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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily) |
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File Size: | 1248 lines (39 kb) |
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Includes or requires: | 0 files |
div() X-Ref |
Create a new HTML div element return: A jQuery object representing the new element |
viewX(x) X-Ref |
Translate selection X to viewport X param: x return: Viewport X |
viewY(y) X-Ref |
Translate selection Y to viewport Y param: y return: Viewport Y |
selX(x) X-Ref |
Translate viewport X to selection X param: x return: Selection X |
selY(y) X-Ref |
Translate viewport Y to selection Y param: y return: Selection Y |
evX(event) X-Ref |
Get event X and translate it to viewport X param: event return: Viewport X |
evY(event) X-Ref |
Get event Y and translate it to viewport Y param: event return: Viewport Y |
touchCoords(event) X-Ref |
Get X and Y coordinates of a touch event param: event return: Coordinates object |
getSelection(noScale) X-Ref |
Get the current selection param: noScale return: Selection object |
setSelection(x1, y1, x2, y2, noScale) X-Ref |
Set the current selection param: x1 param: y1 param: x2 param: y2 param: noScale |
adjust() X-Ref |
Recalculate image and parent offsets |
update(resetKeyPress) X-Ref |
Update plugin elements param: resetKeyPress |
doUpdate(resetKeyPress) X-Ref |
Do the complete update sequence: recalculate offsets, update the elements, and set the correct values of x1, y1, x2, and y2. param: resetKeyPress |
updateSelectionRelativeToParentElement() X-Ref |
Set the correct values of x1, y1, x2, and y2. |
hide($elem, fn) X-Ref |
Hide or fade out an element (or multiple elements) param: $elem param: fn |
areaMouseMove(event) X-Ref |
Selection area mousemove event handler param: event |
docMouseUp(event) X-Ref |
Document mouseup event handler param: event |
areaMouseDown(event) X-Ref |
Selection area mousedown event handler param: event return: false |
fixAspectRatio(xFirst) X-Ref |
Adjust the x2/y2 coordinates to maintain aspect ratio (if defined) param: xFirst |
doResize() X-Ref |
Resize the selection area respecting the minimum/maximum dimensions and aspect ratio |
selectingMouseMove(event) X-Ref |
Mousemove event handler triggered when the user is selecting an area param: event return: false |
doMove(newX1, newY1) X-Ref |
Move the selection area param: newX1 param: newY1 |
movingMouseMove(event) X-Ref |
Mousemove event handler triggered when the selection area is being moved param: event return: false |
startSelection() X-Ref |
Start selection |
cancelSelection() X-Ref |
Cancel selection |
imgMouseDown(event) X-Ref |
Image mousedown event handler param: event return: false |
windowResize() X-Ref |
Window resize event handler |
imgLoad() X-Ref |
Image load event handler. This is the final part of the initialization process. |
styleOptions($elem, props) X-Ref |
Apply style options to plugin element (or multiple elements) param: $elem param: props |
setOptions(newOptions) X-Ref |
Set plugin options param: newOptions |
Generated : Tue Mar 11 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |