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/wp-includes/blocks/ -> navigation-link.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Server-side registering and rendering of the `core/navigation-link` block.
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   */
   8  /**
   9   * Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the colors
  10   * which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end.
  11   *
  12   * @since 5.9.0
  13   *
  14   * @param  array $context     Navigation block context.
  15   * @param  array $attributes  Block attributes.
  16   * @param  bool  $is_sub_menu Whether the link is part of a sub-menu.
  17   * @return array Colors CSS classes and inline styles.
  18   */
  19  function block_core_navigation_link_build_css_colors( $context, $attributes, $is_sub_menu = false ) {
  20      $colors = array(
  21          'css_classes'   => array(),
  22          'inline_styles' => '',
  23      );
  25      // Text color.
  26      $named_text_color  = null;
  27      $custom_text_color = null;
  29      if ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'customOverlayTextColor', $context ) ) {
  30          $custom_text_color = $context['customOverlayTextColor'];
  31      } elseif ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'overlayTextColor', $context ) ) {
  32          $named_text_color = $context['overlayTextColor'];
  33      } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'customTextColor', $context ) ) {
  34          $custom_text_color = $context['customTextColor'];
  35      } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'textColor', $context ) ) {
  36          $named_text_color = $context['textColor'];
  37      } elseif ( isset( $context['style']['color']['text'] ) ) {
  38          $custom_text_color = $context['style']['color']['text'];
  39      }
  41      // If has text color.
  42      if ( ! is_null( $named_text_color ) ) {
  43          // Add the color class.
  44          array_push( $colors['css_classes'], 'has-text-color', sprintf( 'has-%s-color', $named_text_color ) );
  45      } elseif ( ! is_null( $custom_text_color ) ) {
  46          // Add the custom color inline style.
  47          $colors['css_classes'][]  = 'has-text-color';
  48          $colors['inline_styles'] .= sprintf( 'color: %s;', $custom_text_color );
  49      }
  51      // Background color.
  52      $named_background_color  = null;
  53      $custom_background_color = null;
  55      if ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'customOverlayBackgroundColor', $context ) ) {
  56          $custom_background_color = $context['customOverlayBackgroundColor'];
  57      } elseif ( $is_sub_menu && array_key_exists( 'overlayBackgroundColor', $context ) ) {
  58          $named_background_color = $context['overlayBackgroundColor'];
  59      } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'customBackgroundColor', $context ) ) {
  60          $custom_background_color = $context['customBackgroundColor'];
  61      } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'backgroundColor', $context ) ) {
  62          $named_background_color = $context['backgroundColor'];
  63      } elseif ( isset( $context['style']['color']['background'] ) ) {
  64          $custom_background_color = $context['style']['color']['background'];
  65      }
  67      // If has background color.
  68      if ( ! is_null( $named_background_color ) ) {
  69          // Add the background-color class.
  70          array_push( $colors['css_classes'], 'has-background', sprintf( 'has-%s-background-color', $named_background_color ) );
  71      } elseif ( ! is_null( $custom_background_color ) ) {
  72          // Add the custom background-color inline style.
  73          $colors['css_classes'][]  = 'has-background';
  74          $colors['inline_styles'] .= sprintf( 'background-color: %s;', $custom_background_color );
  75      }
  77      return $colors;
  78  }
  80  /**
  81   * Build an array with CSS classes and inline styles defining the font sizes
  82   * which will be applied to the navigation markup in the front-end.
  83   *
  84   * @since 5.9.0
  85   *
  86   * @param  array $context Navigation block context.
  87   * @return array Font size CSS classes and inline styles.
  88   */
  89  function block_core_navigation_link_build_css_font_sizes( $context ) {
  90      // CSS classes.
  91      $font_sizes = array(
  92          'css_classes'   => array(),
  93          'inline_styles' => '',
  94      );
  96      $has_named_font_size  = array_key_exists( 'fontSize', $context );
  97      $has_custom_font_size = isset( $context['style']['typography']['fontSize'] );
  99      if ( $has_named_font_size ) {
 100          // Add the font size class.
 101          $font_sizes['css_classes'][] = sprintf( 'has-%s-font-size', $context['fontSize'] );
 102      } elseif ( $has_custom_font_size ) {
 103          // Add the custom font size inline style.
 104          $font_sizes['inline_styles'] = sprintf(
 105              'font-size: %s;',
 106              wp_get_typography_font_size_value(
 107                  array(
 108                      'size' => $context['style']['typography']['fontSize'],
 109                  )
 110              )
 111          );
 112      }
 114      return $font_sizes;
 115  }
 117  /**
 118   * Returns the top-level submenu SVG chevron icon.
 119   *
 120   * @since 5.9.0
 121   *
 122   * @return string
 123   */
 124  function block_core_navigation_link_render_submenu_icon() {
 125      return '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="12" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" fill="none" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><path d="M1.50002 4L6.00002 8L10.5 4" stroke-width="1.5"></path></svg>';
 126  }
 128  /**
 129   * Decodes a url if it's encoded, returning the same url if not.
 130   *
 131   * @since 6.2.0
 132   *
 133   * @param string $url The url to decode.
 134   *
 135   * @return string $url Returns the decoded url.
 136   */
 137  function block_core_navigation_link_maybe_urldecode( $url ) {
 138      $is_url_encoded = false;
 139      $query          = parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY );
 140      $query_params   = wp_parse_args( $query );
 142      foreach ( $query_params as $query_param ) {
 143          $can_query_param_be_encoded = is_string( $query_param ) && ! empty( $query_param );
 144          if ( ! $can_query_param_be_encoded ) {
 145              continue;
 146          }
 147          if ( rawurldecode( $query_param ) !== $query_param ) {
 148              $is_url_encoded = true;
 149              break;
 150          }
 151      }
 153      if ( $is_url_encoded ) {
 154          return rawurldecode( $url );
 155      }
 157      return $url;
 158  }
 161  /**
 162   * Renders the `core/navigation-link` block.
 163   *
 164   * @since 5.9.0
 165   *
 166   * @param array    $attributes The block attributes.
 167   * @param string   $content    The saved content.
 168   * @param WP_Block $block      The parsed block.
 169   *
 170   * @return string Returns the post content with the legacy widget added.
 171   */
 172  function render_block_core_navigation_link( $attributes, $content, $block ) {
 173      $navigation_link_has_id = isset( $attributes['id'] ) && is_numeric( $attributes['id'] );
 174      $is_post_type           = isset( $attributes['kind'] ) && 'post-type' === $attributes['kind'];
 175      $is_post_type           = $is_post_type || isset( $attributes['type'] ) && ( 'post' === $attributes['type'] || 'page' === $attributes['type'] );
 177      // Don't render the block's subtree if it is a draft or if the ID does not exist.
 178      if ( $is_post_type && $navigation_link_has_id ) {
 179          $post = get_post( $attributes['id'] );
 180          /**
 181           * Filter allowed post_status for navigation link block to render.
 182           *
 183           * @since 6.8.0
 184           *
 185           * @param array $post_status
 186           * @param array $attributes
 187           * @param WP_Block $block
 188           */
 189          $allowed_post_status = (array) apply_filters(
 190              'render_block_core_navigation_link_allowed_post_status',
 191              array( 'publish' ),
 192              $attributes,
 193              $block
 194          );
 195          if ( ! $post || ! in_array( $post->post_status, $allowed_post_status, true ) ) {
 196              return '';
 197          }
 198      }
 200      // Don't render the block's subtree if it has no label.
 201      if ( empty( $attributes['label'] ) ) {
 202          return '';
 203      }
 205      $font_sizes      = block_core_navigation_link_build_css_font_sizes( $block->context );
 206      $classes         = array_merge(
 207          $font_sizes['css_classes']
 208      );
 209      $style_attribute = $font_sizes['inline_styles'];
 211      $css_classes = trim( implode( ' ', $classes ) );
 212      $has_submenu = count( $block->inner_blocks ) > 0;
 213      $kind        = empty( $attributes['kind'] ) ? 'post_type' : str_replace( '-', '_', $attributes['kind'] );
 214      $is_active   = ! empty( $attributes['id'] ) && get_queried_object_id() === (int) $attributes['id'] && ! empty( get_queried_object()->$kind );
 216      if ( is_post_type_archive() ) {
 217          $queried_archive_link = get_post_type_archive_link( get_queried_object()->name );
 218          if ( $attributes['url'] === $queried_archive_link ) {
 219              $is_active = true;
 220          }
 221      }
 223      $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes(
 224          array(
 225              'class' => $css_classes . ' wp-block-navigation-item' . ( $has_submenu ? ' has-child' : '' ) .
 226                  ( $is_active ? ' current-menu-item' : '' ),
 227              'style' => $style_attribute,
 228          )
 229      );
 230      $html               = '<li ' . $wrapper_attributes . '>' .
 231          '<a class="wp-block-navigation-item__content" ';
 233      // Start appending HTML attributes to anchor tag.
 234      if ( isset( $attributes['url'] ) ) {
 235          $html .= ' href="' . esc_url( block_core_navigation_link_maybe_urldecode( $attributes['url'] ) ) . '"';
 236      }
 238      if ( $is_active ) {
 239          $html .= ' aria-current="page"';
 240      }
 242      if ( isset( $attributes['opensInNewTab'] ) && true === $attributes['opensInNewTab'] ) {
 243          $html .= ' target="_blank"  ';
 244      }
 246      if ( isset( $attributes['rel'] ) ) {
 247          $html .= ' rel="' . esc_attr( $attributes['rel'] ) . '"';
 248      } elseif ( isset( $attributes['nofollow'] ) && $attributes['nofollow'] ) {
 249          $html .= ' rel="nofollow"';
 250      }
 252      if ( isset( $attributes['title'] ) ) {
 253          $html .= ' title="' . esc_attr( $attributes['title'] ) . '"';
 254      }
 256      // End appending HTML attributes to anchor tag.
 258      // Start anchor tag content.
 259      $html .= '>' .
 260          // Wrap title with span to isolate it from submenu icon.
 261          '<span class="wp-block-navigation-item__label">';
 263      if ( isset( $attributes['label'] ) ) {
 264          $html .= wp_kses_post( $attributes['label'] );
 265      }
 267      $html .= '</span>';
 269      // Add description if available.
 270      if ( ! empty( $attributes['description'] ) ) {
 271          $html .= '<span class="wp-block-navigation-item__description">';
 272          $html .= wp_kses_post( $attributes['description'] );
 273          $html .= '</span>';
 274      }
 276      $html .= '</a>';
 277      // End anchor tag content.
 279      if ( isset( $block->context['showSubmenuIcon'] ) && $block->context['showSubmenuIcon'] && $has_submenu ) {
 280          // The submenu icon can be hidden by a CSS rule on the Navigation Block.
 281          $html .= '<span class="wp-block-navigation__submenu-icon">' . block_core_navigation_link_render_submenu_icon() . '</span>';
 282      }
 284      if ( $has_submenu ) {
 285          $inner_blocks_html = '';
 286          foreach ( $block->inner_blocks as $inner_block ) {
 287              $inner_blocks_html .= $inner_block->render();
 288          }
 290          $html .= sprintf(
 291              '<ul class="wp-block-navigation__submenu-container">%s</ul>',
 292              $inner_blocks_html
 293          );
 294      }
 296      $html .= '</li>';
 298      return $html;
 299  }
 301  /**
 302   * Returns a navigation link variation
 303   *
 304   * @since 5.9.0
 305   *
 306   * @param WP_Taxonomy|WP_Post_Type $entity post type or taxonomy entity.
 307   * @param string                   $kind string of value 'taxonomy' or 'post-type'.
 308   *
 309   * @return array
 310   */
 311  function build_variation_for_navigation_link( $entity, $kind ) {
 312      $title       = '';
 313      $description = '';
 315      if ( property_exists( $entity->labels, 'item_link' ) ) {
 316          $title = $entity->labels->item_link;
 317      }
 318      if ( property_exists( $entity->labels, 'item_link_description' ) ) {
 319          $description = $entity->labels->item_link_description;
 320      }
 322      $variation = array(
 323          'name'        => $entity->name,
 324          'title'       => $title,
 325          'description' => $description,
 326          'attributes'  => array(
 327              'type' => $entity->name,
 328              'kind' => $kind,
 329          ),
 330      );
 332      // Tweak some value for the variations.
 333      $variation_overrides = array(
 334          'post_tag'    => array(
 335              'name'       => 'tag',
 336              'attributes' => array(
 337                  'type' => 'tag',
 338                  'kind' => $kind,
 339              ),
 340          ),
 341          'post_format' => array(
 342              // The item_link and item_link_description for post formats is the
 343              // same as for tags, so need to be overridden.
 344              'title'       => __( 'Post Format Link' ),
 345              'description' => __( 'A link to a post format' ),
 346              'attributes'  => array(
 347                  'type' => 'post_format',
 348                  'kind' => $kind,
 349              ),
 350          ),
 351      );
 353      if ( array_key_exists( $entity->name, $variation_overrides ) ) {
 354          $variation = array_merge(
 355              $variation,
 356              $variation_overrides[ $entity->name ]
 357          );
 358      }
 360      return $variation;
 361  }
 363  /**
 364   * Filters the registered variations for a block type.
 365   * Returns the dynamically built variations for all post-types and taxonomies.
 366   *
 367   * @since 6.5.0
 368   *
 369   * @param array         $variations Array of registered variations for a block type.
 370   * @param WP_Block_Type $block_type The full block type object.
 371   */
 372  function block_core_navigation_link_filter_variations( $variations, $block_type ) {
 373      if ( 'core/navigation-link' !== $block_type->name ) {
 374          return $variations;
 375      }
 377      $generated_variations = block_core_navigation_link_build_variations();
 378      return array_merge( $variations, $generated_variations );
 379  }
 381  /**
 382   * Returns an array of variations for the navigation link block.
 383   *
 384   * @since 6.5.0
 385   *
 386   * @return array
 387   */
 388  function block_core_navigation_link_build_variations() {
 389      $post_types = get_post_types( array( 'show_in_nav_menus' => true ), 'objects' );
 390      $taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array( 'show_in_nav_menus' => true ), 'objects' );
 392      /*
 393       * Use two separate arrays as a way to order the variations in the UI.
 394       * Known variations (like Post Link and Page Link) are added to the
 395       * `built_ins` array. Variations for custom post types and taxonomies are
 396       * added to the `variations` array and will always appear after `built-ins.
 397       */
 398      $built_ins  = array();
 399      $variations = array();
 401      if ( $post_types ) {
 402          foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
 403              $variation = build_variation_for_navigation_link( $post_type, 'post-type' );
 404              if ( $post_type->_builtin ) {
 405                  $built_ins[] = $variation;
 406              } else {
 407                  $variations[] = $variation;
 408              }
 409          }
 410      }
 411      if ( $taxonomies ) {
 412          foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) {
 413              $variation = build_variation_for_navigation_link( $taxonomy, 'taxonomy' );
 414              if ( $taxonomy->_builtin ) {
 415                  $built_ins[] = $variation;
 416              } else {
 417                  $variations[] = $variation;
 418              }
 419          }
 420      }
 422      return array_merge( $built_ins, $variations );
 423  }
 425  /**
 426   * Registers the navigation link block.
 427   *
 428   * @since 5.9.0
 429   *
 430   * @uses render_block_core_navigation_link()
 431   * @throws WP_Error An WP_Error exception parsing the block definition.
 432   */
 433  function register_block_core_navigation_link() {
 434      register_block_type_from_metadata(
 435          __DIR__ . '/navigation-link',
 436          array(
 437              'render_callback' => 'render_block_core_navigation_link',
 438          )
 439      );
 440  }
 441  add_action( 'init', 'register_block_core_navigation_link' );
 442  /**
 443   * Creates all variations for post types / taxonomies dynamically (= each time when variations are requested).
 444   * Do not use variation_callback, to also account for unregistering post types/taxonomies later on.
 445   */
 446  add_action( 'get_block_type_variations', 'block_core_navigation_link_filter_variations', 10, 2 );

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref