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/wp-includes/Requests/ -> Proxy.php (summary)

Proxy connection interface

File Size: 35 lines (1 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

Requests_Proxy:: (1 method):

Interface: Requests_Proxy  - X-Ref

Proxy connection interface

Implement this interface to handle proxy settings and authentication

Parameters should be passed via the constructor where possible, as this
makes it much easier for users to use your provider.

register(Requests_Hooks $hooks)   X-Ref
Register hooks as needed

This method is called in {@see Requests::request} when the user has set
an instance as the 'auth' option. Use this callback to register all the
hooks you'll need.

param: Requests_Hooks $hooks Hook system

Generated : Thu Dec 15 08:20:01 2022 Cross-referenced by PHPXref