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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily) |
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1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 2 3 /* Twenty Twenty Editor Styles — Classic Editor 4 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 5 6 7 /* Fonts ------------------------------------- */ 8 9 /* 10 * Chrome renders extra-wide characters for the Hoefler Text font. 11 * This results in a jumping cursor when typing in both the classic editor and 12 * block editor. The following font-face override fixes the issue by manually 13 * inserting a custom font that includes just a Hoefler Text space replacement 14 * for that character instead. 15 */ 16 @font-face { 17 font-family: NonBreakingSpaceOverride; 18 src: url(data:application/font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GMgABAAAAAAMoAA0AAAAACDQAAALTAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP0ZGVE0cGh4GYACCahEICjx3CywAATYCJANUBCAFhiEHgWwbXQfILgpsY+rQRRARwyAs6uL7pxzYhxEE+32b3aeHmifR6tklkS9hiZA0ewkqGRJE+H7/+6378ASViK/PGeavqJyOzsceKi1s3BCiQsiOdn1r/RBgIJYEgCUhbm/8/8/h4saPssnTNkkiWUBrTRtjmQSajw3Ui3pZ3LYDPD+XG2C3JA/yKAS8/rU5eNfuGqRf4eNNgV4YAlIIgxglEkWe6FYpq10+wi3g+/nUgvgPFczNrz/RsTgVm/zfbPuHZlsuQECxuyqBcQwKFBjFgKO8AqP4bAN9tFJtnM9xPcbNjeXS/x1wY/xU52f5W/X1+9cnH4YwKIaoRRAkUkj/YlAAeF/624foiIDBgBmgQBeGAyhBljUPZUm/l2dTvmpqcBDUOHdbPZWd8JsBAsGr4w8/EDn82/bUPx4eh0YNrQTBuHO2FjQEAGBwK0DeI37DpQVqdERS4gZBhpeUhWCfLFz7J99aEBgsJCHvUGAdAPp4IADDCAPCEFMGpMZ9AQpTfQtQGhLbGVBZFV8BaqNyP68oTZgHNj3M8kBPfXTTC9t90UuzYhy9ciH0grVlOcqyCytisvbsERsEYztiznR0WCrmTksJwbSNK6fd1Rvr25I9oLvctUoEbNOmXJbqgYgPXEHJ82IUsrCnpkxh23F1rfZ2zcRnJYoXtauB3VTFkFXQg3uoZYD5qE0kdjDtoDoF1h2bulGmev5HbYhbrjtohQSRI4aNOkffIcT+d3v6atpaYh3JvPoQsztCcqvaBkppDSPcQ3bw3KaCBo1f5CJWTZEgW3LjLofYg51MaVezrx8xZitYbQ9KYeoRaqQdVLwSEfrKXLK1otCWOKNdR/YwYAfon5Yk8O2MJfSD10dPGA5PIJJQMkah0ugMJiv6x4Dm7LEa8xnrRGGGLAg4sAlbsA07sAt76DOsXKO3hIjtIlpnnFrt1qW4kh6NhS83P/6HB/fl1SMAAA==) format("woff2"), url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,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) format("woff"); 19 } 20 21 /* Structure --------------------------------- */ 22 23 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content { /* stylelint-disable-line no-duplicate-selectors */ 24 font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; 25 } 26 27 @supports ( font-variation-settings: normal ) { 28 29 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content { /* stylelint-disable-line no-duplicate-selectors */ 30 font-family: "Inter var", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; 31 } 32 33 } 34 35 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content { /* stylelint-disable-line no-duplicate-selectors */ 36 background: #f5efe0; 37 color: #000; 38 font-size: 21px; 39 letter-spacing: -0.015em; 40 margin: 0 auto; 41 max-width: calc(100% - 40px); 42 width: 580px; 43 } 44 45 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content * { 46 box-sizing: border-box; 47 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; 48 } 49 50 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content p, 51 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol, 52 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul, 53 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content dl, 54 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content dt { 55 font-family: NonBreakingSpaceOverride, "Hoefler Text", "Noto Serif", Garamond, "Times New Roman", serif; 56 letter-spacing: normal; 57 } 58 59 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content p, 60 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul, 61 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol, 62 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content blockquote { 63 line-height: 1.5; 64 margin-bottom: 1.5em; 65 } 66 67 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content code, 68 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content kbd, 69 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content samp { 70 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075); 71 } 72 73 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content code, 74 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content kbd, 75 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content pre, 76 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content samp { 77 font-family: monospace; 78 color: inherit; 79 font-size: 15px; 80 } 81 82 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content pre { 83 border: 1px solid #dcd7ca; 84 line-height: 1.5; 85 margin: 40px 0; 86 overflow: auto; 87 padding: 30px; 88 text-align: left; 89 } 90 91 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a, 92 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a:focus, 93 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content a:hover { 94 color: #cd2653; 95 text-decoration: underline; 96 } 97 98 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img { 99 height: auto; 100 max-width: 100%; 101 } 102 103 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img[data-wp-more] { 104 height: 16px; 105 } 106 107 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr { 108 border: none; 109 border-top: 1px solid #dcd7ca; 110 margin: 2em auto; 111 width: 100%; 112 } 113 114 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr:not(.is-style-dots) { 115 background: linear-gradient(to left, currentColor calc(50% - 16px), transparent calc(50% - 16px), transparent calc(50% + 16px), currentColor calc(50% + 16px)); 116 border: none; 117 color: #6d6d6d; 118 height: 1px; 119 margin: 80px 0; 120 overflow: visible; 121 position: relative; 122 } 123 124 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr:not(.is-style-dots)::before, 125 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr:not(.is-style-dots)::after { 126 background: currentColor; 127 content: ""; 128 display: block; 129 height: 16px; 130 position: absolute; 131 top: calc(50% - 8px); 132 transform: rotate(22.5deg); 133 width: 1px; 134 } 135 136 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr::before { 137 left: calc(50% - 5px); 138 } 139 140 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content hr::after { 141 right: calc(50% - 5px); 142 } 143 144 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content dt { 145 font-weight: 600; 146 } 147 148 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content dd { 149 line-height: 1.5; 150 } 151 152 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content dd + dt { 153 margin-top: 1.5rem; 154 } 155 156 157 /* Font Families ----------------------------- */ 158 159 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figcaption, 160 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-text, 161 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-dd, 162 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content cite, 163 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content table { 164 font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; 165 line-height: 1; 166 } 167 168 @supports ( font-variation-settings: normal ) { 169 170 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figcaption, 171 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-text, 172 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-dd, 173 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content cite, 174 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content table { 175 font-family: "Inter var", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; 176 } 177 } 178 179 180 /* Titles ------------------------------------ */ 181 182 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h1, 183 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h2, 184 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h3, 185 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h4, 186 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h5, 187 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h6 { 188 font-feature-settings: "lnum"; 189 font-variant-numeric: lining-nums; 190 font-weight: 700; 191 letter-spacing: -0.0415625em; 192 line-height: 1.25; 193 margin: 40px 0 25px; 194 } 195 196 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h1, 197 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-1 { 198 font-size: 84px; 199 font-weight: 800; 200 line-height: 1.138888889; 201 } 202 203 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h2, 204 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-2 { 205 font-size: 48px; 206 } 207 208 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h3, 209 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-3 { 210 font-size: 40px; 211 } 212 213 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h4, 214 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-4 { 215 font-size: 32px; 216 } 217 218 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h5, 219 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-5 { 220 font-size: 24px; 221 } 222 223 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content h6, 224 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .heading-size-6 { 225 font-size: 18px; 226 letter-spacing: 0.03125em; 227 text-transform: uppercase; 228 } 229 230 /* Blockquote -------------------------------- */ 231 232 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content blockquote { 233 border: none; 234 border-left: 2px solid #cd2653; 235 margin: 0 0 1.6em 0; 236 padding: 0.25em 0 0.25em 1em; 237 } 238 239 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content blockquote p { 240 font-style: normal; 241 font-weight: 400; 242 margin: 0; 243 } 244 245 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content cite { 246 color: #6d6d6d; 247 font-size: 16px; 248 font-weight: 500; 249 font-style: normal; 250 } 251 252 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content blockquote cite { 253 display: block; 254 margin-top: 20px; 255 } 256 257 258 /* Lists ------------------------------------- */ 259 260 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul { 261 margin-left: 1.5em; 262 padding-left: 0; 263 list-style: disc; 264 } 265 266 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol { 267 margin-left: 1.5em; 268 padding-left: 0; 269 list-style: decimal; 270 } 271 272 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul ul { 273 list-style: circle; 274 } 275 276 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul ul ul { 277 list-style: square; 278 } 279 280 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol ol { 281 list-style: lower-alpha; 282 } 283 284 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol ol ol { 285 list-style: lower-roman; 286 } 287 288 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul ul, 289 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul ol, 290 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol ul, 291 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol ol { 292 margin-bottom: 0; 293 } 294 295 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content li { 296 line-height: 1.5; 297 margin-bottom: 0.5em; 298 } 299 300 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol > li:last-child, 301 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul > li:last-child { 302 margin-bottom: 0; 303 } 304 305 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ol > li:first-child, 306 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul > li:first-child { 307 margin-top: 0.5em; 308 } 309 310 311 /* Post Media -------------------------------- */ 312 313 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figure, 314 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content video { 315 display: block; 316 margin: 0; 317 } 318 319 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption { 320 margin-bottom: 1.5em; 321 } 322 323 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img.alignleft, 324 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignleft img, 325 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img.aligncenter, 326 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .aligncenter img, 327 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img.alignright, 328 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignright img, 329 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content img.alignnone, 330 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignnone img { 331 display: block; 332 } 333 334 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .aligncenter, 335 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignnone, 336 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignwide, 337 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignfull { 338 margin: 50px auto; 339 } 340 341 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignleft, 342 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignright { 343 margin-bottom: 25px; 344 max-width: 50%; 345 } 346 347 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption img { 348 display: block; 349 } 350 351 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption .alignleft, 352 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption .alignright { 353 margin-bottom: 0; 354 } 355 356 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignleft { 357 358 /*rtl:ignore*/ 359 float: left; 360 margin-right: 25px; 361 max-width: 260px; 362 } 363 364 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .alignright { 365 366 /*rtl:ignore*/ 367 float: right; 368 margin-left: 25px; 369 max-width: 260px; 370 } 371 372 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wpview[data-wpview-type="gallery"] + .wpview[data-wpview-type="gallery"] { 373 margin-top: -34px; 374 } 375 376 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figcaption, 377 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-text, 378 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-dd, 379 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .gallery-caption { 380 color: #6d6d6d; 381 display: block; 382 font-size: 15px; 383 font-weight: 500; 384 line-height: 1.2; 385 margin: 18px 0 0; 386 } 387 388 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content figcaption a, 389 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-text a, 390 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-caption-dd a, 391 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .gallery-caption a { 392 color: inherit; 393 } 394 395 396 /* Tables ------------------------------------ */ 397 398 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content table { 399 border-collapse: collapse; 400 border-spacing: 0; 401 empty-cells: show; 402 font-size: 18px; 403 width: 100%; 404 } 405 406 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content th, 407 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content td { 408 line-height: 1.2; 409 margin: 0; 410 overflow: visible; 411 padding: 0.5em; 412 } 413 414 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content caption { 415 text-align: center; 416 padding: 0.5em; 417 } 418 419 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content thead { 420 vertical-align: bottom; 421 white-space: nowrap; 422 } 423 424 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content th { 425 text-align: left; 426 } 427 428 429 /* Forms ------------------------------------- */ 430 431 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content fieldset { 432 border: 2px solid #dcd7ca; 433 padding: 30px; 434 } 435 436 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content fieldset legend { 437 font-size: 0.85em; 438 font-weight: 700; 439 padding: 0 15px; 440 } 441 442 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content label { 443 display: block; 444 font-size: 15px; 445 font-weight: 600; 446 margin: 0 0 5px 0; 447 } 448 449 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input, 450 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content textarea { 451 border-color: #dcd7ca; 452 color: inherit; 453 font-family: inherit; 454 font-size: inherit; 455 } 456 457 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="text"], 458 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="password"], 459 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="email"], 460 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="url"], 461 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="date"], 462 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="month"], 463 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="time"], 464 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="datetime"], 465 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="datetime-local"], 466 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="week"], 467 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="number"], 468 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="search"], 469 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="tel"], 470 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="color"], 471 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content textarea { 472 -webkit-appearance: none; 473 -moz-appearance: none; 474 background: transparent; 475 border-radius: 3px; 476 border-style: solid; 477 border-width: 0.1rem; 478 box-shadow: none; 479 display: block; 480 font-size: inherit; 481 font-weight: 400; 482 margin: 0; 483 max-width: 100%; 484 padding: 13.5px 18px; 485 width: 100%; 486 word-break: normal; 487 } 488 489 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content textarea { 490 height: 200px; 491 line-height: 1.5; 492 width: 100%; 493 } 494 495 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content button, 496 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .faux-button, 497 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-button__link, 498 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-file__button, 499 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="button"], 500 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="reset"], 501 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="submit"] { 502 -webkit-appearance: none; 503 -moz-appearance: none; 504 background: #cd2653; 505 border: none; 506 border-radius: 0; 507 color: #fff; 508 cursor: pointer; 509 display: inline-block; 510 font-size: 17px; 511 font-weight: 600; 512 letter-spacing: 0.0333em; 513 line-height: 1.25; 514 margin: 0; 515 padding: 1.1em 1.44em; 516 text-align: center; 517 text-decoration: none; 518 text-transform: uppercase; 519 } 520 521 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content button:focus, 522 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content button:hover, 523 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .faux-button:hover, 524 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .faux-button:focus, 525 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-button__link:focus, 526 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-button__link:hover, 527 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-file__button:focus, 528 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .wp-block-file__button:hover, 529 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="button"]:focus, 530 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="button"]:hover, 531 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="reset"]:focus, 532 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="reset"]:hover, 533 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="submit"]:focus, 534 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content input[type="submit"]:hover { 535 color: #fff; 536 text-decoration: underline; 537 } 538 539 .wp-block-button:not(.alignleft):not(.alignright) { 540 margin-bottom: 30px; 541 margin-top: 30px; 542 } 543 544 /* BUTTON ALIGN: CENTER */ 545 546 .wp-block-button.aligncenter { 547 text-align: center; 548 } 549 550 /* BUTTON STYLE: OUTLINE */ 551 552 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link, 553 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link:focus, 554 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link:hover { 555 color: #cd2653; 556 } 557 558 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .is-style-outline .wp-block-button__link { 559 background: none; 560 border: 2px solid currentColor; 561 padding: calc(1.1em - 2px) calc(1.44em - 2px); 562 } 563 564 /* BUTTON STYLE: SQUARED */ 565 566 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .is-style-squared .wp-block-button__link { 567 border-radius: 0; 568 } 569 570 571 /* Blocks ------------------------------------ */ 572 573 /* BLOCK: HELPER CLASSES */ 574 575 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content .has-background { 576 padding: 20px; 577 } 578 579 /* BLOCK: GALLERY */ 580 581 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul.wp-block-gallery { 582 list-style: none; 583 margin-left: 0; 584 } 585 586 body#tinymce.wp-editor.content ul.wp-block-gallery li { 587 margin-left: 0; 588 }
Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |