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/wp-includes/html-api/ -> class-wp-html-decoder.php (summary)

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Defines 1 class

WP_HTML_Decoder:: (6 methods):

Class: WP_HTML_Decoder  - X-Ref

HTML API: WP_HTML_Decoder class

Decodes spans of raw text found inside HTML content.

attribute_starts_with( $haystack, $search_text, $case_sensitivity = 'case-sensitive' )   X-Ref
Indicates if an attribute value starts with a given raw string value.

Use this method to determine if an attribute value starts with a given string, regardless
of how it might be encoded in HTML. For instance, `http:` could be represented as `http:`
or as `http:` or as `http:` or as `http:`, or in many other ways.


$value = 'http://wordpress.org/';
true   === WP_HTML_Decoder::attribute_starts_with( $value, 'http:', 'ascii-case-insensitive' );
false  === WP_HTML_Decoder::attribute_starts_with( $value, 'https:', 'ascii-case-insensitive' );

return: bool Whether the attribute value starts with the given string.
param: string $haystack         String containing the raw non-decoded attribute value.
param: string $search_text      Does the attribute value start with this plain string.
param: string $case_sensitivity Optional. Pass 'ascii-case-insensitive' to ignore ASCII case when matching.

decode_text_node( $text )   X-Ref
Returns a string containing the decoded value of a given HTML text node.

Text nodes appear in HTML DATA sections, which are the text segments inside
and around tags, excepting SCRIPT and STYLE elements (and some others),
whose inner text is not decoded. Use this function to read the decoded
value of such a text span in an HTML document.


'“😄”' === WP_HTML_Decode::decode_text_node( '“😄&#x94' );

return: string Decoded UTF-8 value of given text node.
param: string $text Text containing raw and non-decoded text node to decode.

decode_attribute( $text )   X-Ref
Returns a string containing the decoded value of a given HTML attribute.

Text found inside an HTML attribute has different parsing rules than for
text found inside other markup, or DATA segments. Use this function to
read the decoded value of an HTML string inside a quoted attribute.


'“😄”' === WP_HTML_Decode::decode_attribute( '“😄&#x94' );

return: string Decoded UTF-8 value of given attribute value.
param: string $text Text containing raw and non-decoded attribute value to decode.

decode( $context, $text )   X-Ref
Decodes a span of HTML text, depending on the context in which it's found.

This is a low-level method; prefer calling WP_HTML_Decoder::decode_attribute() or
WP_HTML_Decoder::decode_text_node() instead. It's provided for cases where this
may be difficult to do from calling code.


'©' = WP_HTML_Decoder::decode( 'data', '©' );

return: string Decoded UTF-8 string.
param: string $context `attribute` for decoding attribute values, `data` otherwise.
param: string $text    Text document containing span of text to decode.

read_character_reference( $context, $text, $at = 0, &$match_byte_length = null )   X-Ref
Attempt to read a character reference at the given location in a given string,
depending on the context in which it's found.

If a character reference is found, this function will return the translated value
that the reference maps to. It will then set `$match_byte_length` the
number of bytes of input it read while consuming the character reference. This
gives calling code the opportunity to advance its cursor when traversing a string
and decoding.


null === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'attribute', 'Ships…', 0 );
'…'  === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'attribute', 'Ships…', 5, $token_length );
8    === $token_length; // `…`

null === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'attribute', '&notin', 0 );
'∉'  === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'attribute', '∉', 0, $token_length );
7    === $token_length; // `∉`

'¬'  === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'data', '&notin', 0, $token_length );
4    === $token_length; // `&not`
'∉'  === WP_HTML_Decoder::read_character_reference( 'data', '∉', 0, $token_length );
7    === $token_length; // `∉`

return: string|false Decoded character reference in UTF-8 if found, otherwise `false`.
param: string $context            `attribute` for decoding attribute values, `data` otherwise.
param: string $text               Text document containing span of text to decode.
param: int    $at                 Optional. Byte offset into text where span begins, defaults to the beginning (0).
param: int    &$match_byte_length Optional. Set to byte-length of character reference if provided and if a match

code_point_to_utf8_bytes( $code_point )   X-Ref
Encode a code point number into the UTF-8 encoding.

This encoder implements the UTF-8 encoding algorithm for converting
a code point into a byte sequence. If it receives an invalid code
point it will return the Unicode Replacement Character U+FFFD `�`.


'🅰' === WP_HTML_Decoder::code_point_to_utf8_bytes( 0x1f170 );

// Half of a surrogate pair is an invalid code point.
'�' === WP_HTML_Decoder::code_point_to_utf8_bytes( 0xd83c );

return: string Converted code point, or `�` if invalid.
param: int $code_point Which code point to convert.

Generated : Sat Nov 23 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref