content The content to modify.
2815   * @return string The de-slashed content.
2816   */
2817  function deslash( $content ) {
2818      // Note: \\\ inside a regex denotes a single backslash.
2820      /*
2821       * Replace one or more backslashes followed by a single quote with
2822       * a single quote.
2823       */
2824      $content = preg_replace( "/\\\+'/", "'", $content );
2826      /*
2827       * Replace one or more backslashes followed by a double quote with
2828       * a double quote.
2829       */
2830      $content = preg_replace( '/\\\+"/', '"', $content );
2832      // Replace one or more backslashes with one backslash.
2833      $content = preg_replace( '/\\\+/', '\\', $content );
2835      return $content;
2836  }
2838  /**
2839   * Modifies the database based on specified SQL statements.
2840   *
2841   * Useful for creating new tables and updating existing tables to a new structure.
2842   *
2843   * @since 1.5.0
2844   * @since 6.1.0 Ignores display width for integer data types on MySQL 8.0.17 or later,
2845   *              to match MySQL behavior. Note: This does not affect MariaDB.
2846   *
2847   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
2848   *
2849   * @param string[]|string $queries Optional. The query to run. Can be multiple queries
2850   *                                 in an array, or a string of queries separated by
2851   *                                 semicolons. Default empty string.
2852   * @param bool            $execute Optional. Whether or not to execute the query right away.
2853   *                                 Default true.
2854   * @return array Strings containing the results of the various update queries.
2855   */
2856  function dbDelta( $queries = '', $execute = true ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionNameInvalid
2857      global $wpdb;
2859      if ( in_array( $queries, array( '', 'all', 'blog', 'global', 'ms_global' ), true ) ) {
2860          $queries = wp_get_db_schema( $queries );
2861      }
2863      // Separate individual queries into an array.
2864      if ( ! is_array( $queries ) ) {
2865          $queries = explode( ';', $queries );
2866          $queries = array_filter( $queries );
2867      }
2869      /**
2870       * Filters the dbDelta SQL queries.
2871       *
2872       * @since 3.3.0
2873       *
2874       * @param string[] $queries An array of dbDelta SQL queries.
2875       */
2876      $queries = apply_filters( 'dbdelta_queries', $queries );
2878      $cqueries   = array(); // Creation queries.
2879      $iqueries   = array(); // Insertion queries.
2880      $for_update = array();
2882      // Create a tablename index for an array ($cqueries) of recognized query types.
2883      foreach ( $queries as $qry ) {
2884          if ( preg_match( '|CREATE TABLE ([^ ]*)|', $qry, $matches ) ) {
2885              $cqueries[ trim( $matches[1], '`' ) ] = $qry;
2886              $for_update[ $matches[1] ]            = 'Created table ' . $matches[1];
2887              continue;
2888          }
2890          if ( preg_match( '|CREATE DATABASE ([^ ]*)|', $qry, $matches ) ) {
2891              array_unshift( $cqueries, $qry );
2892              continue;
2893          }
2895          if ( preg_match( '|INSERT INTO ([^ ]*)|', $qry, $matches ) ) {
2896              $iqueries[] = $qry;
2897              continue;
2898          }
2900          if ( preg_match( '|UPDATE ([^ ]*)|', $qry, $matches ) ) {
2901              $iqueries[] = $qry;
2902              continue;
2903          }
2904      }
2906      /**
2907       * Filters the dbDelta SQL queries for creating tables and/or databases.
2908       *
2909       * Queries filterable via this hook contain "CREATE TABLE" or "CREATE DATABASE".
2910       *
2911       * @since 3.3.0
2912       *
2913       * @param string[] $cqueries An array of dbDelta create SQL queries.
2914       */
2915      $cqueries = apply_filters( 'dbdelta_create_queries', $cqueries );
2917      /**
2918       * Filters the dbDelta SQL queries for inserting or updating.
2919       *
2920       * Queries filterable via this hook contain "INSERT INTO" or "UPDATE".
2921       *
2922       * @since 3.3.0
2923       *
2924       * @param string[] $iqueries An array of dbDelta insert or update SQL queries.
2925       */
2926      $iqueries = apply_filters( 'dbdelta_insert_queries', $iqueries );
2928      $text_fields = array( 'tinytext', 'text', 'mediumtext', 'longtext' );
2929      $blob_fields = array( 'tinyblob', 'blob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob' );
2930      $int_fields  = array( 'tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'integer', 'bigint' );
2932      $global_tables  = $wpdb->tables( 'global' );
2933      $db_version     = $wpdb->db_version();
2934      $db_server_info = $wpdb->db_server_info();
2936      foreach ( $cqueries as $table => $qry ) {
2937          // Upgrade global tables only for the main site. Don't upgrade at all if conditions are not optimal.
2938          if ( in_array( $table, $global_tables, true ) && ! wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
2939              unset( $cqueries[ $table ], $for_update[ $table ] );
2940              continue;
2941          }
2943          // Fetch the table column structure from the database.
2944          $suppress    = $wpdb->suppress_errors();
2945          $tablefields = $wpdb->get_results( "DESCRIBE {$table};" );
2946          $wpdb->suppress_errors( $suppress );
2948          if ( ! $tablefields ) {
2949              continue;
2950          }
2952          // Clear the field and index arrays.
2953          $cfields                  = array();
2954          $indices                  = array();
2955          $indices_without_subparts = array();
2957          // Get all of the field names in the query from between the parentheses.
2958          preg_match( '|\((.*)\)|ms', $qry, $match2 );
2959          $qryline = trim( $match2[1] );
2961          // Separate field lines into an array.
2962          $flds = explode( "\n", $qryline );
2964          // For every field line specified in the query.
2965          foreach ( $flds as $fld ) {
2966              $fld = trim( $fld, " \t\n\r\0\x0B," ); // Default trim characters, plus ','.
2968              // Extract the field name.
2969              preg_match( '|^([^ ]*)|', $fld, $fvals );
2970              $fieldname            = trim( $fvals[1], '`' );
2971              $fieldname_lowercased = strtolower( $fieldname );
2973              // Verify the found field name.
2974              $validfield = true;
2975              switch ( $fieldname_lowercased ) {
2976                  case '':
2977                  case 'primary':
2978                  case 'index':
2979                  case 'fulltext':
2980                  case 'unique':
2981                  case 'key':
2982                  case 'spatial':
2983                      $validfield = false;
2985                      /*
2986                       * Normalize the index definition.
2987                       *
2988                       * This is done so the definition can be compared against the result of a
2989                       * `SHOW INDEX FROM $table_name` query which returns the current table
2990                       * index information.
2991                       */
2993                      // Extract type, name and columns from the definition.
2994                      preg_match(
2995                          '/^
2996                              (?P<index_type>             # 1) Type of the index.
2997                                  PRIMARY\s+KEY|(?:UNIQUE|FULLTEXT|SPATIAL)\s+(?:KEY|INDEX)|KEY|INDEX
2998                              )
2999                              \s+                         # Followed by at least one white space character.
3000                              (?:                         # Name of the index. Optional if type is PRIMARY KEY.
3001                                  `?                      # Name can be escaped with a backtick.
3002                                      (?P<index_name>     # 2) Name of the index.
3003                                          (?:[0-9a-zA-Z$_-]|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])+
3004                                      )
3005                                  `?                      # Name can be escaped with a backtick.
3006                                  \s+                     # Followed by at least one white space character.
3007                              )*
3008                              \(                          # Opening bracket for the columns.
3009                                  (?P<index_columns>
3010                                      .+?                 # 3) Column names, index prefixes, and orders.
3011                                  )
3012                              \)                          # Closing bracket for the columns.
3013                          $/imx',
3014                          $fld,
3015                          $index_matches
3016                      );
3018                      // Uppercase the index type and normalize space characters.
3019                      $index_type = strtoupper( preg_replace( '/\s+/', ' ', trim( $index_matches['index_type'] ) ) );
3021                      // 'INDEX' is a synonym for 'KEY', standardize on 'KEY'.
3022                      $index_type = str_replace( 'INDEX', 'KEY', $index_type );
3024                      // Escape the index name with backticks. An index for a primary key has no name.
3025                      $index_name = ( 'PRIMARY KEY' === $index_type ) ? '' : '`' . strtolower( $index_matches['index_name'] ) . '`';
3027                      // Parse the columns. Multiple columns are separated by a comma.
3028                      $index_columns                  = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $index_matches['index_columns'] ) );
3029                      $index_columns_without_subparts = $index_columns;
3031                      // Normalize columns.
3032                      foreach ( $index_columns as $id => &$index_column ) {
3033                          // Extract column name and number of indexed characters (sub_part).
3034                          preg_match(
3035                              '/
3036                                  `?                      # Name can be escaped with a backtick.
3037                                      (?P<column_name>    # 1) Name of the column.
3038                                          (?:[0-9a-zA-Z$_-]|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])+
3039                                      )
3040                                  `?                      # Name can be escaped with a backtick.
3041                                  (?:                     # Optional sub part.
3042                                      \s*                 # Optional white space character between name and opening bracket.
3043                                      \(                  # Opening bracket for the sub part.
3044                                          \s*             # Optional white space character after opening bracket.
3045                                          (?P<sub_part>
3046                                              \d+         # 2) Number of indexed characters.
3047                                          )
3048                                          \s*             # Optional white space character before closing bracket.
3049                                      \)                  # Closing bracket for the sub part.
3050                                  )?
3051                              /x',
3052                              $index_column,
3053                              $index_column_matches
3054                          );
3056                          // Escape the column name with backticks.
3057                          $index_column = '`' . $index_column_matches['column_name'] . '`';
3059                          // We don't need to add the subpart to $index_columns_without_subparts
3060                          $index_columns_without_subparts[ $id ] = $index_column;
3062                          // Append the optional sup part with the number of indexed characters.
3063                          if ( isset( $index_column_matches['sub_part'] ) ) {
3064                              $index_column .= '(' . $index_column_matches['sub_part'] . ')';
3065                          }
3066                      }
3068                      // Build the normalized index definition and add it to the list of indices.
3069                      $indices[]                  = "{$index_type} {$index_name} (" . implode( ',', $index_columns ) . ')';
3070                      $indices_without_subparts[] = "{$index_type} {$index_name} (" . implode( ',', $index_columns_without_subparts ) . ')';
3072                      // Destroy no longer needed variables.
3073                      unset( $index_column, $index_column_matches, $index_matches, $index_type, $index_name, $index_columns, $index_columns_without_subparts );
3075                      break;
3076              }
3078              // If it's a valid field, add it to the field array.
3079              if ( $validfield ) {
3080                  $cfields[ $fieldname_lowercased ] = $fld;
3081              }
3082          }
3084          // For every field in the table.
3085          foreach ( $tablefields as $tablefield ) {
3086              $tablefield_field_lowercased = strtolower( $tablefield->Field );
3087              $tablefield_type_lowercased  = strtolower( $tablefield->Type );
3089              $tablefield_type_without_parentheses = preg_replace(
3090                  '/'
3091                  . '(.+)'       // Field type, e.g. `int`.
3092                  . '\(\d*\)'    // Display width.
3093                  . '(.*)'       // Optional attributes, e.g. `unsigned`.
3094                  . '/',
3095                  '$1$2',
3096                  $tablefield_type_lowercased
3097              );
3099              // Get the type without attributes, e.g. `int`.
3100              $tablefield_type_base = strtok( $tablefield_type_without_parentheses, ' ' );
3102              // If the table field exists in the field array...
3103              if ( array_key_exists( $tablefield_field_lowercased, $cfields ) ) {
3105                  // Get the field type from the query.
3106                  preg_match( '|`?' . $tablefield->Field . '`? ([^ ]*( unsigned)?)|i', $cfields[ $tablefield_field_lowercased ], $matches );
3107                  $fieldtype            = $matches[1];
3108                  $fieldtype_lowercased = strtolower( $fieldtype );
3110                  $fieldtype_without_parentheses = preg_replace(
3111                      '/'
3112                      . '(.+)'       // Field type, e.g. `int`.
3113                      . '\(\d*\)'    // Display width.
3114                      . '(.*)'       // Optional attributes, e.g. `unsigned`.
3115                      . '/',
3116                      '$1$2',
3117                      $fieldtype_lowercased
3118                  );
3120                  // Get the type without attributes, e.g. `int`.
3121                  $fieldtype_base = strtok( $fieldtype_without_parentheses, ' ' );
3123                  // Is actual field type different from the field type in query?
3124                  if ( $tablefield->Type !== $fieldtype ) {
3125                      $do_change = true;
3126                      if ( in_array( $fieldtype_lowercased, $text_fields, true ) && in_array( $tablefield_type_lowercased, $text_fields, true ) ) {
3127                          if ( array_search( $fieldtype_lowercased, $text_fields, true ) < array_search( $tablefield_type_lowercased, $text_fields, true ) ) {
3128                              $do_change = false;
3129                          }
3130                      }
3132                      if ( in_array( $fieldtype_lowercased, $blob_fields, true ) && in_array( $tablefield_type_lowercased, $blob_fields, true ) ) {
3133                          if ( array_search( $fieldtype_lowercased, $blob_fields, true ) < array_search( $tablefield_type_lowercased, $blob_fields, true ) ) {
3134                              $do_change = false;
3135                          }
3136                      }
3138                      if ( in_array( $fieldtype_base, $int_fields, true ) && in_array( $tablefield_type_base, $int_fields, true )
3139                          && $fieldtype_without_parentheses === $tablefield_type_without_parentheses
3140                      ) {
3141                          /*
3142                           * MySQL 8.0.17 or later does not support display width for integer data types,
3143                           * so if display width is the only difference, it can be safely ignored.
3144                           * Note: This is specific to MySQL and does not affect MariaDB.
3145                           */
3146                          if ( version_compare( $db_version, '8.0.17', '>=' )
3147                              && ! str_contains( $db_server_info, 'MariaDB' )
3148                          ) {
3149                              $do_change = false;
3150                          }
3151                      }
3153                      if ( $do_change ) {
3154                          // Add a query to change the column type.
3155                          $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} CHANGE COLUMN `{$tablefield->Field}` " . $cfields[ $tablefield_field_lowercased ];
3157                          $for_update[ $table . '.' . $tablefield->Field ] = "Changed type of {$table}.{$tablefield->Field} from {$tablefield->Type} to {$fieldtype}";
3158                      }
3159                  }
3161                  // Get the default value from the array.
3162                  if ( preg_match( "| DEFAULT '(.*?)'|i", $cfields[ $tablefield_field_lowercased ], $matches ) ) {
3163                      $default_value = $matches[1];
3164                      if ( $tablefield->Default !== $default_value ) {
3165                          // Add a query to change the column's default value
3166                          $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ALTER COLUMN `{$tablefield->Field}` SET DEFAULT '{$default_value}'";
3168                          $for_update[ $table . '.' . $tablefield->Field ] = "Changed default value of {$table}.{$tablefield->Field} from {$tablefield->Default} to {$default_value}";
3169                      }
3170                  }
3172                  // Remove the field from the array (so it's not added).
3173                  unset( $cfields[ $tablefield_field_lowercased ] );
3174              } else {
3175                  // This field exists in the table, but not in the creation queries?
3176              }
3177          }
3179          // For every remaining field specified for the table.
3180          foreach ( $cfields as $fieldname => $fielddef ) {
3181              // Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the field to that table.
3182              $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD COLUMN $fielddef";
3184              $for_update[ $table . '.' . $fieldname ] = 'Added column ' . $table . '.' . $fieldname;
3185          }
3187          // Index stuff goes here. Fetch the table index structure from the database.
3188          $tableindices = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW INDEX FROM {$table};" );
3190          if ( $tableindices ) {
3191              // Clear the index array.
3192              $index_ary = array();
3194              // For every index in the table.
3195              foreach ( $tableindices as $tableindex ) {
3196                  $keyname = strtolower( $tableindex->Key_name );
3198                  // Add the index to the index data array.
3199                  $index_ary[ $keyname ]['columns'][]  = array(
3200                      'fieldname' => $tableindex->Column_name,
3201                      'subpart'   => $tableindex->Sub_part,
3202                  );
3203                  $index_ary[ $keyname ]['unique']     = ( '0' === $tableindex->Non_unique ) ? true : false;
3204                  $index_ary[ $keyname ]['index_type'] = $tableindex->Index_type;
3205              }
3207              // For each actual index in the index array.
3208              foreach ( $index_ary as $index_name => $index_data ) {
3210                  // Build a create string to compare to the query.
3211                  $index_string = '';
3212                  if ( 'primary' === $index_name ) {
3213                      $index_string .= 'PRIMARY ';
3214                  } elseif ( $index_data['unique'] ) {
3215                      $index_string .= 'UNIQUE ';
3216                  }
3218                  if ( 'FULLTEXT' === strtoupper( $index_data['index_type'] ) ) {
3219                      $index_string .= 'FULLTEXT ';
3220                  }
3222                  if ( 'SPATIAL' === strtoupper( $index_data['index_type'] ) ) {
3223                      $index_string .= 'SPATIAL ';
3224                  }
3226                  $index_string .= 'KEY ';
3227                  if ( 'primary' !== $index_name ) {
3228                      $index_string .= '`' . $index_name . '`';
3229                  }
3231                  $index_columns = '';
3233                  // For each column in the index.
3234                  foreach ( $index_data['columns'] as $column_data ) {
3235                      if ( '' !== $index_columns ) {
3236                          $index_columns .= ',';
3237                      }
3239                      // Add the field to the column list string.
3240                      $index_columns .= '`' . $column_data['fieldname'] . '`';
3241                  }
3243                  // Add the column list to the index create string.
3244                  $index_string .= " ($index_columns)";
3246                  // Check if the index definition exists, ignoring subparts.
3247                  $aindex = array_search( $index_string, $indices_without_subparts, true );
3248                  if ( false !== $aindex ) {
3249                      // If the index already exists (even with different subparts), we don't need to create it.
3250                      unset( $indices_without_subparts[ $aindex ] );
3251                      unset( $indices[ $aindex ] );
3252                  }
3253              }
3254          }
3256          // For every remaining index specified for the table.
3257          foreach ( (array) $indices as $index ) {
3258              // Push a query line into $cqueries that adds the index to that table.
3259              $cqueries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$table} ADD $index";
3261              $for_update[] = 'Added index ' . $table . ' ' . $index;
3262          }
3264          // Remove the original table creation query from processing.
3265          unset( $cqueries[ $table ], $for_update[ $table ] );
3266      }
3268      $allqueries = array_merge( $cqueries, $iqueries );
3269      if ( $execute ) {
3270          foreach ( $allqueries as $query ) {
3271              $wpdb->query( $query );
3272          }
3273      }
3275      return $for_update;
3276  }
3278  /**
3279   * Updates the database tables to a new schema.
3280   *
3281   * By default, updates all the tables to use the latest defined schema, but can also
3282   * be used to update a specific set of tables in wp_get_db_schema().
3283   *
3284   * @since 1.5.0
3285   *
3286   * @uses dbDelta
3287   *
3288   * @param string $tables Optional. Which set of tables to update. Default is 'all'.
3289   */
3290  function make_db_current( $tables = 'all' ) {
3291      $alterations = dbDelta( $tables );
3292      echo "<ol>\n";
3293      foreach ( $alterations as $alteration ) {
3294          echo "<li>$alteration</li>\n";
3295      }
3296      echo "</ol>\n";
3297  }
3299  /**
3300   * Updates the database tables to a new schema, but without displaying results.
3301   *
3302   * By default, updates all the tables to use the latest defined schema, but can
3303   * also be used to update a specific set of tables in wp_get_db_schema().
3304   *
3305   * @since 1.5.0
3306   *
3307   * @see make_db_current()
3308   *
3309   * @param string $tables Optional. Which set of tables to update. Default is 'all'.
3310   */
3311  function make_db_current_silent( $tables = 'all' ) {
3312      dbDelta( $tables );
3313  }
3315  /**
3316   * Creates a site theme from an existing theme.
3317   *
3318   * {@internal Missing Long Description}}
3319   *
3320   * @since 1.5.0
3321   *
3322   * @param string $theme_name The name of the theme.
3323   * @param string $template   The directory name of the theme.
3324   * @return bool
3325   */
3326  function make_site_theme_from_oldschool( $theme_name, $template ) {
3327      $home_path   = get_home_path();
3328      $site_dir    = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themes/$template";
3329      $default_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/' . WP_DEFAULT_THEME;
3331      if ( ! file_exists( "$home_path/index.php" ) ) {
3332          return false;
3333      }
3335      /*
3336       * Copy files from the old locations to the site theme.
3337       * TODO: This does not copy arbitrary include dependencies. Only the standard WP files are copied.
3338       */
3339      $files = array(
3340          'index.php'             => 'index.php',
3341          'wp-layout.css'         => 'style.css',
3342          'wp-comments.php'       => 'comments.php',
3343          'wp-comments-popup.php' => 'comments-popup.php',
3344      );
3346      foreach ( $files as $oldfile => $newfile ) {
3347          if ( 'index.php' === $oldfile ) {
3348              $oldpath = $home_path;
3349          } else {
3350              $oldpath = ABSPATH;
3351          }
3353          // Check to make sure it's not a new index.
3354          if ( 'index.php' === $oldfile ) {
3355              $index = implode( '', file( "$oldpath/$oldfile" ) );
3356              if ( str_contains( $index, 'WP_USE_THEMES' ) ) {
3357                  if ( ! copy( "$default_dir/$oldfile", "$site_dir/$newfile" ) ) {
3358                      return false;
3359                  }
3361                  // Don't copy anything.
3362                  continue;
3363              }
3364          }
3366          if ( ! copy( "$oldpath/$oldfile", "$site_dir/$newfile" ) ) {
3367              return false;
3368          }
3370          chmod( "$site_dir/$newfile", 0777 );
3372          // Update the blog header include in each file.
3373          $lines = explode( "\n", implode( '', file( "$site_dir/$newfile" ) ) );
3374          if ( $lines ) {
3375              $f = fopen( "$site_dir/$newfile", 'w' );
3377              foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
3378                  if ( preg_match( '/require.*wp-blog-header/', $line ) ) {
3379                      $line = '//' . $line;
3380                  }
3382                  // Update stylesheet references.
3383                  $line = str_replace(
3384                      "<?php echo __get_option('siteurl'); ?>/wp-layout.css",
3385                      "<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>",
3386                      $line
3387                  );
3389                  // Update comments template inclusion.
3390                  $line = str_replace(
3391                      "<?php include(ABSPATH . 'wp-comments.php'); ?>",
3392                      '<?php comments_template(); ?>',
3393                      $line
3394                  );
3396                  fwrite( $f, "{$line}\n" );
3397              }
3398              fclose( $f );
3399          }
3400      }
3402      // Add a theme header.
3403      $header = "/*\n" .
3404          "Theme Name: $theme_name\n" .
3405          'Theme URI: ' . __get_option( 'siteurl' ) . "\n" .
3406          "Description: A theme automatically created by the update.\n" .
3407          "Version: 1.0\n" .
3408          "Author: Moi\n" .
3409          "*/\n";
3411      $stylelines = file_get_contents( "$site_dir/style.css" );
3412      if ( $stylelines ) {
3413          $f = fopen( "$site_dir/style.css", 'w' );
3415          fwrite( $f, $header );
3416          fwrite( $f, $stylelines );
3417          fclose( $f );
3418      }
3420      return true;
3421  }
3423  /**
3424   * Creates a site theme from the default theme.
3425   *
3426   * {@internal Missing Long Description}}
3427   *
3428   * @since 1.5.0
3429   *
3430   * @param string $theme_name The name of the theme.
3431   * @param string $template   The directory name of the theme.
3432   * @return void|false
3433   */
3434  function make_site_theme_from_default( $theme_name, $template ) {
3435      $site_dir    = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themes/$template";
3436      $default_dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/' . WP_DEFAULT_THEME;
3438      /*
3439       * Copy files from the default theme to the site theme.
3440       * $files = array( 'index.php', 'comments.php', 'comments-popup.php', 'footer.php', 'header.php', 'sidebar.php', 'style.css' );
3441       */
3443      $theme_dir = @opendir( $default_dir );
3444      if ( $theme_dir ) {
3445          while ( ( $theme_file = readdir( $theme_dir ) ) !== false ) {
3446              if ( is_dir( "$default_dir/$theme_file" ) ) {
3447                  continue;
3448              }
3450              if ( ! copy( "$default_dir/$theme_file", "$site_dir/$theme_file" ) ) {
3451                  return;
3452              }
3454              chmod( "$site_dir/$theme_file", 0777 );
3455          }
3457          closedir( $theme_dir );
3458      }
3460      // Rewrite the theme header.
3461      $stylelines = explode( "\n", implode( '', file( "$site_dir/style.css" ) ) );
3462      if ( $stylelines ) {
3463          $f = fopen( "$site_dir/style.css", 'w' );
3465          $headers = array(
3466              'Theme Name:'  => $theme_name,
3467              'Theme URI:'   => __get_option( 'url' ),
3468              'Description:' => 'Your theme.',
3469              'Version:'     => '1',
3470              'Author:'      => 'You',
3471          );
3473          foreach ( $stylelines as $line ) {
3474              foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) {
3475                  if ( str_contains( $line, $header ) ) {
3476                      $line = $header . ' ' . $value;
3477                      break;
3478                  }
3479              }
3481              fwrite( $f, $line . "\n" );
3482          }
3484          fclose( $f );
3485      }
3487      // Copy the images.
3488      umask( 0 );
3489      if ( ! mkdir( "$site_dir/images", 0777 ) ) {
3490          return false;
3491      }
3493      $images_dir = @opendir( "$default_dir/images" );
3494      if ( $images_dir ) {
3495          while ( ( $image = readdir( $images_dir ) ) !== false ) {
3496              if ( is_dir( "$default_dir/images/$image" ) ) {
3497                  continue;
3498              }
3500              if ( ! copy( "$default_dir/images/$image", "$site_dir/images/$image" ) ) {
3501                  return;
3502              }
3504              chmod( "$site_dir/images/$image", 0777 );
3505          }
3507          closedir( $images_dir );
3508      }
3509  }
3511  /**
3512   * Creates a site theme.
3513   *
3514   * {@internal Missing Long Description}}
3515   *
3516   * @since 1.5.0
3517   *
3518   * @return string|false
3519   */
3520  function make_site_theme() {
3521      // Name the theme after the blog.
3522      $theme_name = __get_option( 'blogname' );
3523      $template   = sanitize_title( $theme_name );
3524      $site_dir   = WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themes/$template";
3526      // If the theme already exists, nothing to do.
3527      if ( is_dir( $site_dir ) ) {
3528          return false;
3529      }
3531      // We must be able to write to the themes dir.
3532      if ( ! is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes' ) ) {
3533          return false;
3534      }
3536      umask( 0 );
3537      if ( ! mkdir( $site_dir, 0777 ) ) {
3538          return false;
3539      }
3541      if ( file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-layout.css' ) ) {
3542          if ( ! make_site_theme_from_oldschool( $theme_name, $template ) ) {
3543              // TODO: rm -rf the site theme directory.
3544              return false;
3545          }
3546      } else {
3547          if ( ! make_site_theme_from_default( $theme_name, $template ) ) {
3548              // TODO: rm -rf the site theme directory.
3549              return false;
3550          }
3551      }
3553      // Make the new site theme active.
3554      $current_template = __get_option( 'template' );
3555      if ( WP_DEFAULT_THEME === $current_template ) {
3556          update_option( 'template', $template );
3557          update_option( 'stylesheet', $template );
3558      }
3559      return $template;
3560  }
3562  /**
3563   * Translate user level to user role name.
3564   *
3565   * @since 2.0.0
3566   *
3567   * @param int $level User level.
3568   * @return string User role name.
3569   */
3570  function translate_level_to_role( $level ) {
3571      switch ( $level ) {
3572          case 10:
3573          case 9:
3574          case 8:
3575              return 'administrator';
3576          case 7:
3577          case 6:
3578          case 5:
3579              return 'editor';
3580          case 4:
3581          case 3:
3582          case 2:
3583              return 'author';
3584          case 1:
3585              return 'contributor';
3586          case 0:
3587          default:
3588              return 'subscriber';
3589      }
3590  }
3592  /**
3593   * Checks the version of the installed MySQL binary.
3594   *
3595   * @since 2.1.0
3596   *
3597   * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
3598   */
3599  function wp_check_mysql_version() {
3600      global $wpdb;
3601      $result = $wpdb->check_database_version();
3602      if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
3603          wp_die( $result );
3604      }
3605  }
3607  /**
3608   * Disables the Automattic widgets plugin, which was merged into core.
3609   *
3610   * @since 2.2.0
3611   */
3612  function maybe_disable_automattic_widgets() {
3613      $plugins = __get_option( 'active_plugins' );
3615      foreach ( (array) $plugins as $plugin ) {
3616          if ( 'widgets.php' === basename( $plugin ) ) {
3617              array_splice( $plugins, array_search( $plugin, $plugins, true ), 1 );
3618              update_option( 'active_plugins', $plugins );
3619              break;
3620          }
3621      }
3622  }
3624  /**
3625   * Disables the Link Manager on upgrade if, at the time of upgrade, no links exist in the DB.
3626   *
3627   * @since 3.5.0
3628   *
3629   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
3630   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
3631   */
3632  function maybe_disable_link_manager() {
3633      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
3635      if ( $wp_current_db_version >= 22006 && get_option( 'link_manager_enabled' ) && ! $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT link_id FROM $wpdb->links LIMIT 1" ) ) {
3636          update_option( 'link_manager_enabled', 0 );
3637      }
3638  }
3640  /**
3641   * Runs before the schema is upgraded.
3642   *
3643   * @since 2.9.0
3644   *
3645   * @global int  $wp_current_db_version The old (current) database version.
3646   * @global wpdb $wpdb                  WordPress database abstraction object.
3647   */
3648  function pre_schema_upgrade() {
3649      global $wp_current_db_version, $wpdb;
3651      // Upgrade versions prior to 2.9.
3652      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 11557 ) {
3653          // Delete duplicate options. Keep the option with the highest option_id.
3654          $wpdb->query( "DELETE o1 FROM $wpdb->options AS o1 JOIN $wpdb->options AS o2 USING (`option_name`) WHERE o2.option_id > o1.option_id" );
3656          // Drop the old primary key and add the new.
3657          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->options DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(option_id)" );
3659          // Drop the old option_name index. dbDelta() doesn't do the drop.
3660          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->options DROP INDEX option_name" );
3661      }
3663      // Multisite schema upgrades.
3664      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25448 && is_multisite() && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
3666          // Upgrade versions prior to 3.7.
3667          if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25179 ) {
3668              // New primary key for signups.
3669              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->signups ADD signup_id BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST" );
3670              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->signups DROP INDEX domain" );
3671          }
3673          if ( $wp_current_db_version < 25448 ) {
3674              // Convert archived from enum to tinyint.
3675              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->blogs CHANGE COLUMN archived archived varchar(1) NOT NULL default '0'" );
3676              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->blogs CHANGE COLUMN archived archived tinyint(2) NOT NULL default 0" );
3677          }
3678      }
3680      // Upgrade versions prior to 4.2.
3681      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 31351 ) {
3682          if ( ! is_multisite() && wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() ) {
3683              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->usermeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
3684          }
3685          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->terms DROP INDEX slug, ADD INDEX slug(slug(191))" );
3686          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->terms DROP INDEX name, ADD INDEX name(name(191))" );
3687          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->commentmeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
3688          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->postmeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
3689          $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->posts DROP INDEX post_name, ADD INDEX post_name(post_name(191))" );
3690      }
3692      // Upgrade versions prior to 4.4.
3693      if ( $wp_current_db_version < 34978 ) {
3694          // If compatible termmeta table is found, use it, but enforce a proper index and update collation.
3695          if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->termmeta}'" ) && $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW INDEX FROM {$wpdb->termmeta} WHERE Column_name = 'meta_key'" ) ) {
3696              $wpdb->query( "ALTER TABLE $wpdb->termmeta DROP INDEX meta_key, ADD INDEX meta_key(meta_key(191))" );
3697              maybe_convert_table_to_utf8mb4( $wpdb->termmeta );
3698          }
3699      }
3700  }
3702  /**
3703   * Determine if global tables should be upgraded.
3704   *
3705   * This function performs a series of checks to ensure the environment allows
3706   * for the safe upgrading of global WordPress database tables. It is necessary
3707   * because global tables will commonly grow to millions of rows on large
3708   * installations, and the ability to control their upgrade routines can be
3709   * critical to the operation of large networks.
3710   *
3711   * In a future iteration, this function may use `wp_is_large_network()` to more-
3712   * intelligently prevent global table upgrades. Until then, we make sure
3713   * WordPress is on the main site of the main network, to avoid running queries
3714   * more than once in multi-site or multi-network environments.
3715   *
3716   * @since 4.3.0
3717   *
3718   * @return bool Whether to run the upgrade routines on global tables.
3719   */
3720  function wp_should_upgrade_global_tables() {
3722      // Return false early if explicitly not upgrading.
3723      if ( defined( 'DO_NOT_UPGRADE_GLOBAL_TABLES' ) ) {
3724          return false;
3725      }
3727      // Assume global tables should be upgraded.
3728      $should_upgrade = true;
3730      // Set to false if not on main network (does not matter if not multi-network).
3731      if ( ! is_main_network() ) {
3732          $should_upgrade = false;
3733      }
3735      // Set to false if not on main site of current network (does not matter if not multi-site).
3736      if ( ! is_main_site() ) {
3737          $should_upgrade = false;
3738      }
3740      /**
3741       * Filters if upgrade routines should be run on global tables.
3742       *
3743       * @since 4.3.0
3744       *
3745       * @param bool $should_upgrade Whether to run the upgrade routines on global tables.
3746       */
3747      return apply_filters( 'wp_should_upgrade_global_tables', $should_upgrade );
3748  }

Generated : Thu Oct 24 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref