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_Hooks:: (1 method):
createHooks() X-Ref |
Returns an instance of the hooks object. return: {Hooks} A Hooks instance. |
validateNamespace(namespace) X-Ref |
Validate a namespace string. param: {string} namespace The namespace to validate - should take the form return: {boolean} Whether the namespace is valid. |
validateHookName(hookName) X-Ref |
Validate a hookName string. param: {string} hookName The hook name to validate. Should be a non empty string containing return: {boolean} Whether the hook name is valid. |
createAddHook(hooks, storeKey) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will add a hook. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey return: {AddHook} Function that adds a new hook. |
createRemoveHook(hooks, storeKey, removeAll = false) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will remove a specified hook or all hooks by the given name. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey param: {boolean} [removeAll=false] Whether to remove all callbacks for a hookName, return: {RemoveHook} Function that removes hooks. |
createHasHook(hooks, storeKey) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will return whether any handlers are attached to a particular hook. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey return: {HasHook} Function that returns whether any handlers are |
createRunHook(hooks, storeKey, returnFirstArg, async) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will execute all callbacks registered to a hook of the specified type, optionally returning the final value of the call chain. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey param: {boolean} returnFirstArg Whether each hook callback is expected to return its first argument. param: {boolean} async Whether the hook callback should be run asynchronously return: {(hookName:string, ...args: unknown[]) => undefined|unknown} Function that runs hook callbacks. |
syncRunner() X-Ref |
No description |
createCurrentHook(hooks, storeKey) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will return the name of the currently running hook, or `null` if no hook of the given type is currently running. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey return: {() => string | null} Function that returns the current hook name or null. |
createDoingHook(hooks, storeKey) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will return whether a hook is currently being executed. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey return: {DoingHook} Function that returns whether a hook is currently |
createDidHook(hooks, storeKey) X-Ref |
Returns a function which, when invoked, will return the number of times a hook has been called. param: {import('.').Hooks} hooks Hooks instance. param: {import('.').StoreKey} storeKey return: {DidHook} Function that returns a hook's call count. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |