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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)






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File404.php              [source] [30 lines]    Template for displaying 404 pages (Not Found)
Filearchive.php          [source] [70 lines]    Template for displaying Archive pages
Fileattachment.php       [source] [27 lines]    Template for displaying attachments
Fileauthor.php           [source] [85 lines]    Template for displaying Author Archive pages
Fileblock-patterns.php   [source] [61 lines]    Block Patterns
Fileblocks.css           [source] [284 lines]   
Filecategory.php         [source] [39 lines]    Template for displaying Category Archive pages
Filecomments.php         [source] [95 lines]    Template for displaying Comments
Fileeditor-blocks.css    [source] [389 lines]   
Fileeditor-style-rtl.css [source] [29 lines]    
Fileeditor-style.css     [source] [297 lines]   
Filefooter.php           [source] [69 lines]    Template for displaying the footer Contains the closing of the id=main div and all content after. Calls sidebar-footer.php for bottom widgets.
Filefunctions.php        [source] [811 lines]   TwentyTen functions and definitions Sets up the theme and provides some helper functions. Some helper functions are used in the theme as custom template tags. Others are attached to action and filter hooks in WordPress to change core functionality.
Fileheader.php           [source] [123 lines]   Header template for our theme
Fileindex.php            [source] [33 lines]    Main template file
Filelicense.txt          [source] [281 lines]   
Fileloop-attachment.php  [source] [183 lines]   The loop that displays an attachment The loop displays the posts and the post content. See https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/the-loop/ to understand it and https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/template-tags/ to understand the tags used in it.
Fileloop-page.php        [source] [48 lines]    The loop that displays a page
Fileloop-single.php      [source] [91 lines]    The loop that displays a single post
Fileloop.php             [source] [211 lines]   The loop that displays posts
Fileonecolumn-page.php   [source] [32 lines]    Template Name: One column, no sidebar
Filepage.php             [source] [33 lines]    Template for displaying all pages
Filereadme.txt           [source] [215 lines]   
Filertl.css              [source] [292 lines]   
Filesearch.php           [source] [43 lines]    Template for displaying Search Results pages
Filesidebar-footer.php   [source] [62 lines]    The Footer widget areas
Filesidebar.php          [source] [59 lines]    Sidebar template containing the primary and secondary widget areas
Filesingle.php           [source] [28 lines]    Template for displaying all single posts
Filestyle.css            [source] [1454 lines]  
Filetag.php              [source] [34 lines]    Template for displaying Tag Archive pages

Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref