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/wp-admin/ -> theme-editor.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Theme file editor administration panel.
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage Administration
   7   */
   9  /** WordPress Administration Bootstrap */
  10  require_once  __DIR__ . '/admin.php';
  12  if ( is_multisite() && ! is_network_admin() ) {
  13      wp_redirect( network_admin_url( 'theme-editor.php' ) );
  14      exit;
  15  }
  17  if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_themes' ) ) {
  18      wp_die( '<p>' . __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to edit templates for this site.' ) . '</p>' );
  19  }
  21  // Used in the HTML title tag.
  22  $title       = __( 'Edit Themes' );
  23  $parent_file = 'themes.php';
  25  get_current_screen()->add_help_tab(
  26      array(
  27          'id'      => 'overview',
  28          'title'   => __( 'Overview' ),
  29          'content' =>
  30                  '<p>' . __( 'You can use the theme file editor to edit the individual CSS and PHP files which make up your theme.' ) . '</p>' .
  31                  '<p>' . __( 'Begin by choosing a theme to edit from the dropdown menu and clicking the Select button. A list then appears of the theme&#8217;s template files. Clicking once on any file name causes the file to appear in the large Editor box.' ) . '</p>' .
  32                  '<p>' . __( 'For PHP files, you can use the documentation dropdown to select from functions recognized in that file. Look Up takes you to a web page with reference material about that particular function.' ) . '</p>' .
  33                  '<p id="editor-keyboard-trap-help-1">' . __( 'When using a keyboard to navigate:' ) . '</p>' .
  34                  '<ul>' .
  35                  '<li id="editor-keyboard-trap-help-2">' . __( 'In the editing area, the Tab key enters a tab character.' ) . '</li>' .
  36                  '<li id="editor-keyboard-trap-help-3">' . __( 'To move away from this area, press the Esc key followed by the Tab key.' ) . '</li>' .
  37                  '<li id="editor-keyboard-trap-help-4">' . __( 'Screen reader users: when in forms mode, you may need to press the Esc key twice.' ) . '</li>' .
  38                  '</ul>' .
  39                  '<p>' . __( 'After typing in your edits, click Update File.' ) . '</p>' .
  40                  '<p>' . __( '<strong>Advice:</strong> Think very carefully about your site crashing if you are live-editing the theme currently in use.' ) . '</p>' .
  41                  '<p>' . sprintf(
  42                      /* translators: %s: Link to documentation on child themes. */
  43                      __( 'Upgrading to a newer version of the same theme will override changes made here. To avoid this, consider creating a <a href="%s">child theme</a> instead.' ),
  44                      __( 'https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/' )
  45                  ) . '</p>' .
  46                  ( is_network_admin() ? '<p>' . __( 'Any edits to files from this screen will be reflected on all sites in the network.' ) . '</p>' : '' ),
  47      )
  48  );
  50  get_current_screen()->set_help_sidebar(
  51      '<p><strong>' . __( 'For more information:' ) . '</strong></p>' .
  52      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/">Documentation on Theme Development</a>' ) . '</p>' .
  53      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/appearance-theme-file-editor-screen/">Documentation on Editing Themes</a>' ) . '</p>' .
  54      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/wordpress/edit-files/">Documentation on Editing Files</a>' ) . '</p>' .
  55      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-tags/">Documentation on Template Tags</a>' ) . '</p>' .
  56      '<p>' . __( '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/forums/">Support forums</a>' ) . '</p>'
  57  );
  59  wp_reset_vars( array( 'action', 'error', 'file', 'theme' ) );
  61  if ( $theme ) {
  62      $stylesheet = $theme;
  63  } else {
  64      $stylesheet = get_stylesheet();
  65  }
  67  $theme = wp_get_theme( $stylesheet );
  69  if ( ! $theme->exists() ) {
  70      wp_die( __( 'The requested theme does not exist.' ) );
  71  }
  73  if ( $theme->errors() && 'theme_no_stylesheet' === $theme->errors()->get_error_code() ) {
  74      wp_die( __( 'The requested theme does not exist.' ) . ' ' . $theme->errors()->get_error_message() );
  75  }
  77  $allowed_files = array();
  78  $style_files   = array();
  80  $file_types = wp_get_theme_file_editable_extensions( $theme );
  82  foreach ( $file_types as $type ) {
  83      switch ( $type ) {
  84          case 'php':
  85              $allowed_files += $theme->get_files( 'php', -1 );
  86              break;
  87          case 'css':
  88              $style_files                = $theme->get_files( 'css', -1 );
  89              $allowed_files['style.css'] = $style_files['style.css'];
  90              $allowed_files             += $style_files;
  91              break;
  92          default:
  93              $allowed_files += $theme->get_files( $type, -1 );
  94              break;
  95      }
  96  }
  98  // Move functions.php and style.css to the top.
  99  if ( isset( $allowed_files['functions.php'] ) ) {
 100      $allowed_files = array( 'functions.php' => $allowed_files['functions.php'] ) + $allowed_files;
 101  }
 102  if ( isset( $allowed_files['style.css'] ) ) {
 103      $allowed_files = array( 'style.css' => $allowed_files['style.css'] ) + $allowed_files;
 104  }
 106  if ( empty( $file ) ) {
 107      $relative_file = 'style.css';
 108      $file          = $allowed_files['style.css'];
 109  } else {
 110      $relative_file = wp_unslash( $file );
 111      $file          = $theme->get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . $relative_file;
 112  }
 114  validate_file_to_edit( $file, $allowed_files );
 116  // Handle fallback editing of file when JavaScript is not available.
 117  $edit_error     = null;
 118  $posted_content = null;
 120  if ( 'POST' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) {
 121      $r = wp_edit_theme_plugin_file( wp_unslash( $_POST ) );
 122      if ( is_wp_error( $r ) ) {
 123          $edit_error = $r;
 124          if ( check_ajax_referer( 'edit-theme_' . $stylesheet . '_' . $relative_file, 'nonce', false ) && isset( $_POST['newcontent'] ) ) {
 125              $posted_content = wp_unslash( $_POST['newcontent'] );
 126          }
 127      } else {
 128          wp_redirect(
 129              add_query_arg(
 130                  array(
 131                      'a'     => 1, // This means "success" for some reason.
 132                      'theme' => $stylesheet,
 133                      'file'  => $relative_file,
 134                  ),
 135                  admin_url( 'theme-editor.php' )
 136              )
 137          );
 138          exit;
 139      }
 140  }
 142  $settings = array(
 143      'codeEditor' => wp_enqueue_code_editor( compact( 'file' ) ),
 144  );
 145  wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-theme-plugin-editor' );
 146  wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-theme-plugin-editor', sprintf( 'jQuery( function( $ ) { wp.themePluginEditor.init( $( "#template" ), %s ); } )', wp_json_encode( $settings ) ) );
 147  wp_add_inline_script( 'wp-theme-plugin-editor', 'wp.themePluginEditor.themeOrPlugin = "theme";' );
 149  require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-header.php';
 151  update_recently_edited( $file );
 153  if ( ! is_file( $file ) ) {
 154      $error = true;
 155  }
 157  $content = '';
 158  if ( ! empty( $posted_content ) ) {
 159      $content = $posted_content;
 160  } elseif ( ! $error && filesize( $file ) > 0 ) {
 161      $f       = fopen( $file, 'r' );
 162      $content = fread( $f, filesize( $file ) );
 164      if ( str_ends_with( $file, '.php' ) ) {
 165          $functions = wp_doc_link_parse( $content );
 167          if ( ! empty( $functions ) ) {
 168              $docs_select  = '<select name="docs-list" id="docs-list">';
 169              $docs_select .= '<option value="">' . esc_html__( 'Function Name&hellip;' ) . '</option>';
 171              foreach ( $functions as $function ) {
 172                  $docs_select .= '<option value="' . esc_attr( $function ) . '">' . esc_html( $function ) . '()</option>';
 173              }
 175              $docs_select .= '</select>';
 176          }
 177      }
 179      $content = esc_textarea( $content );
 180  }
 182  $file_description = get_file_description( $relative_file );
 183  $file_show        = array_search( $file, array_filter( $allowed_files ), true );
 184  $description      = esc_html( $file_description );
 185  if ( $file_description !== $file_show ) {
 186      $description .= ' <span>(' . esc_html( $file_show ) . ')</span>';
 187  }
 188  ?>
 189  <div class="wrap">
 190  <h1><?php echo esc_html( $title ); ?></h1>
 192  <?php
 193  if ( isset( $_GET['a'] ) ) {
 194      wp_admin_notice(
 195          __( 'File edited successfully.' ),
 196          array(
 197              'id'                 => 'message',
 198              'dismissible'        => true,
 199              'additional_classes' => array( 'updated' ),
 200          )
 201      );
 202  } elseif ( is_wp_error( $edit_error ) ) {
 203      $error_code = esc_html( $edit_error->get_error_message() ? $edit_error->get_error_message() : $edit_error->get_error_code() );
 204      $message    = '<p>' . __( 'There was an error while trying to update the file. You may need to fix something and try updating again.' ) . '</p>
 205      <pre>' . $error_code . '</pre>';
 206      wp_admin_notice(
 207          $message,
 208          array(
 209              'type' => 'error',
 210              'id'   => 'message',
 211          )
 212      );
 213  }
 215  if ( preg_match( '/\.css$/', $file ) && ! wp_is_block_theme() && current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
 216      $message = '<p><strong>' . __( 'Did you know?' ) . '</strong></p><p>' . sprintf(
 217          /* translators: %s: Link to Custom CSS section in the Customizer. */
 218          __( 'There is no need to change your CSS here &mdash; you can edit and live preview CSS changes in the <a href="%s">built-in CSS editor</a>.' ),
 219          esc_url( add_query_arg( 'autofocus[section]', 'custom_css', admin_url( 'customize.php' ) ) )
 220      ) . '</p>';
 221      wp_admin_notice(
 222          $message,
 223          array(
 224              'type' => 'info',
 225              'id'   => 'message',
 226          )
 227      );
 228  }
 229  ?>
 231  <div class="fileedit-sub">
 232  <div class="alignleft">
 233  <h2>
 234      <?php
 235      echo $theme->display( 'Name' );
 236      if ( $description ) {
 237          echo ': ' . $description;
 238      }
 239      ?>
 240  </h2>
 241  </div>
 242  <div class="alignright">
 243      <form action="theme-editor.php" method="get">
 244          <label for="theme" id="theme-plugin-editor-selector"><?php _e( 'Select theme to edit:' ); ?> </label>
 245          <select name="theme" id="theme">
 246          <?php
 247          foreach ( wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => null ) ) as $a_stylesheet => $a_theme ) {
 248              if ( $a_theme->errors() && 'theme_no_stylesheet' === $a_theme->errors()->get_error_code() ) {
 249                  continue;
 250              }
 252              $selected = ( $a_stylesheet === $stylesheet ) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
 253              echo "\n\t" . '<option value="' . esc_attr( $a_stylesheet ) . '"' . $selected . '>' . $a_theme->display( 'Name' ) . '</option>';
 254          }
 255          ?>
 256          </select>
 257          <?php submit_button( __( 'Select' ), '', 'Submit', false ); ?>
 258      </form>
 259  </div>
 260  <br class="clear" />
 261  </div>
 263  <?php
 264  if ( $theme->errors() ) {
 265      wp_admin_notice(
 266          '<strong>' . __( 'This theme is broken.' ) . '</strong> ' . $theme->errors()->get_error_message(),
 267          array(
 268              'additional_classes' => array( 'error' ),
 269          )
 270      );
 271  }
 272  ?>
 274  <div id="templateside">
 275      <h2 id="theme-files-label"><?php _e( 'Theme Files' ); ?></h2>
 276      <ul role="tree" aria-labelledby="theme-files-label">
 277          <?php if ( $theme->parent() ) : ?>
 278              <li class="howto">
 279                  <?php
 280                  printf(
 281                      /* translators: %s: Link to edit parent theme. */
 282                      __( 'This child theme inherits templates from a parent theme, %s.' ),
 283                      sprintf(
 284                          '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
 285                          self_admin_url( 'theme-editor.php?theme=' . urlencode( $theme->get_template() ) ),
 286                          $theme->parent()->display( 'Name' )
 287                      )
 288                  );
 289                  ?>
 290              </li>
 291          <?php endif; ?>
 292          <li role="treeitem" tabindex="-1" aria-expanded="true" aria-level="1" aria-posinset="1" aria-setsize="1">
 293              <ul role="group">
 294                  <?php wp_print_theme_file_tree( wp_make_theme_file_tree( $allowed_files ) ); ?>
 295              </ul>
 296          </li>
 297      </ul>
 298  </div>
 300  <?php
 301  if ( $error ) :
 302      wp_admin_notice(
 303          __( 'File does not exist! Please double check the name and try again.' ),
 304          array(
 305              'additional_classes' => array( 'error' ),
 306          )
 307      );
 308  else :
 309      ?>
 310      <form name="template" id="template" action="theme-editor.php" method="post">
 311          <?php wp_nonce_field( 'edit-theme_' . $stylesheet . '_' . $relative_file, 'nonce' ); ?>
 312          <div>
 313              <label for="newcontent" id="theme-plugin-editor-label"><?php _e( 'Selected file content:' ); ?></label>
 314              <textarea cols="70" rows="30" name="newcontent" id="newcontent" aria-describedby="editor-keyboard-trap-help-1 editor-keyboard-trap-help-2 editor-keyboard-trap-help-3 editor-keyboard-trap-help-4"><?php echo $content; ?></textarea>
 315              <input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
 316              <input type="hidden" name="file" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $relative_file ); ?>" />
 317              <input type="hidden" name="theme" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $theme->get_stylesheet() ); ?>" />
 318          </div>
 320          <?php if ( ! empty( $functions ) ) : ?>
 321              <div id="documentation" class="hide-if-no-js">
 322                  <label for="docs-list"><?php _e( 'Documentation:' ); ?></label>
 323                  <?php echo $docs_select; ?>
 324                  <input disabled id="docs-lookup" type="button" class="button" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Look Up' ); ?>" onclick="if ( '' !== jQuery('#docs-list').val() ) { window.open( 'https://api.wordpress.org/core/handbook/1.0/?function=' + escape( jQuery( '#docs-list' ).val() ) + '&amp;locale=<?php echo urlencode( get_user_locale() ); ?>&amp;version=<?php echo urlencode( get_bloginfo( 'version' ) ); ?>&amp;redirect=true'); }" />
 325              </div>
 326          <?php endif; ?>
 328          <div>
 329              <div class="editor-notices">
 330                  <?php
 331                  if ( is_child_theme() && $theme->get_stylesheet() === get_template() ) :
 332                      $message  = ( is_writable( $file ) ) ? '<strong>' . __( 'Caution:' ) . '</strong> ' : '';
 333                      $message .= __( 'This is a file in your current parent theme.' );
 334                      wp_admin_notice(
 335                          $message,
 336                          array(
 337                              'type'               => 'warning',
 338                              'additional_classes' => array( 'inline' ),
 339                          )
 340                      );
 341                  endif;
 342                  ?>
 343              </div>
 344              <?php
 345              if ( is_writable( $file ) ) {
 346                  ?>
 347                  <p class="submit">
 348                      <?php submit_button( __( 'Update File' ), 'primary', 'submit', false ); ?>
 349                      <span class="spinner"></span>
 350                  </p>
 351                  <?php
 352              } else {
 353                  ?>
 354                  <p>
 355                      <?php
 356                      printf(
 357                          /* translators: %s: Documentation URL. */
 358                          __( 'You need to make this file writable before you can save your changes. See <a href="%s">Changing File Permissions</a> for more information.' ),
 359                          __( 'https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/server/file-permissions/' )
 360                      );
 361                      ?>
 362                  </p>
 363                  <?php
 364              }
 365              ?>
 366          </div>
 368          <?php wp_print_file_editor_templates(); ?>
 369      </form>
 370      <?php
 371  endif; // End if $error.
 372  ?>
 373  <br class="clear" />
 374  </div>
 375  <?php
 376  $dismissed_pointers = explode( ',', (string) get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'dismissed_wp_pointers', true ) );
 377  if ( ! in_array( 'theme_editor_notice', $dismissed_pointers, true ) ) {
 378      // Get a back URL.
 379      $referer = wp_get_referer();
 381      $excluded_referer_basenames = array( 'theme-editor.php', 'wp-login.php' );
 383      $return_url = admin_url( '/' );
 384      if ( $referer ) {
 385          $referer_path = parse_url( $referer, PHP_URL_PATH );
 386          if ( is_string( $referer_path ) && ! in_array( basename( $referer_path ), $excluded_referer_basenames, true ) ) {
 387              $return_url = $referer;
 388          }
 389      }
 390      ?>
 391      <div id="file-editor-warning" class="notification-dialog-wrap file-editor-warning hide-if-no-js hidden">
 392          <div class="notification-dialog-background"></div>
 393          <div class="notification-dialog">
 394              <div class="file-editor-warning-content">
 395                  <div class="file-editor-warning-message">
 396                      <h1><?php _e( 'Heads up!' ); ?></h1>
 397                      <p>
 398                          <?php
 399                          _e( 'You appear to be making direct edits to your theme in the WordPress dashboard. It is not recommended! Editing your theme directly could break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates.' );
 400                          ?>
 401                      </p>
 402                          <?php
 403                          if ( ! $theme->parent() ) {
 404                              echo '<p>';
 405                              printf(
 406                                  /* translators: %s: Link to documentation on child themes. */
 407                                  __( 'If you need to tweak more than your theme&#8217;s CSS, you might want to try <a href="%s">making a child theme</a>.' ),
 408                                  esc_url( __( 'https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/' ) )
 409                              );
 410                              echo '</p>';
 411                          }
 412                          ?>
 413                      <p><?php _e( 'If you decide to go ahead with direct edits anyway, use a file manager to create a copy with a new name and hang on to the original. That way, you can re-enable a functional version if something goes wrong.' ); ?></p>
 414                  </div>
 415                  <p>
 416                      <a class="button file-editor-warning-go-back" href="<?php echo esc_url( $return_url ); ?>"><?php _e( 'Go back' ); ?></a>
 417                      <button type="button" class="file-editor-warning-dismiss button button-primary"><?php _e( 'I understand' ); ?></button>
 418                  </p>
 419              </div>
 420          </div>
 421      </div>
 422      <?php
 423  } // Editor warning notice.
 425  require_once  ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php';

Generated : Thu Apr 25 08:20:02 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref