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/wp-includes/rest-api/fields/ -> class-wp-rest-post-meta-fields.php (summary)

REST API: WP_REST_Post_Meta_Fields class

File Size: 72 lines (1 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

WP_REST_Post_Meta_Fields:: (4 methods):

Class: WP_REST_Post_Meta_Fields  - X-Ref

Core class used to manage meta values for posts via the REST API.

__construct( $post_type )   X-Ref

param: string $post_type Post type to register fields for.

get_meta_type()   X-Ref
Retrieves the post meta type.

return: string The meta type.

get_meta_subtype()   X-Ref
Retrieves the post meta subtype.

return: string Subtype for the meta type, or empty string if no specific subtype.

get_rest_field_type()   X-Ref
Retrieves the type for register_rest_field().

return: string The REST field type.

Generated : Wed Apr 24 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref