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/wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/ -> class-wp-rest-blocks-controller.php (summary)

Synced patterns REST API: WP_REST_Blocks_Controller class

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Defines 1 class

WP_REST_Blocks_Controller:: (3 methods):

Class: WP_REST_Blocks_Controller  - X-Ref

Controller which provides a REST endpoint for the editor to read, create,
edit, and delete synced patterns (formerly called reusable blocks).
Patterns are stored as posts with the wp_block post type.

check_read_permission( $post )   X-Ref
Checks if a pattern can be read.

param: WP_Post $post Post object that backs the block.
return: bool Whether the pattern can be read.

filter_response_by_context( $data, $context )   X-Ref
Filters a response based on the context defined in the schema.

param: array  $data    Response data to filter.
param: string $context Context defined in the schema.
return: array Filtered response.

get_item_schema()   X-Ref
Retrieves the pattern's schema, conforming to JSON Schema.

return: array Item schema data.

Generated : Wed Dec 25 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref