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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)





/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyfour/styles/ -> ember.json (source)

   1  {
   2      "$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/theme.json",
   3      "version": 2,
   4      "title": "Ember",
   5      "settings": {
   6          "color": {
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   8                  {
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  10                          "#D73301",
  11                          "#F9F8F5"
  12                      ],
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  14                      "name": "Orange and white"
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  20                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #f6decd 0%, #dbab88 100%)",
  21                      "name": "Vertical linen to beige"
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  25                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #A4A4A4 0%, #dbab88 100%)",
  26                      "name": "Vertical taupe to beige"
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  30                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #353535 0%, #dbab88 100%)",
  31                      "name": "Vertical sable to beige"
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  35                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #111111 0%, #dbab88 100%)",
  36                      "name": "Vertical ebony to beige"
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  40                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #353535 0%, #A4A4A4 100%)",
  41                      "name": "Vertical sable to beige"
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  45                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #111111 0%, #353535 100%)",
  46                      "name": "Vertical ebony to sable"
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  49                      "slug": "gradient-7",
  50                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #dbab88 50%, #f6decd 50%)",
  51                      "name": "Vertical hard beige to linen"
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  55                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #A4A4A4 50%, #dbab88 50%)",
  56                      "name": "Vertical hard taupe to beige"
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  60                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #353535 50%, #dbab88 50%)",
  61                      "name": "Vertical hard sable to beige"
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  65                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #111111 50%, #dbab88 50%)",
  66                      "name": "Vertical hard ebony to beige"
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  70                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #353535 50%, #A4A4A4 50%)",
  71                      "name": "Vertical hard sable to taupe"
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  74                      "slug": "gradient-12",
  75                      "gradient": "linear-gradient(to bottom, #111111 50%, #353535 50%)",
  76                      "name": "Vertical hard ebony to sable"
  77                  }
  78              ],
  79              "palette": [
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  81                      "color": "#F9F8F5",
  82                      "name": "Base",
  83                      "slug": "base"
  84                  },
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  86                      "color": "#D73301",
  87                      "name": "Contrast / 2",
  88                      "slug": "contrast-2"
  89                  },
  90                  {
  91                      "color": "#000",
  92                      "name": "Contrast",
  93                      "slug": "contrast"
  94                  },
  95                  {
  96                      "color": "#f6decd",
  97                      "name": "Base / Two",
  98                      "slug": "base-2"
  99                  }
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 161      "styles": {
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 248      }
 249  }

Generated : Thu May 2 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref