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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily) |
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File Size: | 216 lines (5 kb) |
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Includes or requires: | 0 files |
debounce(func, wait, immediate) X-Ref |
Debounce. param: {Function} func param: {number} wait param: {boolean} immediate |
prependElement(container, element) X-Ref |
Prepends an element to a container. param: {Element} container param: {Element} element |
showButton(element) X-Ref |
Shows an element by adding a hidden className. param: {Element} element |
hideButton(element) X-Ref |
Hides an element by removing the hidden className. param: {Element} element |
getAvailableSpace( button, container ) X-Ref |
Returns the currently available space in the menu container. returns: {number} Available space |
isOverflowingNavivation( list, button, container ) X-Ref |
Returns whether the current menu is overflowing or not. returns: {boolean} Is overflowing |
updateNavigationMenu( container ) X-Ref |
Refreshes the list item from the menu depending on the menu size. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |