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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)





/wp-includes/js/dist/ -> core-data.js (source)

   1  /******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
   2  /******/     "use strict";
   3  /******/     var __webpack_modules__ = ({
   5  /***/ 3249:
   6  /***/ ((module) => {
  10  function _typeof(obj) {
  11    if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") {
  12      _typeof = function (obj) {
  13        return typeof obj;
  14      };
  15    } else {
  16      _typeof = function (obj) {
  17        return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
  18      };
  19    }
  21    return _typeof(obj);
  22  }
  24  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
  25    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
  26      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
  27    }
  28  }
  30  function _defineProperties(target, props) {
  31    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
  32      var descriptor = props[i];
  33      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
  34      descriptor.configurable = true;
  35      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
  36      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
  37    }
  38  }
  40  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
  41    if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
  42    if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
  43    return Constructor;
  44  }
  46  /**
  47   * Given an instance of EquivalentKeyMap, returns its internal value pair tuple
  48   * for a key, if one exists. The tuple members consist of the last reference
  49   * value for the key (used in efficient subsequent lookups) and the value
  50   * assigned for the key at the leaf node.
  51   *
  52   * @param {EquivalentKeyMap} instance EquivalentKeyMap instance.
  53   * @param {*} key                     The key for which to return value pair.
  54   *
  55   * @return {?Array} Value pair, if exists.
  56   */
  57  function getValuePair(instance, key) {
  58    var _map = instance._map,
  59        _arrayTreeMap = instance._arrayTreeMap,
  60        _objectTreeMap = instance._objectTreeMap; // Map keeps a reference to the last object-like key used to set the
  61    // value, which can be used to shortcut immediately to the value.
  63    if (_map.has(key)) {
  64      return _map.get(key);
  65    } // Sort keys to ensure stable retrieval from tree.
  68    var properties = Object.keys(key).sort(); // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.
  70    var map = Array.isArray(key) ? _arrayTreeMap : _objectTreeMap;
  72    for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
  73      var property = properties[i];
  74      map = map.get(property);
  76      if (map === undefined) {
  77        return;
  78      }
  80      var propertyValue = key[property];
  81      map = map.get(propertyValue);
  83      if (map === undefined) {
  84        return;
  85      }
  86    }
  88    var valuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');
  90    if (!valuePair) {
  91      return;
  92    } // If reached, it implies that an object-like key was set with another
  93    // reference, so delete the reference and replace with the current.
  96    _map.delete(valuePair[0]);
  98    valuePair[0] = key;
  99    map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);
 101    _map.set(key, valuePair);
 103    return valuePair;
 104  }
 105  /**
 106   * Variant of a Map object which enables lookup by equivalent (deeply equal)
 107   * object and array keys.
 108   */
 111  var EquivalentKeyMap =
 112  /*#__PURE__*/
 113  function () {
 114    /**
 115     * Constructs a new instance of EquivalentKeyMap.
 116     *
 117     * @param {Iterable.<*>} iterable Initial pair of key, value for map.
 118     */
 119    function EquivalentKeyMap(iterable) {
 120      _classCallCheck(this, EquivalentKeyMap);
 122      this.clear();
 124      if (iterable instanceof EquivalentKeyMap) {
 125        // Map#forEach is only means of iterating with support for IE11.
 126        var iterablePairs = [];
 127        iterable.forEach(function (value, key) {
 128          iterablePairs.push([key, value]);
 129        });
 130        iterable = iterablePairs;
 131      }
 133      if (iterable != null) {
 134        for (var i = 0; i < iterable.length; i++) {
 135          this.set(iterable[i][0], iterable[i][1]);
 136        }
 137      }
 138    }
 139    /**
 140     * Accessor property returning the number of elements.
 141     *
 142     * @return {number} Number of elements.
 143     */
 146    _createClass(EquivalentKeyMap, [{
 147      key: "set",
 149      /**
 150       * Add or update an element with a specified key and value.
 151       *
 152       * @param {*} key   The key of the element to add.
 153       * @param {*} value The value of the element to add.
 154       *
 155       * @return {EquivalentKeyMap} Map instance.
 156       */
 157      value: function set(key, value) {
 158        // Shortcut non-object-like to set on internal Map.
 159        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 160          this._map.set(key, value);
 162          return this;
 163        } // Sort keys to ensure stable assignment into tree.
 166        var properties = Object.keys(key).sort();
 167        var valuePair = [key, value]; // Tree by type to avoid conflicts on numeric object keys, empty value.
 169        var map = Array.isArray(key) ? this._arrayTreeMap : this._objectTreeMap;
 171        for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
 172          var property = properties[i];
 174          if (!map.has(property)) {
 175            map.set(property, new EquivalentKeyMap());
 176          }
 178          map = map.get(property);
 179          var propertyValue = key[property];
 181          if (!map.has(propertyValue)) {
 182            map.set(propertyValue, new EquivalentKeyMap());
 183          }
 185          map = map.get(propertyValue);
 186        } // If an _ekm_value exists, there was already an equivalent key. Before
 187        // overriding, ensure that the old key reference is removed from map to
 188        // avoid memory leak of accumulating equivalent keys. This is, in a
 189        // sense, a poor man's WeakMap, while still enabling iterability.
 192        var previousValuePair = map.get('_ekm_value');
 194        if (previousValuePair) {
 195          this._map.delete(previousValuePair[0]);
 196        }
 198        map.set('_ekm_value', valuePair);
 200        this._map.set(key, valuePair);
 202        return this;
 203      }
 204      /**
 205       * Returns a specified element.
 206       *
 207       * @param {*} key The key of the element to return.
 208       *
 209       * @return {?*} The element associated with the specified key or undefined
 210       *              if the key can't be found.
 211       */
 213    }, {
 214      key: "get",
 215      value: function get(key) {
 216        // Shortcut non-object-like to get from internal Map.
 217        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 218          return this._map.get(key);
 219        }
 221        var valuePair = getValuePair(this, key);
 223        if (valuePair) {
 224          return valuePair[1];
 225        }
 226      }
 227      /**
 228       * Returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key
 229       * exists or not.
 230       *
 231       * @param {*} key The key of the element to test for presence.
 232       *
 233       * @return {boolean} Whether an element with the specified key exists.
 234       */
 236    }, {
 237      key: "has",
 238      value: function has(key) {
 239        if (key === null || _typeof(key) !== 'object') {
 240          return this._map.has(key);
 241        } // Test on the _presence_ of the pair, not its value, as even undefined
 242        // can be a valid member value for a key.
 245        return getValuePair(this, key) !== undefined;
 246      }
 247      /**
 248       * Removes the specified element.
 249       *
 250       * @param {*} key The key of the element to remove.
 251       *
 252       * @return {boolean} Returns true if an element existed and has been
 253       *                   removed, or false if the element does not exist.
 254       */
 256    }, {
 257      key: "delete",
 258      value: function _delete(key) {
 259        if (!this.has(key)) {
 260          return false;
 261        } // This naive implementation will leave orphaned child trees. A better
 262        // implementation should traverse and remove orphans.
 265        this.set(key, undefined);
 266        return true;
 267      }
 268      /**
 269       * Executes a provided function once per each key/value pair, in insertion
 270       * order.
 271       *
 272       * @param {Function} callback Function to execute for each element.
 273       * @param {*}        thisArg  Value to use as `this` when executing
 274       *                            `callback`.
 275       */
 277    }, {
 278      key: "forEach",
 279      value: function forEach(callback) {
 280        var _this = this;
 282        var thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : this;
 284        this._map.forEach(function (value, key) {
 285          // Unwrap value from object-like value pair.
 286          if (key !== null && _typeof(key) === 'object') {
 287            value = value[1];
 288          }
 290          callback.call(thisArg, value, key, _this);
 291        });
 292      }
 293      /**
 294       * Removes all elements.
 295       */
 297    }, {
 298      key: "clear",
 299      value: function clear() {
 300        this._map = new Map();
 301        this._arrayTreeMap = new Map();
 302        this._objectTreeMap = new Map();
 303      }
 304    }, {
 305      key: "size",
 306      get: function get() {
 307        return this._map.size;
 308      }
 309    }]);
 311    return EquivalentKeyMap;
 312  }();
 314  module.exports = EquivalentKeyMap;
 317  /***/ }),
 319  /***/ 7734:
 320  /***/ ((module) => {
 324  // do not edit .js files directly - edit src/index.jst
 327    var envHasBigInt64Array = typeof BigInt64Array !== 'undefined';
 330  module.exports = function equal(a, b) {
 331    if (a === b) return true;
 333    if (a && b && typeof a == 'object' && typeof b == 'object') {
 334      if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false;
 336      var length, i, keys;
 337      if (Array.isArray(a)) {
 338        length = a.length;
 339        if (length != b.length) return false;
 340        for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
 341          if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) return false;
 342        return true;
 343      }
 346      if ((a instanceof Map) && (b instanceof Map)) {
 347        if (a.size !== b.size) return false;
 348        for (i of a.entries())
 349          if (!b.has(i[0])) return false;
 350        for (i of a.entries())
 351          if (!equal(i[1], b.get(i[0]))) return false;
 352        return true;
 353      }
 355      if ((a instanceof Set) && (b instanceof Set)) {
 356        if (a.size !== b.size) return false;
 357        for (i of a.entries())
 358          if (!b.has(i[0])) return false;
 359        return true;
 360      }
 362      if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a) && ArrayBuffer.isView(b)) {
 363        length = a.length;
 364        if (length != b.length) return false;
 365        for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
 366          if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
 367        return true;
 368      }
 371      if (a.constructor === RegExp) return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags;
 372      if (a.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf) return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
 373      if (a.toString !== Object.prototype.toString) return a.toString() === b.toString();
 375      keys = Object.keys(a);
 376      length = keys.length;
 377      if (length !== Object.keys(b).length) return false;
 379      for (i = length; i-- !== 0;)
 380        if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, keys[i])) return false;
 382      for (i = length; i-- !== 0;) {
 383        var key = keys[i];
 385        if (!equal(a[key], b[key])) return false;
 386      }
 388      return true;
 389    }
 391    // true if both NaN, false otherwise
 392    return a!==a && b!==b;
 393  };
 396  /***/ })
 398  /******/     });
 399  /************************************************************************/
 400  /******/     // The module cache
 401  /******/     var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
 402  /******/     
 403  /******/     // The require function
 404  /******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
 405  /******/         // Check if module is in cache
 406  /******/         var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
 407  /******/         if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
 408  /******/             return cachedModule.exports;
 409  /******/         }
 410  /******/         // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
 411  /******/         var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
 412  /******/             // no module.id needed
 413  /******/             // no module.loaded needed
 414  /******/             exports: {}
 415  /******/         };
 416  /******/     
 417  /******/         // Execute the module function
 418  /******/         __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
 419  /******/     
 420  /******/         // Return the exports of the module
 421  /******/         return module.exports;
 422  /******/     }
 423  /******/     
 424  /************************************************************************/
 425  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
 426  /******/     (() => {
 427  /******/         // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
 428  /******/         __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
 429  /******/             var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
 430  /******/                 () => (module['default']) :
 431  /******/                 () => (module);
 432  /******/             __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
 433  /******/             return getter;
 434  /******/         };
 435  /******/     })();
 436  /******/     
 437  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
 438  /******/     (() => {
 439  /******/         // define getter functions for harmony exports
 440  /******/         __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
 441  /******/             for(var key in definition) {
 442  /******/                 if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
 443  /******/                     Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
 444  /******/                 }
 445  /******/             }
 446  /******/         };
 447  /******/     })();
 448  /******/     
 449  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
 450  /******/     (() => {
 451  /******/         __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))
 452  /******/     })();
 453  /******/     
 454  /******/     /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
 455  /******/     (() => {
 456  /******/         // define __esModule on exports
 457  /******/         __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
 458  /******/             if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
 459  /******/                 Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
 460  /******/             }
 461  /******/             Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
 462  /******/         };
 463  /******/     })();
 464  /******/     
 465  /************************************************************************/
 466  var __webpack_exports__ = {};
 468  __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
 470  // EXPORTS
 471  __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
 472    EntityProvider: () => (/* reexport */ EntityProvider),
 473    __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions: () => (/* reexport */ fetchLinkSuggestions),
 474    __experimentalFetchUrlData: () => (/* reexport */ _experimental_fetch_url_data),
 475    __experimentalUseEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecord),
 476    __experimentalUseEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseEntityRecords),
 477    __experimentalUseResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ __experimentalUseResourcePermissions),
 478    fetchBlockPatterns: () => (/* reexport */ fetchBlockPatterns),
 479    privateApis: () => (/* reexport */ privateApis),
 480    store: () => (/* binding */ store),
 481    useEntityBlockEditor: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityBlockEditor),
 482    useEntityId: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityId),
 483    useEntityProp: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityProp),
 484    useEntityRecord: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecord),
 485    useEntityRecords: () => (/* reexport */ useEntityRecords),
 486    useResourcePermissions: () => (/* reexport */ use_resource_permissions)
 487  });
 489  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
 490  var build_module_selectors_namespaceObject = {};
 491  __webpack_require__.r(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject);
 492  __webpack_require__.d(build_module_selectors_namespaceObject, {
 493    __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId),
 494    __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
 495    __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (__experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations),
 496    __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords: () => (__experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords),
 497    __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved: () => (__experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved),
 498    __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver: () => (__experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver),
 499    canUser: () => (canUser),
 500    canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (canUserEditEntityRecord),
 501    getAuthors: () => (getAuthors),
 502    getAutosave: () => (getAutosave),
 503    getAutosaves: () => (getAutosaves),
 504    getBlockPatternCategories: () => (getBlockPatternCategories),
 505    getBlockPatterns: () => (getBlockPatterns),
 506    getCurrentTheme: () => (getCurrentTheme),
 507    getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions),
 508    getCurrentUser: () => (getCurrentUser),
 509    getDefaultTemplateId: () => (getDefaultTemplateId),
 510    getEditedEntityRecord: () => (getEditedEntityRecord),
 511    getEmbedPreview: () => (getEmbedPreview),
 512    getEntitiesByKind: () => (getEntitiesByKind),
 513    getEntitiesConfig: () => (getEntitiesConfig),
 514    getEntity: () => (getEntity),
 515    getEntityConfig: () => (getEntityConfig),
 516    getEntityRecord: () => (getEntityRecord),
 517    getEntityRecordEdits: () => (getEntityRecordEdits),
 518    getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits: () => (getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits),
 519    getEntityRecords: () => (getEntityRecords),
 520    getEntityRecordsTotalItems: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalItems),
 521    getEntityRecordsTotalPages: () => (getEntityRecordsTotalPages),
 522    getLastEntityDeleteError: () => (getLastEntityDeleteError),
 523    getLastEntitySaveError: () => (getLastEntitySaveError),
 524    getRawEntityRecord: () => (getRawEntityRecord),
 525    getRedoEdit: () => (getRedoEdit),
 526    getReferenceByDistinctEdits: () => (getReferenceByDistinctEdits),
 527    getRevision: () => (getRevision),
 528    getRevisions: () => (getRevisions),
 529    getThemeSupports: () => (getThemeSupports),
 530    getUndoEdit: () => (getUndoEdit),
 531    getUserPatternCategories: () => (getUserPatternCategories),
 532    getUserQueryResults: () => (getUserQueryResults),
 533    hasEditsForEntityRecord: () => (hasEditsForEntityRecord),
 534    hasEntityRecords: () => (hasEntityRecords),
 535    hasFetchedAutosaves: () => (hasFetchedAutosaves),
 536    hasRedo: () => (hasRedo),
 537    hasUndo: () => (hasUndo),
 538    isAutosavingEntityRecord: () => (isAutosavingEntityRecord),
 539    isDeletingEntityRecord: () => (isDeletingEntityRecord),
 540    isPreviewEmbedFallback: () => (isPreviewEmbedFallback),
 541    isRequestingEmbedPreview: () => (isRequestingEmbedPreview),
 542    isSavingEntityRecord: () => (isSavingEntityRecord)
 543  });
 545  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js
 546  var private_selectors_namespaceObject = {};
 547  __webpack_require__.r(private_selectors_namespaceObject);
 548  __webpack_require__.d(private_selectors_namespaceObject, {
 549    getBlockPatternsForPostType: () => (getBlockPatternsForPostType),
 550    getEntityRecordPermissions: () => (getEntityRecordPermissions),
 551    getEntityRecordsPermissions: () => (getEntityRecordsPermissions),
 552    getHomePage: () => (getHomePage),
 553    getNavigationFallbackId: () => (getNavigationFallbackId),
 554    getPostsPageId: () => (getPostsPageId),
 555    getRegisteredPostMeta: () => (getRegisteredPostMeta),
 556    getTemplateId: () => (getTemplateId),
 557    getUndoManager: () => (getUndoManager)
 558  });
 560  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js
 561  var build_module_actions_namespaceObject = {};
 562  __webpack_require__.r(build_module_actions_namespaceObject);
 563  __webpack_require__.d(build_module_actions_namespaceObject, {
 564    __experimentalBatch: () => (__experimentalBatch),
 565    __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId),
 566    __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
 567    __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations: () => (__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations),
 568    __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits: () => (__experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits),
 569    __unstableCreateUndoLevel: () => (__unstableCreateUndoLevel),
 570    addEntities: () => (addEntities),
 571    deleteEntityRecord: () => (deleteEntityRecord),
 572    editEntityRecord: () => (editEntityRecord),
 573    receiveAutosaves: () => (receiveAutosaves),
 574    receiveCurrentTheme: () => (receiveCurrentTheme),
 575    receiveCurrentUser: () => (receiveCurrentUser),
 576    receiveDefaultTemplateId: () => (receiveDefaultTemplateId),
 577    receiveEmbedPreview: () => (receiveEmbedPreview),
 578    receiveEntityRecords: () => (receiveEntityRecords),
 579    receiveNavigationFallbackId: () => (receiveNavigationFallbackId),
 580    receiveRevisions: () => (receiveRevisions),
 581    receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions: () => (receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions),
 582    receiveThemeSupports: () => (receiveThemeSupports),
 583    receiveUploadPermissions: () => (receiveUploadPermissions),
 584    receiveUserPermission: () => (receiveUserPermission),
 585    receiveUserPermissions: () => (receiveUserPermissions),
 586    receiveUserQuery: () => (receiveUserQuery),
 587    redo: () => (redo),
 588    saveEditedEntityRecord: () => (saveEditedEntityRecord),
 589    saveEntityRecord: () => (saveEntityRecord),
 590    undo: () => (undo)
 591  });
 593  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-actions.js
 594  var private_actions_namespaceObject = {};
 595  __webpack_require__.r(private_actions_namespaceObject);
 596  __webpack_require__.d(private_actions_namespaceObject, {
 597    receiveRegisteredPostMeta: () => (receiveRegisteredPostMeta)
 598  });
 600  // NAMESPACE OBJECT: ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
 601  var resolvers_namespaceObject = {};
 602  __webpack_require__.r(resolvers_namespaceObject);
 603  __webpack_require__.d(resolvers_namespaceObject, {
 604    __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId),
 605    __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles),
 606    __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations: () => (resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations),
 607    canUser: () => (resolvers_canUser),
 608    canUserEditEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord),
 609    getAuthors: () => (resolvers_getAuthors),
 610    getAutosave: () => (resolvers_getAutosave),
 611    getAutosaves: () => (resolvers_getAutosaves),
 612    getBlockPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories),
 613    getBlockPatterns: () => (resolvers_getBlockPatterns),
 614    getCurrentTheme: () => (resolvers_getCurrentTheme),
 615    getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions: () => (resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions),
 616    getCurrentUser: () => (resolvers_getCurrentUser),
 617    getDefaultTemplateId: () => (resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId),
 618    getEditedEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord),
 619    getEmbedPreview: () => (resolvers_getEmbedPreview),
 620    getEntitiesConfig: () => (resolvers_getEntitiesConfig),
 621    getEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecord),
 622    getEntityRecords: () => (resolvers_getEntityRecords),
 623    getNavigationFallbackId: () => (resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId),
 624    getRawEntityRecord: () => (resolvers_getRawEntityRecord),
 625    getRegisteredPostMeta: () => (resolvers_getRegisteredPostMeta),
 626    getRevision: () => (resolvers_getRevision),
 627    getRevisions: () => (resolvers_getRevisions),
 628    getThemeSupports: () => (resolvers_getThemeSupports),
 629    getUserPatternCategories: () => (resolvers_getUserPatternCategories)
 630  });
 632  ;// external ["wp","data"]
 633  const external_wp_data_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["data"];
 634  // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/fast-deep-equal/es6/index.js
 635  var es6 = __webpack_require__(7734);
 636  var es6_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(es6);
 637  ;// external ["wp","compose"]
 638  const external_wp_compose_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["compose"];
 639  ;// external ["wp","isShallowEqual"]
 640  const external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["isShallowEqual"];
 641  var external_wp_isShallowEqual_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_isShallowEqual_namespaceObject);
 642  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/undo-manager/build-module/index.js
 643  /* wp:polyfill */
 644  /**
 645   * WordPress dependencies
 646   */
 649  /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryRecord}  HistoryRecord */
 650  /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChange}  HistoryChange */
 651  /** @typedef {import('./types').HistoryChanges} HistoryChanges */
 652  /** @typedef {import('./types').UndoManager} UndoManager */
 654  /**
 655   * Merge changes for a single item into a record of changes.
 656   *
 657   * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes1 Previous changes
 658   * @param {Record< string, HistoryChange >} changes2 NextChanges
 659   *
 660   * @return {Record< string, HistoryChange >} Merged changes
 661   */
 662  function mergeHistoryChanges(changes1, changes2) {
 663    /**
 664     * @type {Record< string, HistoryChange >}
 665     */
 666    const newChanges = {
 667      ...changes1
 668    };
 669    Object.entries(changes2).forEach(([key, value]) => {
 670      if (newChanges[key]) {
 671        newChanges[key] = {
 672          ...newChanges[key],
 673          to: value.to
 674        };
 675      } else {
 676        newChanges[key] = value;
 677      }
 678    });
 679    return newChanges;
 680  }
 682  /**
 683   * Adds history changes for a single item into a record of changes.
 684   *
 685   * @param {HistoryRecord}  record  The record to merge into.
 686   * @param {HistoryChanges} changes The changes to merge.
 687   */
 688  const addHistoryChangesIntoRecord = (record, changes) => {
 689    const existingChangesIndex = record?.findIndex(({
 690      id: recordIdentifier
 691    }) => {
 692      return typeof recordIdentifier === 'string' ? recordIdentifier === changes.id : external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(recordIdentifier, changes.id);
 693    });
 694    const nextRecord = [...record];
 695    if (existingChangesIndex !== -1) {
 696      // If the edit is already in the stack leave the initial "from" value.
 697      nextRecord[existingChangesIndex] = {
 698        id: changes.id,
 699        changes: mergeHistoryChanges(nextRecord[existingChangesIndex].changes, changes.changes)
 700      };
 701    } else {
 702      nextRecord.push(changes);
 703    }
 704    return nextRecord;
 705  };
 707  /**
 708   * Creates an undo manager.
 709   *
 710   * @return {UndoManager} Undo manager.
 711   */
 712  function createUndoManager() {
 713    /**
 714     * @type {HistoryRecord[]}
 715     */
 716    let history = [];
 717    /**
 718     * @type {HistoryRecord}
 719     */
 720    let stagedRecord = [];
 721    /**
 722     * @type {number}
 723     */
 724    let offset = 0;
 725    const dropPendingRedos = () => {
 726      history = history.slice(0, offset || undefined);
 727      offset = 0;
 728    };
 729    const appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord = () => {
 730      var _history$index;
 731      const index = history.length === 0 ? 0 : history.length - 1;
 732      let latestRecord = (_history$index = history[index]) !== null && _history$index !== void 0 ? _history$index : [];
 733      stagedRecord.forEach(changes => {
 734        latestRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(latestRecord, changes);
 735      });
 736      stagedRecord = [];
 737      history[index] = latestRecord;
 738    };
 740    /**
 741     * Checks whether a record is empty.
 742     * A record is considered empty if it the changes keep the same values.
 743     * Also updates to function values are ignored.
 744     *
 745     * @param {HistoryRecord} record
 746     * @return {boolean} Whether the record is empty.
 747     */
 748    const isRecordEmpty = record => {
 749      const filteredRecord = record.filter(({
 750        changes
 751      }) => {
 752        return Object.values(changes).some(({
 753          from,
 754          to
 755        }) => typeof from !== 'function' && typeof to !== 'function' && !external_wp_isShallowEqual_default()(from, to));
 756      });
 757      return !filteredRecord.length;
 758    };
 759    return {
 760      /**
 761       * Record changes into the history.
 762       *
 763       * @param {HistoryRecord=} record   A record of changes to record.
 764       * @param {boolean}        isStaged Whether to immediately create an undo point or not.
 765       */
 766      addRecord(record, isStaged = false) {
 767        const isEmpty = !record || isRecordEmpty(record);
 768        if (isStaged) {
 769          if (isEmpty) {
 770            return;
 771          }
 772          record.forEach(changes => {
 773            stagedRecord = addHistoryChangesIntoRecord(stagedRecord, changes);
 774          });
 775        } else {
 776          dropPendingRedos();
 777          if (stagedRecord.length) {
 778            appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord();
 779          }
 780          if (isEmpty) {
 781            return;
 782          }
 783          history.push(record);
 784        }
 785      },
 786      undo() {
 787        if (stagedRecord.length) {
 788          dropPendingRedos();
 789          appendStagedRecordToLatestHistoryRecord();
 790        }
 791        const undoRecord = history[history.length - 1 + offset];
 792        if (!undoRecord) {
 793          return;
 794        }
 795        offset -= 1;
 796        return undoRecord;
 797      },
 798      redo() {
 799        const redoRecord = history[history.length + offset];
 800        if (!redoRecord) {
 801          return;
 802        }
 803        offset += 1;
 804        return redoRecord;
 805      },
 806      hasUndo() {
 807        return !!history[history.length - 1 + offset];
 808      },
 809      hasRedo() {
 810        return !!history[history.length + offset];
 811      }
 812    };
 813  }
 815  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/if-matching-action.js
 816  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 818  /**
 819   * A higher-order reducer creator which invokes the original reducer only if
 820   * the dispatching action matches the given predicate, **OR** if state is
 821   * initializing (undefined).
 822   *
 823   * @param {AnyFunction} isMatch Function predicate for allowing reducer call.
 824   *
 825   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 826   */
 827  const ifMatchingAction = isMatch => reducer => (state, action) => {
 828    if (state === undefined || isMatch(action)) {
 829      return reducer(state, action);
 830    }
 831    return state;
 832  };
 833  /* harmony default export */ const if_matching_action = (ifMatchingAction);
 835  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/replace-action.js
 836  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 838  /**
 839   * Higher-order reducer creator which substitutes the action object before
 840   * passing to the original reducer.
 841   *
 842   * @param {AnyFunction} replacer Function mapping original action to replacement.
 843   *
 844   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 845   */
 846  const replaceAction = replacer => reducer => (state, action) => {
 847    return reducer(state, replacer(action));
 848  };
 849  /* harmony default export */ const replace_action = (replaceAction);
 851  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/conservative-map-item.js
 852  /**
 853   * External dependencies
 854   */
 857  /**
 858   * Given the current and next item entity record, returns the minimally "modified"
 859   * result of the next item, preferring value references from the original item
 860   * if equal. If all values match, the original item is returned.
 861   *
 862   * @param {Object} item     Original item.
 863   * @param {Object} nextItem Next item.
 864   *
 865   * @return {Object} Minimally modified merged item.
 866   */
 867  function conservativeMapItem(item, nextItem) {
 868    // Return next item in its entirety if there is no original item.
 869    if (!item) {
 870      return nextItem;
 871    }
 872    let hasChanges = false;
 873    const result = {};
 874    for (const key in nextItem) {
 875      if (es6_default()(item[key], nextItem[key])) {
 876        result[key] = item[key];
 877      } else {
 878        hasChanges = true;
 879        result[key] = nextItem[key];
 880      }
 881    }
 882    if (!hasChanges) {
 883      return item;
 884    }
 886    // Only at this point, backfill properties from the original item which
 887    // weren't explicitly set into the result above. This is an optimization
 888    // to allow `hasChanges` to return early.
 889    for (const key in item) {
 890      if (!result.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
 891        result[key] = item[key];
 892      }
 893    }
 894    return result;
 895  }
 897  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/on-sub-key.js
 898  /** @typedef {import('../types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
 900  /**
 901   * Higher-order reducer creator which creates a combined reducer object, keyed
 902   * by a property on the action object.
 903   *
 904   * @param {string} actionProperty Action property by which to key object.
 905   *
 906   * @return {AnyFunction} Higher-order reducer.
 907   */
 908  const onSubKey = actionProperty => reducer => (state = {}, action) => {
 909    // Retrieve subkey from action. Do not track if undefined; useful for cases
 910    // where reducer is scoped by action shape.
 911    const key = action[actionProperty];
 912    if (key === undefined) {
 913      return state;
 914    }
 916    // Avoid updating state if unchanged. Note that this also accounts for a
 917    // reducer which returns undefined on a key which is not yet tracked.
 918    const nextKeyState = reducer(state[key], action);
 919    if (nextKeyState === state[key]) {
 920      return state;
 921    }
 922    return {
 923      ...state,
 924      [key]: nextKeyState
 925    };
 926  };
 927  /* harmony default export */ const on_sub_key = (onSubKey);
 929  ;// ./node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs
 930  /******************************************************************************
 931  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
 933  Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
 934  purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
 943  ***************************************************************************** */
 944  /* global Reflect, Promise, SuppressedError, Symbol, Iterator */
 946  var extendStatics = function(d, b) {
 947    extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
 948        ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
 949        function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
 950    return extendStatics(d, b);
 951  };
 953  function __extends(d, b) {
 954    if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
 955        throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
 956    extendStatics(d, b);
 957    function __() { this.constructor = d; }
 958    d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
 959  }
 961  var __assign = function() {
 962    __assign = Object.assign || function __assign(t) {
 963        for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
 964            s = arguments[i];
 965            for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p];
 966        }
 967        return t;
 968    }
 969    return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
 970  }
 972  function __rest(s, e) {
 973    var t = {};
 974    for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
 975        t[p] = s[p];
 976    if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
 977        for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
 978            if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(s, p[i]))
 979                t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
 980        }
 981    return t;
 982  }
 984  function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) {
 985    var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
 986    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
 987    else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
 988    return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
 989  }
 991  function __param(paramIndex, decorator) {
 992    return function (target, key) { decorator(target, key, paramIndex); }
 993  }
 995  function __esDecorate(ctor, descriptorIn, decorators, contextIn, initializers, extraInitializers) {
 996    function accept(f) { if (f !== void 0 && typeof f !== "function") throw new TypeError("Function expected"); return f; }
 997    var kind = contextIn.kind, key = kind === "getter" ? "get" : kind === "setter" ? "set" : "value";
 998    var target = !descriptorIn && ctor ? contextIn["static"] ? ctor : ctor.prototype : null;
 999    var descriptor = descriptorIn || (target ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, contextIn.name) : {});
1000    var _, done = false;
1001    for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1002        var context = {};
1003        for (var p in contextIn) context[p] = p === "access" ? {} : contextIn[p];
1004        for (var p in contextIn.access) context.access[p] = contextIn.access[p];
1005        context.addInitializer = function (f) { if (done) throw new TypeError("Cannot add initializers after decoration has completed"); extraInitializers.push(accept(f || null)); };
1006        var result = (0, decorators[i])(kind === "accessor" ? { get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set } : descriptor[key], context);
1007        if (kind === "accessor") {
1008            if (result === void 0) continue;
1009            if (result === null || typeof result !== "object") throw new TypeError("Object expected");
1010            if (_ = accept(result.get)) descriptor.get = _;
1011            if (_ = accept(result.set)) descriptor.set = _;
1012            if (_ = accept(result.init)) initializers.unshift(_);
1013        }
1014        else if (_ = accept(result)) {
1015            if (kind === "field") initializers.unshift(_);
1016            else descriptor[key] = _;
1017        }
1018    }
1019    if (target) Object.defineProperty(target, contextIn.name, descriptor);
1020    done = true;
1021  };
1023  function __runInitializers(thisArg, initializers, value) {
1024    var useValue = arguments.length > 2;
1025    for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
1026        value = useValue ? initializers[i].call(thisArg, value) : initializers[i].call(thisArg);
1027    }
1028    return useValue ? value : void 0;
1029  };
1031  function __propKey(x) {
1032    return typeof x === "symbol" ? x : "".concat(x);
1033  };
1035  function __setFunctionName(f, name, prefix) {
1036    if (typeof name === "symbol") name = name.description ? "[".concat(name.description, "]") : "";
1037    return Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { configurable: true, value: prefix ? "".concat(prefix, " ", name) : name });
1038  };
1040  function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) {
1041    if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue);
1042  }
1044  function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
1045    function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
1046    return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
1047        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1048        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
1049        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
1050        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
1051    });
1052  }
1054  function __generator(thisArg, body) {
1055    var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g = Object.create((typeof Iterator === "function" ? Iterator : Object).prototype);
1056    return g.next = verb(0), g["throw"] = verb(1), g["return"] = verb(2), typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
1057    function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
1058    function step(op) {
1059        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
1060        while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
1061            if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
1062            if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
1063            switch (op[0]) {
1064                case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
1065                case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
1066                case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
1067                case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
1068                default:
1069                    if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
1070                    if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
1071                    if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
1072                    if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
1073                    if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
1074                    _.trys.pop(); continue;
1075            }
1076            op = body.call(thisArg, _);
1077        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
1078        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
1079    }
1080  }
1082  var __createBinding = Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
1083    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
1084    var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
1085    if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
1086        desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
1087    }
1088    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
1089  }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
1090    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
1091    o[k2] = m[k];
1092  });
1094  function __exportStar(m, o) {
1095    for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p)) __createBinding(o, m, p);
1096  }
1098  function __values(o) {
1099    var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
1100    if (m) return m.call(o);
1101    if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
1102        next: function () {
1103            if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
1104            return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
1105        }
1106    };
1107    throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
1108  }
1110  function __read(o, n) {
1111    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
1112    if (!m) return o;
1113    var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
1114    try {
1115        while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
1116    }
1117    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
1118    finally {
1119        try {
1120            if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
1121        }
1122        finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
1123    }
1124    return ar;
1125  }
1127  /** @deprecated */
1128  function __spread() {
1129    for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)
1130        ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
1131    return ar;
1132  }
1134  /** @deprecated */
1135  function __spreadArrays() {
1136    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
1137    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
1138        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
1139            r[k] = a[j];
1140    return r;
1141  }
1143  function __spreadArray(to, from, pack) {
1144    if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
1145        if (ar || !(i in from)) {
1146            if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
1147            ar[i] = from[i];
1148        }
1149    }
1150    return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
1151  }
1153  function __await(v) {
1154    return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = v, this) : new __await(v);
1155  }
1157  function __asyncGenerator(thisArg, _arguments, generator) {
1158    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
1159    var g = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || []), i, q = [];
1160    return i = Object.create((typeof AsyncIterator === "function" ? AsyncIterator : Object).prototype), verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return", awaitReturn), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
1161    function awaitReturn(f) { return function (v) { return Promise.resolve(v).then(f, reject); }; }
1162    function verb(n, f) { if (g[n]) { i[n] = function (v) { return new Promise(function (a, b) { q.push([n, v, a, b]) > 1 || resume(n, v); }); }; if (f) i[n] = f(i[n]); } }
1163    function resume(n, v) { try { step(g[n](v)); } catch (e) { settle(q[0][3], e); } }
1164    function step(r) { r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(fulfill, reject) : settle(q[0][2], r); }
1165    function fulfill(value) { resume("next", value); }
1166    function reject(value) { resume("throw", value); }
1167    function settle(f, v) { if (f(v), q.shift(), q.length) resume(q[0][0], q[0][1]); }
1168  }
1170  function __asyncDelegator(o) {
1171    var i, p;
1172    return i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw", function (e) { throw e; }), verb("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i;
1173    function verb(n, f) { i[n] = o[n] ? function (v) { return (p = !p) ? { value: __await(o[n](v)), done: false } : f ? f(v) : v; } : f; }
1174  }
1176  function __asyncValues(o) {
1177    if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");
1178    var m = o[Symbol.asyncIterator], i;
1179    return m ? m.call(o) : (o = typeof __values === "function" ? __values(o) : o[Symbol.iterator](), i = {}, verb("next"), verb("throw"), verb("return"), i[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, i);
1180    function verb(n) { i[n] = o[n] && function (v) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { v = o[n](v), settle(resolve, reject, v.done, v.value); }); }; }
1181    function settle(resolve, reject, d, v) { Promise.resolve(v).then(function(v) { resolve({ value: v, done: d }); }, reject); }
1182  }
1184  function __makeTemplateObject(cooked, raw) {
1185    if (Object.defineProperty) { Object.defineProperty(cooked, "raw", { value: raw }); } else { cooked.raw = raw; }
1186    return cooked;
1187  };
1189  var __setModuleDefault = Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
1190    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
1191  }) : function(o, v) {
1192    o["default"] = v;
1193  };
1195  var ownKeys = function(o) {
1196    ownKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (o) {
1197      var ar = [];
1198      for (var k in o) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k)) ar[ar.length] = k;
1199      return ar;
1200    };
1201    return ownKeys(o);
1202  };
1204  function __importStar(mod) {
1205    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
1206    var result = {};
1207    if (mod != null) for (var k = ownKeys(mod), i = 0; i < k.length; i++) if (k[i] !== "default") __createBinding(result, mod, k[i]);
1208    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
1209    return result;
1210  }
1212  function __importDefault(mod) {
1213    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { default: mod };
1214  }
1216  function __classPrivateFieldGet(receiver, state, kind, f) {
1217    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
1218    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
1219    return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);
1220  }
1222  function __classPrivateFieldSet(receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
1223    if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
1224    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
1225    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
1226    return (kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
1227  }
1229  function __classPrivateFieldIn(state, receiver) {
1230    if (receiver === null || (typeof receiver !== "object" && typeof receiver !== "function")) throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object");
1231    return typeof state === "function" ? receiver === state : state.has(receiver);
1232  }
1234  function __addDisposableResource(env, value, async) {
1235    if (value !== null && value !== void 0) {
1236      if (typeof value !== "object" && typeof value !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object expected.");
1237      var dispose, inner;
1238      if (async) {
1239        if (!Symbol.asyncDispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncDispose is not defined.");
1240        dispose = value[Symbol.asyncDispose];
1241      }
1242      if (dispose === void 0) {
1243        if (!Symbol.dispose) throw new TypeError("Symbol.dispose is not defined.");
1244        dispose = value[Symbol.dispose];
1245        if (async) inner = dispose;
1246      }
1247      if (typeof dispose !== "function") throw new TypeError("Object not disposable.");
1248      if (inner) dispose = function() { try { inner.call(this); } catch (e) { return Promise.reject(e); } };
1249      env.stack.push({ value: value, dispose: dispose, async: async });
1250    }
1251    else if (async) {
1252      env.stack.push({ async: true });
1253    }
1254    return value;
1255  }
1257  var _SuppressedError = typeof SuppressedError === "function" ? SuppressedError : function (error, suppressed, message) {
1258    var e = new Error(message);
1259    return e.name = "SuppressedError", e.error = error, e.suppressed = suppressed, e;
1260  };
1262  function __disposeResources(env) {
1263    function fail(e) {
1264      env.error = env.hasError ? new _SuppressedError(e, env.error, "An error was suppressed during disposal.") : e;
1265      env.hasError = true;
1266    }
1267    var r, s = 0;
1268    function next() {
1269      while (r = env.stack.pop()) {
1270        try {
1271          if (!r.async && s === 1) return s = 0, env.stack.push(r), Promise.resolve().then(next);
1272          if (r.dispose) {
1273            var result = r.dispose.call(r.value);
1274            if (r.async) return s |= 2, Promise.resolve(result).then(next, function(e) { fail(e); return next(); });
1275          }
1276          else s |= 1;
1277        }
1278        catch (e) {
1279          fail(e);
1280        }
1281      }
1282      if (s === 1) return env.hasError ? Promise.reject(env.error) : Promise.resolve();
1283      if (env.hasError) throw env.error;
1284    }
1285    return next();
1286  }
1288  function __rewriteRelativeImportExtension(path, preserveJsx) {
1289    if (typeof path === "string" && /^\.\.?\//.test(path)) {
1290        return path.replace(/\.(tsx)$|((?:\.d)?)((?:\.[^./]+?)?)\.([cm]?)ts$/i, function (m, tsx, d, ext, cm) {
1291            return tsx ? preserveJsx ? ".jsx" : ".js" : d && (!ext || !cm) ? m : (d + ext + "." + cm.toLowerCase() + "js");
1292        });
1293    }
1294    return path;
1295  }
1297  /* harmony default export */ const tslib_es6 = ({
1298    __extends,
1299    __assign,
1300    __rest,
1301    __decorate,
1302    __param,
1303    __esDecorate,
1304    __runInitializers,
1305    __propKey,
1306    __setFunctionName,
1307    __metadata,
1308    __awaiter,
1309    __generator,
1310    __createBinding,
1311    __exportStar,
1312    __values,
1313    __read,
1314    __spread,
1315    __spreadArrays,
1316    __spreadArray,
1317    __await,
1318    __asyncGenerator,
1319    __asyncDelegator,
1320    __asyncValues,
1321    __makeTemplateObject,
1322    __importStar,
1323    __importDefault,
1324    __classPrivateFieldGet,
1325    __classPrivateFieldSet,
1326    __classPrivateFieldIn,
1327    __addDisposableResource,
1328    __disposeResources,
1329    __rewriteRelativeImportExtension,
1330  });
1332  ;// ./node_modules/lower-case/dist.es2015/index.js
1333  /**
1334   * Source: ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/SpecialCasing.txt
1335   */
1336  var SUPPORTED_LOCALE = {
1337      tr: {
1338          regexp: /\u0130|\u0049|\u0049\u0307/g,
1339          map: {
1340              İ: "\u0069",
1341              I: "\u0131",
1342              İ: "\u0069",
1343          },
1344      },
1345      az: {
1346          regexp: /\u0130/g,
1347          map: {
1348              İ: "\u0069",
1349              I: "\u0131",
1350              İ: "\u0069",
1351          },
1352      },
1353      lt: {
1354          regexp: /\u0049|\u004A|\u012E|\u00CC|\u00CD|\u0128/g,
1355          map: {
1356              I: "\u0069\u0307",
1357              J: "\u006A\u0307",
1358              Į: "\u012F\u0307",
1359              Ì: "\u0069\u0307\u0300",
1360              Í: "\u0069\u0307\u0301",
1361              Ĩ: "\u0069\u0307\u0303",
1362          },
1363      },
1364  };
1365  /**
1366   * Localized lower case.
1367   */
1368  function localeLowerCase(str, locale) {
1369      var lang = SUPPORTED_LOCALE[locale.toLowerCase()];
1370      if (lang)
1371          return lowerCase(str.replace(lang.regexp, function (m) { return lang.map[m]; }));
1372      return lowerCase(str);
1373  }
1374  /**
1375   * Lower case as a function.
1376   */
1377  function lowerCase(str) {
1378      return str.toLowerCase();
1379  }
1381  ;// ./node_modules/no-case/dist.es2015/index.js
1383  // Support camel case ("camelCase" -> "camel Case" and "CAMELCase" -> "CAMEL Case").
1384  var DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP = [/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, /([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])/g];
1385  // Remove all non-word characters.
1386  var DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP = /[^A-Z0-9]+/gi;
1387  /**
1388   * Normalize the string into something other libraries can manipulate easier.
1389   */
1390  function noCase(input, options) {
1391      if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1392      var _a = options.splitRegexp, splitRegexp = _a === void 0 ? DEFAULT_SPLIT_REGEXP : _a, _b = options.stripRegexp, stripRegexp = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STRIP_REGEXP : _b, _c = options.transform, transform = _c === void 0 ? lowerCase : _c, _d = options.delimiter, delimiter = _d === void 0 ? " " : _d;
1393      var result = replace(replace(input, splitRegexp, "$1\0$2"), stripRegexp, "\0");
1394      var start = 0;
1395      var end = result.length;
1396      // Trim the delimiter from around the output string.
1397      while (result.charAt(start) === "\0")
1398          start++;
1399      while (result.charAt(end - 1) === "\0")
1400          end--;
1401      // Transform each token independently.
1402      return result.slice(start, end).split("\0").map(transform).join(delimiter);
1403  }
1404  /**
1405   * Replace `re` in the input string with the replacement value.
1406   */
1407  function replace(input, re, value) {
1408      if (re instanceof RegExp)
1409          return input.replace(re, value);
1410      return re.reduce(function (input, re) { return input.replace(re, value); }, input);
1411  }
1413  ;// ./node_modules/upper-case-first/dist.es2015/index.js
1414  /**
1415   * Upper case the first character of an input string.
1416   */
1417  function upperCaseFirst(input) {
1418      return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1);
1419  }
1421  ;// ./node_modules/capital-case/dist.es2015/index.js
1425  function capitalCaseTransform(input) {
1426      return upperCaseFirst(input.toLowerCase());
1427  }
1428  function capitalCase(input, options) {
1429      if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1430      return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: " ", transform: capitalCaseTransform }, options));
1431  }
1433  ;// ./node_modules/pascal-case/dist.es2015/index.js
1436  function pascalCaseTransform(input, index) {
1437      var firstChar = input.charAt(0);
1438      var lowerChars = input.substr(1).toLowerCase();
1439      if (index > 0 && firstChar >= "0" && firstChar <= "9") {
1440          return "_" + firstChar + lowerChars;
1441      }
1442      return "" + firstChar.toUpperCase() + lowerChars;
1443  }
1444  function dist_es2015_pascalCaseTransformMerge(input) {
1445      return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1).toLowerCase();
1446  }
1447  function pascalCase(input, options) {
1448      if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
1449      return noCase(input, __assign({ delimiter: "", transform: pascalCaseTransform }, options));
1450  }
1452  ;// external ["wp","apiFetch"]
1453  const external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["apiFetch"];
1454  var external_wp_apiFetch_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_apiFetch_namespaceObject);
1455  ;// external ["wp","i18n"]
1456  const external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["i18n"];
1457  ;// external ["wp","richText"]
1458  const external_wp_richText_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["richText"];
1459  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entities.js
1460  /* wp:polyfill */
1461  /**
1462   * External dependencies
1463   */
1466  /**
1467   * WordPress dependencies
1468   */
1472  const DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY = 'id';
1473  const POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES = ['title', 'excerpt', 'content'];
1474  const rootEntitiesConfig = [{
1475    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Base'),
1476    kind: 'root',
1477    name: '__unstableBase',
1478    baseURL: '/',
1479    baseURLParams: {
1480      // Please also change the preload path when changing this.
1481      // @see lib/compat/wordpress-6.8/preload.php
1482      _fields: ['description', 'gmt_offset', 'home', 'name', 'site_icon', 'site_icon_url', 'site_logo', 'timezone_string', 'default_template_part_areas', 'default_template_types', 'url'].join(',')
1483    },
1484    // The entity doesn't support selecting multiple records.
1485    // The property is maintained for backward compatibility.
1486    plural: '__unstableBases',
1487    syncConfig: {
1488      fetch: async () => {
1489        return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1490          path: '/'
1491        });
1492      },
1493      applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
1494        const document = doc.getMap('document');
1495        Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
1496          if (document.get(key) !== value) {
1497            document.set(key, value);
1498          }
1499        });
1500      },
1501      fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
1502        return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
1503      }
1504    },
1505    syncObjectType: 'root/base',
1506    getSyncObjectId: () => 'index'
1507  }, {
1508    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Post Type'),
1509    name: 'postType',
1510    kind: 'root',
1511    key: 'slug',
1512    baseURL: '/wp/v2/types',
1513    baseURLParams: {
1514      context: 'edit'
1515    },
1516    plural: 'postTypes',
1517    syncConfig: {
1518      fetch: async id => {
1519        return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1520          path: `/wp/v2/types/$id}?context=edit`
1521        });
1522      },
1523      applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
1524        const document = doc.getMap('document');
1525        Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
1526          if (document.get(key) !== value) {
1527            document.set(key, value);
1528          }
1529        });
1530      },
1531      fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
1532        return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
1533      }
1534    },
1535    syncObjectType: 'root/postType',
1536    getSyncObjectId: id => id
1537  }, {
1538    name: 'media',
1539    kind: 'root',
1540    baseURL: '/wp/v2/media',
1541    baseURLParams: {
1542      context: 'edit'
1543    },
1544    plural: 'mediaItems',
1545    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Media'),
1546    rawAttributes: ['caption', 'title', 'description'],
1547    supportsPagination: true
1548  }, {
1549    name: 'taxonomy',
1550    kind: 'root',
1551    key: 'slug',
1552    baseURL: '/wp/v2/taxonomies',
1553    baseURLParams: {
1554      context: 'edit'
1555    },
1556    plural: 'taxonomies',
1557    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Taxonomy')
1558  }, {
1559    name: 'sidebar',
1560    kind: 'root',
1561    baseURL: '/wp/v2/sidebars',
1562    baseURLParams: {
1563      context: 'edit'
1564    },
1565    plural: 'sidebars',
1566    transientEdits: {
1567      blocks: true
1568    },
1569    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget areas')
1570  }, {
1571    name: 'widget',
1572    kind: 'root',
1573    baseURL: '/wp/v2/widgets',
1574    baseURLParams: {
1575      context: 'edit'
1576    },
1577    plural: 'widgets',
1578    transientEdits: {
1579      blocks: true
1580    },
1581    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widgets')
1582  }, {
1583    name: 'widgetType',
1584    kind: 'root',
1585    baseURL: '/wp/v2/widget-types',
1586    baseURLParams: {
1587      context: 'edit'
1588    },
1589    plural: 'widgetTypes',
1590    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Widget types')
1591  }, {
1592    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('User'),
1593    name: 'user',
1594    kind: 'root',
1595    baseURL: '/wp/v2/users',
1596    baseURLParams: {
1597      context: 'edit'
1598    },
1599    plural: 'users'
1600  }, {
1601    name: 'comment',
1602    kind: 'root',
1603    baseURL: '/wp/v2/comments',
1604    baseURLParams: {
1605      context: 'edit'
1606    },
1607    plural: 'comments',
1608    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Comment')
1609  }, {
1610    name: 'menu',
1611    kind: 'root',
1612    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menus',
1613    baseURLParams: {
1614      context: 'edit'
1615    },
1616    plural: 'menus',
1617    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu')
1618  }, {
1619    name: 'menuItem',
1620    kind: 'root',
1621    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-items',
1622    baseURLParams: {
1623      context: 'edit'
1624    },
1625    plural: 'menuItems',
1626    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Item'),
1627    rawAttributes: ['title']
1628  }, {
1629    name: 'menuLocation',
1630    kind: 'root',
1631    baseURL: '/wp/v2/menu-locations',
1632    baseURLParams: {
1633      context: 'edit'
1634    },
1635    plural: 'menuLocations',
1636    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Menu Location'),
1637    key: 'name'
1638  }, {
1639    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Global Styles'),
1640    name: 'globalStyles',
1641    kind: 'root',
1642    baseURL: '/wp/v2/global-styles',
1643    baseURLParams: {
1644      context: 'edit'
1645    },
1646    plural: 'globalStylesVariations',
1647    // Should be different from name.
1648    getTitle: record => record?.title?.rendered || record?.title,
1649    getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/wp/v2/global-styles/$parentId}/revisions$revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`,
1650    supportsPagination: true
1651  }, {
1652    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Themes'),
1653    name: 'theme',
1654    kind: 'root',
1655    baseURL: '/wp/v2/themes',
1656    baseURLParams: {
1657      context: 'edit'
1658    },
1659    plural: 'themes',
1660    key: 'stylesheet'
1661  }, {
1662    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Plugins'),
1663    name: 'plugin',
1664    kind: 'root',
1665    baseURL: '/wp/v2/plugins',
1666    baseURLParams: {
1667      context: 'edit'
1668    },
1669    plural: 'plugins',
1670    key: 'plugin'
1671  }, {
1672    label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Status'),
1673    name: 'status',
1674    kind: 'root',
1675    baseURL: '/wp/v2/statuses',
1676    baseURLParams: {
1677      context: 'edit'
1678    },
1679    plural: 'statuses',
1680    key: 'slug'
1681  }];
1682  const additionalEntityConfigLoaders = [{
1683    kind: 'postType',
1684    loadEntities: loadPostTypeEntities
1685  }, {
1686    kind: 'taxonomy',
1687    loadEntities: loadTaxonomyEntities
1688  }, {
1689    kind: 'root',
1690    name: 'site',
1691    plural: 'sites',
1692    loadEntities: loadSiteEntity
1693  }];
1695  /**
1696   * Returns a function to be used to retrieve extra edits to apply before persisting a post type.
1697   *
1698   * @param {Object} persistedRecord Already persisted Post
1699   * @param {Object} edits           Edits.
1700   * @return {Object} Updated edits.
1701   */
1702  const prePersistPostType = (persistedRecord, edits) => {
1703    const newEdits = {};
1704    if (persistedRecord?.status === 'auto-draft') {
1705      // Saving an auto-draft should create a draft by default.
1706      if (!edits.status && !newEdits.status) {
1707        newEdits.status = 'draft';
1708      }
1710      // Fix the auto-draft default title.
1711      if ((!edits.title || edits.title === 'Auto Draft') && !newEdits.title && (!persistedRecord?.title || persistedRecord?.title === 'Auto Draft')) {
1712        newEdits.title = '';
1713      }
1714    }
1715    return newEdits;
1716  };
1717  const serialisableBlocksCache = new WeakMap();
1718  function makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes) {
1719    const newAttributes = {
1720      ...attributes
1721    };
1722    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) {
1723      if (value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData) {
1724        newAttributes[key] = value.valueOf();
1725      }
1726    }
1727    return newAttributes;
1728  }
1729  function makeBlocksSerializable(blocks) {
1730    return blocks.map(block => {
1731      const {
1732        innerBlocks,
1733        attributes,
1734        ...rest
1735      } = block;
1736      return {
1737        ...rest,
1738        attributes: makeBlockAttributesSerializable(attributes),
1739        innerBlocks: makeBlocksSerializable(innerBlocks)
1740      };
1741    });
1742  }
1744  /**
1745   * Returns the list of post type entities.
1746   *
1747   * @return {Promise} Entities promise
1748   */
1749  async function loadPostTypeEntities() {
1750    const postTypes = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1751      path: '/wp/v2/types?context=view'
1752    });
1753    return Object.entries(postTypes !== null && postTypes !== void 0 ? postTypes : {}).map(([name, postType]) => {
1754      var _postType$rest_namesp;
1755      const isTemplate = ['wp_template', 'wp_template_part'].includes(name);
1756      const namespace = (_postType$rest_namesp = postType?.rest_namespace) !== null && _postType$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _postType$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
1757      return {
1758        kind: 'postType',
1759        baseURL: `/$namespace}/$postType.rest_base}`,
1760        baseURLParams: {
1761          context: 'edit'
1762        },
1763        name,
1764        label: postType.name,
1765        transientEdits: {
1766          blocks: true,
1767          selection: true
1768        },
1769        mergedEdits: {
1770          meta: true
1771        },
1772        rawAttributes: POST_RAW_ATTRIBUTES,
1773        getTitle: record => {
1774          var _record$slug;
1775          return record?.title?.rendered || record?.title || (isTemplate ? capitalCase((_record$slug = record.slug) !== null && _record$slug !== void 0 ? _record$slug : '') : String(record.id));
1776        },
1777        __unstablePrePersist: isTemplate ? undefined : prePersistPostType,
1778        __unstable_rest_base: postType.rest_base,
1779        syncConfig: {
1780          fetch: async id => {
1781            return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1782              path: `/$namespace}/$postType.rest_base}/$id}?context=edit`
1783            });
1784          },
1785          applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
1786            const document = doc.getMap('document');
1787            Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
1788              if (typeof value !== 'function') {
1789                if (key === 'blocks') {
1790                  if (!serialisableBlocksCache.has(value)) {
1791                    serialisableBlocksCache.set(value, makeBlocksSerializable(value));
1792                  }
1793                  value = serialisableBlocksCache.get(value);
1794                }
1795                if (document.get(key) !== value) {
1796                  document.set(key, value);
1797                }
1798              }
1799            });
1800          },
1801          fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
1802            return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
1803          }
1804        },
1805        syncObjectType: 'postType/' + postType.name,
1806        getSyncObjectId: id => id,
1807        supportsPagination: true,
1808        getRevisionsUrl: (parentId, revisionId) => `/$namespace}/$postType.rest_base}/$parentId}/revisions$revisionId ? '/' + revisionId : ''}`,
1809        revisionKey: isTemplate ? 'wp_id' : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
1810      };
1811    });
1812  }
1814  /**
1815   * Returns the list of the taxonomies entities.
1816   *
1817   * @return {Promise} Entities promise
1818   */
1819  async function loadTaxonomyEntities() {
1820    const taxonomies = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1821      path: '/wp/v2/taxonomies?context=view'
1822    });
1823    return Object.entries(taxonomies !== null && taxonomies !== void 0 ? taxonomies : {}).map(([name, taxonomy]) => {
1824      var _taxonomy$rest_namesp;
1825      const namespace = (_taxonomy$rest_namesp = taxonomy?.rest_namespace) !== null && _taxonomy$rest_namesp !== void 0 ? _taxonomy$rest_namesp : 'wp/v2';
1826      return {
1827        kind: 'taxonomy',
1828        baseURL: `/$namespace}/$taxonomy.rest_base}`,
1829        baseURLParams: {
1830          context: 'edit'
1831        },
1832        name,
1833        label: taxonomy.name
1834      };
1835    });
1836  }
1838  /**
1839   * Returns the Site entity.
1840   *
1841   * @return {Promise} Entity promise
1842   */
1843  async function loadSiteEntity() {
1844    var _site$schema$properti;
1845    const entity = {
1846      label: (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('Site'),
1847      name: 'site',
1848      kind: 'root',
1849      baseURL: '/wp/v2/settings',
1850      syncConfig: {
1851        fetch: async () => {
1852          return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1853            path: '/wp/v2/settings'
1854          });
1855        },
1856        applyChangesToDoc: (doc, changes) => {
1857          const document = doc.getMap('document');
1858          Object.entries(changes).forEach(([key, value]) => {
1859            if (document.get(key) !== value) {
1860              document.set(key, value);
1861            }
1862          });
1863        },
1864        fromCRDTDoc: doc => {
1865          return doc.getMap('document').toJSON();
1866        }
1867      },
1868      syncObjectType: 'root/site',
1869      getSyncObjectId: () => 'index',
1870      meta: {}
1871    };
1872    const site = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
1873      path: entity.baseURL,
1874      method: 'OPTIONS'
1875    });
1876    const labels = {};
1877    Object.entries((_site$schema$properti = site?.schema?.properties) !== null && _site$schema$properti !== void 0 ? _site$schema$properti : {}).forEach(([key, value]) => {
1878      // Ignore properties `title` and `type` keys.
1879      if (typeof value === 'object' && value.title) {
1880        labels[key] = value.title;
1881      }
1882    });
1883    return [{
1884      ...entity,
1885      meta: {
1886        labels
1887      }
1888    }];
1889  }
1891  /**
1892   * Returns the entity's getter method name given its kind and name or plural name.
1893   *
1894   * @example
1895   * ```js
1896   * const nameSingular = getMethodName( 'root', 'theme', 'get' );
1897   * // nameSingular is getRootTheme
1898   *
1899   * const namePlural = getMethodName( 'root', 'themes', 'set' );
1900   * // namePlural is setRootThemes
1901   * ```
1902   *
1903   * @param {string} kind   Entity kind.
1904   * @param {string} name   Entity name or plural name.
1905   * @param {string} prefix Function prefix.
1906   *
1907   * @return {string} Method name
1908   */
1909  const getMethodName = (kind, name, prefix = 'get') => {
1910    const kindPrefix = kind === 'root' ? '' : pascalCase(kind);
1911    const suffix = pascalCase(name);
1912    return `$prefix}$kindPrefix}$suffix}`;
1913  };
1915  ;// external ["wp","url"]
1916  const external_wp_url_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["url"];
1917  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/get-normalized-comma-separable.js
1918  /**
1919   * Given a value which can be specified as one or the other of a comma-separated
1920   * string or an array, returns a value normalized to an array of strings, or
1921   * null if the value cannot be interpreted as either.
1922   *
1923   * @param {string|string[]|*} value
1924   *
1925   * @return {?(string[])} Normalized field value.
1926   */
1927  function getNormalizedCommaSeparable(value) {
1928    if (typeof value === 'string') {
1929      return value.split(',');
1930    } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
1931      return value;
1932    }
1933    return null;
1934  }
1935  /* harmony default export */ const get_normalized_comma_separable = (getNormalizedCommaSeparable);
1937  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/with-weak-map-cache.js
1938  /**
1939   * Given a function, returns an enhanced function which caches the result and
1940   * tracks in WeakMap. The result is only cached if the original function is
1941   * passed a valid object-like argument (requirement for WeakMap key).
1942   *
1943   * @param {Function} fn Original function.
1944   *
1945   * @return {Function} Enhanced caching function.
1946   */
1947  function withWeakMapCache(fn) {
1948    const cache = new WeakMap();
1949    return key => {
1950      let value;
1951      if (cache.has(key)) {
1952        value = cache.get(key);
1953      } else {
1954        value = fn(key);
1956        // Can reach here if key is not valid for WeakMap, since `has`
1957        // will return false for invalid key. Since `set` will throw,
1958        // ensure that key is valid before setting into cache.
1959        if (key !== null && typeof key === 'object') {
1960          cache.set(key, value);
1961        }
1962      }
1963      return value;
1964    };
1965  }
1966  /* harmony default export */ const with_weak_map_cache = (withWeakMapCache);
1968  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/get-query-parts.js
1969  /* wp:polyfill */
1970  /**
1971   * WordPress dependencies
1972   */
1975  /**
1976   * Internal dependencies
1977   */
1980  /**
1981   * An object of properties describing a specific query.
1982   *
1983   * @typedef {Object} WPQueriedDataQueryParts
1984   *
1985   * @property {number}      page      The query page (1-based index, default 1).
1986   * @property {number}      perPage   Items per page for query (default 10).
1987   * @property {string}      stableKey An encoded stable string of all non-
1988   *                                   pagination, non-fields query parameters.
1989   * @property {?(string[])} fields    Target subset of fields to derive from
1990   *                                   item objects.
1991   * @property {?(number[])} include   Specific item IDs to include.
1992   * @property {string}      context   Scope under which the request is made;
1993   *                                   determines returned fields in response.
1994   */
1996  /**
1997   * Given a query object, returns an object of parts, including pagination
1998   * details (`page` and `perPage`, or default values). All other properties are
1999   * encoded into a stable (idempotent) `stableKey` value.
2000   *
2001   * @param {Object} query Optional query object.
2002   *
2003   * @return {WPQueriedDataQueryParts} Query parts.
2004   */
2005  function getQueryParts(query) {
2006    /**
2007     * @type {WPQueriedDataQueryParts}
2008     */
2009    const parts = {
2010      stableKey: '',
2011      page: 1,
2012      perPage: 10,
2013      fields: null,
2014      include: null,
2015      context: 'default'
2016    };
2018    // Ensure stable key by sorting keys. Also more efficient for iterating.
2019    const keys = Object.keys(query).sort();
2020    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
2021      const key = keys[i];
2022      let value = query[key];
2023      switch (key) {
2024        case 'page':
2025          parts[key] = Number(value);
2026          break;
2027        case 'per_page':
2028          parts.perPage = Number(value);
2029          break;
2030        case 'context':
2031          parts.context = value;
2032          break;
2033        default:
2034          // While in theory, we could exclude "_fields" from the stableKey
2035          // because two request with different fields have the same results
2036          // We're not able to ensure that because the server can decide to omit
2037          // fields from the response even if we explicitly asked for it.
2038          // Example: Asking for titles in posts without title support.
2039          if (key === '_fields') {
2040            var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
2041            parts.fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : [];
2042            // Make sure to normalize value for `stableKey`
2043            value = parts.fields.join();
2044          }
2046          // Two requests with different include values cannot have same results.
2047          if (key === 'include') {
2048            var _getNormalizedCommaSe2;
2049            if (typeof value === 'number') {
2050              value = value.toString();
2051            }
2052            parts.include = ((_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(value)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : []).map(Number);
2053            // Normalize value for `stableKey`.
2054            value = parts.include.join();
2055          }
2057          // While it could be any deterministic string, for simplicity's
2058          // sake mimic querystring encoding for stable key.
2059          //
2060          // TODO: For consistency with PHP implementation, addQueryArgs
2061          // should accept a key value pair, which may optimize its
2062          // implementation for our use here, vs. iterating an object
2063          // with only a single key.
2064          parts.stableKey += (parts.stableKey ? '&' : '') + (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', {
2065            [key]: value
2066          }).slice(1);
2067      }
2068    }
2069    return parts;
2070  }
2071  /* harmony default export */ const get_query_parts = (with_weak_map_cache(getQueryParts));
2073  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/reducer.js
2074  /* wp:polyfill */
2075  /**
2076   * WordPress dependencies
2077   */
2081  /**
2082   * Internal dependencies
2083   */
2087  function getContextFromAction(action) {
2088    const {
2089      query
2090    } = action;
2091    if (!query) {
2092      return 'default';
2093    }
2094    const queryParts = get_query_parts(query);
2095    return queryParts.context;
2096  }
2098  /**
2099   * Returns a merged array of item IDs, given details of the received paginated
2100   * items. The array is sparse-like with `undefined` entries where holes exist.
2101   *
2102   * @param {?Array<number>} itemIds     Original item IDs (default empty array).
2103   * @param {number[]}       nextItemIds Item IDs to merge.
2104   * @param {number}         page        Page of items merged.
2105   * @param {number}         perPage     Number of items per page.
2106   *
2107   * @return {number[]} Merged array of item IDs.
2108   */
2109  function getMergedItemIds(itemIds, nextItemIds, page, perPage) {
2110    var _itemIds$length;
2111    const receivedAllIds = page === 1 && perPage === -1;
2112    if (receivedAllIds) {
2113      return nextItemIds;
2114    }
2115    const nextItemIdsStartIndex = (page - 1) * perPage;
2117    // If later page has already been received, default to the larger known
2118    // size of the existing array, else calculate as extending the existing.
2119    const size = Math.max((_itemIds$length = itemIds?.length) !== null && _itemIds$length !== void 0 ? _itemIds$length : 0, nextItemIdsStartIndex + nextItemIds.length);
2121    // Preallocate array since size is known.
2122    const mergedItemIds = new Array(size);
2123    for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
2124      // Preserve existing item ID except for subset of range of next items.
2125      // We need to check against the possible maximum upper boundary because
2126      // a page could receive fewer than what was previously stored.
2127      const isInNextItemsRange = i >= nextItemIdsStartIndex && i < nextItemIdsStartIndex + perPage;
2128      mergedItemIds[i] = isInNextItemsRange ? nextItemIds[i - nextItemIdsStartIndex] : itemIds?.[i];
2129    }
2130    return mergedItemIds;
2131  }
2133  /**
2134   * Helper function to filter out entities with certain IDs.
2135   * Entities are keyed by their ID.
2136   *
2137   * @param {Object} entities Entity objects, keyed by entity ID.
2138   * @param {Array}  ids      Entity IDs to filter out.
2139   *
2140   * @return {Object} Filtered entities.
2141   */
2142  function removeEntitiesById(entities, ids) {
2143    return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(entities).filter(([id]) => !ids.some(itemId => {
2144      if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) {
2145        return itemId === +id;
2146      }
2147      return itemId === id;
2148    })));
2149  }
2151  /**
2152   * Reducer tracking items state, keyed by ID. Items are assumed to be normal,
2153   * where identifiers are common across all queries.
2154   *
2155   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2156   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2157   *
2158   * @return {Object} Next state.
2159   */
2160  function items(state = {}, action) {
2161    switch (action.type) {
2162      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2163        {
2164          const context = getContextFromAction(action);
2165          const key = action.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
2166          return {
2167            ...state,
2168            [context]: {
2169              ...state[context],
2170              ...action.items.reduce((accumulator, value) => {
2171                const itemId = value?.[key];
2172                accumulator[itemId] = conservativeMapItem(state?.[context]?.[itemId], value);
2173                return accumulator;
2174              }, {})
2175            }
2176          };
2177        }
2178      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2179        return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)]));
2180    }
2181    return state;
2182  }
2184  /**
2185   * Reducer tracking item completeness, keyed by ID. A complete item is one for
2186   * which all fields are known. This is used in supporting `_fields` queries,
2187   * where not all properties associated with an entity are necessarily returned.
2188   * In such cases, completeness is used as an indication of whether it would be
2189   * safe to use queried data for a non-`_fields`-limited request.
2190   *
2191   * @param {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} state  Current state.
2192   * @param {Object}                                action Dispatched action.
2193   *
2194   * @return {Object<string,Object<string,boolean>>} Next state.
2195   */
2196  function itemIsComplete(state = {}, action) {
2197    switch (action.type) {
2198      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2199        {
2200          const context = getContextFromAction(action);
2201          const {
2202            query,
2203            key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
2204          } = action;
2206          // An item is considered complete if it is received without an associated
2207          // fields query. Ideally, this would be implemented in such a way where the
2208          // complete aggregate of all fields would satisfy completeness. Since the
2209          // fields are not consistent across all entities, this would require
2210          // introspection on the REST schema for each entity to know which fields
2211          // compose a complete item for that entity.
2212          const queryParts = query ? get_query_parts(query) : {};
2213          const isCompleteQuery = !query || !Array.isArray(queryParts.fields);
2214          return {
2215            ...state,
2216            [context]: {
2217              ...state[context],
2218              ...action.items.reduce((result, item) => {
2219                const itemId = item?.[key];
2221                // Defer to completeness if already assigned. Technically the
2222                // data may be outdated if receiving items for a field subset.
2223                result[itemId] = state?.[context]?.[itemId] || isCompleteQuery;
2224                return result;
2225              }, {})
2226            }
2227          };
2228        }
2229      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2230        return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([itemId, contextState]) => [itemId, removeEntitiesById(contextState, action.itemIds)]));
2231    }
2232    return state;
2233  }
2235  /**
2236   * Reducer tracking queries state, keyed by stable query key. Each reducer
2237   * query object includes `itemIds` and `requestingPageByPerPage`.
2238   *
2239   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2240   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2241   *
2242   * @return {Object} Next state.
2243   */
2244  const receiveQueries = (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([
2245  // Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
2246  // an unhandled action.
2247  if_matching_action(action => 'query' in action),
2248  // Inject query parts into action for use both in `onSubKey` and reducer.
2249  replace_action(action => {
2250    // `ifMatchingAction` still passes on initialization, where state is
2251    // undefined and a query is not assigned. Avoid attempting to parse
2252    // parts. `onSubKey` will omit by lack of `stableKey`.
2253    if (action.query) {
2254      return {
2255        ...action,
2256        ...get_query_parts(action.query)
2257      };
2258    }
2259    return action;
2260  }), on_sub_key('context'),
2261  // Queries shape is shared, but keyed by query `stableKey` part. Original
2262  // reducer tracks only a single query object.
2263  on_sub_key('stableKey')])((state = {}, action) => {
2264    const {
2265      type,
2266      page,
2267      perPage,
2268      key = DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY
2269    } = action;
2270    if (type !== 'RECEIVE_ITEMS') {
2271      return state;
2272    }
2273    return {
2274      itemIds: getMergedItemIds(state?.itemIds || [], action.items.map(item => item?.[key]).filter(Boolean), page, perPage),
2275      meta: action.meta
2276    };
2277  });
2279  /**
2280   * Reducer tracking queries state.
2281   *
2282   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2283   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2284   *
2285   * @return {Object} Next state.
2286   */
2287  const queries = (state = {}, action) => {
2288    switch (action.type) {
2289      case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2290        return receiveQueries(state, action);
2291      case 'REMOVE_ITEMS':
2292        const removedItems = action.itemIds.reduce((result, itemId) => {
2293          result[itemId] = true;
2294          return result;
2295        }, {});
2296        return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).map(([queryGroup, contextQueries]) => [queryGroup, Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(contextQueries).map(([query, queryItems]) => [query, {
2297          ...queryItems,
2298          itemIds: queryItems.itemIds.filter(queryId => !removedItems[queryId])
2299        }]))]));
2300      default:
2301        return state;
2302    }
2303  };
2304  /* harmony default export */ const reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
2305    items,
2306    itemIsComplete,
2307    queries
2308  }));
2310  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/reducer.js
2311  /* wp:polyfill */
2312  /**
2313   * External dependencies
2314   */
2317  /**
2318   * WordPress dependencies
2319   */
2324  /**
2325   * Internal dependencies
2326   */
2331  /** @typedef {import('./types').AnyFunction} AnyFunction */
2333  /**
2334   * Reducer managing terms state. Keyed by taxonomy slug, the value is either
2335   * undefined (if no request has been made for given taxonomy), null (if a
2336   * request is in-flight for given taxonomy), or the array of terms for the
2337   * taxonomy.
2338   *
2339   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2340   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2341   *
2342   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2343   */
2344  function terms(state = {}, action) {
2345    switch (action.type) {
2346      case 'RECEIVE_TERMS':
2347        return {
2348          ...state,
2349          [action.taxonomy]: action.terms
2350        };
2351    }
2352    return state;
2353  }
2355  /**
2356   * Reducer managing authors state. Keyed by id.
2357   *
2358   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2359   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2360   *
2361   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2362   */
2363  function users(state = {
2364    byId: {},
2365    queries: {}
2366  }, action) {
2367    switch (action.type) {
2368      case 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY':
2369        return {
2370          byId: {
2371            ...state.byId,
2372            // Key users by their ID.
2373            ...action.users.reduce((newUsers, user) => ({
2374              ...newUsers,
2375              [user.id]: user
2376            }), {})
2377          },
2378          queries: {
2379            ...state.queries,
2380            [action.queryID]: action.users.map(user => user.id)
2381          }
2382        };
2383    }
2384    return state;
2385  }
2387  /**
2388   * Reducer managing current user state.
2389   *
2390   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2391   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2392   *
2393   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2394   */
2395  function currentUser(state = {}, action) {
2396    switch (action.type) {
2397      case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER':
2398        return action.currentUser;
2399    }
2400    return state;
2401  }
2403  /**
2404   * Reducer managing taxonomies.
2405   *
2406   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2407   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2408   *
2409   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2410   */
2411  function taxonomies(state = [], action) {
2412    switch (action.type) {
2413      case 'RECEIVE_TAXONOMIES':
2414        return action.taxonomies;
2415    }
2416    return state;
2417  }
2419  /**
2420   * Reducer managing the current theme.
2421   *
2422   * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
2423   * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
2424   *
2425   * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
2426   */
2427  function currentTheme(state = undefined, action) {
2428    switch (action.type) {
2429      case 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME':
2430        return action.currentTheme.stylesheet;
2431    }
2432    return state;
2433  }
2435  /**
2436   * Reducer managing the current global styles id.
2437   *
2438   * @param {string|undefined} state  Current state.
2439   * @param {Object}           action Dispatched action.
2440   *
2441   * @return {string|undefined} Updated state.
2442   */
2443  function currentGlobalStylesId(state = undefined, action) {
2444    switch (action.type) {
2446        return action.id;
2447    }
2448    return state;
2449  }
2451  /**
2452   * Reducer managing the theme base global styles.
2453   *
2454   * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
2455   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2456   *
2457   * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
2458   */
2459  function themeBaseGlobalStyles(state = {}, action) {
2460    switch (action.type) {
2462        return {
2463          ...state,
2464          [action.stylesheet]: action.globalStyles
2465        };
2466    }
2467    return state;
2468  }
2470  /**
2471   * Reducer managing the theme global styles variations.
2472   *
2473   * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
2474   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2475   *
2476   * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
2477   */
2478  function themeGlobalStyleVariations(state = {}, action) {
2479    switch (action.type) {
2481        return {
2482          ...state,
2483          [action.stylesheet]: action.variations
2484        };
2485    }
2486    return state;
2487  }
2488  const withMultiEntityRecordEdits = reducer => (state, action) => {
2489    if (action.type === 'UNDO' || action.type === 'REDO') {
2490      const {
2491        record
2492      } = action;
2493      let newState = state;
2494      record.forEach(({
2495        id: {
2496          kind,
2497          name,
2498          recordId
2499        },
2500        changes
2501      }) => {
2502        newState = reducer(newState, {
2503          type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
2504          kind,
2505          name,
2506          recordId,
2507          edits: Object.entries(changes).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
2508            acc[key] = action.type === 'UNDO' ? value.from : value.to;
2509            return acc;
2510          }, {})
2511        });
2512      });
2513      return newState;
2514    }
2515    return reducer(state, action);
2516  };
2518  /**
2519   * Higher Order Reducer for a given entity config. It supports:
2520   *
2521   *  - Fetching
2522   *  - Editing
2523   *  - Saving
2524   *
2525   * @param {Object} entityConfig Entity config.
2526   *
2527   * @return {AnyFunction} Reducer.
2528   */
2529  function entity(entityConfig) {
2530    return (0,external_wp_compose_namespaceObject.compose)([withMultiEntityRecordEdits,
2531    // Limit to matching action type so we don't attempt to replace action on
2532    // an unhandled action.
2533    if_matching_action(action => action.name && action.kind && action.name === entityConfig.name && action.kind === entityConfig.kind),
2534    // Inject the entity config into the action.
2535    replace_action(action => {
2536      return {
2537        key: entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY,
2538        ...action
2539      };
2540    })])((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
2541      queriedData: reducer,
2542      edits: (state = {}, action) => {
2543        var _action$query$context;
2544        switch (action.type) {
2545          case 'RECEIVE_ITEMS':
2546            const context = (_action$query$context = action?.query?.context) !== null && _action$query$context !== void 0 ? _action$query$context : 'default';
2547            if (context !== 'default') {
2548              return state;
2549            }
2550            const nextState = {
2551              ...state
2552            };
2553            for (const record of action.items) {
2554              const recordId = record?.[action.key];
2555              const edits = nextState[recordId];
2556              if (!edits) {
2557                continue;
2558              }
2559              const nextEdits = Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
2560                var _record$key$raw;
2561                // If the edited value is still different to the persisted value,
2562                // keep the edited value in edits.
2563                if (
2564                // Edits are the "raw" attribute values, but records may have
2565                // objects with more properties, so we use `get` here for the
2566                // comparison.
2567                !es6_default()(edits[key], (_record$key$raw = record[key]?.raw) !== null && _record$key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$key$raw : record[key]) && (
2568                // Sometimes the server alters the sent value which means
2569                // we need to also remove the edits before the api request.
2570                !action.persistedEdits || !es6_default()(edits[key], action.persistedEdits[key]))) {
2571                  acc[key] = edits[key];
2572                }
2573                return acc;
2574              }, {});
2575              if (Object.keys(nextEdits).length) {
2576                nextState[recordId] = nextEdits;
2577              } else {
2578                delete nextState[recordId];
2579              }
2580            }
2581            return nextState;
2582          case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD':
2583            const nextEdits = {
2584              ...state[action.recordId],
2585              ...action.edits
2586            };
2587            Object.keys(nextEdits).forEach(key => {
2588              // Delete cleared edits so that the properties
2589              // are not considered dirty.
2590              if (nextEdits[key] === undefined) {
2591                delete nextEdits[key];
2592              }
2593            });
2594            return {
2595              ...state,
2596              [action.recordId]: nextEdits
2597            };
2598        }
2599        return state;
2600      },
2601      saving: (state = {}, action) => {
2602        switch (action.type) {
2603          case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START':
2604          case 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH':
2605            return {
2606              ...state,
2607              [action.recordId]: {
2608                pending: action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
2609                error: action.error,
2610                isAutosave: action.isAutosave
2611              }
2612            };
2613        }
2614        return state;
2615      },
2616      deleting: (state = {}, action) => {
2617        switch (action.type) {
2618          case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START':
2619          case 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH':
2620            return {
2621              ...state,
2622              [action.recordId]: {
2623                pending: action.type === 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
2624                error: action.error
2625              }
2626            };
2627        }
2628        return state;
2629      },
2630      revisions: (state = {}, action) => {
2631        // Use the same queriedDataReducer shape for revisions.
2632        if (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEM_REVISIONS') {
2633          const recordKey = action.recordKey;
2634          delete action.recordKey;
2635          const newState = reducer(state[recordKey], {
2636            ...action,
2637            type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS'
2638          });
2639          return {
2640            ...state,
2641            [recordKey]: newState
2642          };
2643        }
2644        if (action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') {
2645          return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(state).filter(([id]) => !action.itemIds.some(itemId => {
2646            if (Number.isInteger(itemId)) {
2647              return itemId === +id;
2648            }
2649            return itemId === id;
2650          })));
2651        }
2652        return state;
2653      }
2654    }));
2655  }
2657  /**
2658   * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities.
2659   *
2660   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2661   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2662   *
2663   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2664   */
2665  function entitiesConfig(state = rootEntitiesConfig, action) {
2666    switch (action.type) {
2667      case 'ADD_ENTITIES':
2668        return [...state, ...action.entities];
2669    }
2670    return state;
2671  }
2673  /**
2674   * Reducer keeping track of the registered entities config and data.
2675   *
2676   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2677   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2678   *
2679   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2680   */
2681  const entities = (state = {}, action) => {
2682    const newConfig = entitiesConfig(state.config, action);
2684    // Generates a dynamic reducer for the entities.
2685    let entitiesDataReducer = state.reducer;
2686    if (!entitiesDataReducer || newConfig !== state.config) {
2687      const entitiesByKind = newConfig.reduce((acc, record) => {
2688        const {
2689          kind
2690        } = record;
2691        if (!acc[kind]) {
2692          acc[kind] = [];
2693        }
2694        acc[kind].push(record);
2695        return acc;
2696      }, {});
2697      entitiesDataReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(Object.entries(entitiesByKind).reduce((memo, [kind, subEntities]) => {
2698        const kindReducer = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)(subEntities.reduce((kindMemo, entityConfig) => ({
2699          ...kindMemo,
2700          [entityConfig.name]: entity(entityConfig)
2701        }), {}));
2702        memo[kind] = kindReducer;
2703        return memo;
2704      }, {}));
2705    }
2706    const newData = entitiesDataReducer(state.records, action);
2707    if (newData === state.records && newConfig === state.config && entitiesDataReducer === state.reducer) {
2708      return state;
2709    }
2710    return {
2711      reducer: entitiesDataReducer,
2712      records: newData,
2713      config: newConfig
2714    };
2715  };
2717  /**
2718   * @type {UndoManager}
2719   */
2720  function undoManager(state = createUndoManager()) {
2721    return state;
2722  }
2723  function editsReference(state = {}, action) {
2724    switch (action.type) {
2725      case 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD':
2726      case 'UNDO':
2727      case 'REDO':
2728        return {};
2729    }
2730    return state;
2731  }
2733  /**
2734   * Reducer managing embed preview data.
2735   *
2736   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2737   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2738   *
2739   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2740   */
2741  function embedPreviews(state = {}, action) {
2742    switch (action.type) {
2743      case 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW':
2744        const {
2745          url,
2746          preview
2747        } = action;
2748        return {
2749          ...state,
2750          [url]: preview
2751        };
2752    }
2753    return state;
2754  }
2756  /**
2757   * State which tracks whether the user can perform an action on a REST
2758   * resource.
2759   *
2760   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2761   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2762   *
2763   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2764   */
2765  function userPermissions(state = {}, action) {
2766    switch (action.type) {
2768        return {
2769          ...state,
2770          [action.key]: action.isAllowed
2771        };
2773        return {
2774          ...state,
2775          ...action.permissions
2776        };
2777    }
2778    return state;
2779  }
2781  /**
2782   * Reducer returning autosaves keyed by their parent's post id.
2783   *
2784   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2785   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2786   *
2787   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2788   */
2789  function autosaves(state = {}, action) {
2790    switch (action.type) {
2791      case 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES':
2792        const {
2793          postId,
2794          autosaves: autosavesData
2795        } = action;
2796        return {
2797          ...state,
2798          [postId]: autosavesData
2799        };
2800    }
2801    return state;
2802  }
2803  function blockPatterns(state = [], action) {
2804    switch (action.type) {
2805      case 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS':
2806        return action.patterns;
2807    }
2808    return state;
2809  }
2810  function blockPatternCategories(state = [], action) {
2811    switch (action.type) {
2813        return action.categories;
2814    }
2815    return state;
2816  }
2817  function userPatternCategories(state = [], action) {
2818    switch (action.type) {
2820        return action.patternCategories;
2821    }
2822    return state;
2823  }
2824  function navigationFallbackId(state = null, action) {
2825    switch (action.type) {
2827        return action.fallbackId;
2828    }
2829    return state;
2830  }
2832  /**
2833   * Reducer managing the theme global styles revisions.
2834   *
2835   * @param {Record<string, object>} state  Current state.
2836   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2837   *
2838   * @return {Record<string, object>} Updated state.
2839   */
2840  function themeGlobalStyleRevisions(state = {}, action) {
2841    switch (action.type) {
2843        return {
2844          ...state,
2845          [action.currentId]: action.revisions
2846        };
2847    }
2848    return state;
2849  }
2851  /**
2852   * Reducer managing the template lookup per query.
2853   *
2854   * @param {Record<string, string>} state  Current state.
2855   * @param {Object}                 action Dispatched action.
2856   *
2857   * @return {Record<string, string>} Updated state.
2858   */
2859  function defaultTemplates(state = {}, action) {
2860    switch (action.type) {
2862        return {
2863          ...state,
2864          [JSON.stringify(action.query)]: action.templateId
2865        };
2866    }
2867    return state;
2868  }
2870  /**
2871   * Reducer returning an object of registered post meta.
2872   *
2873   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
2874   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
2875   *
2876   * @return {Object} Updated state.
2877   */
2878  function registeredPostMeta(state = {}, action) {
2879    switch (action.type) {
2881        return {
2882          ...state,
2883          [action.postType]: action.registeredPostMeta
2884        };
2885    }
2886    return state;
2887  }
2888  /* harmony default export */ const build_module_reducer = ((0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.combineReducers)({
2889    terms,
2890    users,
2891    currentTheme,
2892    currentGlobalStylesId,
2893    currentUser,
2894    themeGlobalStyleVariations,
2895    themeBaseGlobalStyles,
2896    themeGlobalStyleRevisions,
2897    taxonomies,
2898    entities,
2899    editsReference,
2900    undoManager,
2901    embedPreviews,
2902    userPermissions,
2903    autosaves,
2904    blockPatterns,
2905    blockPatternCategories,
2906    userPatternCategories,
2907    navigationFallbackId,
2908    defaultTemplates,
2909    registeredPostMeta
2910  }));
2912  ;// external ["wp","deprecated"]
2913  const external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["deprecated"];
2914  var external_wp_deprecated_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_deprecated_namespaceObject);
2915  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/name.js
2916  /**
2917   * The reducer key used by core data in store registration.
2918   * This is defined in a separate file to avoid cycle-dependency
2919   *
2920   * @type {string}
2921   */
2922  const STORE_NAME = 'core';
2924  // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/equivalent-key-map/equivalent-key-map.js
2925  var equivalent_key_map = __webpack_require__(3249);
2926  var equivalent_key_map_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(equivalent_key_map);
2927  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/set-nested-value.js
2928  /* wp:polyfill */
2929  /**
2930   * Sets the value at path of object.
2931   * If a portion of path doesn’t exist, it’s created.
2932   * Arrays are created for missing index properties while objects are created
2933   * for all other missing properties.
2934   *
2935   * Path is specified as either:
2936   * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y".
2937   * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`.
2938   *
2939   * This function intentionally mutates the input object.
2940   *
2941   * Inspired by _.set().
2942   *
2943   * @see https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#set
2944   *
2945   * @todo Needs to be deduplicated with its copy in `@wordpress/edit-site`.
2946   *
2947   * @param {Object}       object Object to modify
2948   * @param {Array|string} path   Path of the property to set.
2949   * @param {*}            value  Value to set.
2950   */
2951  function setNestedValue(object, path, value) {
2952    if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') {
2953      return object;
2954    }
2955    const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
2956    normalizedPath.reduce((acc, key, idx) => {
2957      if (acc[key] === undefined) {
2958        if (Number.isInteger(normalizedPath[idx + 1])) {
2959          acc[key] = [];
2960        } else {
2961          acc[key] = {};
2962        }
2963      }
2964      if (idx === normalizedPath.length - 1) {
2965        acc[key] = value;
2966      }
2967      return acc[key];
2968    }, object);
2969    return object;
2970  }
2972  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/selectors.js
2973  /* wp:polyfill */
2974  /**
2975   * External dependencies
2976   */
2979  /**
2980   * WordPress dependencies
2981   */
2984  /**
2985   * Internal dependencies
2986   */
2990  /**
2991   * Cache of state keys to EquivalentKeyMap where the inner map tracks queries
2992   * to their resulting items set. WeakMap allows garbage collection on expired
2993   * state references.
2994   *
2995   * @type {WeakMap<Object,EquivalentKeyMap>}
2996   */
2997  const queriedItemsCacheByState = new WeakMap();
2999  /**
3000   * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known.
3001   *
3002   * @param {Object}  state State object.
3003   * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
3004   *
3005   * @return {?Array} Query items.
3006   */
3007  function getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query) {
3008    const {
3009      stableKey,
3010      page,
3011      perPage,
3012      include,
3013      fields,
3014      context
3015    } = get_query_parts(query);
3016    let itemIds;
3017    if (state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]) {
3018      itemIds = state.queries[context][stableKey].itemIds;
3019    }
3020    if (!itemIds) {
3021      return null;
3022    }
3023    const startOffset = perPage === -1 ? 0 : (page - 1) * perPage;
3024    const endOffset = perPage === -1 ? itemIds.length : Math.min(startOffset + perPage, itemIds.length);
3025    const items = [];
3026    for (let i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) {
3027      const itemId = itemIds[i];
3028      if (Array.isArray(include) && !include.includes(itemId)) {
3029        continue;
3030      }
3031      if (itemId === undefined) {
3032        continue;
3033      }
3034      // Having a target item ID doesn't guarantee that this object has been queried.
3035      if (!state.items[context]?.hasOwnProperty(itemId)) {
3036        return null;
3037      }
3038      const item = state.items[context][itemId];
3039      let filteredItem;
3040      if (Array.isArray(fields)) {
3041        filteredItem = {};
3042        for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
3043          const field = fields[f].split('.');
3044          let value = item;
3045          field.forEach(fieldName => {
3046            value = value?.[fieldName];
3047          });
3048          setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
3049        }
3050      } else {
3051        // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness, or
3052        // otherwise abort.
3053        if (!state.itemIsComplete[context]?.[itemId]) {
3054          return null;
3055        }
3056        filteredItem = item;
3057      }
3058      items.push(filteredItem);
3059    }
3060    return items;
3061  }
3063  /**
3064   * Returns items for a given query, or null if the items are not known. Caches
3065   * result both per state (by reference) and per query (by deep equality).
3066   * The caching approach is intended to be durable to query objects which are
3067   * deeply but not referentially equal, since otherwise:
3068   *
3069   * `getQueriedItems( state, {} ) !== getQueriedItems( state, {} )`
3070   *
3071   * @param {Object}  state State object.
3072   * @param {?Object} query Optional query.
3073   *
3074   * @return {?Array} Query items.
3075   */
3076  const getQueriedItems = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, query = {}) => {
3077    let queriedItemsCache = queriedItemsCacheByState.get(state);
3078    if (queriedItemsCache) {
3079      const queriedItems = queriedItemsCache.get(query);
3080      if (queriedItems !== undefined) {
3081        return queriedItems;
3082      }
3083    } else {
3084      queriedItemsCache = new (equivalent_key_map_default())();
3085      queriedItemsCacheByState.set(state, queriedItemsCache);
3086    }
3087    const items = getQueriedItemsUncached(state, query);
3088    queriedItemsCache.set(query, items);
3089    return items;
3090  });
3091  function getQueriedTotalItems(state, query = {}) {
3092    var _state$queries$contex;
3093    const {
3094      stableKey,
3095      context
3096    } = get_query_parts(query);
3097    return (_state$queries$contex = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalItems) !== null && _state$queries$contex !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex : null;
3098  }
3099  function getQueriedTotalPages(state, query = {}) {
3100    var _state$queries$contex2;
3101    const {
3102      stableKey,
3103      context
3104    } = get_query_parts(query);
3105    return (_state$queries$contex2 = state.queries?.[context]?.[stableKey]?.meta?.totalPages) !== null && _state$queries$contex2 !== void 0 ? _state$queries$contex2 : null;
3106  }
3108  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/is-numeric-id.js
3109  /**
3110   * Checks argument to determine if it's a numeric ID.
3111   * For example, '123' is a numeric ID, but '123abc' is not.
3112   *
3113   * @param {any} id the argument to determine if it's a numeric ID.
3114   * @return {boolean} true if the string is a numeric ID, false otherwise.
3115   */
3116  function isNumericID(id) {
3117    return /^\s*\d+\s*$/.test(id);
3118  }
3120  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/is-raw-attribute.js
3121  /**
3122   * Checks whether the attribute is a "raw" attribute or not.
3123   *
3124   * @param {Object} entity    Entity record.
3125   * @param {string} attribute Attribute name.
3126   *
3127   * @return {boolean} Is the attribute raw
3128   */
3129  function isRawAttribute(entity, attribute) {
3130    return (entity.rawAttributes || []).includes(attribute);
3131  }
3133  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/user-permissions.js
3134  /* wp:polyfill */
3135  const ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'];
3136  function getUserPermissionsFromAllowHeader(allowedMethods) {
3137    const permissions = {};
3138    if (!allowedMethods) {
3139      return permissions;
3140    }
3141    const methods = {
3142      create: 'POST',
3143      read: 'GET',
3144      update: 'PUT',
3145      delete: 'DELETE'
3146    };
3147    for (const [actionName, methodName] of Object.entries(methods)) {
3148      permissions[actionName] = allowedMethods.includes(methodName);
3149    }
3150    return permissions;
3151  }
3152  function getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id) {
3153    const key = (typeof resource === 'object' ? [action, resource.kind, resource.name, resource.id] : [action, resource, id]).filter(Boolean).join('/');
3154    return key;
3155  }
3157  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/selectors.js
3158  /* wp:polyfill */
3159  /**
3160   * WordPress dependencies
3161   */
3166  /**
3167   * Internal dependencies
3168   */
3174  // This is an incomplete, high-level approximation of the State type.
3175  // It makes the selectors slightly more safe, but is intended to evolve
3176  // into a more detailed representation over time.
3177  // See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/40025#discussion_r865410589 for more context.
3179  /**
3180   * HTTP Query parameters sent with the API request to fetch the entity records.
3181   */
3183  /**
3184   * Arguments for EntityRecord selectors.
3185   */
3187  /**
3188   * Shared reference to an empty object for cases where it is important to avoid
3189   * returning a new object reference on every invocation, as in a connected or
3190   * other pure component which performs `shouldComponentUpdate` check on props.
3191   * This should be used as a last resort, since the normalized data should be
3192   * maintained by the reducer result in state.
3193   */
3194  const EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
3196  /**
3197   * Returns true if a request is in progress for embed preview data, or false
3198   * otherwise.
3199   *
3200   * @param state Data state.
3201   * @param url   URL the preview would be for.
3202   *
3203   * @return Whether a request is in progress for an embed preview.
3204   */
3205  const isRequestingEmbedPreview = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, url) => {
3206    return select(STORE_NAME).isResolving('getEmbedPreview', [url]);
3207  });
3209  /**
3210   * Returns all available authors.
3211   *
3212   * @deprecated since 11.3. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })` instead.
3213   *
3214   * @param      state Data state.
3215   * @param      query Optional object of query parameters to
3216   *                   include with request. For valid query parameters see the [Users page](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/users/) in the REST API Handbook and see the arguments for [List Users](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/users/#list-users) and [Retrieve a User](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/users/#retrieve-a-user).
3217   * @return Authors list.
3218   */
3219  function getAuthors(state, query) {
3220    external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getAuthors()", {
3221      since: '5.9',
3222      alternative: "select( 'core' ).getUsers({ who: 'authors' })"
3223    });
3224    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
3225    return getUserQueryResults(state, path);
3226  }
3228  /**
3229   * Returns the current user.
3230   *
3231   * @param state Data state.
3232   *
3233   * @return Current user object.
3234   */
3235  function getCurrentUser(state) {
3236    return state.currentUser;
3237  }
3239  /**
3240   * Returns all the users returned by a query ID.
3241   *
3242   * @param state   Data state.
3243   * @param queryID Query ID.
3244   *
3245   * @return Users list.
3246   */
3247  const getUserQueryResults = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, queryID) => {
3248    var _state$users$queries$;
3249    const queryResults = (_state$users$queries$ = state.users.queries[queryID]) !== null && _state$users$queries$ !== void 0 ? _state$users$queries$ : [];
3250    return queryResults.map(id => state.users.byId[id]);
3251  }, (state, queryID) => [state.users.queries[queryID], state.users.byId]);
3253  /**
3254   * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
3255   *
3256   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntitiesConfig instead
3257   * @param      state Data state.
3258   * @param      kind  Entity kind.
3259   *
3260   * @return Array of entities with config matching kind.
3261   */
3262  function getEntitiesByKind(state, kind) {
3263    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntitiesByKind()", {
3264      since: '6.0',
3265      alternative: "wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntitiesConfig()"
3266    });
3267    return getEntitiesConfig(state, kind);
3268  }
3270  /**
3271   * Returns the loaded entities for the given kind.
3272   *
3273   * @param state Data state.
3274   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3275   *
3276   * @return Array of entities with config matching kind.
3277   */
3278  const getEntitiesConfig = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind) => state.entities.config.filter(entity => entity.kind === kind), /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
3279  (state, kind) => state.entities.config
3280  /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */);
3281  /**
3282   * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
3283   *
3284   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.0. Use getEntityConfig instead
3285   * @param      state Data state.
3286   * @param      kind  Entity kind.
3287   * @param      name  Entity name.
3288   *
3289   * @return Entity config
3290   */
3291  function getEntity(state, kind, name) {
3292    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntity()", {
3293      since: '6.0',
3294      alternative: "wp.data.select( 'core' ).getEntityConfig()"
3295    });
3296    return getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
3297  }
3299  /**
3300   * Returns the entity config given its kind and name.
3301   *
3302   * @param state Data state.
3303   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3304   * @param name  Entity name.
3305   *
3306   * @return Entity config
3307   */
3308  function getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) {
3309    return state.entities.config?.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
3310  }
3312  /**
3313   * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with
3314   * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't
3315   * allow currying generic functions:
3316   *
3317   * ```ts
3318   *         type CurriedState = F extends ( state: any, ...args: infer P ) => infer R
3319   *             ? ( ...args: P ) => R
3320   *             : F;
3321   *         type Selector = <K extends string | number>(
3322   *         state: any,
3323   *         kind: K,
3324   *         key: K extends string ? 'string value' : false
3325   *    ) => K;
3326   *         type BadlyInferredSignature = CurriedState< Selector >
3327   *    // BadlyInferredSignature evaluates to:
3328   *    // (kind: string number, key: false | "string value") => string number
3329   * ```
3330   *
3331   * The signature without the state parameter shipped as CurriedSignature
3332   * is used in the return value of `select( coreStore )`.
3333   *
3334   * See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/41578 for more details.
3335   */
3337  /**
3338   * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Returns `null` if the value is not
3339   * yet received, undefined if the value entity is known to not exist, or the
3340   * entity object if it exists and is received.
3341   *
3342   * @param state State tree
3343   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3344   * @param name  Entity name.
3345   * @param key   Optional record's key. If requesting a global record (e.g. site settings), the key can be omitted. If requesting a specific item, the key must always be included.
3346   * @param query Optional query. If requesting specific
3347   *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/) in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]".
3348   *
3349   * @return Record.
3350   */
3351  const getEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key, query) => {
3352    var _query$context;
3353    const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
3354    if (!queriedState) {
3355      return undefined;
3356    }
3357    const context = (_query$context = query?.context) !== null && _query$context !== void 0 ? _query$context : 'default';
3358    if (query === undefined) {
3359      // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness.
3360      if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[key]) {
3361        return undefined;
3362      }
3363      return queriedState.items[context][key];
3364    }
3365    const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[key];
3366    if (item && query._fields) {
3367      var _getNormalizedCommaSe;
3368      const filteredItem = {};
3369      const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe : [];
3370      for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
3371        const field = fields[f].split('.');
3372        let value = item;
3373        field.forEach(fieldName => {
3374          value = value?.[fieldName];
3375        });
3376        setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
3377      }
3378      return filteredItem;
3379    }
3380    return item;
3381  }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
3382    var _query$context2;
3383    const context = (_query$context2 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context2 !== void 0 ? _query$context2 : 'default';
3384    return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]];
3385  });
3387  /**
3388   * Normalizes `recordKey`s that look like numeric IDs to numbers.
3389   *
3390   * @param args EntityRecordArgs the selector arguments.
3391   * @return EntityRecordArgs the normalized arguments.
3392   */
3393  getEntityRecord.__unstableNormalizeArgs = args => {
3394    const newArgs = [...args];
3395    const recordKey = newArgs?.[2];
3397    // If recordKey looks to be a numeric ID then coerce to number.
3398    newArgs[2] = isNumericID(recordKey) ? Number(recordKey) : recordKey;
3399    return newArgs;
3400  };
3402  /**
3403   * Returns the Entity's record object by key. Doesn't trigger a resolver nor requests the entity records from the API if the entity record isn't available in the local state.
3404   *
3405   * @param state State tree
3406   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3407   * @param name  Entity name.
3408   * @param key   Record's key
3409   *
3410   * @return Record.
3411   */
3412  function __experimentalGetEntityRecordNoResolver(state, kind, name, key) {
3413    return getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);
3414  }
3416  /**
3417   * Returns the entity's record object by key,
3418   * with its attributes mapped to their raw values.
3419   *
3420   * @param state State tree.
3421   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3422   * @param name  Entity name.
3423   * @param key   Record's key.
3424   *
3425   * @return Object with the entity's raw attributes.
3426   */
3427  const getRawEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, key) => {
3428    const record = getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key);
3429    return record && Object.keys(record).reduce((accumulator, _key) => {
3430      if (isRawAttribute(getEntityConfig(state, kind, name), _key)) {
3431        var _record$_key$raw;
3432        // Because edits are the "raw" attribute values,
3433        // we return those from record selectors to make rendering,
3434        // comparisons, and joins with edits easier.
3435        accumulator[_key] = (_record$_key$raw = record[_key]?.raw) !== null && _record$_key$raw !== void 0 ? _record$_key$raw : record[_key];
3436      } else {
3437        accumulator[_key] = record[_key];
3438      }
3439      return accumulator;
3440    }, {});
3441  }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
3442    var _query$context3;
3443    const context = (_query$context3 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context3 !== void 0 ? _query$context3 : 'default';
3444    return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData?.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId]];
3445  });
3447  /**
3448   * Returns true if records have been received for the given set of parameters,
3449   * or false otherwise.
3450   *
3451   * @param state State tree
3452   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3453   * @param name  Entity name.
3454   * @param query Optional terms query. For valid query parameters see the [Reference](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/) in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
3455   *
3456   * @return  Whether entity records have been received.
3457   */
3458  function hasEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query) {
3459    return Array.isArray(getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query));
3460  }
3462  /**
3463   * GetEntityRecord is declared as a *callable interface* with
3464   * two signatures to work around the fact that TypeScript doesn't
3465   * allow currying generic functions.
3466   *
3467   * @see GetEntityRecord
3468   * @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/41578
3469   */
3471  /**
3472   * Returns the Entity's records.
3473   *
3474   * @param state State tree
3475   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3476   * @param name  Entity name.
3477   * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
3478   *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/) in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
3479   *
3480   * @return Records.
3481   */
3482  const getEntityRecords = (state, kind, name, query) => {
3483    // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
3484    // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
3485    const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
3486    if (!queriedState) {
3487      return null;
3488    }
3489    return getQueriedItems(queriedState, query);
3490  };
3492  /**
3493   * Returns the Entity's total available records for a given query (ignoring pagination).
3494   *
3495   * @param state State tree
3496   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3497   * @param name  Entity name.
3498   * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
3499   *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/) in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
3500   *
3501   * @return number | null.
3502   */
3503  const getEntityRecordsTotalItems = (state, kind, name, query) => {
3504    // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
3505    // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
3506    const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
3507    if (!queriedState) {
3508      return null;
3509    }
3510    return getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query);
3511  };
3513  /**
3514   * Returns the number of available pages for the given query.
3515   *
3516   * @param state State tree
3517   * @param kind  Entity kind.
3518   * @param name  Entity name.
3519   * @param query Optional terms query. If requesting specific
3520   *              fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see the [Reference](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/) in the REST API Handbook and select the entity kind. Then see the arguments available for "List [Entity kind]s".
3521   *
3522   * @return number | null.
3523   */
3524  const getEntityRecordsTotalPages = (state, kind, name, query) => {
3525    // Queried data state is prepopulated for all known entities. If this is not
3526    // assigned for the given parameters, then it is known to not exist.
3527    const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData;
3528    if (!queriedState) {
3529      return null;
3530    }
3531    if (query.per_page === -1) {
3532      return 1;
3533    }
3534    const totalItems = getQueriedTotalItems(queriedState, query);
3535    if (!totalItems) {
3536      return totalItems;
3537    }
3538    // If `per_page` is not set and the query relies on the defaults of the
3539    // REST endpoint, get the info from query's meta.
3540    if (!query.per_page) {
3541      return getQueriedTotalPages(queriedState, query);
3542    }
3543    return Math.ceil(totalItems / query.per_page);
3544  };
3545  /**
3546   * Returns the list of dirty entity records.
3547   *
3548   * @param state State tree.
3549   *
3550   * @return The list of updated records
3551   */
3552  const __experimentalGetDirtyEntityRecords = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => {
3553    const {
3554      entities: {
3555        records
3556      }
3557    } = state;
3558    const dirtyRecords = [];
3559    Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
3560      Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
3561        const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].edits).filter(primaryKey =>
3562        // The entity record must exist (not be deleted),
3563        // and it must have edits.
3564        getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey) && hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
3565        if (primaryKeys.length) {
3566          const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
3567          primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
3568            const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
3569            dirtyRecords.push({
3570              // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
3571              // when it's used as an object key.
3572              key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined,
3573              title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '',
3574              name,
3575              kind
3576            });
3577          });
3578        }
3579      });
3580    });
3581    return dirtyRecords;
3582  }, state => [state.entities.records]);
3584  /**
3585   * Returns the list of entities currently being saved.
3586   *
3587   * @param state State tree.
3588   *
3589   * @return The list of records being saved.
3590   */
3591  const __experimentalGetEntitiesBeingSaved = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(state => {
3592    const {
3593      entities: {
3594        records
3595      }
3596    } = state;
3597    const recordsBeingSaved = [];
3598    Object.keys(records).forEach(kind => {
3599      Object.keys(records[kind]).forEach(name => {
3600        const primaryKeys = Object.keys(records[kind][name].saving).filter(primaryKey => isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey));
3601        if (primaryKeys.length) {
3602          const entityConfig = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name);
3603          primaryKeys.forEach(primaryKey => {
3604            const entityRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(state, kind, name, primaryKey);
3605            recordsBeingSaved.push({
3606              // We avoid using primaryKey because it's transformed into a string
3607              // when it's used as an object key.
3608              key: entityRecord ? entityRecord[entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY] : undefined,
3609              title: entityConfig?.getTitle?.(entityRecord) || '',
3610              name,
3611              kind
3612            });
3613          });
3614        }
3615      });
3616    });
3617    return recordsBeingSaved;
3618  }, state => [state.entities.records]);
3620  /**
3621   * Returns the specified entity record's edits.
3622   *
3623   * @param state    State tree.
3624   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3625   * @param name     Entity name.
3626   * @param recordId Record ID.
3627   *
3628   * @return The entity record's edits.
3629   */
3630  function getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3631    return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId];
3632  }
3634  /**
3635   * Returns the specified entity record's non transient edits.
3636   *
3637   * Transient edits don't create an undo level, and
3638   * are not considered for change detection.
3639   * They are defined in the entity's config.
3640   *
3641   * @param state    State tree.
3642   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3643   * @param name     Entity name.
3644   * @param recordId Record ID.
3645   *
3646   * @return The entity record's non transient edits.
3647   */
3648  const getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => {
3649    const {
3650      transientEdits
3651    } = getEntityConfig(state, kind, name) || {};
3652    const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId) || {};
3653    if (!transientEdits) {
3654      return edits;
3655    }
3656    return Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
3657      if (!transientEdits[key]) {
3658        acc[key] = edits[key];
3659      }
3660      return acc;
3661    }, {});
3662  }, (state, kind, name, recordId) => [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]]);
3664  /**
3665   * Returns true if the specified entity record has edits,
3666   * and false otherwise.
3667   *
3668   * @param state    State tree.
3669   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3670   * @param name     Entity name.
3671   * @param recordId Record ID.
3672   *
3673   * @return Whether the entity record has edits or not.
3674   */
3675  function hasEditsForEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3676    return isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) || Object.keys(getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(state, kind, name, recordId)).length > 0;
3677  }
3679  /**
3680   * Returns the specified entity record, merged with its edits.
3681   *
3682   * @param state    State tree.
3683   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3684   * @param name     Entity name.
3685   * @param recordId Record ID.
3686   *
3687   * @return The entity record, merged with its edits.
3688   */
3689  const getEditedEntityRecord = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordId) => {
3690    const raw = getRawEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId);
3691    const edited = getEntityRecordEdits(state, kind, name, recordId);
3692    // Never return a non-falsy empty object. Unfortunately we can't return
3693    // undefined or null because we were previously returning an empty
3694    // object, so trying to read properties from the result would throw.
3695    // Using false here is a workaround to avoid breaking changes.
3696    if (!raw && !edited) {
3697      return false;
3698    }
3699    return {
3700      ...raw,
3701      ...edited
3702    };
3703  }, (state, kind, name, recordId, query) => {
3704    var _query$context4;
3705    const context = (_query$context4 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context4 !== void 0 ? _query$context4 : 'default';
3706    return [state.entities.config, state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.items[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.queriedData.itemIsComplete[context]?.[recordId], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.edits?.[recordId]];
3707  });
3709  /**
3710   * Returns true if the specified entity record is autosaving, and false otherwise.
3711   *
3712   * @param state    State tree.
3713   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3714   * @param name     Entity name.
3715   * @param recordId Record ID.
3716   *
3717   * @return Whether the entity record is autosaving or not.
3718   */
3719  function isAutosavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3720    var _state$entities$recor;
3721    const {
3722      pending,
3723      isAutosave
3724    } = (_state$entities$recor = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]) !== null && _state$entities$recor !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor : {};
3725    return Boolean(pending && isAutosave);
3726  }
3728  /**
3729   * Returns true if the specified entity record is saving, and false otherwise.
3730   *
3731   * @param state    State tree.
3732   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3733   * @param name     Entity name.
3734   * @param recordId Record ID.
3735   *
3736   * @return Whether the entity record is saving or not.
3737   */
3738  function isSavingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3739    var _state$entities$recor2;
3740    return (_state$entities$recor2 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor2 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor2 : false;
3741  }
3743  /**
3744   * Returns true if the specified entity record is deleting, and false otherwise.
3745   *
3746   * @param state    State tree.
3747   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3748   * @param name     Entity name.
3749   * @param recordId Record ID.
3750   *
3751   * @return Whether the entity record is deleting or not.
3752   */
3753  function isDeletingEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3754    var _state$entities$recor3;
3755    return (_state$entities$recor3 = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.pending) !== null && _state$entities$recor3 !== void 0 ? _state$entities$recor3 : false;
3756  }
3758  /**
3759   * Returns the specified entity record's last save error.
3760   *
3761   * @param state    State tree.
3762   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3763   * @param name     Entity name.
3764   * @param recordId Record ID.
3765   *
3766   * @return The entity record's save error.
3767   */
3768  function getLastEntitySaveError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3769    return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.saving?.[recordId]?.error;
3770  }
3772  /**
3773   * Returns the specified entity record's last delete error.
3774   *
3775   * @param state    State tree.
3776   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3777   * @param name     Entity name.
3778   * @param recordId Record ID.
3779   *
3780   * @return The entity record's save error.
3781   */
3782  function getLastEntityDeleteError(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3783    return state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.deleting?.[recordId]?.error;
3784  }
3786  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
3787  /**
3788   * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset
3789   * for the entity records edits history, if any.
3790   *
3791   * @deprecated since 6.3
3792   *
3793   * @param      state State tree.
3794   *
3795   * @return The edit.
3796   */
3797  function getUndoEdit(state) {
3798    external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getUndoEdit()", {
3799      since: '6.3'
3800    });
3801    return undefined;
3802  }
3803  /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
3805  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
3806  /**
3807   * Returns the next edit from the current undo offset
3808   * for the entity records edits history, if any.
3809   *
3810   * @deprecated since 6.3
3811   *
3812   * @param      state State tree.
3813   *
3814   * @return The edit.
3815   */
3816  function getRedoEdit(state) {
3817    external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getRedoEdit()", {
3818      since: '6.3'
3819    });
3820    return undefined;
3821  }
3822  /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
3824  /**
3825   * Returns true if there is a previous edit from the current undo offset
3826   * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
3827   *
3828   * @param state State tree.
3829   *
3830   * @return Whether there is a previous edit or not.
3831   */
3832  function hasUndo(state) {
3833    return state.undoManager.hasUndo();
3834  }
3836  /**
3837   * Returns true if there is a next edit from the current undo offset
3838   * for the entity records edits history, and false otherwise.
3839   *
3840   * @param state State tree.
3841   *
3842   * @return Whether there is a next edit or not.
3843   */
3844  function hasRedo(state) {
3845    return state.undoManager.hasRedo();
3846  }
3848  /**
3849   * Return the current theme.
3850   *
3851   * @param state Data state.
3852   *
3853   * @return The current theme.
3854   */
3855  function getCurrentTheme(state) {
3856    if (!state.currentTheme) {
3857      return null;
3858    }
3859    return getEntityRecord(state, 'root', 'theme', state.currentTheme);
3860  }
3862  /**
3863   * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
3864   *
3865   * @param state Data state.
3866   *
3867   * @return The current global styles ID.
3868   */
3869  function __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state) {
3870    return state.currentGlobalStylesId;
3871  }
3873  /**
3874   * Return theme supports data in the index.
3875   *
3876   * @param state Data state.
3877   *
3878   * @return Index data.
3879   */
3880  function getThemeSupports(state) {
3881    var _getCurrentTheme$them;
3882    return (_getCurrentTheme$them = getCurrentTheme(state)?.theme_supports) !== null && _getCurrentTheme$them !== void 0 ? _getCurrentTheme$them : EMPTY_OBJECT;
3883  }
3885  /**
3886   * Returns the embed preview for the given URL.
3887   *
3888   * @param state Data state.
3889   * @param url   Embedded URL.
3890   *
3891   * @return Undefined if the preview has not been fetched, otherwise, the preview fetched from the embed preview API.
3892   */
3893  function getEmbedPreview(state, url) {
3894    return state.embedPreviews[url];
3895  }
3897  /**
3898   * Determines if the returned preview is an oEmbed link fallback.
3899   *
3900   * WordPress can be configured to return a simple link to a URL if it is not embeddable.
3901   * We need to be able to determine if a URL is embeddable or not, based on what we
3902   * get back from the oEmbed preview API.
3903   *
3904   * @param state Data state.
3905   * @param url   Embedded URL.
3906   *
3907   * @return Is the preview for the URL an oEmbed link fallback.
3908   */
3909  function isPreviewEmbedFallback(state, url) {
3910    const preview = state.embedPreviews[url];
3911    const oEmbedLinkCheck = '<a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>';
3912    if (!preview) {
3913      return false;
3914    }
3915    return preview.html === oEmbedLinkCheck;
3916  }
3918  /**
3919   * Returns whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
3920   * REST resource.
3921   *
3922   * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
3923   * `canUser()` resolver.
3924   *
3925   * https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/
3926   *
3927   * @param state    Data state.
3928   * @param action   Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'.
3929   * @param resource Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
3930   *                 or REST base as a string - `media`.
3931   * @param id       Optional ID of the rest resource to check.
3932   *
3933   * @return Whether or not the user can perform the action,
3934   *                             or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
3935   */
3936  function canUser(state, action, resource, id) {
3937    const isEntity = typeof resource === 'object';
3938    if (isEntity && (!resource.kind || !resource.name)) {
3939      return false;
3940    }
3941    const key = getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id);
3942    return state.userPermissions[key];
3943  }
3945  /**
3946   * Returns whether the current user can edit the given entity.
3947   *
3948   * Calling this may trigger an OPTIONS request to the REST API via the
3949   * `canUser()` resolver.
3950   *
3951   * https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/
3952   *
3953   * @param state    Data state.
3954   * @param kind     Entity kind.
3955   * @param name     Entity name.
3956   * @param recordId Record's id.
3957   * @return Whether or not the user can edit,
3958   * or `undefined` if the OPTIONS request is still being made.
3959   */
3960  function canUserEditEntityRecord(state, kind, name, recordId) {
3961    external_wp_deprecated_default()(`wp.data.select( 'core' ).canUserEditEntityRecord()`, {
3962      since: '6.7',
3963      alternative: `wp.data.select( 'core' ).canUser( 'update', { kind, name, id } )`
3964    });
3965    return canUser(state, 'update', {
3966      kind,
3967      name,
3968      id: recordId
3969    });
3970  }
3972  /**
3973   * Returns the latest autosaves for the post.
3974   *
3975   * May return multiple autosaves since the backend stores one autosave per
3976   * author for each post.
3977   *
3978   * @param state    State tree.
3979   * @param postType The type of the parent post.
3980   * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
3981   *
3982   * @return An array of autosaves for the post, or undefined if there is none.
3983   */
3984  function getAutosaves(state, postType, postId) {
3985    return state.autosaves[postId];
3986  }
3988  /**
3989   * Returns the autosave for the post and author.
3990   *
3991   * @param state    State tree.
3992   * @param postType The type of the parent post.
3993   * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
3994   * @param authorId The id of the author.
3995   *
3996   * @return The autosave for the post and author.
3997   */
3998  function getAutosave(state, postType, postId, authorId) {
3999    if (authorId === undefined) {
4000      return;
4001    }
4002    const autosaves = state.autosaves[postId];
4003    return autosaves?.find(autosave => autosave.author === authorId);
4004  }
4006  /**
4007   * Returns true if the REST request for autosaves has completed.
4008   *
4009   * @param state    State tree.
4010   * @param postType The type of the parent post.
4011   * @param postId   The id of the parent post.
4012   *
4013   * @return True if the REST request was completed. False otherwise.
4014   */
4015  const hasFetchedAutosaves = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, postType, postId) => {
4016    return select(STORE_NAME).hasFinishedResolution('getAutosaves', [postType, postId]);
4017  });
4019  /**
4020   * Returns a new reference when edited values have changed. This is useful in
4021   * inferring where an edit has been made between states by comparison of the
4022   * return values using strict equality.
4023   *
4024   * @example
4025   *
4026   * ```
4027   * const hasEditOccurred = (
4028   *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( beforeState ) !==
4029   *    getReferenceByDistinctEdits( afterState )
4030   * );
4031   * ```
4032   *
4033   * @param state Editor state.
4034   *
4035   * @return A value whose reference will change only when an edit occurs.
4036   */
4037  function getReferenceByDistinctEdits(state) {
4038    return state.editsReference;
4039  }
4041  /**
4042   * Retrieve the current theme's base global styles
4043   *
4044   * @param state Editor state.
4045   *
4046   * @return The Global Styles object.
4047   */
4048  function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles(state) {
4049    const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
4050    if (!currentTheme) {
4051      return null;
4052    }
4053    return state.themeBaseGlobalStyles[currentTheme.stylesheet];
4054  }
4056  /**
4057   * Return the ID of the current global styles object.
4058   *
4059   * @param state Data state.
4060   *
4061   * @return The current global styles ID.
4062   */
4063  function __experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations(state) {
4064    const currentTheme = getCurrentTheme(state);
4065    if (!currentTheme) {
4066      return null;
4067    }
4068    return state.themeGlobalStyleVariations[currentTheme.stylesheet];
4069  }
4071  /**
4072   * Retrieve the list of registered block patterns.
4073   *
4074   * @param state Data state.
4075   *
4076   * @return Block pattern list.
4077   */
4078  function getBlockPatterns(state) {
4079    return state.blockPatterns;
4080  }
4082  /**
4083   * Retrieve the list of registered block pattern categories.
4084   *
4085   * @param state Data state.
4086   *
4087   * @return Block pattern category list.
4088   */
4089  function getBlockPatternCategories(state) {
4090    return state.blockPatternCategories;
4091  }
4093  /**
4094   * Retrieve the registered user pattern categories.
4095   *
4096   * @param state Data state.
4097   *
4098   * @return User patterns category array.
4099   */
4101  function getUserPatternCategories(state) {
4102    return state.userPatternCategories;
4103  }
4105  /**
4106   * Returns the revisions of the current global styles theme.
4107   *
4108   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )` instead, where `recordKey` is the id of the global styles parent post.
4109   *
4110   * @param      state Data state.
4111   *
4112   * @return The current global styles.
4113   */
4114  function getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions(state) {
4115    external_wp_deprecated_default()("select( 'core' ).getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions()", {
4116      since: '6.5.0',
4117      alternative: "select( 'core' ).getRevisions( 'root', 'globalStyles', ${ recordKey } )"
4118    });
4119    const currentGlobalStylesId = __experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId(state);
4120    if (!currentGlobalStylesId) {
4121      return null;
4122    }
4123    return state.themeGlobalStyleRevisions[currentGlobalStylesId];
4124  }
4126  /**
4127   * Returns the default template use to render a given query.
4128   *
4129   * @param state Data state.
4130   * @param query Query.
4131   *
4132   * @return The default template id for the given query.
4133   */
4134  function getDefaultTemplateId(state, query) {
4135    return state.defaultTemplates[JSON.stringify(query)];
4136  }
4138  /**
4139   * Returns an entity's revisions.
4140   *
4141   * @param state     State tree
4142   * @param kind      Entity kind.
4143   * @param name      Entity name.
4144   * @param recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
4145   * @param query     Optional query. If requesting specific
4146   *                  fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/). Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [Entity kind]".
4147   *
4148   * @return Record.
4149   */
4150  const getRevisions = (state, kind, name, recordKey, query) => {
4151    const queriedStateRevisions = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey];
4152    if (!queriedStateRevisions) {
4153      return null;
4154    }
4155    return getQueriedItems(queriedStateRevisions, query);
4156  };
4158  /**
4159   * Returns a single, specific revision of a parent entity.
4160   *
4161   * @param state       State tree
4162   * @param kind        Entity kind.
4163   * @param name        Entity name.
4164   * @param recordKey   The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
4165   * @param revisionKey The revision's key.
4166   * @param query       Optional query. If requesting specific
4167   *                    fields, fields must always include the ID. For valid query parameters see revisions schema in [the REST API Handbook](https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/reference/). Then see the arguments available "Retrieve a [entity kind]".
4168   *
4169   * @return Record.
4170   */
4171  const getRevision = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => {
4172    var _query$context5;
4173    const queriedState = state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey];
4174    if (!queriedState) {
4175      return undefined;
4176    }
4177    const context = (_query$context5 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context5 !== void 0 ? _query$context5 : 'default';
4178    if (query === undefined) {
4179      // If expecting a complete item, validate that completeness.
4180      if (!queriedState.itemIsComplete[context]?.[revisionKey]) {
4181        return undefined;
4182      }
4183      return queriedState.items[context][revisionKey];
4184    }
4185    const item = queriedState.items[context]?.[revisionKey];
4186    if (item && query._fields) {
4187      var _getNormalizedCommaSe2;
4188      const filteredItem = {};
4189      const fields = (_getNormalizedCommaSe2 = get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields)) !== null && _getNormalizedCommaSe2 !== void 0 ? _getNormalizedCommaSe2 : [];
4190      for (let f = 0; f < fields.length; f++) {
4191        const field = fields[f].split('.');
4192        let value = item;
4193        field.forEach(fieldName => {
4194          value = value?.[fieldName];
4195        });
4196        setNestedValue(filteredItem, field, value);
4197      }
4198      return filteredItem;
4199    }
4200    return item;
4201  }, (state, kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => {
4202    var _query$context6;
4203    const context = (_query$context6 = query?.context) !== null && _query$context6 !== void 0 ? _query$context6 : 'default';
4204    return [state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.items?.[context]?.[revisionKey], state.entities.records?.[kind]?.[name]?.revisions?.[recordKey]?.itemIsComplete?.[context]?.[revisionKey]];
4205  });
4207  ;// external ["wp","privateApis"]
4208  const external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["privateApis"];
4209  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/lock-unlock.js
4210  /**
4211   * WordPress dependencies
4212   */
4214  const {
4215    lock,
4216    unlock
4217  } = (0,external_wp_privateApis_namespaceObject.__dangerousOptInToUnstableAPIsOnlyForCoreModules)('I acknowledge private features are not for use in themes or plugins and doing so will break in the next version of WordPress.', '@wordpress/core-data');
4219  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-selectors.js
4220  /* wp:polyfill */
4221  /**
4222   * WordPress dependencies
4223   */
4226  /**
4227   * Internal dependencies
4228   */
4232  /**
4233   * Returns the previous edit from the current undo offset
4234   * for the entity records edits history, if any.
4235   *
4236   * @param state State tree.
4237   *
4238   * @return The undo manager.
4239   */
4240  function getUndoManager(state) {
4241    return state.undoManager;
4242  }
4244  /**
4245   * Retrieve the fallback Navigation.
4246   *
4247   * @param state Data state.
4248   * @return The ID for the fallback Navigation post.
4249   */
4250  function getNavigationFallbackId(state) {
4251    return state.navigationFallbackId;
4252  }
4253  const getBlockPatternsForPostType = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, postType) => select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns().filter(({
4254    postTypes
4255  }) => !postTypes || Array.isArray(postTypes) && postTypes.includes(postType)), () => [select(STORE_NAME).getBlockPatterns()]));
4257  /**
4258   * Returns the entity records permissions for the given entity record ids.
4259   */
4260  const getEntityRecordsPermissions = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)((state, kind, name, ids) => {
4261    const normalizedIds = Array.isArray(ids) ? ids : [ids];
4262    return normalizedIds.map(id => ({
4263      delete: select(STORE_NAME).canUser('delete', {
4264        kind,
4265        name,
4266        id
4267      }),
4268      update: select(STORE_NAME).canUser('update', {
4269        kind,
4270        name,
4271        id
4272      })
4273    }));
4274  }, state => [state.userPermissions]));
4276  /**
4277   * Returns the entity record permissions for the given entity record id.
4278   *
4279   * @param state Data state.
4280   * @param kind  Entity kind.
4281   * @param name  Entity name.
4282   * @param id    Entity record id.
4283   *
4284   * @return The entity record permissions.
4285   */
4286  function getEntityRecordPermissions(state, kind, name, id) {
4287    return getEntityRecordsPermissions(state, kind, name, id)[0];
4288  }
4290  /**
4291   * Returns the registered post meta fields for a given post type.
4292   *
4293   * @param state    Data state.
4294   * @param postType Post type.
4295   *
4296   * @return Registered post meta fields.
4297   */
4298  function getRegisteredPostMeta(state, postType) {
4299    var _state$registeredPost;
4300    return (_state$registeredPost = state.registeredPostMeta?.[postType]) !== null && _state$registeredPost !== void 0 ? _state$registeredPost : {};
4301  }
4302  function normalizePageId(value) {
4303    if (!value || !['number', 'string'].includes(typeof value)) {
4304      return null;
4305    }
4307    // We also need to check if it's not zero (`'0'`).
4308    if (Number(value) === 0) {
4309      return null;
4310    }
4311    return value.toString();
4312  }
4313  const getHomePage = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createSelector)(() => {
4314    const canReadSiteData = select(STORE_NAME).canUser('read', {
4315      kind: 'root',
4316      name: 'site'
4317    });
4318    if (!canReadSiteData) {
4319      return null;
4320    }
4321    const siteData = select(STORE_NAME).getEntityRecord('root', 'site');
4322    if (!siteData) {
4323      return null;
4324    }
4325    const homepageId = siteData?.show_on_front === 'page' ? normalizePageId(siteData.page_on_front) : null;
4326    if (homepageId) {
4327      return {
4328        postType: 'page',
4329        postId: homepageId
4330      };
4331    }
4332    const frontPageTemplateId = select(STORE_NAME).getDefaultTemplateId({
4333      slug: 'front-page'
4334    });
4335    return {
4336      postType: 'wp_template',
4337      postId: frontPageTemplateId
4338    };
4339  }, state => [canUser(state, 'read', {
4340    kind: 'root',
4341    name: 'site'
4342  }) && getEntityRecord(state, 'root', 'site'), getDefaultTemplateId(state, {
4343    slug: 'front-page'
4344  })]));
4345  const getPostsPageId = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => () => {
4346    const canReadSiteData = select(STORE_NAME).canUser('read', {
4347      kind: 'root',
4348      name: 'site'
4349    });
4350    if (!canReadSiteData) {
4351      return null;
4352    }
4353    const siteData = select(STORE_NAME).getEntityRecord('root', 'site');
4354    return siteData?.show_on_front === 'page' ? normalizePageId(siteData.page_for_posts) : null;
4355  });
4356  const getTemplateId = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createRegistrySelector)(select => (state, postType, postId) => {
4357    const homepage = unlock(select(STORE_NAME)).getHomePage();
4358    if (!homepage) {
4359      return;
4360    }
4362    // For the front page, we always use the front page template if existing.
4363    if (postType === 'page' && postType === homepage?.postType && postId.toString() === homepage?.postId) {
4364      // The /lookup endpoint cannot currently handle a lookup
4365      // when a page is set as the front page, so specifically in
4366      // that case, we want to check if there is a front page
4367      // template, and instead of falling back to the home
4368      // template, we want to fall back to the page template.
4369      const templates = select(STORE_NAME).getEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', {
4370        per_page: -1
4371      });
4372      if (!templates) {
4373        return;
4374      }
4375      const id = templates.find(({
4376        slug
4377      }) => slug === 'front-page')?.id;
4378      if (id) {
4379        return id;
4380      }
4381      // If no front page template is found, continue with the
4382      // logic below (fetching the page template).
4383    }
4384    const editedEntity = select(STORE_NAME).getEditedEntityRecord('postType', postType, postId);
4385    if (!editedEntity) {
4386      return;
4387    }
4388    const postsPageId = unlock(select(STORE_NAME)).getPostsPageId();
4389    // Check if the current page is the posts page.
4390    if (postType === 'page' && postsPageId === postId.toString()) {
4391      return select(STORE_NAME).getDefaultTemplateId({
4392        slug: 'home'
4393      });
4394    }
4395    // First see if the post/page has an assigned template and fetch it.
4396    const currentTemplateSlug = editedEntity.template;
4397    if (currentTemplateSlug) {
4398      const currentTemplate = select(STORE_NAME).getEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', {
4399        per_page: -1
4400      })?.find(({
4401        slug
4402      }) => slug === currentTemplateSlug);
4403      if (currentTemplate) {
4404        return currentTemplate.id;
4405      }
4406    }
4407    // If no template is assigned, use the default template.
4408    let slugToCheck;
4409    // In `draft` status we might not have a slug available, so we use the `single`
4410    // post type templates slug(ex page, single-post, single-product etc..).
4411    // Pages do not need the `single` prefix in the slug to be prioritized
4412    // through template hierarchy.
4413    if (editedEntity.slug) {
4414      slugToCheck = postType === 'page' ? `$postType}-$editedEntity.slug}` : `single-$postType}-$editedEntity.slug}`;
4415    } else {
4416      slugToCheck = postType === 'page' ? 'page' : `single-$postType}`;
4417    }
4418    return select(STORE_NAME).getDefaultTemplateId({
4419      slug: slugToCheck
4420    });
4421  });
4423  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/native.js
4424  const randomUUID = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.randomUUID && crypto.randomUUID.bind(crypto);
4425  /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_native = ({
4426    randomUUID
4427  });
4428  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/rng.js
4429  // Unique ID creation requires a high quality random # generator. In the browser we therefore
4430  // require the crypto API and do not support built-in fallback to lower quality random number
4431  // generators (like Math.random()).
4432  let getRandomValues;
4433  const rnds8 = new Uint8Array(16);
4434  function rng() {
4435    // lazy load so that environments that need to polyfill have a chance to do so
4436    if (!getRandomValues) {
4437      // getRandomValues needs to be invoked in a context where "this" is a Crypto implementation.
4438      getRandomValues = typeof crypto !== 'undefined' && crypto.getRandomValues && crypto.getRandomValues.bind(crypto);
4440      if (!getRandomValues) {
4441        throw new Error('crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#getrandomvalues-not-supported');
4442      }
4443    }
4445    return getRandomValues(rnds8);
4446  }
4447  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/stringify.js
4449  /**
4450   * Convert array of 16 byte values to UUID string format of the form:
4452   */
4454  const byteToHex = [];
4456  for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
4457    byteToHex.push((i + 0x100).toString(16).slice(1));
4458  }
4460  function unsafeStringify(arr, offset = 0) {
4461    // Note: Be careful editing this code!  It's been tuned for performance
4462    // and works in ways you may not expect. See https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid/pull/434
4463    return byteToHex[arr[offset + 0]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 1]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 2]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 3]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 4]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 5]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 6]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 7]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 8]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 9]] + '-' + byteToHex[arr[offset + 10]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 11]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 12]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 13]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 14]] + byteToHex[arr[offset + 15]];
4464  }
4466  function stringify(arr, offset = 0) {
4467    const uuid = unsafeStringify(arr, offset); // Consistency check for valid UUID.  If this throws, it's likely due to one
4468    // of the following:
4469    // - One or more input array values don't map to a hex octet (leading to
4470    // "undefined" in the uuid)
4471    // - Invalid input values for the RFC `version` or `variant` fields
4473    if (!validate(uuid)) {
4474      throw TypeError('Stringified UUID is invalid');
4475    }
4477    return uuid;
4478  }
4480  /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_stringify = ((/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (stringify)));
4481  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/node_modules/uuid/dist/esm-browser/v4.js
4486  function v4(options, buf, offset) {
4487    if (esm_browser_native.randomUUID && !buf && !options) {
4488      return esm_browser_native.randomUUID();
4489    }
4491    options = options || {};
4492    const rnds = options.random || (options.rng || rng)(); // Per 4.4, set bits for version and `clock_seq_hi_and_reserved`
4494    rnds[6] = rnds[6] & 0x0f | 0x40;
4495    rnds[8] = rnds[8] & 0x3f | 0x80; // Copy bytes to buffer, if provided
4497    if (buf) {
4498      offset = offset || 0;
4500      for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
4501        buf[offset + i] = rnds[i];
4502      }
4504      return buf;
4505    }
4507    return unsafeStringify(rnds);
4508  }
4510  /* harmony default export */ const esm_browser_v4 = (v4);
4511  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/get-nested-value.js
4512  /* wp:polyfill */
4513  /**
4514   * Helper util to return a value from a certain path of the object.
4515   * Path is specified as either:
4516   * - a string of properties, separated by dots, for example: "x.y".
4517   * - an array of properties, for example `[ 'x', 'y' ]`.
4518   * You can also specify a default value in case the result is nullish.
4519   *
4520   * @param {Object}       object       Input object.
4521   * @param {string|Array} path         Path to the object property.
4522   * @param {*}            defaultValue Default value if the value at the specified path is undefined.
4523   * @return {*} Value of the object property at the specified path.
4524   */
4525  function getNestedValue(object, path, defaultValue) {
4526    if (!object || typeof object !== 'object' || typeof path !== 'string' && !Array.isArray(path)) {
4527      return object;
4528    }
4529    const normalizedPath = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split('.');
4530    let value = object;
4531    normalizedPath.forEach(fieldName => {
4532      value = value?.[fieldName];
4533    });
4534    return value !== undefined ? value : defaultValue;
4535  }
4537  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/queried-data/actions.js
4538  /**
4539   * Returns an action object used in signalling that items have been received.
4540   *
4541   * @param {Array}   items Items received.
4542   * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
4543   * @param {?Object} meta  Meta information about pagination.
4544   *
4545   * @return {Object} Action object.
4546   */
4547  function receiveItems(items, edits, meta) {
4548    return {
4549      type: 'RECEIVE_ITEMS',
4550      items: Array.isArray(items) ? items : [items],
4551      persistedEdits: edits,
4552      meta
4553    };
4554  }
4556  /**
4557   * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been
4558   * deleted and they need to be removed from entities state.
4559   *
4560   * @param {string}              kind            Kind of the removed entities.
4561   * @param {string}              name            Name of the removed entities.
4562   * @param {Array|number|string} records         Record IDs of the removed entities.
4563   * @param {boolean}             invalidateCache Controls whether we want to invalidate the cache.
4564   * @return {Object} Action object.
4565   */
4566  function removeItems(kind, name, records, invalidateCache = false) {
4567    return {
4568      type: 'REMOVE_ITEMS',
4569      itemIds: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records],
4570      kind,
4571      name,
4572      invalidateCache
4573    };
4574  }
4576  /**
4577   * Returns an action object used in signalling that queried data has been
4578   * received.
4579   *
4580   * @param {Array}   items Queried items received.
4581   * @param {?Object} query Optional query object.
4582   * @param {?Object} edits Optional edits to reset.
4583   * @param {?Object} meta  Meta information about pagination.
4584   *
4585   * @return {Object} Action object.
4586   */
4587  function receiveQueriedItems(items, query = {}, edits, meta) {
4588    return {
4589      ...receiveItems(items, edits, meta),
4590      query
4591    };
4592  }
4594  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/default-processor.js
4595  /* wp:polyfill */
4596  /**
4597   * WordPress dependencies
4598   */
4601  /**
4602   * Maximum number of requests to place in a single batch request. Obtained by
4603   * sending a preflight OPTIONS request to /batch/v1/.
4604   *
4605   * @type {number?}
4606   */
4607  let maxItems = null;
4608  function chunk(arr, chunkSize) {
4609    const tmp = [...arr];
4610    const cache = [];
4611    while (tmp.length) {
4612      cache.push(tmp.splice(0, chunkSize));
4613    }
4614    return cache;
4615  }
4617  /**
4618   * Default batch processor. Sends its input requests to /batch/v1.
4619   *
4620   * @param {Array} requests List of API requests to perform at once.
4621   *
4622   * @return {Promise} Promise that resolves to a list of objects containing
4623   *                   either `output` (if that request was successful) or `error`
4624   *                   (if not ).
4625   */
4626  async function defaultProcessor(requests) {
4627    if (maxItems === null) {
4628      const preflightResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4629        path: '/batch/v1',
4630        method: 'OPTIONS'
4631      });
4632      maxItems = preflightResponse.endpoints[0].args.requests.maxItems;
4633    }
4634    const results = [];
4636    // @ts-ignore We would have crashed or never gotten to this point if we hadn't received the maxItems count.
4637    for (const batchRequests of chunk(requests, maxItems)) {
4638      const batchResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
4639        path: '/batch/v1',
4640        method: 'POST',
4641        data: {
4642          validation: 'require-all-validate',
4643          requests: batchRequests.map(request => ({
4644            path: request.path,
4645            body: request.data,
4646            // Rename 'data' to 'body'.
4647            method: request.method,
4648            headers: request.headers
4649          }))
4650        }
4651      });
4652      let batchResults;
4653      if (batchResponse.failed) {
4654        batchResults = batchResponse.responses.map(response => ({
4655          error: response?.body
4656        }));
4657      } else {
4658        batchResults = batchResponse.responses.map(response => {
4659          const result = {};
4660          if (response.status >= 200 && response.status < 300) {
4661            result.output = response.body;
4662          } else {
4663            result.error = response.body;
4664          }
4665          return result;
4666        });
4667      }
4668      results.push(...batchResults);
4669    }
4670    return results;
4671  }
4673  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/batch/create-batch.js
4674  /* wp:polyfill */
4675  /**
4676   * Internal dependencies
4677   */
4680  /**
4681   * Creates a batch, which can be used to combine multiple API requests into one
4682   * API request using the WordPress batch processing API (/v1/batch).
4683   *
4684   * ```
4685   * const batch = createBatch();
4686   * const dunePromise = batch.add( {
4687   *   path: '/v1/books',
4688   *   method: 'POST',
4689   *   data: { title: 'Dune' }
4690   * } );
4691   * const lotrPromise = batch.add( {
4692   *   path: '/v1/books',
4693   *   method: 'POST',
4694   *   data: { title: 'Lord of the Rings' }
4695   * } );
4696   * const isSuccess = await batch.run(); // Sends one POST to /v1/batch.
4697   * if ( isSuccess ) {
4698   *   console.log(
4699   *     'Saved two books:',
4700   *     await dunePromise,
4701   *     await lotrPromise
4702   *   );
4703   * }
4704   * ```
4705   *
4706   * @param {Function} [processor] Processor function. Can be used to replace the
4707   *                               default functionality which is to send an API
4708   *                               request to /v1/batch. Is given an array of
4709   *                               inputs and must return a promise that
4710   *                               resolves to an array of objects containing
4711   *                               either `output` or `error`.
4712   */
4713  function createBatch(processor = defaultProcessor) {
4714    let lastId = 0;
4715    /** @type {Array<{ input: any; resolve: ( value: any ) => void; reject: ( error: any ) => void }>} */
4716    let queue = [];
4717    const pending = new ObservableSet();
4718    return {
4719      /**
4720       * Adds an input to the batch and returns a promise that is resolved or
4721       * rejected when the input is processed by `batch.run()`.
4722       *
4723       * You may also pass a thunk which allows inputs to be added
4724       * asynchronously.
4725       *
4726       * ```
4727       * // Both are allowed:
4728       * batch.add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } );
4729       * batch.add( ( add ) => add( { path: '/v1/books', ... } ) );
4730       * ```
4731       *
4732       * If a thunk is passed, `batch.run()` will pause until either:
4733       *
4734       * - The thunk calls its `add` argument, or;
4735       * - The thunk returns a promise and that promise resolves, or;
4736       * - The thunk returns a non-promise.
4737       *
4738       * @param {any|Function} inputOrThunk Input to add or thunk to execute.
4739       *
4740       * @return {Promise|any} If given an input, returns a promise that
4741       *                       is resolved or rejected when the batch is
4742       *                       processed. If given a thunk, returns the return
4743       *                       value of that thunk.
4744       */
4745      add(inputOrThunk) {
4746        const id = ++lastId;
4747        pending.add(id);
4748        const add = input => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
4749          queue.push({
4750            input,
4751            resolve,
4752            reject
4753          });
4754          pending.delete(id);
4755        });
4756        if (typeof inputOrThunk === 'function') {
4757          return Promise.resolve(inputOrThunk(add)).finally(() => {
4758            pending.delete(id);
4759          });
4760        }
4761        return add(inputOrThunk);
4762      },
4763      /**
4764       * Runs the batch. This calls `batchProcessor` and resolves or rejects
4765       * all promises returned by `add()`.
4766       *
4767       * @return {Promise<boolean>} A promise that resolves to a boolean that is true
4768       *                   if the processor returned no errors.
4769       */
4770      async run() {
4771        if (pending.size) {
4772          await new Promise(resolve => {
4773            const unsubscribe = pending.subscribe(() => {
4774              if (!pending.size) {
4775                unsubscribe();
4776                resolve(undefined);
4777              }
4778            });
4779          });
4780        }
4781        let results;
4782        try {
4783          results = await processor(queue.map(({
4784            input
4785          }) => input));
4786          if (results.length !== queue.length) {
4787            throw new Error('run: Array returned by processor must be same size as input array.');
4788          }
4789        } catch (error) {
4790          for (const {
4791            reject
4792          } of queue) {
4793            reject(error);
4794          }
4795          throw error;
4796        }
4797        let isSuccess = true;
4798        results.forEach((result, key) => {
4799          const queueItem = queue[key];
4800          if (result?.error) {
4801            queueItem?.reject(result.error);
4802            isSuccess = false;
4803          } else {
4804            var _result$output;
4805            queueItem?.resolve((_result$output = result?.output) !== null && _result$output !== void 0 ? _result$output : result);
4806          }
4807        });
4808        queue = [];
4809        return isSuccess;
4810      }
4811    };
4812  }
4813  class ObservableSet {
4814    constructor(...args) {
4815      this.set = new Set(...args);
4816      this.subscribers = new Set();
4817    }
4818    get size() {
4819      return this.set.size;
4820    }
4821    add(value) {
4822      this.set.add(value);
4823      this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
4824      return this;
4825    }
4826    delete(value) {
4827      const isSuccess = this.set.delete(value);
4828      this.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => subscriber());
4829      return isSuccess;
4830    }
4831    subscribe(subscriber) {
4832      this.subscribers.add(subscriber);
4833      return () => {
4834        this.subscribers.delete(subscriber);
4835      };
4836    }
4837  }
4839  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/actions.js
4840  /* wp:polyfill */
4841  /**
4842   * External dependencies
4843   */
4847  /**
4848   * WordPress dependencies
4849   */
4854  /**
4855   * Internal dependencies
4856   */
4864  /**
4865   * Returns an action object used in signalling that authors have been received.
4866   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
4867   *
4868   * @ignore
4869   *
4870   * @param {string}       queryID Query ID.
4871   * @param {Array|Object} users   Users received.
4872   *
4873   * @return {Object} Action object.
4874   */
4875  function receiveUserQuery(queryID, users) {
4876    return {
4877      type: 'RECEIVE_USER_QUERY',
4878      users: Array.isArray(users) ? users : [users],
4879      queryID
4880    };
4881  }
4883  /**
4884   * Returns an action used in signalling that the current user has been received.
4885   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
4886   *
4887   * @ignore
4888   *
4889   * @param {Object} currentUser Current user object.
4890   *
4891   * @return {Object} Action object.
4892   */
4893  function receiveCurrentUser(currentUser) {
4894    return {
4895      type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_USER',
4896      currentUser
4897    };
4898  }
4900  /**
4901   * Returns an action object used in adding new entities.
4902   *
4903   * @param {Array} entities Entities received.
4904   *
4905   * @return {Object} Action object.
4906   */
4907  function addEntities(entities) {
4908    return {
4909      type: 'ADD_ENTITIES',
4910      entities
4911    };
4912  }
4914  /**
4915   * Returns an action object used in signalling that entity records have been received.
4916   *
4917   * @param {string}       kind            Kind of the received entity record.
4918   * @param {string}       name            Name of the received entity record.
4919   * @param {Array|Object} records         Records received.
4920   * @param {?Object}      query           Query Object.
4921   * @param {?boolean}     invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches.
4922   * @param {?Object}      edits           Edits to reset.
4923   * @param {?Object}      meta            Meta information about pagination.
4924   * @return {Object} Action object.
4925   */
4926  function receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, invalidateCache = false, edits, meta) {
4927    // Auto drafts should not have titles, but some plugins rely on them so we can't filter this
4928    // on the server.
4929    if (kind === 'postType') {
4930      records = (Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records]).map(record => record.status === 'auto-draft' ? {
4931        ...record,
4932        title: ''
4933      } : record);
4934    }
4935    let action;
4936    if (query) {
4937      action = receiveQueriedItems(records, query, edits, meta);
4938    } else {
4939      action = receiveItems(records, edits, meta);
4940    }
4941    return {
4942      ...action,
4943      kind,
4944      name,
4945      invalidateCache
4946    };
4947  }
4949  /**
4950   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current theme has been received.
4951   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
4952   *
4953   * @ignore
4954   *
4955   * @param {Object} currentTheme The current theme.
4956   *
4957   * @return {Object} Action object.
4958   */
4959  function receiveCurrentTheme(currentTheme) {
4960    return {
4961      type: 'RECEIVE_CURRENT_THEME',
4962      currentTheme
4963    };
4964  }
4966  /**
4967   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current global styles id has been received.
4968   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
4969   *
4970   * @ignore
4971   *
4972   * @param {string} currentGlobalStylesId The current global styles id.
4973   *
4974   * @return {Object} Action object.
4975   */
4976  function __experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(currentGlobalStylesId) {
4977    return {
4979      id: currentGlobalStylesId
4980    };
4981  }
4983  /**
4984   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme base global styles have been received
4985   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
4986   *
4987   * @ignore
4988   *
4989   * @param {string} stylesheet   The theme's identifier
4990   * @param {Object} globalStyles The global styles object.
4991   *
4992   * @return {Object} Action object.
4993   */
4994  function __experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(stylesheet, globalStyles) {
4995    return {
4997      stylesheet,
4998      globalStyles
4999    };
5000  }
5002  /**
5003   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles variations have been received.
5004   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5005   *
5006   * @ignore
5007   *
5008   * @param {string} stylesheet The theme's identifier
5009   * @param {Array}  variations The global styles variations.
5010   *
5011   * @return {Object} Action object.
5012   */
5013  function __experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(stylesheet, variations) {
5014    return {
5016      stylesheet,
5017      variations
5018    };
5019  }
5021  /**
5022   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the index has been received.
5023   *
5024   * @deprecated since WP 5.9, this is not useful anymore, use the selector directly.
5025   *
5026   * @return {Object} Action object.
5027   */
5028  function receiveThemeSupports() {
5029    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveThemeSupports", {
5030      since: '5.9'
5031    });
5032    return {
5033      type: 'DO_NOTHING'
5034    };
5035  }
5037  /**
5038   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the theme global styles CPT post revisions have been received.
5039   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5040   *
5041   * @deprecated since WordPress 6.5.0. Callers should use `dispatch( 'core' ).receiveRevision` instead.
5042   *
5043   * @ignore
5044   *
5045   * @param {number} currentId The post id.
5046   * @param {Array}  revisions The global styles revisions.
5047   *
5048   * @return {Object} Action object.
5049   */
5050  function receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(currentId, revisions) {
5051    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions()", {
5052      since: '6.5.0',
5053      alternative: "wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveRevisions"
5054    });
5055    return {
5057      currentId,
5058      revisions
5059    };
5060  }
5062  /**
5063   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the preview data for
5064   * a given URl has been received.
5065   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5066   *
5067   * @ignore
5068   *
5069   * @param {string} url     URL to preview the embed for.
5070   * @param {*}      preview Preview data.
5071   *
5072   * @return {Object} Action object.
5073   */
5074  function receiveEmbedPreview(url, preview) {
5075    return {
5076      type: 'RECEIVE_EMBED_PREVIEW',
5077      url,
5078      preview
5079    };
5080  }
5082  /**
5083   * Action triggered to delete an entity record.
5084   *
5085   * @param {string}        kind                         Kind of the deleted entity.
5086   * @param {string}        name                         Name of the deleted entity.
5087   * @param {number|string} recordId                     Record ID of the deleted entity.
5088   * @param {?Object}       query                        Special query parameters for the
5089   *                                                     DELETE API call.
5090   * @param {Object}        [options]                    Delete options.
5091   * @param {Function}      [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
5092   *                                                     call instead of `apiFetch()`.
5093   *                                                     Must return a promise.
5094   * @param {boolean}       [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
5095   *                                                     the exceptions. Defaults to false.
5096   */
5097  const deleteEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, query, {
5098    __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
5099    throwOnError = false
5100  } = {}) => async ({
5101    dispatch,
5102    resolveSelect
5103  }) => {
5104    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
5105    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
5106    let error;
5107    let deletedRecord = false;
5108    if (!entityConfig) {
5109      return;
5110    }
5111    const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId], {
5112      exclusive: true
5113    });
5114    try {
5115      dispatch({
5116        type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
5117        kind,
5118        name,
5119        recordId
5120      });
5121      let hasError = false;
5122      try {
5123        let path = `$entityConfig.baseURL}/$recordId}`;
5124        if (query) {
5125          path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(path, query);
5126        }
5127        deletedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
5128          path,
5129          method: 'DELETE'
5130        });
5131        await dispatch(removeItems(kind, name, recordId, true));
5132      } catch (_error) {
5133        hasError = true;
5134        error = _error;
5135      }
5136      dispatch({
5137        type: 'DELETE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH',
5138        kind,
5139        name,
5140        recordId,
5141        error
5142      });
5143      if (hasError && throwOnError) {
5144        throw error;
5145      }
5146      return deletedRecord;
5147    } finally {
5148      dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
5149    }
5150  };
5152  /**
5153   * Returns an action object that triggers an
5154   * edit to an entity record.
5155   *
5156   * @param {string}        kind                 Kind of the edited entity record.
5157   * @param {string}        name                 Name of the edited entity record.
5158   * @param {number|string} recordId             Record ID of the edited entity record.
5159   * @param {Object}        edits                The edits.
5160   * @param {Object}        options              Options for the edit.
5161   * @param {boolean}       [options.undoIgnore] Whether to ignore the edit in undo history or not.
5162   *
5163   * @return {Object} Action object.
5164   */
5165  const editEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, edits, options = {}) => ({
5166    select,
5167    dispatch
5168  }) => {
5169    const entityConfig = select.getEntityConfig(kind, name);
5170    if (!entityConfig) {
5171      throw new Error(`The entity being edited ($kind}, $name}) does not have a loaded config.`);
5172    }
5173    const {
5174      mergedEdits = {}
5175    } = entityConfig;
5176    const record = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
5177    const editedRecord = select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
5178    const edit = {
5179      kind,
5180      name,
5181      recordId,
5182      // Clear edits when they are equal to their persisted counterparts
5183      // so that the property is not considered dirty.
5184      edits: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
5185        const recordValue = record[key];
5186        const editedRecordValue = editedRecord[key];
5187        const value = mergedEdits[key] ? {
5188          ...editedRecordValue,
5189          ...edits[key]
5190        } : edits[key];
5191        acc[key] = es6_default()(recordValue, value) ? undefined : value;
5192        return acc;
5193      }, {})
5194    };
5195    if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig) {
5196      if (false) {}
5197    } else {
5198      if (!options.undoIgnore) {
5199        select.getUndoManager().addRecord([{
5200          id: {
5201            kind,
5202            name,
5203            recordId
5204          },
5205          changes: Object.keys(edits).reduce((acc, key) => {
5206            acc[key] = {
5207              from: editedRecord[key],
5208              to: edits[key]
5209            };
5210            return acc;
5211          }, {})
5212        }], options.isCached);
5213      }
5214      dispatch({
5215        type: 'EDIT_ENTITY_RECORD',
5216        ...edit
5217      });
5218    }
5219  };
5221  /**
5222   * Action triggered to undo the last edit to
5223   * an entity record, if any.
5224   */
5225  const undo = () => ({
5226    select,
5227    dispatch
5228  }) => {
5229    const undoRecord = select.getUndoManager().undo();
5230    if (!undoRecord) {
5231      return;
5232    }
5233    dispatch({
5234      type: 'UNDO',
5235      record: undoRecord
5236    });
5237  };
5239  /**
5240   * Action triggered to redo the last undone
5241   * edit to an entity record, if any.
5242   */
5243  const redo = () => ({
5244    select,
5245    dispatch
5246  }) => {
5247    const redoRecord = select.getUndoManager().redo();
5248    if (!redoRecord) {
5249      return;
5250    }
5251    dispatch({
5252      type: 'REDO',
5253      record: redoRecord
5254    });
5255  };
5257  /**
5258   * Forces the creation of a new undo level.
5259   *
5260   * @return {Object} Action object.
5261   */
5262  const __unstableCreateUndoLevel = () => ({
5263    select
5264  }) => {
5265    select.getUndoManager().addRecord();
5266  };
5268  /**
5269   * Action triggered to save an entity record.
5270   *
5271   * @param {string}   kind                         Kind of the received entity.
5272   * @param {string}   name                         Name of the received entity.
5273   * @param {Object}   record                       Record to be saved.
5274   * @param {Object}   options                      Saving options.
5275   * @param {boolean}  [options.isAutosave=false]   Whether this is an autosave.
5276   * @param {Function} [options.__unstableFetch]    Internal use only. Function to
5277   *                                                call instead of `apiFetch()`.
5278   *                                                Must return a promise.
5279   * @param {boolean}  [options.throwOnError=false] If false, this action suppresses all
5280   *                                                the exceptions. Defaults to false.
5281   */
5282  const saveEntityRecord = (kind, name, record, {
5283    isAutosave = false,
5284    __unstableFetch = (external_wp_apiFetch_default()),
5285    throwOnError = false
5286  } = {}) => async ({
5287    select,
5288    resolveSelect,
5289    dispatch
5290  }) => {
5291    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
5292    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
5293    if (!entityConfig) {
5294      return;
5295    }
5296    const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
5297    const recordId = record[entityIdKey];
5298    const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, recordId || esm_browser_v4()], {
5299      exclusive: true
5300    });
5301    try {
5302      // Evaluate optimized edits.
5303      // (Function edits that should be evaluated on save to avoid expensive computations on every edit.)
5304      for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(record)) {
5305        if (typeof value === 'function') {
5306          const evaluatedValue = value(select.getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId));
5307          dispatch.editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
5308            [key]: evaluatedValue
5309          }, {
5310            undoIgnore: true
5311          });
5312          record[key] = evaluatedValue;
5313        }
5314      }
5315      dispatch({
5316        type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_START',
5317        kind,
5318        name,
5319        recordId,
5320        isAutosave
5321      });
5322      let updatedRecord;
5323      let error;
5324      let hasError = false;
5325      try {
5326        const path = `$entityConfig.baseURL}$recordId ? '/' + recordId : ''}`;
5327        const persistedRecord = select.getRawEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
5328        if (isAutosave) {
5329          // Most of this autosave logic is very specific to posts.
5330          // This is fine for now as it is the only supported autosave,
5331          // but ideally this should all be handled in the back end,
5332          // so the client just sends and receives objects.
5333          const currentUser = select.getCurrentUser();
5334          const currentUserId = currentUser ? currentUser.id : undefined;
5335          const autosavePost = await resolveSelect.getAutosave(persistedRecord.type, persistedRecord.id, currentUserId);
5336          // Autosaves need all expected fields to be present.
5337          // So we fallback to the previous autosave and then
5338          // to the actual persisted entity if the edits don't
5339          // have a value.
5340          let data = {
5341            ...persistedRecord,
5342            ...autosavePost,
5343            ...record
5344          };
5345          data = Object.keys(data).reduce((acc, key) => {
5346            if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content', 'meta'].includes(key)) {
5347              acc[key] = data[key];
5348            }
5349            return acc;
5350          }, {
5351            // Do not update the `status` if we have edited it when auto saving.
5352            // It's very important to let the user explicitly save this change,
5353            // because it can lead to unexpected results. An example would be to
5354            // have a draft post and change the status to publish.
5355            status: data.status === 'auto-draft' ? 'draft' : undefined
5356          });
5357          updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
5358            path: `$path}/autosaves`,
5359            method: 'POST',
5360            data
5361          });
5363          // An autosave may be processed by the server as a regular save
5364          // when its update is requested by the author and the post had
5365          // draft or auto-draft status.
5366          if (persistedRecord.id === updatedRecord.id) {
5367            let newRecord = {
5368              ...persistedRecord,
5369              ...data,
5370              ...updatedRecord
5371            };
5372            newRecord = Object.keys(newRecord).reduce((acc, key) => {
5373              // These properties are persisted in autosaves.
5374              if (['title', 'excerpt', 'content'].includes(key)) {
5375                acc[key] = newRecord[key];
5376              } else if (key === 'status') {
5377                // Status is only persisted in autosaves when going from
5378                // "auto-draft" to "draft".
5379                acc[key] = persistedRecord.status === 'auto-draft' && newRecord.status === 'draft' ? newRecord.status : persistedRecord.status;
5380              } else {
5381                // These properties are not persisted in autosaves.
5382                acc[key] = persistedRecord[key];
5383              }
5384              return acc;
5385            }, {});
5386            dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, newRecord, undefined, true);
5387          } else {
5388            dispatch.receiveAutosaves(persistedRecord.id, updatedRecord);
5389          }
5390        } else {
5391          let edits = record;
5392          if (entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist) {
5393            edits = {
5394              ...edits,
5395              ...entityConfig.__unstablePrePersist(persistedRecord, edits)
5396            };
5397          }
5398          updatedRecord = await __unstableFetch({
5399            path,
5400            method: recordId ? 'PUT' : 'POST',
5401            data: edits
5402          });
5403          dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, updatedRecord, undefined, true, edits);
5404        }
5405      } catch (_error) {
5406        hasError = true;
5407        error = _error;
5408      }
5409      dispatch({
5410        type: 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH',
5411        kind,
5412        name,
5413        recordId,
5414        error,
5415        isAutosave
5416      });
5417      if (hasError && throwOnError) {
5418        throw error;
5419      }
5420      return updatedRecord;
5421    } finally {
5422      dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
5423    }
5424  };
5426  /**
5427   * Runs multiple core-data actions at the same time using one API request.
5428   *
5429   * Example:
5430   *
5431   * ```
5432   * const [ savedRecord, updatedRecord, deletedRecord ] =
5433   *   await dispatch( 'core' ).__experimentalBatch( [
5434   *     ( { saveEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', widget ),
5435   *     ( { saveEditedEntityRecord } ) => saveEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123 ),
5436   *     ( { deleteEntityRecord } ) => deleteEntityRecord( 'root', 'widget', 123, null ),
5437   *   ] );
5438   * ```
5439   *
5440   * @param {Array} requests Array of functions which are invoked simultaneously.
5441   *                         Each function is passed an object containing
5442   *                         `saveEntityRecord`, `saveEditedEntityRecord`, and
5443   *                         `deleteEntityRecord`.
5444   *
5445   * @return {(thunkArgs: Object) => Promise} A promise that resolves to an array containing the return
5446   *                                          values of each function given in `requests`.
5447   */
5448  const __experimentalBatch = requests => async ({
5449    dispatch
5450  }) => {
5451    const batch = createBatch();
5452    const api = {
5453      saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options) {
5454        return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, {
5455          ...options,
5456          __unstableFetch: add
5457        }));
5458      },
5459      saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) {
5460        return batch.add(add => dispatch.saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
5461          ...options,
5462          __unstableFetch: add
5463        }));
5464      },
5465      deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, options) {
5466        return batch.add(add => dispatch.deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, query, {
5467          ...options,
5468          __unstableFetch: add
5469        }));
5470      }
5471    };
5472    const resultPromises = requests.map(request => request(api));
5473    const [, ...results] = await Promise.all([batch.run(), ...resultPromises]);
5474    return results;
5475  };
5477  /**
5478   * Action triggered to save an entity record's edits.
5479   *
5480   * @param {string}  kind     Kind of the entity.
5481   * @param {string}  name     Name of the entity.
5482   * @param {Object}  recordId ID of the record.
5483   * @param {Object=} options  Saving options.
5484   */
5485  const saveEditedEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId, options) => async ({
5486    select,
5487    dispatch,
5488    resolveSelect
5489  }) => {
5490    if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
5491      return;
5492    }
5493    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
5494    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
5495    if (!entityConfig) {
5496      return;
5497    }
5498    const entityIdKey = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
5499    const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
5500    const record = {
5501      [entityIdKey]: recordId,
5502      ...edits
5503    };
5504    return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options);
5505  };
5507  /**
5508   * Action triggered to save only specified properties for the entity.
5509   *
5510   * @param {string}        kind        Kind of the entity.
5511   * @param {string}        name        Name of the entity.
5512   * @param {number|string} recordId    ID of the record.
5513   * @param {Array}         itemsToSave List of entity properties or property paths to save.
5514   * @param {Object}        options     Saving options.
5515   */
5516  const __experimentalSaveSpecifiedEntityEdits = (kind, name, recordId, itemsToSave, options) => async ({
5517    select,
5518    dispatch,
5519    resolveSelect
5520  }) => {
5521    if (!select.hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId)) {
5522      return;
5523    }
5524    const edits = select.getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId);
5525    const editsToSave = {};
5526    for (const item of itemsToSave) {
5527      setNestedValue(editsToSave, item, getNestedValue(edits, item));
5528    }
5529    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
5530    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
5531    const entityIdKey = entityConfig?.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
5533    // If a record key is provided then update the existing record.
5534    // This necessitates providing `recordKey` to saveEntityRecord as part of the
5535    // `record` argument (here called `editsToSave`) to stop that action creating
5536    // a new record and instead cause it to update the existing record.
5537    if (recordId) {
5538      editsToSave[entityIdKey] = recordId;
5539    }
5540    return await dispatch.saveEntityRecord(kind, name, editsToSave, options);
5541  };
5543  /**
5544   * Returns an action object used in signalling that Upload permissions have been received.
5545   *
5546   * @deprecated since WP 5.9, use receiveUserPermission instead.
5547   *
5548   * @param {boolean} hasUploadPermissions Does the user have permission to upload files?
5549   *
5550   * @return {Object} Action object.
5551   */
5552  function receiveUploadPermissions(hasUploadPermissions) {
5553    external_wp_deprecated_default()("wp.data.dispatch( 'core' ).receiveUploadPermissions", {
5554      since: '5.9',
5555      alternative: 'receiveUserPermission'
5556    });
5557    return receiveUserPermission('create/media', hasUploadPermissions);
5558  }
5560  /**
5561   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has
5562   * permission to perform an action on a REST resource.
5563   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5564   *
5565   * @ignore
5566   *
5567   * @param {string}  key       A key that represents the action and REST resource.
5568   * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether or not the user can perform the action.
5569   *
5570   * @return {Object} Action object.
5571   */
5572  function receiveUserPermission(key, isAllowed) {
5573    return {
5574      type: 'RECEIVE_USER_PERMISSION',
5575      key,
5576      isAllowed
5577    };
5578  }
5580  /**
5581   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the current user has
5582   * permission to perform an action on a REST resource. Ignored from
5583   * documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5584   *
5585   * @ignore
5586   *
5587   * @param {Object<string, boolean>} permissions An object where keys represent
5588   *                                              actions and REST resources, and
5589   *                                              values indicate whether the user
5590   *                                              is allowed to perform the
5591   *                                              action.
5592   *
5593   * @return {Object} Action object.
5594   */
5595  function receiveUserPermissions(permissions) {
5596    return {
5598      permissions
5599    };
5600  }
5602  /**
5603   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the autosaves for a
5604   * post have been received.
5605   * Ignored from documentation as it's internal to the data store.
5606   *
5607   * @ignore
5608   *
5609   * @param {number}       postId    The id of the post that is parent to the autosave.
5610   * @param {Array|Object} autosaves An array of autosaves or singular autosave object.
5611   *
5612   * @return {Object} Action object.
5613   */
5614  function receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves) {
5615    return {
5616      type: 'RECEIVE_AUTOSAVES',
5617      postId,
5618      autosaves: Array.isArray(autosaves) ? autosaves : [autosaves]
5619    };
5620  }
5622  /**
5623   * Returns an action object signalling that the fallback Navigation
5624   * Menu id has been received.
5625   *
5626   * @param {integer} fallbackId the id of the fallback Navigation Menu
5627   * @return {Object} Action object.
5628   */
5629  function receiveNavigationFallbackId(fallbackId) {
5630    return {
5632      fallbackId
5633    };
5634  }
5636  /**
5637   * Returns an action object used to set the template for a given query.
5638   *
5639   * @param {Object} query      The lookup query.
5640   * @param {string} templateId The resolved template id.
5641   *
5642   * @return {Object} Action object.
5643   */
5644  function receiveDefaultTemplateId(query, templateId) {
5645    return {
5647      query,
5648      templateId
5649    };
5650  }
5652  /**
5653   * Action triggered to receive revision items.
5654   *
5655   * @param {string}        kind            Kind of the received entity record revisions.
5656   * @param {string}        name            Name of the received entity record revisions.
5657   * @param {number|string} recordKey       The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
5658   * @param {Array|Object}  records         Revisions received.
5659   * @param {?Object}       query           Query Object.
5660   * @param {?boolean}      invalidateCache Should invalidate query caches.
5661   * @param {?Object}       meta            Meta information about pagination.
5662   */
5663  const receiveRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, records, query, invalidateCache = false, meta) => async ({
5664    dispatch,
5665    resolveSelect
5666  }) => {
5667    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
5668    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.kind === kind && config.name === name);
5669    const key = entityConfig && entityConfig?.revisionKey ? entityConfig.revisionKey : DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
5670    dispatch({
5671      type: 'RECEIVE_ITEM_REVISIONS',
5672      key,
5673      items: Array.isArray(records) ? records : [records],
5674      recordKey,
5675      meta,
5676      query,
5677      kind,
5678      name,
5679      invalidateCache
5680    });
5681  };
5683  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-actions.js
5684  /**
5685   * Returns an action object used in signalling that the registered post meta
5686   * fields for a post type have been received.
5687   *
5688   * @param {string} postType           Post type slug.
5689   * @param {Object} registeredPostMeta Registered post meta.
5690   *
5691   * @return {Object} Action object.
5692   */
5693  function receiveRegisteredPostMeta(postType, registeredPostMeta) {
5694    return {
5696      postType,
5697      registeredPostMeta
5698    };
5699  }
5701  ;// ./node_modules/camel-case/dist.es2015/index.js
5704  function camelCaseTransform(input, index) {
5705      if (index === 0)
5706          return input.toLowerCase();
5707      return pascalCaseTransform(input, index);
5708  }
5709  function camelCaseTransformMerge(input, index) {
5710      if (index === 0)
5711          return input.toLowerCase();
5712      return pascalCaseTransformMerge(input);
5713  }
5714  function camelCase(input, options) {
5715      if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
5716      return pascalCase(input, __assign({ transform: camelCaseTransform }, options));
5717  }
5719  ;// external ["wp","htmlEntities"]
5720  const external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["htmlEntities"];
5721  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/forward-resolver.js
5722  /**
5723   * Higher-order function which forward the resolution to another resolver with the same arguments.
5724   *
5725   * @param {string} resolverName forwarded resolver.
5726   *
5727   * @return {Function} Enhanced resolver.
5728   */
5729  const forwardResolver = resolverName => (...args) => async ({
5730    resolveSelect
5731  }) => {
5732    await resolveSelect[resolverName](...args);
5733  };
5734  /* harmony default export */ const forward_resolver = (forwardResolver);
5736  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/utils/receive-intermediate-results.js
5739  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-link-suggestions.js
5740  /* wp:polyfill */
5741  /**
5742   * WordPress dependencies
5743   */
5748  /**
5749   * Fetches link suggestions from the WordPress API.
5750   *
5751   * WordPress does not support searching multiple tables at once, e.g. posts and terms, so we
5752   * perform multiple queries at the same time and then merge the results together.
5753   *
5754   * @param search
5755   * @param searchOptions
5756   * @param editorSettings
5757   *
5758   * @example
5759   * ```js
5760   * import { __experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions as fetchLinkSuggestions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
5761   *
5762   * //...
5763   *
5764   * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
5765   *
5766   * settings.__experimentalFetchLinkSuggestions = (
5767   *     search,
5768   *     searchOptions
5769   * ) => fetchLinkSuggestions( search, searchOptions, settings );
5770   * ```
5771   */
5772  async function fetchLinkSuggestions(search, searchOptions = {}, editorSettings = {}) {
5773    const searchOptionsToUse = searchOptions.isInitialSuggestions && searchOptions.initialSuggestionsSearchOptions ? {
5774      ...searchOptions,
5775      ...searchOptions.initialSuggestionsSearchOptions
5776    } : searchOptions;
5777    const {
5778      type,
5779      subtype,
5780      page,
5781      perPage = searchOptions.isInitialSuggestions ? 3 : 20
5782    } = searchOptionsToUse;
5783    const {
5784      disablePostFormats = false
5785    } = editorSettings;
5786    const queries = [];
5787    if (!type || type === 'post') {
5788      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5789        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
5790          search,
5791          page,
5792          per_page: perPage,
5793          type: 'post',
5794          subtype
5795        })
5796      }).then(results => {
5797        return results.map(result => {
5798          return {
5799            id: result.id,
5800            url: result.url,
5801            title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
5802            type: result.subtype || result.type,
5803            kind: 'post-type'
5804          };
5805        });
5806      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
5807      );
5808    }
5809    if (!type || type === 'term') {
5810      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5811        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
5812          search,
5813          page,
5814          per_page: perPage,
5815          type: 'term',
5816          subtype
5817        })
5818      }).then(results => {
5819        return results.map(result => {
5820          return {
5821            id: result.id,
5822            url: result.url,
5823            title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
5824            type: result.subtype || result.type,
5825            kind: 'taxonomy'
5826          };
5827        });
5828      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
5829      );
5830    }
5831    if (!disablePostFormats && (!type || type === 'post-format')) {
5832      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5833        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/search', {
5834          search,
5835          page,
5836          per_page: perPage,
5837          type: 'post-format',
5838          subtype
5839        })
5840      }).then(results => {
5841        return results.map(result => {
5842          return {
5843            id: result.id,
5844            url: result.url,
5845            title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
5846            type: result.subtype || result.type,
5847            kind: 'taxonomy'
5848          };
5849        });
5850      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
5851      );
5852    }
5853    if (!type || type === 'attachment') {
5854      queries.push(external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5855        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/media', {
5856          search,
5857          page,
5858          per_page: perPage
5859        })
5860      }).then(results => {
5861        return results.map(result => {
5862          return {
5863            id: result.id,
5864            url: result.source_url,
5865            title: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(result.title.rendered || '') || (0,external_wp_i18n_namespaceObject.__)('(no title)'),
5866            type: result.type,
5867            kind: 'media'
5868          };
5869        });
5870      }).catch(() => []) // Fail by returning no results.
5871      );
5872    }
5873    const responses = await Promise.all(queries);
5874    let results = responses.flat();
5875    results = results.filter(result => !!result.id);
5876    results = sortResults(results, search);
5877    results = results.slice(0, perPage);
5878    return results;
5879  }
5881  /**
5882   * Sort search results by relevance to the given query.
5883   *
5884   * Sorting is necessary as we're querying multiple endpoints and merging the results. For example
5885   * a taxonomy title might be more relevant than a post title, but by default taxonomy results will
5886   * be ordered after all the (potentially irrelevant) post results.
5887   *
5888   * We sort by scoring each result, where the score is the number of tokens in the title that are
5889   * also in the search query, divided by the total number of tokens in the title. This gives us a
5890   * score between 0 and 1, where 1 is a perfect match.
5891   *
5892   * @param results
5893   * @param search
5894   */
5895  function sortResults(results, search) {
5896    const searchTokens = tokenize(search);
5897    const scores = {};
5898    for (const result of results) {
5899      if (result.title) {
5900        const titleTokens = tokenize(result.title);
5901        const exactMatchingTokens = titleTokens.filter(titleToken => searchTokens.some(searchToken => titleToken === searchToken));
5902        const subMatchingTokens = titleTokens.filter(titleToken => searchTokens.some(searchToken => titleToken !== searchToken && titleToken.includes(searchToken)));
5904        // The score is a combination of exact matches and sub-matches.
5905        // More weight is given to exact matches, as they are more relevant (e.g. "cat" vs "caterpillar").
5906        // Diving by the total number of tokens in the title normalizes the score and skews
5907        // the results towards shorter titles.
5908        const exactMatchScore = exactMatchingTokens.length / titleTokens.length * 10;
5909        const subMatchScore = subMatchingTokens.length / titleTokens.length;
5910        scores[result.id] = exactMatchScore + subMatchScore;
5911      } else {
5912        scores[result.id] = 0;
5913      }
5914    }
5915    return results.sort((a, b) => scores[b.id] - scores[a.id]);
5916  }
5918  /**
5919   * Turns text into an array of tokens, with whitespace and punctuation removed.
5920   *
5921   * For example, `"I'm having a ball."` becomes `[ "im", "having", "a", "ball" ]`.
5922   *
5923   * @param text
5924   */
5925  function tokenize(text) {
5926    // \p{L} matches any kind of letter from any language.
5927    // \p{N} matches any kind of numeric character.
5928    return text.toLowerCase().match(/[\p{L}\p{N}]+/gu) || [];
5929  }
5931  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/__experimental-fetch-url-data.js
5932  /**
5933   * WordPress dependencies
5934   */
5938  /**
5939   * A simple in-memory cache for requests.
5940   * This avoids repeat HTTP requests which may be beneficial
5941   * for those wishing to preserve low-bandwidth.
5942   */
5943  const CACHE = new Map();
5945  /**
5946   * @typedef WPRemoteUrlData
5947   *
5948   * @property {string} title contents of the remote URL's `<title>` tag.
5949   */
5951  /**
5952   * Fetches data about a remote URL.
5953   * eg: <title> tag, favicon...etc.
5954   *
5955   * @async
5956   * @param {string}  url     the URL to request details from.
5957   * @param {?Object} options any options to pass to the underlying fetch.
5958   * @example
5959   * ```js
5960   * import { __experimentalFetchUrlData as fetchUrlData } from '@wordpress/core-data';
5961   *
5962   * //...
5963   *
5964   * export function initialize( id, settings ) {
5965   *
5966   * settings.__experimentalFetchUrlData = (
5967   * url
5968   * ) => fetchUrlData( url );
5969   * ```
5970   * @return {Promise< WPRemoteUrlData[] >} Remote URL data.
5971   */
5972  const fetchUrlData = async (url, options = {}) => {
5973    const endpoint = '/wp-block-editor/v1/url-details';
5974    const args = {
5975      url: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.prependHTTP)(url)
5976    };
5977    if (!(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isURL)(url)) {
5978      return Promise.reject(`$url} is not a valid URL.`);
5979    }
5981    // Test for "http" based URL as it is possible for valid
5982    // yet unusable URLs such as `tel:123456` to be passed.
5983    const protocol = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.getProtocol)(url);
5984    if (!protocol || !(0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.isValidProtocol)(protocol) || !protocol.startsWith('http') || !/^https?:\/\/[^\/\s]/i.test(url)) {
5985      return Promise.reject(`$url} does not have a valid protocol. URLs must be "http" based`);
5986    }
5987    if (CACHE.has(url)) {
5988      return CACHE.get(url);
5989    }
5990    return external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
5991      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(endpoint, args),
5992      ...options
5993    }).then(res => {
5994      CACHE.set(url, res);
5995      return res;
5996    });
5997  };
5998  /* harmony default export */ const _experimental_fetch_url_data = (fetchUrlData);
6000  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/fetch/index.js
6001  /* wp:polyfill */
6002  /**
6003   * External dependencies
6004   */
6007  /**
6008   * WordPress dependencies
6009   */
6013  async function fetchBlockPatterns() {
6014    const restPatterns = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6015      path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/patterns'
6016    });
6017    if (!restPatterns) {
6018      return [];
6019    }
6020    return restPatterns.map(pattern => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(pattern).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value])));
6021  }
6023  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/resolvers.js
6024  /* wp:polyfill */
6025  /**
6026   * External dependencies
6027   */
6030  /**
6031   * WordPress dependencies
6032   */
6037  /**
6038   * Internal dependencies
6039   */
6046  /**
6047   * Requests authors from the REST API.
6048   *
6049   * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
6050   *                                 include with request.
6051   */
6052  const resolvers_getAuthors = query => async ({
6053    dispatch
6054  }) => {
6055    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/users/?who=authors&per_page=100', query);
6056    const users = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6057      path
6058    });
6059    dispatch.receiveUserQuery(path, users);
6060  };
6062  /**
6063   * Requests the current user from the REST API.
6064   */
6065  const resolvers_getCurrentUser = () => async ({
6066    dispatch
6067  }) => {
6068    const currentUser = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6069      path: '/wp/v2/users/me'
6070    });
6071    dispatch.receiveCurrentUser(currentUser);
6072  };
6074  /**
6075   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
6076   *
6077   * @param {string}           kind  Entity kind.
6078   * @param {string}           name  Entity name.
6079   * @param {number|string}    key   Record's key
6080   * @param {Object|undefined} query Optional object of query parameters to
6081   *                                 include with request. If requesting specific
6082   *                                 fields, fields must always include the ID.
6083   */
6084  const resolvers_getEntityRecord = (kind, name, key = '', query) => async ({
6085    select,
6086    dispatch,
6087    registry,
6088    resolveSelect
6089  }) => {
6090    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
6091    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.name === name && config.kind === kind);
6092    if (!entityConfig) {
6093      return;
6094    }
6095    const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name, key], {
6096      exclusive: false
6097    });
6098    try {
6099      // Entity supports configs,
6100      // use the sync algorithm instead of the old fetch behavior.
6101      if (window.__experimentalEnableSync && entityConfig.syncConfig && !query) {
6102        if (false) {}
6103      } else {
6104        if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
6105          // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
6106          // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
6107          // the ID.
6108          query = {
6109            ...query,
6110            _fields: [...new Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
6111          };
6112        }
6114        // Disable reason: While true that an early return could leave `path`
6115        // unused, it's important that path is derived using the query prior to
6116        // additional query modifications in the condition below, since those
6117        // modifications are relevant to how the data is tracked in state, and not
6118        // for how the request is made to the REST API.
6120        // eslint-disable-next-line @wordpress/no-unused-vars-before-return
6121        const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL + (key ? '/' + key : ''), {
6122          ...entityConfig.baseURLParams,
6123          ...query
6124        });
6125        if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
6126          query = {
6127            ...query,
6128            include: [key]
6129          };
6131          // The resolution cache won't consider query as reusable based on the
6132          // fields, so it's tested here, prior to initiating the REST request,
6133          // and without causing `getEntityRecords` resolution to occur.
6134          const hasRecords = select.hasEntityRecords(kind, name, query);
6135          if (hasRecords) {
6136            return;
6137          }
6138        }
6139        const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6140          path,
6141          parse: false
6142        });
6143        const record = await response.json();
6144        const permissions = getUserPermissionsFromAllowHeader(response.headers?.get('allow'));
6145        const canUserResolutionsArgs = [];
6146        const receiveUserPermissionArgs = {};
6147        for (const action of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
6148          receiveUserPermissionArgs[getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, {
6149            kind,
6150            name,
6151            id: key
6152          })] = permissions[action];
6153          canUserResolutionsArgs.push([action, {
6154            kind,
6155            name,
6156            id: key
6157          }]);
6158        }
6159        registry.batch(() => {
6160          dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, record, query);
6161          dispatch.receiveUserPermissions(receiveUserPermissionArgs);
6162          dispatch.finishResolutions('canUser', canUserResolutionsArgs);
6163        });
6164      }
6165    } finally {
6166      dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
6167    }
6168  };
6170  /**
6171   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
6172   */
6173  const resolvers_getRawEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');
6175  /**
6176   * Requests an entity's record from the REST API.
6177   */
6178  const resolvers_getEditedEntityRecord = forward_resolver('getEntityRecord');
6180  /**
6181   * Requests the entity's records from the REST API.
6182   *
6183   * @param {string}  kind  Entity kind.
6184   * @param {string}  name  Entity name.
6185   * @param {?Object} query Query Object. If requesting specific fields, fields
6186   *                        must always include the ID.
6187   */
6188  const resolvers_getEntityRecords = (kind, name, query = {}) => async ({
6189    dispatch,
6190    registry,
6191    resolveSelect
6192  }) => {
6193    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
6194    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.name === name && config.kind === kind);
6195    if (!entityConfig) {
6196      return;
6197    }
6198    const lock = await dispatch.__unstableAcquireStoreLock(STORE_NAME, ['entities', 'records', kind, name], {
6199      exclusive: false
6200    });
6201    const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
6202    function getResolutionsArgs(records) {
6203      return records.filter(record => record?.[key]).map(record => [kind, name, record[key]]);
6204    }
6205    try {
6206      if (query._fields) {
6207        // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
6208        // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
6209        // the ID.
6210        query = {
6211          ...query,
6212          _fields: [...new Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
6213        };
6214      }
6215      const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.baseURL, {
6216        ...entityConfig.baseURLParams,
6217        ...query
6218      });
6219      let records = [],
6220        meta;
6221      if (entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1) {
6222        const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6223          path,
6224          parse: false
6225        });
6226        records = Object.values(await response.json());
6227        meta = {
6228          totalItems: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total')),
6229          totalPages: parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages'))
6230        };
6231      } else if (query.per_page === -1 && query[RECEIVE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS] === true) {
6232        let page = 1;
6233        let totalPages;
6234        do {
6235          const response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6236            path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(path, {
6237              page,
6238              per_page: 100
6239            }),
6240            parse: false
6241          });
6242          const pageRecords = Object.values(await response.json());
6243          totalPages = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-TotalPages'));
6244          records.push(...pageRecords);
6245          registry.batch(() => {
6246            dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query);
6247            dispatch.finishResolutions('getEntityRecord', getResolutionsArgs(pageRecords));
6248          });
6249          page++;
6250        } while (page <= totalPages);
6251        meta = {
6252          totalItems: records.length,
6253          totalPages: 1
6254        };
6255      } else {
6256        records = Object.values(await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6257          path
6258        }));
6259        meta = {
6260          totalItems: records.length,
6261          totalPages: 1
6262        };
6263      }
6265      // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields,
6266      // explicitly set these fields as "undefined"
6267      // that way we consider the query "fulfilled".
6268      if (query._fields) {
6269        records = records.map(record => {
6270          query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => {
6271            if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
6272              record[field] = undefined;
6273            }
6274          });
6275          return record;
6276        });
6277      }
6278      registry.batch(() => {
6279        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords(kind, name, records, query, false, undefined, meta);
6281        // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to resolve
6282        // the `getEntityRecord` and `canUser` selectors in addition to `getEntityRecords`.
6283        // See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/26575
6284        // See https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/64504
6285        if (!query?._fields && !query.context) {
6286          const targetHints = records.filter(record => record?.[key]).map(record => ({
6287            id: record[key],
6288            permissions: getUserPermissionsFromAllowHeader(record?._links?.self?.[0].targetHints.allow)
6289          }));
6290          const canUserResolutionsArgs = [];
6291          const receiveUserPermissionArgs = {};
6292          for (const targetHint of targetHints) {
6293            for (const action of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
6294              canUserResolutionsArgs.push([action, {
6295                kind,
6296                name,
6297                id: targetHint.id
6298              }]);
6299              receiveUserPermissionArgs[getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, {
6300                kind,
6301                name,
6302                id: targetHint.id
6303              })] = targetHint.permissions[action];
6304            }
6305          }
6306          dispatch.receiveUserPermissions(receiveUserPermissionArgs);
6307          dispatch.finishResolutions('getEntityRecord', getResolutionsArgs(records));
6308          dispatch.finishResolutions('canUser', canUserResolutionsArgs);
6309        }
6310        dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
6311      });
6312    } catch (e) {
6313      dispatch.__unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock);
6314    }
6315  };
6316  resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name) => {
6317    return (action.type === 'RECEIVE_ITEMS' || action.type === 'REMOVE_ITEMS') && action.invalidateCache && kind === action.kind && name === action.name;
6318  };
6320  /**
6321   * Requests the current theme.
6322   */
6323  const resolvers_getCurrentTheme = () => async ({
6324    dispatch,
6325    resolveSelect
6326  }) => {
6327    const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
6328      status: 'active'
6329    });
6330    dispatch.receiveCurrentTheme(activeThemes[0]);
6331  };
6333  /**
6334   * Requests theme supports data from the index.
6335   */
6336  const resolvers_getThemeSupports = forward_resolver('getCurrentTheme');
6338  /**
6339   * Requests a preview from the Embed API.
6340   *
6341   * @param {string} url URL to get the preview for.
6342   */
6343  const resolvers_getEmbedPreview = url => async ({
6344    dispatch
6345  }) => {
6346    try {
6347      const embedProxyResponse = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6348        path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/oembed/1.0/proxy', {
6349          url
6350        })
6351      });
6352      dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, embedProxyResponse);
6353    } catch (error) {
6354      // Embed API 404s if the URL cannot be embedded, so we have to catch the error from the apiRequest here.
6355      dispatch.receiveEmbedPreview(url, false);
6356    }
6357  };
6359  /**
6360   * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
6361   * REST resource.
6362   *
6363   * @param {string}        requestedAction Action to check. One of: 'create', 'read', 'update',
6364   *                                        'delete'.
6365   * @param {string|Object} resource        Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
6366   *                                        or REST base as a string - `media`.
6367   * @param {?string}       id              ID of the rest resource to check.
6368   */
6369  const resolvers_canUser = (requestedAction, resource, id) => async ({
6370    dispatch,
6371    registry,
6372    resolveSelect
6373  }) => {
6374    if (!ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS.includes(requestedAction)) {
6375      throw new Error(`'$requestedAction}' is not a valid action.`);
6376    }
6377    const {
6378      hasStartedResolution
6379    } = registry.select(STORE_NAME);
6381    // Prevent resolving the same resource twice.
6382    for (const relatedAction of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
6383      if (relatedAction === requestedAction) {
6384        continue;
6385      }
6386      const isAlreadyResolving = hasStartedResolution('canUser', [relatedAction, resource, id]);
6387      if (isAlreadyResolving) {
6388        return;
6389      }
6390    }
6391    let resourcePath = null;
6392    if (typeof resource === 'object') {
6393      if (!resource.kind || !resource.name) {
6394        throw new Error('The entity resource object is not valid.');
6395      }
6396      const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(resource.kind);
6397      const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.name === resource.name && config.kind === resource.kind);
6398      if (!entityConfig) {
6399        return;
6400      }
6401      resourcePath = entityConfig.baseURL + (resource.id ? '/' + resource.id : '');
6402    } else {
6403      resourcePath = `/wp/v2/$resource}` + (id ? '/' + id : '');
6404    }
6405    let response;
6406    try {
6407      response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6408        path: resourcePath,
6409        method: 'OPTIONS',
6410        parse: false
6411      });
6412    } catch (error) {
6413      // Do nothing if our OPTIONS request comes back with an API error (4xx or
6414      // 5xx). The previously determined isAllowed value will remain in the store.
6415      return;
6416    }
6418    // Optional chaining operator is used here because the API requests don't
6419    // return the expected result in the React native version. Instead, API requests
6420    // only return the result, without including response properties like the headers.
6421    const permissions = getUserPermissionsFromAllowHeader(response.headers?.get('allow'));
6422    registry.batch(() => {
6423      for (const action of ALLOWED_RESOURCE_ACTIONS) {
6424        const key = getUserPermissionCacheKey(action, resource, id);
6425        dispatch.receiveUserPermission(key, permissions[action]);
6427        // Mark related action resolutions as finished.
6428        if (action !== requestedAction) {
6429          dispatch.finishResolution('canUser', [action, resource, id]);
6430        }
6431      }
6432    });
6433  };
6435  /**
6436   * Checks whether the current user can perform the given action on the given
6437   * REST resource.
6438   *
6439   * @param {string}        kind     Entity kind.
6440   * @param {string}        name     Entity name.
6441   * @param {number|string} recordId Record's id.
6442   */
6443  const resolvers_canUserEditEntityRecord = (kind, name, recordId) => async ({
6444    dispatch
6445  }) => {
6446    await dispatch(resolvers_canUser('update', {
6447      kind,
6448      name,
6449      id: recordId
6450    }));
6451  };
6453  /**
6454   * Request autosave data from the REST API.
6455   *
6456   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
6457   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
6458   */
6459  const resolvers_getAutosaves = (postType, postId) => async ({
6460    dispatch,
6461    resolveSelect
6462  }) => {
6463    const {
6464      rest_base: restBase,
6465      rest_namespace: restNamespace = 'wp/v2',
6466      supports
6467    } = await resolveSelect.getPostType(postType);
6468    if (!supports?.autosave) {
6469      return;
6470    }
6471    const autosaves = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6472      path: `/$restNamespace}/$restBase}/$postId}/autosaves?context=edit`
6473    });
6474    if (autosaves && autosaves.length) {
6475      dispatch.receiveAutosaves(postId, autosaves);
6476    }
6477  };
6479  /**
6480   * Request autosave data from the REST API.
6481   *
6482   * This resolver exists to ensure the underlying autosaves are fetched via
6483   * `getAutosaves` when a call to the `getAutosave` selector is made.
6484   *
6485   * @param {string} postType The type of the parent post.
6486   * @param {number} postId   The id of the parent post.
6487   */
6488  const resolvers_getAutosave = (postType, postId) => async ({
6489    resolveSelect
6490  }) => {
6491    await resolveSelect.getAutosaves(postType, postId);
6492  };
6493  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId = () => async ({
6494    dispatch,
6495    resolveSelect
6496  }) => {
6497    const activeThemes = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('root', 'theme', {
6498      status: 'active'
6499    });
6500    const globalStylesURL = activeThemes?.[0]?._links?.['wp:user-global-styles']?.[0]?.href;
6501    if (!globalStylesURL) {
6502      return;
6503    }
6505    // Regex matches the ID at the end of a URL or immediately before
6506    // the query string.
6507    const matches = globalStylesURL.match(/\/(\d+)(?:\?|$)/);
6508    const id = matches ? Number(matches[1]) : null;
6509    if (id) {
6510      dispatch.__experimentalReceiveCurrentGlobalStylesId(id);
6511    }
6512  };
6513  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeBaseGlobalStyles = () => async ({
6514    resolveSelect,
6515    dispatch
6516  }) => {
6517    const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
6518    // Please adjust the preloaded requests if this changes!
6519    const themeGlobalStyles = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6520      path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/$currentTheme.stylesheet}?context=view`
6521    });
6522    dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeBaseGlobalStyles(currentTheme.stylesheet, themeGlobalStyles);
6523  };
6524  const resolvers_experimentalGetCurrentThemeGlobalStylesVariations = () => async ({
6525    resolveSelect,
6526    dispatch
6527  }) => {
6528    const currentTheme = await resolveSelect.getCurrentTheme();
6529    // Please adjust the preloaded requests if this changes!
6530    const variations = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6531      path: `/wp/v2/global-styles/themes/$currentTheme.stylesheet}/variations?context=view`
6532    });
6533    dispatch.__experimentalReceiveThemeGlobalStyleVariations(currentTheme.stylesheet, variations);
6534  };
6536  /**
6537   * Fetches and returns the revisions of the current global styles theme.
6538   */
6539  const resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions = () => async ({
6540    resolveSelect,
6541    dispatch
6542  }) => {
6543    const globalStylesId = await resolveSelect.__experimentalGetCurrentGlobalStylesId();
6544    const record = globalStylesId ? await resolveSelect.getEntityRecord('root', 'globalStyles', globalStylesId) : undefined;
6545    const revisionsURL = record?._links?.['version-history']?.[0]?.href;
6546    if (revisionsURL) {
6547      const resetRevisions = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6548        url: revisionsURL
6549      });
6550      const revisions = resetRevisions?.map(revision => Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(revision).map(([key, value]) => [camelCase(key), value])));
6551      dispatch.receiveThemeGlobalStyleRevisions(globalStylesId, revisions);
6552    }
6553  };
6554  resolvers_getCurrentThemeGlobalStylesRevisions.shouldInvalidate = action => {
6555    return action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && action.kind === 'root' && !action.error && action.name === 'globalStyles';
6556  };
6557  const resolvers_getBlockPatterns = () => async ({
6558    dispatch
6559  }) => {
6560    const patterns = await fetchBlockPatterns();
6561    dispatch({
6562      type: 'RECEIVE_BLOCK_PATTERNS',
6563      patterns
6564    });
6565  };
6566  const resolvers_getBlockPatternCategories = () => async ({
6567    dispatch
6568  }) => {
6569    const categories = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6570      path: '/wp/v2/block-patterns/categories'
6571    });
6572    dispatch({
6574      categories
6575    });
6576  };
6577  const resolvers_getUserPatternCategories = () => async ({
6578    dispatch,
6579    resolveSelect
6580  }) => {
6581    const patternCategories = await resolveSelect.getEntityRecords('taxonomy', 'wp_pattern_category', {
6582      per_page: -1,
6583      _fields: 'id,name,description,slug',
6584      context: 'view'
6585    });
6586    const mappedPatternCategories = patternCategories?.map(userCategory => ({
6587      ...userCategory,
6588      label: (0,external_wp_htmlEntities_namespaceObject.decodeEntities)(userCategory.name),
6589      name: userCategory.slug
6590    })) || [];
6591    dispatch({
6593      patternCategories: mappedPatternCategories
6594    });
6595  };
6596  const resolvers_getNavigationFallbackId = () => async ({
6597    dispatch,
6598    select,
6599    registry
6600  }) => {
6601    const fallback = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6602      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp-block-editor/v1/navigation-fallback', {
6603        _embed: true
6604      })
6605    });
6606    const record = fallback?._embedded?.self;
6607    registry.batch(() => {
6608      dispatch.receiveNavigationFallbackId(fallback?.id);
6609      if (!record) {
6610        return;
6611      }
6613      // If the fallback is already in the store, don't invalidate navigation queries.
6614      // Otherwise, invalidate the cache for the scenario where there were no Navigation
6615      // posts in the state and the fallback created one.
6616      const existingFallbackEntityRecord = select.getEntityRecord('postType', 'wp_navigation', fallback.id);
6617      const invalidateNavigationQueries = !existingFallbackEntityRecord;
6618      dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_navigation', record, undefined, invalidateNavigationQueries);
6620      // Resolve to avoid further network requests.
6621      dispatch.finishResolution('getEntityRecord', ['postType', 'wp_navigation', fallback.id]);
6622    });
6623  };
6624  const resolvers_getDefaultTemplateId = query => async ({
6625    dispatch,
6626    registry,
6627    resolveSelect
6628  }) => {
6629    const template = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6630      path: (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('/wp/v2/templates/lookup', query)
6631    });
6632    // Wait for the the entities config to be loaded, otherwise receiving
6633    // the template as an entity will not work.
6634    await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig('postType');
6635    // Endpoint may return an empty object if no template is found.
6636    if (template?.id) {
6637      registry.batch(() => {
6638        dispatch.receiveDefaultTemplateId(query, template.id);
6639        dispatch.receiveEntityRecords('postType', 'wp_template', [template]);
6640        // Avoid further network requests.
6641        dispatch.finishResolution('getEntityRecord', ['postType', 'wp_template', template.id]);
6642      });
6643    }
6644  };
6646  /**
6647   * Requests an entity's revisions from the REST API.
6648   *
6649   * @param {string}           kind      Entity kind.
6650   * @param {string}           name      Entity name.
6651   * @param {number|string}    recordKey The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
6652   * @param {Object|undefined} query     Optional object of query parameters to
6653   *                                     include with request. If requesting specific
6654   *                                     fields, fields must always include the ID.
6655   */
6656  const resolvers_getRevisions = (kind, name, recordKey, query = {}) => async ({
6657    dispatch,
6658    registry,
6659    resolveSelect
6660  }) => {
6661    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
6662    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.name === name && config.kind === kind);
6663    if (!entityConfig) {
6664      return;
6665    }
6666    if (query._fields) {
6667      // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
6668      // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
6669      // the ID.
6670      query = {
6671        ...query,
6672        _fields: [...new Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
6673      };
6674    }
6675    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey), query);
6676    let records, response;
6677    const meta = {};
6678    const isPaginated = entityConfig.supportsPagination && query.per_page !== -1;
6679    try {
6680      response = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6681        path,
6682        parse: !isPaginated
6683      });
6684    } catch (error) {
6685      // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error.
6686      return;
6687    }
6688    if (response) {
6689      if (isPaginated) {
6690        records = Object.values(await response.json());
6691        meta.totalItems = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-WP-Total'));
6692      } else {
6693        records = Object.values(response);
6694      }
6696      // If we request fields but the result doesn't contain the fields,
6697      // explicitly set these fields as "undefined"
6698      // that way we consider the query "fulfilled".
6699      if (query._fields) {
6700        records = records.map(record => {
6701          query._fields.split(',').forEach(field => {
6702            if (!record.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
6703              record[field] = undefined;
6704            }
6705          });
6706          return record;
6707        });
6708      }
6709      registry.batch(() => {
6710        dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, records, query, false, meta);
6712        // When requesting all fields, the list of results can be used to
6713        // resolve the `getRevision` selector in addition to `getRevisions`.
6714        if (!query?._fields && !query.context) {
6715          const key = entityConfig.key || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY;
6716          const resolutionsArgs = records.filter(record => record[key]).map(record => [kind, name, recordKey, record[key]]);
6717          dispatch.finishResolutions('getRevision', resolutionsArgs);
6718        }
6719      });
6720    }
6721  };
6723  // Invalidate cache when a new revision is created.
6724  resolvers_getRevisions.shouldInvalidate = (action, kind, name, recordKey) => action.type === 'SAVE_ENTITY_RECORD_FINISH' && name === action.name && kind === action.kind && !action.error && recordKey === action.recordId;
6726  /**
6727   * Requests a specific Entity revision from the REST API.
6728   *
6729   * @param {string}           kind        Entity kind.
6730   * @param {string}           name        Entity name.
6731   * @param {number|string}    recordKey   The key of the entity record whose revisions you want to fetch.
6732   * @param {number|string}    revisionKey The revision's key.
6733   * @param {Object|undefined} query       Optional object of query parameters to
6734   *                                       include with request. If requesting specific
6735   *                                       fields, fields must always include the ID.
6736   */
6737  const resolvers_getRevision = (kind, name, recordKey, revisionKey, query) => async ({
6738    dispatch,
6739    resolveSelect
6740  }) => {
6741    const configs = await resolveSelect.getEntitiesConfig(kind);
6742    const entityConfig = configs.find(config => config.name === name && config.kind === kind);
6743    if (!entityConfig) {
6744      return;
6745    }
6746    if (query !== undefined && query._fields) {
6747      // If requesting specific fields, items and query association to said
6748      // records are stored by ID reference. Thus, fields must always include
6749      // the ID.
6750      query = {
6751        ...query,
6752        _fields: [...new Set([...(get_normalized_comma_separable(query._fields) || []), entityConfig.revisionKey || DEFAULT_ENTITY_KEY])].join()
6753      };
6754    }
6755    const path = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)(entityConfig.getRevisionsUrl(recordKey, revisionKey), query);
6756    let record;
6757    try {
6758      record = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6759        path
6760      });
6761    } catch (error) {
6762      // Do nothing if our request comes back with an API error.
6763      return;
6764    }
6765    if (record) {
6766      dispatch.receiveRevisions(kind, name, recordKey, record, query);
6767    }
6768  };
6770  /**
6771   * Requests a specific post type options from the REST API.
6772   *
6773   * @param {string} postType Post type slug.
6774   */
6775  const resolvers_getRegisteredPostMeta = postType => async ({
6776    dispatch,
6777    resolveSelect
6778  }) => {
6779    let options;
6780    try {
6781      const {
6782        rest_namespace: restNamespace = 'wp/v2',
6783        rest_base: restBase
6784      } = (await resolveSelect.getPostType(postType)) || {};
6785      options = await external_wp_apiFetch_default()({
6786        path: `$restNamespace}/$restBase}/?context=edit`,
6787        method: 'OPTIONS'
6788      });
6789    } catch (error) {
6790      // Do nothing if the request comes back with an API error.
6791      return;
6792    }
6793    if (options) {
6794      dispatch.receiveRegisteredPostMeta(postType, options?.schema?.properties?.meta?.properties);
6795    }
6796  };
6798  /**
6799   * Requests entity configs for the given kind from the REST API.
6800   *
6801   * @param {string} kind Entity kind.
6802   */
6803  const resolvers_getEntitiesConfig = kind => async ({
6804    dispatch
6805  }) => {
6806    const loader = additionalEntityConfigLoaders.find(l => l.kind === kind);
6807    if (!loader) {
6808      return;
6809    }
6810    try {
6811      const configs = await loader.loadEntities();
6812      if (!configs.length) {
6813        return;
6814      }
6815      dispatch.addEntities(configs);
6816    } catch {
6817      // Do nothing if the request comes back with an API error.
6818    }
6819  };
6821  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/utils.js
6822  /* wp:polyfill */
6823  function deepCopyLocksTreePath(tree, path) {
6824    const newTree = {
6825      ...tree
6826    };
6827    let currentNode = newTree;
6828    for (const branchName of path) {
6829      currentNode.children = {
6830        ...currentNode.children,
6831        [branchName]: {
6832          locks: [],
6833          children: {},
6834          ...currentNode.children[branchName]
6835        }
6836      };
6837      currentNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
6838    }
6839    return newTree;
6840  }
6841  function getNode(tree, path) {
6842    let currentNode = tree;
6843    for (const branchName of path) {
6844      const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
6845      if (!nextNode) {
6846        return null;
6847      }
6848      currentNode = nextNode;
6849    }
6850    return currentNode;
6851  }
6852  function* iteratePath(tree, path) {
6853    let currentNode = tree;
6854    yield currentNode;
6855    for (const branchName of path) {
6856      const nextNode = currentNode.children[branchName];
6857      if (!nextNode) {
6858        break;
6859      }
6860      yield nextNode;
6861      currentNode = nextNode;
6862    }
6863  }
6864  function* iterateDescendants(node) {
6865    const stack = Object.values(node.children);
6866    while (stack.length) {
6867      const childNode = stack.pop();
6868      yield childNode;
6869      stack.push(...Object.values(childNode.children));
6870    }
6871  }
6872  function hasConflictingLock({
6873    exclusive
6874  }, locks) {
6875    if (exclusive && locks.length) {
6876      return true;
6877    }
6878    if (!exclusive && locks.filter(lock => lock.exclusive).length) {
6879      return true;
6880    }
6881    return false;
6882  }
6884  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/reducer.js
6885  /* wp:polyfill */
6886  /**
6887   * Internal dependencies
6888   */
6890  const DEFAULT_STATE = {
6891    requests: [],
6892    tree: {
6893      locks: [],
6894      children: {}
6895    }
6896  };
6898  /**
6899   * Reducer returning locks.
6900   *
6901   * @param {Object} state  Current state.
6902   * @param {Object} action Dispatched action.
6903   *
6904   * @return {Object} Updated state.
6905   */
6906  function locks(state = DEFAULT_STATE, action) {
6907    switch (action.type) {
6908      case 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST':
6909        {
6910          const {
6911            request
6912          } = action;
6913          return {
6914            ...state,
6915            requests: [request, ...state.requests]
6916          };
6917        }
6918      case 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST':
6919        {
6920          const {
6921            lock,
6922            request
6923          } = action;
6924          const {
6925            store,
6926            path
6927          } = request;
6928          const storePath = [store, ...path];
6929          const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
6930          const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
6931          node.locks = [...node.locks, lock];
6932          return {
6933            ...state,
6934            requests: state.requests.filter(r => r !== request),
6935            tree: newTree
6936          };
6937        }
6938      case 'RELEASE_LOCK':
6939        {
6940          const {
6941            lock
6942          } = action;
6943          const storePath = [lock.store, ...lock.path];
6944          const newTree = deepCopyLocksTreePath(state.tree, storePath);
6945          const node = getNode(newTree, storePath);
6946          node.locks = node.locks.filter(l => l !== lock);
6947          return {
6948            ...state,
6949            tree: newTree
6950          };
6951        }
6952    }
6953    return state;
6954  }
6956  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/selectors.js
6957  /**
6958   * Internal dependencies
6959   */
6961  function getPendingLockRequests(state) {
6962    return state.requests;
6963  }
6964  function isLockAvailable(state, store, path, {
6965    exclusive
6966  }) {
6967    const storePath = [store, ...path];
6968    const locks = state.tree;
6970    // Validate all parents and the node itself
6971    for (const node of iteratePath(locks, storePath)) {
6972      if (hasConflictingLock({
6973        exclusive
6974      }, node.locks)) {
6975        return false;
6976      }
6977    }
6979    // iteratePath terminates early if path is unreachable, let's
6980    // re-fetch the node and check it exists in the tree.
6981    const node = getNode(locks, storePath);
6982    if (!node) {
6983      return true;
6984    }
6986    // Validate all nested nodes
6987    for (const descendant of iterateDescendants(node)) {
6988      if (hasConflictingLock({
6989        exclusive
6990      }, descendant.locks)) {
6991        return false;
6992      }
6993    }
6994    return true;
6995  }
6997  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/engine.js
6998  /**
6999   * Internal dependencies
7000   */
7003  function createLocks() {
7004    let state = locks(undefined, {
7005      type: '@@INIT'
7006    });
7007    function processPendingLockRequests() {
7008      for (const request of getPendingLockRequests(state)) {
7009        const {
7010          store,
7011          path,
7012          exclusive,
7013          notifyAcquired
7014        } = request;
7015        if (isLockAvailable(state, store, path, {
7016          exclusive
7017        })) {
7018          const lock = {
7019            store,
7020            path,
7021            exclusive
7022          };
7023          state = locks(state, {
7024            type: 'GRANT_LOCK_REQUEST',
7025            lock,
7026            request
7027          });
7028          notifyAcquired(lock);
7029        }
7030      }
7031    }
7032    function acquire(store, path, exclusive) {
7033      return new Promise(resolve => {
7034        state = locks(state, {
7035          type: 'ENQUEUE_LOCK_REQUEST',
7036          request: {
7037            store,
7038            path,
7039            exclusive,
7040            notifyAcquired: resolve
7041          }
7042        });
7043        processPendingLockRequests();
7044      });
7045    }
7046    function release(lock) {
7047      state = locks(state, {
7048        type: 'RELEASE_LOCK',
7049        lock
7050      });
7051      processPendingLockRequests();
7052    }
7053    return {
7054      acquire,
7055      release
7056    };
7057  }
7059  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/locks/actions.js
7060  /**
7061   * Internal dependencies
7062   */
7064  function createLocksActions() {
7065    const locks = createLocks();
7066    function __unstableAcquireStoreLock(store, path, {
7067      exclusive
7068    }) {
7069      return () => locks.acquire(store, path, exclusive);
7070    }
7071    function __unstableReleaseStoreLock(lock) {
7072      return () => locks.release(lock);
7073    }
7074    return {
7075      __unstableAcquireStoreLock,
7076      __unstableReleaseStoreLock
7077    };
7078  }
7080  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/dynamic-entities.js
7081  /**
7082   * Internal dependencies
7083   */
7085  /**
7086   * A simple utility that pluralizes a string.
7087   * Converts:
7088   * - "post" to "posts"
7089   * - "taxonomy" to "taxonomies"
7090   * - "media" to "mediaItems"
7091   * - "status" to "statuses"
7092   *
7093   * It does not pluralize "GlobalStyles" due to lack of clarity about it at time of writing.
7094   */
7096  /**
7097   * A simple utility that singularizes a string.
7098   *
7099   * Converts:
7100   * - "posts" to "post"
7101   * - "taxonomies" to "taxonomy"
7102   * - "mediaItems" to "media"
7103   * - "statuses" to "status"
7104   */
7106  let dynamicActions;
7107  let dynamicSelectors;
7109  ;// external ["wp","element"]
7110  const external_wp_element_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["element"];
7111  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entity-context.js
7112  /**
7113   * WordPress dependencies
7114   */
7116  const EntityContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.createContext)({});
7118  ;// external "ReactJSXRuntime"
7119  const external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject = window["ReactJSXRuntime"];
7120  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/entity-provider.js
7121  /**
7122   * WordPress dependencies
7123   */
7126  /**
7127   * Internal dependencies
7128   */
7131  /**
7132   * Context provider component for providing
7133   * an entity for a specific entity.
7134   *
7135   * @param {Object} props          The component's props.
7136   * @param {string} props.kind     The entity kind.
7137   * @param {string} props.type     The entity name.
7138   * @param {number} props.id       The entity ID.
7139   * @param {*}      props.children The children to wrap.
7140   *
7141   * @return {Object} The provided children, wrapped with
7142   *                   the entity's context provider.
7143   */
7145  function EntityProvider({
7146    kind,
7147    type: name,
7148    id,
7149    children
7150  }) {
7151    const parent = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext);
7152    const childContext = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({
7153      ...parent,
7154      [kind]: {
7155        ...parent?.[kind],
7156        [name]: id
7157      }
7158    }), [parent, kind, name, id]);
7159    return /*#__PURE__*/(0,external_ReactJSXRuntime_namespaceObject.jsx)(EntityContext.Provider, {
7160      value: childContext,
7161      children: children
7162    });
7163  }
7165  ;// ./node_modules/memize/dist/index.js
7166  /**
7167   * Memize options object.
7168   *
7169   * @typedef MemizeOptions
7170   *
7171   * @property {number} [maxSize] Maximum size of the cache.
7172   */
7174  /**
7175   * Internal cache entry.
7176   *
7177   * @typedef MemizeCacheNode
7178   *
7179   * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [prev] Previous node.
7180   * @property {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} [next] Next node.
7181   * @property {Array<*>}                   args   Function arguments for cache
7182   *                                               entry.
7183   * @property {*}                          val    Function result.
7184   */
7186  /**
7187   * Properties of the enhanced function for controlling cache.
7188   *
7189   * @typedef MemizeMemoizedFunction
7190   *
7191   * @property {()=>void} clear Clear the cache.
7192   */
7194  /**
7195   * Accepts a function to be memoized, and returns a new memoized function, with
7196   * optional options.
7197   *
7198   * @template {(...args: any[]) => any} F
7199   *
7200   * @param {F}             fn        Function to memoize.
7201   * @param {MemizeOptions} [options] Options object.
7202   *
7203   * @return {((...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>) & MemizeMemoizedFunction} Memoized function.
7204   */
7205  function memize(fn, options) {
7206      var size = 0;
7208      /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
7209      var head;
7211      /** @type {?MemizeCacheNode|undefined} */
7212      var tail;
7214      options = options || {};
7216  	function memoized(/* ...args */) {
7217          var node = head,
7218              len = arguments.length,
7219              args,
7220              i;
7222          searchCache: while (node) {
7223              // Perform a shallow equality test to confirm that whether the node
7224              // under test is a candidate for the arguments passed. Two arrays
7225              // are shallowly equal if their length matches and each entry is
7226              // strictly equal between the two sets. Avoid abstracting to a
7227              // function which could incur an arguments leaking deoptimization.
7229              // Check whether node arguments match arguments length
7230              if (node.args.length !== arguments.length) {
7231                  node = node.next;
7232                  continue;
7233              }
7235              // Check whether node arguments match arguments values
7236              for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
7237                  if (node.args[i] !== arguments[i]) {
7238                      node = node.next;
7239                      continue searchCache;
7240                  }
7241              }
7243              // At this point we can assume we've found a match
7245              // Surface matched node to head if not already
7246              if (node !== head) {
7247                  // As tail, shift to previous. Must only shift if not also
7248                  // head, since if both head and tail, there is no previous.
7249                  if (node === tail) {
7250                      tail = node.prev;
7251                  }
7253                  // Adjust siblings to point to each other. If node was tail,
7254                  // this also handles new tail's empty `next` assignment.
7255                  /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (node.prev).next = node.next;
7256                  if (node.next) {
7257                      node.next.prev = node.prev;
7258                  }
7260                  node.next = head;
7261                  node.prev = null;
7262                  /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (head).prev = node;
7263                  head = node;
7264              }
7266              // Return immediately
7267              return node.val;
7268          }
7270          // No cached value found. Continue to insertion phase:
7272          // Create a copy of arguments (avoid leaking deoptimization)
7273          args = new Array(len);
7274          for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
7275              args[i] = arguments[i];
7276          }
7278          node = {
7279              args: args,
7281              // Generate the result from original function
7282              val: fn.apply(null, args),
7283          };
7285          // Don't need to check whether node is already head, since it would
7286          // have been returned above already if it was
7288          // Shift existing head down list
7289          if (head) {
7290              head.prev = node;
7291              node.next = head;
7292          } else {
7293              // If no head, follows that there's no tail (at initial or reset)
7294              tail = node;
7295          }
7297          // Trim tail if we're reached max size and are pending cache insertion
7298          if (size === /** @type {MemizeOptions} */ (options).maxSize) {
7299              tail = /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).prev;
7300              /** @type {MemizeCacheNode} */ (tail).next = null;
7301          } else {
7302              size++;
7303          }
7305          head = node;
7307          return node.val;
7308      }
7310      memoized.clear = function () {
7311          head = null;
7312          tail = null;
7313          size = 0;
7314      };
7316      // Ignore reason: There's not a clear solution to create an intersection of
7317      // the function with additional properties, where the goal is to retain the
7318      // function signature of the incoming argument and add control properties
7319      // on the return value.
7321      // @ts-ignore
7322      return memoized;
7323  }
7327  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/memoize.js
7328  /**
7329   * External dependencies
7330   */
7333  // re-export due to restrictive esModuleInterop setting
7334  /* harmony default export */ const memoize = (memize);
7336  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/constants.js
7337  let Status = /*#__PURE__*/function (Status) {
7338    Status["Idle"] = "IDLE";
7339    Status["Resolving"] = "RESOLVING";
7340    Status["Error"] = "ERROR";
7341    Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS";
7342    return Status;
7343  }({});
7345  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-query-select.js
7346  /**
7347   * WordPress dependencies
7348   */
7351  /**
7352   * Internal dependencies
7353   */
7356  const META_SELECTORS = ['getIsResolving', 'hasStartedResolution', 'hasFinishedResolution', 'isResolving', 'getCachedResolvers'];
7357  /**
7358   * Like useSelect, but the selectors return objects containing
7359   * both the original data AND the resolution info.
7360   *
7361   * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
7362   * @private
7363   *
7364   * @param {Function} mapQuerySelect see useSelect
7365   * @param {Array}    deps           see useSelect
7366   *
7367   * @example
7368   * ```js
7369   * import { useQuerySelect } from '@wordpress/data';
7370   * import { store as coreDataStore } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7371   *
7372   * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
7373   *   const { data: page, isResolving } = useQuerySelect( ( query ) => {
7374   *     return query( coreDataStore ).getEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id )
7375   *   }, [ id ] );
7376   *
7377   *   if ( isResolving ) {
7378   *     return 'Loading...';
7379   *   }
7380   *
7381   *   return page.title;
7382   * }
7383   *
7384   * // Rendered in the application:
7385   * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 10 } />
7386   * ```
7387   *
7388   * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
7389   * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
7390   * the store state using the `mapSelect` callback on `useQuerySelect`.
7391   *
7392   * If the id prop changes then any page in the state for that id is
7393   * retrieved. If the id prop doesn't change and other props are passed in
7394   * that do change, the title will not change because the dependency is just
7395   * the id.
7396   * @see useSelect
7397   *
7398   * @return {QuerySelectResponse} Queried data.
7399   */
7400  function useQuerySelect(mapQuerySelect, deps) {
7401    return (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)((select, registry) => {
7402      const resolve = store => enrichSelectors(select(store));
7403      return mapQuerySelect(resolve, registry);
7404    }, deps);
7405  }
7406  /**
7407   * Transform simple selectors into ones that return an object with the
7408   * original return value AND the resolution info.
7409   *
7410   * @param {Object} selectors Selectors to enrich
7411   * @return {EnrichedSelectors} Enriched selectors
7412   */
7413  const enrichSelectors = memoize(selectors => {
7414    const resolvers = {};
7415    for (const selectorName in selectors) {
7416      if (META_SELECTORS.includes(selectorName)) {
7417        continue;
7418      }
7419      Object.defineProperty(resolvers, selectorName, {
7420        get: () => (...args) => {
7421          const data = selectors[selectorName](...args);
7422          const resolutionStatus = selectors.getResolutionState(selectorName, args)?.status;
7423          let status;
7424          switch (resolutionStatus) {
7425            case 'resolving':
7426              status = Status.Resolving;
7427              break;
7428            case 'finished':
7429              status = Status.Success;
7430              break;
7431            case 'error':
7432              status = Status.Error;
7433              break;
7434            case undefined:
7435              status = Status.Idle;
7436              break;
7437          }
7438          return {
7439            data,
7440            status,
7441            isResolving: status === Status.Resolving,
7442            hasStarted: status !== Status.Idle,
7443            hasResolved: status === Status.Success || status === Status.Error
7444          };
7445        }
7446      });
7447    }
7448    return resolvers;
7449  });
7451  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-record.js
7452  /**
7453   * WordPress dependencies
7454   */
7459  /**
7460   * Internal dependencies
7461   */
7464  const use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
7466  /**
7467   * Resolves the specified entity record.
7468   *
7469   * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
7470   *
7471   * @param    kind     Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds.
7472   * @param    name     Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names.
7473   * @param    recordId ID of the requested entity record.
7474   * @param    options  Optional hook options.
7475   * @example
7476   * ```js
7477   * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7478   *
7479   * function PageTitleDisplay( { id } ) {
7480   *   const { record, isResolving } = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
7481   *
7482   *   if ( isResolving ) {
7483   *     return 'Loading...';
7484   *   }
7485   *
7486   *   return record.title;
7487   * }
7488   *
7489   * // Rendered in the application:
7490   * // <PageTitleDisplay id={ 1 } />
7491   * ```
7492   *
7493   * In the above example, when `PageTitleDisplay` is rendered into an
7494   * application, the page and the resolution details will be retrieved from
7495   * the store state using `getEntityRecord()`, or resolved if missing.
7496   *
7497   * @example
7498   * ```js
7499   * import { useCallback } from 'react';
7500   * import { useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data';
7501   * import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
7502   * import { TextControl } from '@wordpress/components';
7503   * import { store as noticeStore } from '@wordpress/notices';
7504   * import { useEntityRecord } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7505   *
7506   * function PageRenameForm( { id } ) {
7507   *     const page = useEntityRecord( 'postType', 'page', id );
7508   *     const { createSuccessNotice, createErrorNotice } =
7509   *         useDispatch( noticeStore );
7510   *
7511   *     const setTitle = useCallback( ( title ) => {
7512   *         page.edit( { title } );
7513   *     }, [ page.edit ] );
7514   *
7515   *     if ( page.isResolving ) {
7516   *         return 'Loading...';
7517   *     }
7518   *
7519   *     async function onRename( event ) {
7520   *         event.preventDefault();
7521   *         try {
7522   *             await page.save();
7523   *             createSuccessNotice( __( 'Page renamed.' ), {
7524   *                 type: 'snackbar',
7525   *             } );
7526   *         } catch ( error ) {
7527   *             createErrorNotice( error.message, { type: 'snackbar' } );
7528   *         }
7529   *     }
7530   *
7531   *     return (
7532   *         <form onSubmit={ onRename }>
7533   *             <TextControl
7534   *                __nextHasNoMarginBottom
7535   *                __next40pxDefaultSize
7536   *                 label={ __( 'Name' ) }
7537   *                 value={ page.editedRecord.title }
7538   *                 onChange={ setTitle }
7539   *             />
7540   *             <button type="submit">{ __( 'Save' ) }</button>
7541   *         </form>
7542   *     );
7543   * }
7544   *
7545   * // Rendered in the application:
7546   * // <PageRenameForm id={ 1 } />
7547   * ```
7548   *
7549   * In the above example, updating and saving the page title is handled
7550   * via the `edit()` and `save()` mutation helpers provided by
7551   * `useEntityRecord()`;
7552   *
7553   * @return Entity record data.
7554   * @template RecordType
7555   */
7556  function useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options = {
7557    enabled: true
7558  }) {
7559    const {
7560      editEntityRecord,
7561      saveEditedEntityRecord
7562    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(store);
7563    const mutations = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => ({
7564      edit: (record, editOptions = {}) => editEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, record, editOptions),
7565      save: (saveOptions = {}) => saveEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, {
7566        throwOnError: true,
7567        ...saveOptions
7568      })
7569    }), [editEntityRecord, kind, name, recordId, saveEditedEntityRecord]);
7570    const {
7571      editedRecord,
7572      hasEdits,
7573      edits
7574    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
7575      if (!options.enabled) {
7576        return {
7577          editedRecord: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT,
7578          hasEdits: false,
7579          edits: use_entity_record_EMPTY_OBJECT
7580        };
7581      }
7582      return {
7583        editedRecord: select(store).getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId),
7584        hasEdits: select(store).hasEditsForEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId),
7585        edits: select(store).getEntityRecordNonTransientEdits(kind, name, recordId)
7586      };
7587    }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]);
7588    const {
7589      data: record,
7590      ...querySelectRest
7591    } = useQuerySelect(query => {
7592      if (!options.enabled) {
7593        return {
7594          data: null
7595        };
7596      }
7597      return query(store).getEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId);
7598    }, [kind, name, recordId, options.enabled]);
7599    return {
7600      record,
7601      editedRecord,
7602      hasEdits,
7603      edits,
7604      ...querySelectRest,
7605      ...mutations
7606    };
7607  }
7608  function __experimentalUseEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options) {
7609    external_wp_deprecated_default()(`wp.data.__experimentalUseEntityRecord`, {
7610      alternative: 'wp.data.useEntityRecord',
7611      since: '6.1'
7612    });
7613    return useEntityRecord(kind, name, recordId, options);
7614  }
7616  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-records.js
7617  /**
7618   * WordPress dependencies
7619   */
7625  /**
7626   * Internal dependencies
7627   */
7631  const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
7633  /**
7634   * Resolves the specified entity records.
7635   *
7636   * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
7637   *
7638   * @param    kind      Kind of the entity, e.g. `root` or a `postType`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available kinds.
7639   * @param    name      Name of the entity, e.g. `plugin` or a `post`. See rootEntitiesConfig in ../entities.ts for a list of available names.
7640   * @param    queryArgs Optional HTTP query description for how to fetch the data, passed to the requested API endpoint.
7641   * @param    options   Optional hook options.
7642   * @example
7643   * ```js
7644   * import { useEntityRecords } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7645   *
7646   * function PageTitlesList() {
7647   *   const { records, isResolving } = useEntityRecords( 'postType', 'page' );
7648   *
7649   *   if ( isResolving ) {
7650   *     return 'Loading...';
7651   *   }
7652   *
7653   *   return (
7654   *     <ul>
7655   *       {records.map(( page ) => (
7656   *         <li>{ page.title }</li>
7657   *       ))}
7658   *     </ul>
7659   *   );
7660   * }
7661   *
7662   * // Rendered in the application:
7663   * // <PageTitlesList />
7664   * ```
7665   *
7666   * In the above example, when `PageTitlesList` is rendered into an
7667   * application, the list of records and the resolution details will be retrieved from
7668   * the store state using `getEntityRecords()`, or resolved if missing.
7669   *
7670   * @return Entity records data.
7671   * @template RecordType
7672   */
7673  function useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs = {}, options = {
7674    enabled: true
7675  }) {
7676    // Serialize queryArgs to a string that can be safely used as a React dep.
7677    // We can't just pass queryArgs as one of the deps, because if it is passed
7678    // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even
7679    // if the values remain the same.
7680    const queryAsString = (0,external_wp_url_namespaceObject.addQueryArgs)('', queryArgs);
7681    const {
7682      data: records,
7683      ...rest
7684    } = useQuerySelect(query => {
7685      if (!options.enabled) {
7686        return {
7687          // Avoiding returning a new reference on every execution.
7688          data: EMPTY_ARRAY
7689        };
7690      }
7691      return query(store).getEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs);
7692    }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]);
7693    const {
7694      totalItems,
7695      totalPages
7696    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
7697      if (!options.enabled) {
7698        return {
7699          totalItems: null,
7700          totalPages: null
7701        };
7702      }
7703      return {
7704        totalItems: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalItems(kind, name, queryArgs),
7705        totalPages: select(store).getEntityRecordsTotalPages(kind, name, queryArgs)
7706      };
7707    }, [kind, name, queryAsString, options.enabled]);
7708    return {
7709      records,
7710      totalItems,
7711      totalPages,
7712      ...rest
7713    };
7714  }
7715  function __experimentalUseEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options) {
7716    external_wp_deprecated_default()(`wp.data.__experimentalUseEntityRecords`, {
7717      alternative: 'wp.data.useEntityRecords',
7718      since: '6.1'
7719    });
7720    return useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options);
7721  }
7722  function useEntityRecordsWithPermissions(kind, name, queryArgs = {}, options = {
7723    enabled: true
7724  }) {
7725    const entityConfig = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => select(store).getEntityConfig(kind, name), [kind, name]);
7726    const {
7727      records: data,
7728      ...ret
7729    } = useEntityRecords(kind, name, queryArgs, options);
7730    const ids = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => {
7731      var _data$map;
7732      return (_data$map = data?.map(
7733      // @ts-ignore
7734      record => {
7735        var _entityConfig$key;
7736        return record[(_entityConfig$key = entityConfig?.key) !== null && _entityConfig$key !== void 0 ? _entityConfig$key : 'id'];
7737      })) !== null && _data$map !== void 0 ? _data$map : [];
7738    }, [data, entityConfig?.key]);
7739    const permissions = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
7740      const {
7741        getEntityRecordsPermissions
7742      } = unlock(select(store));
7743      return getEntityRecordsPermissions(kind, name, ids);
7744    }, [ids, kind, name]);
7745    const dataWithPermissions = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => {
7746      var _data$map2;
7747      return (_data$map2 = data?.map((record, index) => ({
7748        // @ts-ignore
7749        ...record,
7750        permissions: permissions[index]
7751      }))) !== null && _data$map2 !== void 0 ? _data$map2 : [];
7752    }, [data, permissions]);
7753    return {
7754      records: dataWithPermissions,
7755      ...ret
7756    };
7757  }
7759  ;// external ["wp","warning"]
7760  const external_wp_warning_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["warning"];
7761  var external_wp_warning_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(external_wp_warning_namespaceObject);
7762  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-resource-permissions.js
7763  /**
7764   * WordPress dependencies
7765   */
7769  /**
7770   * Internal dependencies
7771   */
7776  /**
7777   * Is the data resolved by now?
7778   */
7780  /**
7781   * Resolves resource permissions.
7782   *
7783   * @since 6.1.0 Introduced in WordPress core.
7784   *
7785   * @param    resource Entity resource to check. Accepts entity object `{ kind: 'root', name: 'media', id: 1 }`
7786   *                    or REST base as a string - `media`.
7787   * @param    id       Optional ID of the resource to check, e.g. 10. Note: This argument is discouraged
7788   *                    when using an entity object as a resource to check permissions and will be ignored.
7789   *
7790   * @example
7791   * ```js
7792   * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7793   *
7794   * function PagesList() {
7795   *   const { canCreate, isResolving } = useResourcePermissions( { kind: 'postType', name: 'page' } );
7796   *
7797   *   if ( isResolving ) {
7798   *     return 'Loading ...';
7799   *   }
7800   *
7801   *   return (
7802   *     <div>
7803   *       {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false}
7804   *       // ...
7805   *     </div>
7806   *   );
7807   * }
7808   *
7809   * // Rendered in the application:
7810   * // <PagesList />
7811   * ```
7812   *
7813   * @example
7814   * ```js
7815   * import { useResourcePermissions } from '@wordpress/core-data';
7816   *
7817   * function Page({ pageId }) {
7818   *   const {
7819   *     canCreate,
7820   *     canUpdate,
7821   *     canDelete,
7822   *     isResolving
7823   *   } = useResourcePermissions( { kind: 'postType', name: 'page', id: pageId } );
7824   *
7825   *   if ( isResolving ) {
7826   *     return 'Loading ...';
7827   *   }
7828   *
7829   *   return (
7830   *     <div>
7831   *       {canCreate ? (<button>+ Create a new page</button>) : false}
7832   *       {canUpdate ? (<button>Edit page</button>) : false}
7833   *       {canDelete ? (<button>Delete page</button>) : false}
7834   *       // ...
7835   *     </div>
7836   *   );
7837   * }
7838   *
7839   * // Rendered in the application:
7840   * // <Page pageId={ 15 } />
7841   * ```
7842   *
7843   * In the above example, when `PagesList` is rendered into an
7844   * application, the appropriate permissions and the resolution details will be retrieved from
7845   * the store state using `canUser()`, or resolved if missing.
7846   *
7847   * @return Entity records data.
7848   * @template IdType
7849   */
7850  function useResourcePermissions(resource, id) {
7851    // Serialize `resource` to a string that can be safely used as a React dep.
7852    // We can't just pass `resource` as one of the deps, because if it is passed
7853    // as an object literal, then it will be a different object on each call even
7854    // if the values remain the same.
7855    const isEntity = typeof resource === 'object';
7856    const resourceAsString = isEntity ? JSON.stringify(resource) : resource;
7857    if (isEntity && typeof id !== 'undefined') {
7858       true ? external_wp_warning_default()(`When 'resource' is an entity object, passing 'id' as a separate argument isn't supported.`) : 0;
7859    }
7860    return useQuerySelect(resolve => {
7861      const hasId = isEntity ? !!resource.id : !!id;
7862      const {
7863        canUser
7864      } = resolve(store);
7865      const create = canUser('create', isEntity ? {
7866        kind: resource.kind,
7867        name: resource.name
7868      } : resource);
7869      if (!hasId) {
7870        const read = canUser('read', resource);
7871        const isResolving = create.isResolving || read.isResolving;
7872        const hasResolved = create.hasResolved && read.hasResolved;
7873        let status = Status.Idle;
7874        if (isResolving) {
7875          status = Status.Resolving;
7876        } else if (hasResolved) {
7877          status = Status.Success;
7878        }
7879        return {
7880          status,
7881          isResolving,
7882          hasResolved,
7883          canCreate: create.hasResolved && create.data,
7884          canRead: read.hasResolved && read.data
7885        };
7886      }
7887      const read = canUser('read', resource, id);
7888      const update = canUser('update', resource, id);
7889      const _delete = canUser('delete', resource, id);
7890      const isResolving = read.isResolving || create.isResolving || update.isResolving || _delete.isResolving;
7891      const hasResolved = read.hasResolved && create.hasResolved && update.hasResolved && _delete.hasResolved;
7892      let status = Status.Idle;
7893      if (isResolving) {
7894        status = Status.Resolving;
7895      } else if (hasResolved) {
7896        status = Status.Success;
7897      }
7898      return {
7899        status,
7900        isResolving,
7901        hasResolved,
7902        canRead: hasResolved && read.data,
7903        canCreate: hasResolved && create.data,
7904        canUpdate: hasResolved && update.data,
7905        canDelete: hasResolved && _delete.data
7906      };
7907    }, [resourceAsString, id]);
7908  }
7909  /* harmony default export */ const use_resource_permissions = (useResourcePermissions);
7910  function __experimentalUseResourcePermissions(resource, id) {
7911    external_wp_deprecated_default()(`wp.data.__experimentalUseResourcePermissions`, {
7912      alternative: 'wp.data.useResourcePermissions',
7913      since: '6.1'
7914    });
7915    return useResourcePermissions(resource, id);
7916  }
7918  ;// external ["wp","blocks"]
7919  const external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blocks"];
7920  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-id.js
7921  /**
7922   * WordPress dependencies
7923   */
7926  /**
7927   * Internal dependencies
7928   */
7931  /**
7932   * Hook that returns the ID for the nearest
7933   * provided entity of the specified type.
7934   *
7935   * @param {string} kind The entity kind.
7936   * @param {string} name The entity name.
7937   */
7938  function useEntityId(kind, name) {
7939    const context = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useContext)(EntityContext);
7940    return context?.[kind]?.[name];
7941  }
7943  ;// external ["wp","blockEditor"]
7944  const external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject = window["wp"]["blockEditor"];
7945  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-rich-text-values-cached.js
7946  /**
7947   * WordPress dependencies
7948   */
7951  /**
7952   * Internal dependencies
7953   */
7956  // TODO: The following line should have been:
7957  //
7958  //   const unlockedApis = unlock( blockEditorPrivateApis );
7959  //
7960  // But there are hidden circular dependencies in RNMobile code, specifically in
7961  // certain native components in the `components` package that depend on
7962  // `block-editor`. What follows is a workaround that defers the `unlock` call
7963  // to prevent native code from failing.
7964  //
7965  // Fix once https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/52692 is closed.
7966  let unlockedApis;
7967  const cache = new WeakMap();
7968  function getRichTextValuesCached(block) {
7969    if (!unlockedApis) {
7970      unlockedApis = unlock(external_wp_blockEditor_namespaceObject.privateApis);
7971    }
7972    if (!cache.has(block)) {
7973      const values = unlockedApis.getRichTextValues([block]);
7974      cache.set(block, values);
7975    }
7976    return cache.get(block);
7977  }
7979  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/get-footnotes-order.js
7980  /* wp:polyfill */
7981  /**
7982   * Internal dependencies
7983   */
7985  const get_footnotes_order_cache = new WeakMap();
7986  function getBlockFootnotesOrder(block) {
7987    if (!get_footnotes_order_cache.has(block)) {
7988      const order = [];
7989      for (const value of getRichTextValuesCached(block)) {
7990        if (!value) {
7991          continue;
7992        }
7994        // replacements is a sparse array, use forEach to skip empty slots.
7995        value.replacements.forEach(({
7996          type,
7997          attributes
7998        }) => {
7999          if (type === 'core/footnote') {
8000            order.push(attributes['data-fn']);
8001          }
8002        });
8003      }
8004      get_footnotes_order_cache.set(block, order);
8005    }
8006    return get_footnotes_order_cache.get(block);
8007  }
8008  function getFootnotesOrder(blocks) {
8009    // We can only separate getting order from blocks at the root level. For
8010    // deeper inner blocks, this will not work since it's possible to have both
8011    // inner blocks and block attributes, so order needs to be computed from the
8012    // Edit functions as a whole.
8013    return blocks.flatMap(getBlockFootnotesOrder);
8014  }
8016  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/footnotes/index.js
8017  /* wp:polyfill */
8018  /**
8019   * WordPress dependencies
8020   */
8023  /**
8024   * Internal dependencies
8025   */
8027  let oldFootnotes = {};
8028  function updateFootnotesFromMeta(blocks, meta) {
8029    const output = {
8030      blocks
8031    };
8032    if (!meta) {
8033      return output;
8034    }
8036    // If meta.footnotes is empty, it means the meta is not registered.
8037    if (meta.footnotes === undefined) {
8038      return output;
8039    }
8040    const newOrder = getFootnotesOrder(blocks);
8041    const footnotes = meta.footnotes ? JSON.parse(meta.footnotes) : [];
8042    const currentOrder = footnotes.map(fn => fn.id);
8043    if (currentOrder.join('') === newOrder.join('')) {
8044      return output;
8045    }
8046    const newFootnotes = newOrder.map(fnId => footnotes.find(fn => fn.id === fnId) || oldFootnotes[fnId] || {
8047      id: fnId,
8048      content: ''
8049    });
8050    function updateAttributes(attributes) {
8051      // Only attempt to update attributes, if attributes is an object.
8052      if (!attributes || Array.isArray(attributes) || typeof attributes !== 'object') {
8053        return attributes;
8054      }
8055      attributes = {
8056        ...attributes
8057      };
8058      for (const key in attributes) {
8059        const value = attributes[key];
8060        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
8061          attributes[key] = value.map(updateAttributes);
8062          continue;
8063        }
8065        // To do, remove support for string values?
8066        if (typeof value !== 'string' && !(value instanceof external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData)) {
8067          continue;
8068        }
8069        const richTextValue = typeof value === 'string' ? external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData.fromHTMLString(value) : new external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.RichTextData(value);
8070        let hasFootnotes = false;
8071        richTextValue.replacements.forEach(replacement => {
8072          if (replacement.type === 'core/footnote') {
8073            const id = replacement.attributes['data-fn'];
8074            const index = newOrder.indexOf(id);
8075            // The innerHTML contains the count wrapped in a link.
8076            const countValue = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.create)({
8077              html: replacement.innerHTML
8078            });
8079            countValue.text = String(index + 1);
8080            countValue.formats = Array.from({
8081              length: countValue.text.length
8082            }, () => countValue.formats[0]);
8083            countValue.replacements = Array.from({
8084              length: countValue.text.length
8085            }, () => countValue.replacements[0]);
8086            replacement.innerHTML = (0,external_wp_richText_namespaceObject.toHTMLString)({
8087              value: countValue
8088            });
8089            hasFootnotes = true;
8090          }
8091        });
8092        if (hasFootnotes) {
8093          attributes[key] = typeof value === 'string' ? richTextValue.toHTMLString() : richTextValue;
8094        }
8095      }
8096      return attributes;
8097    }
8098    function updateBlocksAttributes(__blocks) {
8099      return __blocks.map(block => {
8100        return {
8101          ...block,
8102          attributes: updateAttributes(block.attributes),
8103          innerBlocks: updateBlocksAttributes(block.innerBlocks)
8104        };
8105      });
8106    }
8108    // We need to go through all block attributes deeply and update the
8109    // footnote anchor numbering (textContent) to match the new order.
8110    const newBlocks = updateBlocksAttributes(blocks);
8111    oldFootnotes = {
8112      ...oldFootnotes,
8113      ...footnotes.reduce((acc, fn) => {
8114        if (!newOrder.includes(fn.id)) {
8115          acc[fn.id] = fn;
8116        }
8117        return acc;
8118      }, {})
8119    };
8120    return {
8121      meta: {
8122        ...meta,
8123        footnotes: JSON.stringify(newFootnotes)
8124      },
8125      blocks: newBlocks
8126    };
8127  }
8129  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-block-editor.js
8130  /**
8131   * WordPress dependencies
8132   */
8137  /**
8138   * Internal dependencies
8139   */
8143  const use_entity_block_editor_EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
8144  const parsedBlocksCache = new WeakMap();
8146  /**
8147   * Hook that returns block content getters and setters for
8148   * the nearest provided entity of the specified type.
8149   *
8150   * The return value has the shape `[ blocks, onInput, onChange ]`.
8151   * `onInput` is for block changes that don't create undo levels
8152   * or dirty the post, non-persistent changes, and `onChange` is for
8153   * persistent changes. They map directly to the props of a
8154   * `BlockEditorProvider` and are intended to be used with it,
8155   * or similar components or hooks.
8156   *
8157   * @param {string} kind         The entity kind.
8158   * @param {string} name         The entity name.
8159   * @param {Object} options
8160   * @param {string} [options.id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
8161   *
8162   * @return {[unknown[], Function, Function]} The block array and setters.
8163   */
8164  function useEntityBlockEditor(kind, name, {
8165    id: _id
8166  } = {}) {
8167    const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
8168    const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
8169    const {
8170      getEntityRecord,
8171      getEntityRecordEdits
8172    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(STORE_NAME);
8173    const {
8174      content,
8175      editedBlocks,
8176      meta
8177    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
8178      if (!id) {
8179        return {};
8180      }
8181      const {
8182        getEditedEntityRecord
8183      } = select(STORE_NAME);
8184      const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
8185      return {
8186        editedBlocks: editedRecord.blocks,
8187        content: editedRecord.content,
8188        meta: editedRecord.meta
8189      };
8190    }, [kind, name, id]);
8191    const {
8192      __unstableCreateUndoLevel,
8193      editEntityRecord
8194    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
8195    const blocks = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useMemo)(() => {
8196      if (!id) {
8197        return undefined;
8198      }
8199      if (editedBlocks) {
8200        return editedBlocks;
8201      }
8202      if (!content || typeof content !== 'string') {
8203        return use_entity_block_editor_EMPTY_ARRAY;
8204      }
8206      // If there's an edit, cache the parsed blocks by the edit.
8207      // If not, cache by the original entity record.
8208      const edits = getEntityRecordEdits(kind, name, id);
8209      const isUnedited = !edits || !Object.keys(edits).length;
8210      const cackeKey = isUnedited ? getEntityRecord(kind, name, id) : edits;
8211      let _blocks = parsedBlocksCache.get(cackeKey);
8212      if (!_blocks) {
8213        _blocks = (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.parse)(content);
8214        parsedBlocksCache.set(cackeKey, _blocks);
8215      }
8216      return _blocks;
8217    }, [kind, name, id, editedBlocks, content, getEntityRecord, getEntityRecordEdits]);
8218    const onChange = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
8219      const noChange = blocks === newBlocks;
8220      if (noChange) {
8221        return __unstableCreateUndoLevel(kind, name, id);
8222      }
8223      const {
8224        selection,
8225        ...rest
8226      } = options;
8228      // We create a new function here on every persistent edit
8229      // to make sure the edit makes the post dirty and creates
8230      // a new undo level.
8231      const edits = {
8232        selection,
8233        content: ({
8234          blocks: blocksForSerialization = []
8235        }) => (0,external_wp_blocks_namespaceObject.__unstableSerializeAndClean)(blocksForSerialization),
8236        ...updateFootnotesFromMeta(newBlocks, meta)
8237      };
8238      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, {
8239        isCached: false,
8240        ...rest
8241      });
8242    }, [kind, name, id, blocks, meta, __unstableCreateUndoLevel, editEntityRecord]);
8243    const onInput = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)((newBlocks, options) => {
8244      const {
8245        selection,
8246        ...rest
8247      } = options;
8248      const footnotesChanges = updateFootnotesFromMeta(newBlocks, meta);
8249      const edits = {
8250        selection,
8251        ...footnotesChanges
8252      };
8253      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, edits, {
8254        isCached: true,
8255        ...rest
8256      });
8257    }, [kind, name, id, meta, editEntityRecord]);
8258    return [blocks, onInput, onChange];
8259  }
8261  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/use-entity-prop.js
8262  /**
8263   * WordPress dependencies
8264   */
8268  /**
8269   * Internal dependencies
8270   */
8274  /**
8275   * Hook that returns the value and a setter for the
8276   * specified property of the nearest provided
8277   * entity of the specified type.
8278   *
8279   * @param {string}        kind  The entity kind.
8280   * @param {string}        name  The entity name.
8281   * @param {string}        prop  The property name.
8282   * @param {number|string} [_id] An entity ID to use instead of the context-provided one.
8283   *
8284   * @return {[*, Function, *]} An array where the first item is the
8285   *                            property value, the second is the
8286   *                            setter and the third is the full value
8287   *                               object from REST API containing more
8288   *                               information like `raw`, `rendered` and
8289   *                               `protected` props.
8290   */
8291  function useEntityProp(kind, name, prop, _id) {
8292    const providerId = useEntityId(kind, name);
8293    const id = _id !== null && _id !== void 0 ? _id : providerId;
8294    const {
8295      value,
8296      fullValue
8297    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useSelect)(select => {
8298      const {
8299        getEntityRecord,
8300        getEditedEntityRecord
8301      } = select(STORE_NAME);
8302      const record = getEntityRecord(kind, name, id); // Trigger resolver.
8303      const editedRecord = getEditedEntityRecord(kind, name, id);
8304      return record && editedRecord ? {
8305        value: editedRecord[prop],
8306        fullValue: record[prop]
8307      } : {};
8308    }, [kind, name, id, prop]);
8309    const {
8310      editEntityRecord
8311    } = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.useDispatch)(STORE_NAME);
8312    const setValue = (0,external_wp_element_namespaceObject.useCallback)(newValue => {
8313      editEntityRecord(kind, name, id, {
8314        [prop]: newValue
8315      });
8316    }, [editEntityRecord, kind, name, id, prop]);
8317    return [value, setValue, fullValue];
8318  }
8320  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/hooks/index.js
8328  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/private-apis.js
8329  /**
8330   * Internal dependencies
8331   */
8335  const privateApis = {};
8336  lock(privateApis, {
8337    useEntityRecordsWithPermissions: useEntityRecordsWithPermissions,
8339  });
8341  ;// ./node_modules/@wordpress/core-data/build-module/index.js
8342  /* wp:polyfill */
8343  /**
8344   * WordPress dependencies
8345   */
8348  /**
8349   * Internal dependencies
8350   */
8363  // The entity selectors/resolvers and actions are shortcuts to their generic equivalents
8364  // (getEntityRecord, getEntityRecords, updateEntityRecord, updateEntityRecords)
8365  // Instead of getEntityRecord, the consumer could use more user-friendly named selector: getPostType, getTaxonomy...
8366  // The "kind" and the "name" of the entity are combined to generate these shortcuts.
8367  const build_module_entitiesConfig = [...rootEntitiesConfig, ...additionalEntityConfigLoaders.filter(config => !!config.name)];
8368  const entitySelectors = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
8369    const {
8370      kind,
8371      name,
8372      plural
8373    } = entity;
8374    result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (state, key, query) => getEntityRecord(state, kind, name, key, query);
8375    if (plural) {
8376      result[getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get')] = (state, query) => getEntityRecords(state, kind, name, query);
8377    }
8378    return result;
8379  }, {});
8380  const entityResolvers = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
8381    const {
8382      kind,
8383      name,
8384      plural
8385    } = entity;
8386    result[getMethodName(kind, name)] = (key, query) => resolvers_getEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query);
8387    if (plural) {
8388      const pluralMethodName = getMethodName(kind, plural, 'get');
8389      result[pluralMethodName] = (...args) => resolvers_getEntityRecords(kind, name, ...args);
8390      result[pluralMethodName].shouldInvalidate = action => resolvers_getEntityRecords.shouldInvalidate(action, kind, name);
8391    }
8392    return result;
8393  }, {});
8394  const entityActions = build_module_entitiesConfig.reduce((result, entity) => {
8395    const {
8396      kind,
8397      name
8398    } = entity;
8399    result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'save')] = (record, options) => saveEntityRecord(kind, name, record, options);
8400    result[getMethodName(kind, name, 'delete')] = (key, query, options) => deleteEntityRecord(kind, name, key, query, options);
8401    return result;
8402  }, {});
8403  const storeConfig = () => ({
8404    reducer: build_module_reducer,
8405    actions: {
8406      ...dynamicActions,
8407      ...build_module_actions_namespaceObject,
8408      ...entityActions,
8409      ...createLocksActions()
8410    },
8411    selectors: {
8412      ...dynamicSelectors,
8413      ...build_module_selectors_namespaceObject,
8414      ...entitySelectors
8415    },
8416    resolvers: {
8417      ...resolvers_namespaceObject,
8418      ...entityResolvers
8419    }
8420  });
8422  /**
8423   * Store definition for the code data namespace.
8424   *
8425   * @see https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/blob/HEAD/packages/data/README.md#createReduxStore
8426   */
8427  const store = (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.createReduxStore)(STORE_NAME, storeConfig());
8428  unlock(store).registerPrivateSelectors(private_selectors_namespaceObject);
8429  unlock(store).registerPrivateActions(private_actions_namespaceObject);
8430  (0,external_wp_data_namespaceObject.register)(store); // Register store after unlocking private selectors to allow resolvers to use them.
8439  (window.wp = window.wp || {}).coreData = __webpack_exports__;
8440  /******/ })()
8441  ;

Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref