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/wp-admin/includes/ -> class-wp-site-health-auto-updates.php (summary)

(no description)

File Size: 481 lines (14 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 4 files

Defines 1 class

WP_Site_Health_Auto_Updates:: (12 methods):

Class: WP_Site_Health_Auto_Updates  - X-Ref

Class for testing automatic updates in the WordPress code.

__construct()   X-Ref
WP_Site_Health_Auto_Updates constructor.

run_tests()   X-Ref
Runs tests to determine if auto-updates can run.

return: array The test results.

test_constants( $constant, $value )   X-Ref
No description

test_wp_version_check_attached()   X-Ref
Checks if updates are intercepted by a filter.

return: array|null The test results if wp_version_check() is disabled,

test_filters_automatic_updater_disabled()   X-Ref
Checks if automatic updates are disabled by a filter.

return: array|null The test results if the {@see 'automatic_updater_disabled'} filter is set,

test_wp_automatic_updates_disabled()   X-Ref
Checks if automatic updates are disabled.

return: array|false The test results if auto-updates are disabled, false otherwise.

test_if_failed_update()   X-Ref
Checks if automatic updates have tried to run, but failed, previously.

return: array|false The test results if auto-updates previously failed, false otherwise.

test_vcs_abspath()   X-Ref
Checks if WordPress is controlled by a VCS (Git, Subversion etc).

return: array The test results.

test_check_wp_filesystem_method()   X-Ref
Checks if we can access files without providing credentials.

return: array The test results.

test_all_files_writable()   X-Ref
Checks if core files are writable by the web user/group.

return: array|false The test results if at least some of WordPress core files are writeable,

test_accepts_dev_updates()   X-Ref
Checks if the install is using a development branch and can use nightly packages.

return: array|false|null The test results if development updates are blocked.

test_accepts_minor_updates()   X-Ref
Checks if the site supports automatic minor updates.

return: array|null The test results if minor updates are blocked,

Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref