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Filebanner-about-book.php                              [source] [41 lines]    Title: Banner with book description Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-about-book Categories: banner Description: Banner with book description and accompanying image for promotion.
Filebanner-cover-big-heading.php                       [source] [35 lines]    Title: Cover with big heading Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-cover-big-heading Categories: banner, about, featured Description: A full-width cover section with a large background image and an oversized heading.
Filebanner-intro-image.php                             [source] [52 lines]    Title: Short heading and paragraph and image on the left Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-intro-image Categories: banner, featured Description: A Intro pattern with Short heading, paragraph and image on the left.
Filebanner-intro.php                                   [source] [28 lines]    Title: Intro with left-aligned description Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-intro Categories: banner Description: A large left-aligned heading with a brand name emphasized in bold.
Filebanner-poster.php                                  [source] [62 lines]    Title: Poster-like section Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-poster Categories: banner, media Description: A section that can be used as a banner or a landing page to announce an event.
Filebanner-with-description-and-images-grid.php        [source] [53 lines]    Title: Banner with description and images grid Slug: twentytwentyfive/banner-description-images-grid Categories: banner, featured Description: A banner with a short paragraph, and two images displayed in a grid layout.
Filebinding-format.php                                 [source] [16 lines]    Title: Post format name Slug: twentytwentyfive/binding-format Categories: twentytwentyfive_post-format Description: Prints the name of the post format with the help of the Block Bindings API.
Filecomments.php                                       [source] [53 lines]    Title: Comments Slug: twentytwentyfive/comments Description: Comments area with comments list, pagination, and comment form. Categories: text Block Types: core/comments
Filecontact-centered-social-link.php                   [source] [39 lines]    Title: Centered link and social links Slug: twentytwentyfive/contact-centered-social-link Keywords: contact, faq, questions Categories: contact Description: Centered contact section with a prominent message and social media links.
Filecontact-info-locations.php                         [source] [101 lines]   Title: Contact, info and locations Slug: twentytwentyfive/contact-info-locations Keywords: contact, location Categories: contact Viewport width: 1400 Description: Contact section with social media links, email, and multiple location details.
Filecontact-location-and-link.php                      [source] [43 lines]    Title: Contact location and link Slug: twentytwentyfive/contact-location-and-link Categories: contact, featured Description: Contact section with a location address, a directions link, and an image of the location.
Filecta-book-links.php                                 [source] [60 lines]    Title: Call to action with book links Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-book-links Categories: call-to-action Description: A call to action section with links to get the book in different websites.
Filecta-book-locations.php                             [source] [148 lines]   Title: Call to action with locations Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-book-locations Categories: call-to-action Description: A call to action section with links to get the book in the most popular locations.
Filecta-centered-heading.php                           [source] [34 lines]    Title: Centered heading Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-centered-heading Categories: call-to-action Description: A hero with a centered heading, paragraph and button.
Filecta-events-list.php                                [source] [157 lines]   Title: Events list Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-events-list Categories: call-to-action Description: A list of events with call to action.
Filecta-grid-products-link.php                         [source] [141 lines]   Title: Call to action with grid layout with products and link Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-grid-products-link Categories: call-to-action, featured Viewport width: 1400 Description: A call to action featuring product images.
Filecta-heading-search.php                             [source] [25 lines]    Title: Heading and search form Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-heading-search Categories: call-to-action Description: Large heading with a search form for quick navigation.
Filecta-newsletter.php                                 [source] [38 lines]    Title: Newsletter sign-up Slug: twentytwentyfive/cta-newsletter Keywords: call-to-action, newsletter Categories: call-to-action
Fileevent-3-col.php                                    [source] [105 lines]   Title: Events, 3 columns with event images and titles Slug: twentytwentyfive/event-3-col Categories: banner Description: A header with title and text and three columns that show 3 events with their images and titles. Keywords: events, columns, images
Fileevent-rsvp.php                                     [source] [78 lines]    Title: Event RSVP Slug: twentytwentyfive/event-rsvp Keywords: call-to-action, rsvp, event Categories: call-to-action Block Types: core/post-content Viewport width: 1400 Description: RSVP for an upcoming event with a cover image and event details.
Fileevent-schedule.php                                 [source] [199 lines]   Title: Event schedule Slug: twentytwentyfive/event-schedule Categories: about Description: A section with specified dates and times for an event. Keywords: events, agenda, schedule, lectures
Filefooter-centered.php                                [source] [40 lines]    Title: Centered footer Slug: twentytwentyfive/footer-centered Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: Footer with centered site title and tagline.
Filefooter-columns.php                                 [source] [84 lines]    Title: Footer with columns Slug: twentytwentyfive/footer-columns Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: Footer columns with title, tagline and links.
Filefooter-newsletter.php                              [source] [60 lines]    Title: Footer with newsletter signup Slug: twentytwentyfive/footer-newsletter Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: Footer with large site title and newsletter signup.
Filefooter-social.php                                  [source] [42 lines]    Title: Centered footer with social links Slug: twentytwentyfive/footer-social Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: Footer with centered site title and social links.
Filefooter.php                                         [source] [93 lines]    Title: Footer Slug: twentytwentyfive/footer Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: Footer columns with logo, title, tagline and links.
Fileformat-audio.php                                   [source] [38 lines]    Title: Audio format Slug: twentytwentyfive/format-audio Categories: twentytwentyfive_post-format Description: An audio post format with an image, title, audio player, and description.
Fileformat-link.php                                    [source] [28 lines]    Title: Link format Slug: twentytwentyfive/format-link Categories: twentytwentyfive_post-format Description: A link post format with a description and an emphasized link for key content.
Filegrid-videos.php                                    [source] [56 lines]    Title: Grid with videos Slug: twentytwentyfive/grid-videos Categories: about Description: A grid with videos.
Filegrid-with-categories.php                           [source] [64 lines]    Title: Grid with categories Slug: twentytwentyfive/grid-with-categories Categories: banner Viewport width: 1400 Description: A grid section with different categories.
Fileheader-centered.php                                [source] [28 lines]    Title: Centered header Slug: twentytwentyfive/header-centered Categories: header Block Types: core/template-part/header Description: Header with centered site title and navigation.
Fileheader-columns.php                                 [source] [34 lines]    Title: Header with columns Slug: twentytwentyfive/header-columns Categories: header Block Types: core/template-part/header Description: Header with site title and navigation in columns.
Fileheader-large-title.php                             [source] [28 lines]    Title: Header with large title Slug: twentytwentyfive/header-large-title Categories: header Block Types: core/template-part/header Description: Header with large site title and right-aligned navigation.
Fileheader.php                                         [source] [32 lines]    Title: Header Slug: twentytwentyfive/header Categories: header Block Types: core/template-part/header Description: Header with site title and navigation.
Fileheading-and-paragraph-with-image.php               [source] [44 lines]    Title: Heading and paragraph with image on the right Slug: twentytwentyfive/heading-and-paragraph-with-image Categories: about Description: A two-column section with a heading and paragraph on the left, and an image on the right.
Filehero-book.php                                      [source] [50 lines]    Title: Hero book Slug: twentytwentyfive/hero-book Categories: banner Keywords: podcast, hero, stories Description: A hero section for the book with a description and pre-order link.
Filehero-full-width-image.php                          [source] [41 lines]    Title: Hero, full width image Slug: twentytwentyfive/hero-full-width-image Categories: banner Description: A hero with a full width image, heading, short paragraph and button.
Filehero-overlapped-book-cover-with-links.php          [source] [123 lines]   Title: Hero, overlapped book cover with links Slug: twentytwentyfive/hero-overlapped-book-cover-with-links Categories: banner Description: A hero with an overlapped book cover and links.
Filehero-podcast.php                                   [source] [78 lines]    Title: Hero podcast Slug: twentytwentyfive/hero-podcast Categories: banner Keywords: podcast, hero, stories
Filehidden-404.php                                     [source] [46 lines]    Title: 404 Slug: twentytwentyfive/hidden-404 Inserter: no
Filehidden-blog-heading.php                            [source] [16 lines]    Title: Hidden blog heading Slug: twentytwentyfive/hidden-blog-heading Description: Hidden heading for the home page and index template. Inserter: no
Filehidden-search.php                                  [source] [14 lines]    Title: Search Slug: twentytwentyfive/hidden-search Inserter: no
Filehidden-sidebar.php                                 [source] [42 lines]    Title: Sidebar Slug: twentytwentyfive/hidden-sidebar Inserter: no
Filehidden-written-by.php                              [source] [24 lines]    Title: Written by Slug: twentytwentyfive/hidden-written-by Inserter: no
Filelogos.php                                          [source] [48 lines]    Title: Logos Slug: twentytwentyfive/logos Categories: banner Description: Showcasing the podcast's clients with a heading and a series of client logos.
Filemedia-instagram-grid.php                           [source] [65 lines]    Title: Instagram grid Slug: twentytwentyfive/media-instagram-grid Categories: media, gallery, featured Viewport width: 1440 Description: A grid section with photos and a link to an Instagram profile.
Filemore-posts.php                                     [source] [34 lines]    Title: More posts Slug: twentytwentyfive/more-posts Description: Displays a list of posts with title and date. Categories: query Block Types: core/query
Fileoverlapped-images.php                              [source] [58 lines]    Title: Overlapping images and paragraph on right Slug: twentytwentyfive/overlapped-images Categories: about, featured Description: A section with overlapping images, and a description.
Filepage-business-home.php                             [source] [53 lines]    Title: Business homepage Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-business-home Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A business homepage pattern.
Filepage-coming-soon.php                               [source] [45 lines]    Title: Coming soon Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-coming-soon Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A full-width cover banner that can be applied to a page or it can work as a single landing page.
Filepage-cv-bio.php                                    [source] [57 lines]    Title: CV/bio Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-cv-bio Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, about, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Viewport width: 1400 Description: A pattern for a CV/Bio landing page.
Filepage-landing-book.php                              [source] [52 lines]    Title: Landing page for book Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-landing-book Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A landing page for the book with a hero section, pre-order links, locations, FAQs and newsletter signup.
Filepage-landing-event.php                             [source] [46 lines]    Title: Landing page for event Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-landing-event Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A landing page for the event with a hero section, description, FAQs and call to action.
Filepage-landing-podcast.php                           [source] [46 lines]    Title: Landing page for podcast Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-landing-podcast Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A landing page for the podcast with a hero section, description, logos, grid with videos and newsletter signup.
Filepage-link-in-bio-heading-paragraph-links-image.php [source] [68 lines]    Title: Link in bio heading, paragraph, links and full-height image Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-link-in-bio-heading-paragraph-links-image Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, banner, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Viewport width: 1400 Description: A link in bio landing page with a heading, paragraph, links and a full height image.
Filepage-link-in-bio-wide-margins.php                  [source] [57 lines]    Title: Link in bio with profile, links and wide margins Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-link-in-bio-wide-margins Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, banner, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Viewport width: 1400 Description: A link in bio landing page with social links, a profile photo and a brief description.
Filepage-link-in-bio-with-tight-margins.php            [source] [67 lines]    Title: Link in bio with tight margins Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-link-in-bio-with-tight-margins Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, banner Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A full-width, full-height link in bio section with an image, a paragraph and social links.
Filepage-portfolio-home.php                            [source] [236 lines]   Title: Portfolio homepage Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-portfolio-home Categories: twentytwentyfive_page, posts Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A portfolio homepage pattern.
Filepage-shop-home.php                                 [source] [34 lines]    Title: Shop homepage Slug: twentytwentyfive/page-shop-home Categories: twentytwentyfive_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A shop homepage pattern.
Filepost-navigation.php                                [source] [24 lines]    Title: Post navigation Slug: twentytwentyfive/post-navigation Categories: text Description: Next and previous post links. Block Types: core/post-navigation-link
Filepricing-2-col.php                                  [source] [121 lines]   Title: Pricing, 2 columns Slug: twentytwentyfive/pricing-2-col Categories: call-to-action Viewport width: 1400 Description: Pricing section with two columns, pricing plan, description, and call-to-action buttons.
Filepricing-3-col.php                                  [source] [148 lines]   Title: Pricing, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfive/pricing-3-col Categories: call-to-action, banner, services Description: A three-column boxed pricing table designed to showcase services, descriptions, and pricing options.
Fileservices-3-col.php                                 [source] [79 lines]    Title: Services, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfive/services-3-col Categories: call-to-action, banner, services Description: Three columns with images and text to showcase services.
Fileservices-subscriber-only-section.php               [source] [76 lines]    Title: Services, subscriber only section Slug: twentytwentyfive/services-subscriber-only-section Categories: call-to-action, services Description: A subscriber-only section highlighting exclusive services and offerings.
Fileservices-team-photos.php                           [source] [60 lines]    Title: Services, team photos Slug: twentytwentyfive/services-team-photos Categories: banner, call-to-action, featured Description: Display team photos in a services section with grid layout.
Filetemplate-404-vertical-header-blog.php              [source] [41 lines]    Title: Right-aligned blog, 404 Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-404-vertical-header-blog Template Types: 404 Viewport width: 1400
Filetemplate-archive-news-blog.php                     [source] [39 lines]    Title: News blog archive Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-archive-news-blog Template Types: archive Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-archive-photo-blog.php                    [source] [26 lines]    Title: Photo blog archive Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-archive-photo-blog Template Types: archive Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-archive-text-blog.php                     [source] [28 lines]    Title: Text-only blog, archive Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-archive-text-blog Template Types: archive Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-archive-vertical-header-blog.php          [source] [48 lines]    Title: Archive for the right-aligned blog Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-archive-vertical-header-blog Template Types: archive Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-news-blog.php                        [source] [166 lines]   Title: News blog home Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-news-blog Template Types: front-page, index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-photo-blog.php                       [source] [33 lines]    Title: Photo blog home Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-photo-blog Template Types: front-page, index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-posts-grid-news-blog.php             [source] [136 lines]   Title: News blog with featured posts grid Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-posts-grid-news-blog Template Types: front-page, index, home Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-text-blog.php                        [source] [29 lines]    Title: Text-only blog, home Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-text-blog Template Types: front-page, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-vertical-header-blog.php             [source] [47 lines]    Title: Homepage for right-aligned blog Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-vertical-header-blog Template Types: front-page, index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-with-sidebar-news-blog.php           [source] [127 lines]   Title: News blog with sidebar Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-home-with-sidebar-news-blog Template Types: front-page, index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-page-photo-blog.php                       [source] [28 lines]    Title: Photo blog page Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-page-photo-blog Template Types: page Viewport width: 1400
Filetemplate-page-vertical-header-blog.php             [source] [63 lines]    Title: Page template for the right-aligned blog Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-page-vertical-header-blog Template Types: page Viewport width: 1400
Filetemplate-query-loop-news-blog.php                  [source] [62 lines]    Title: News blog query loop Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-query-loop-news-blog Inserter: no
Filetemplate-query-loop-photo-blog.php                 [source] [46 lines]    Title: Photo blog posts Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-query-loop-photo-blog Categories: query Block Types: core/query Viewport width: 1400 Description: A list of posts, 3 columns, with only featured images.
Filetemplate-query-loop-text-blog.php                  [source] [47 lines]    Title: Text-only blog, posts Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-query-loop-text-blog Inserter: no
Filetemplate-query-loop-vertical-header-blog.php       [source] [51 lines]    Title: Right-aligned posts Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-query-loop-vertical-header-blog Inserter: no
Filetemplate-query-loop.php                            [source] [46 lines]    Title: List of posts, 1 column Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-query-loop Categories: query Block Types: core/query Description: A list of posts, 1 column, with featured image and post date.
Filetemplate-search-news-blog.php                      [source] [39 lines]    Title: News blog search results Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-search-news-blog Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-search-photo-blog.php                     [source] [29 lines]    Title: Photo blog search results Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-search-photo-blog Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-search-text-blog.php                      [source] [32 lines]    Title: Text-only blog, search Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-search-text-blog Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-search-vertical-header-blog.php           [source] [45 lines]    Title: Right-aligned blog, search Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-search-vertical-header-blog Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-left-aligned-content.php           [source] [112 lines]   Title: Post with left-aligned content Slug: twentytwentyfive/post-with-left-aligned-content Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-news-blog.php                      [source] [141 lines]   Title: News blog single post with sidebar Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-single-news-blog Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-offset.php                         [source] [93 lines]    Title: Offset post without featured image Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-single-offset Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-photo-blog.php                     [source] [97 lines]    Title: Photo blog single post Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-single-photo-blog Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-text-blog.php                      [source] [49 lines]    Title: Text-only blog, single post Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-single-text-blog Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-vertical-header-blog.php           [source] [100 lines]   Title: Right-aligned single post Slug: twentytwentyfive/template-single-vertical-header-blog Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetestimonials-2-col.php                             [source] [79 lines]    Title: 2 columns with avatar Slug: twentytwentyfive/testimonials-2-col Keywords: testimonial Categories: testimonials Description: Two columns with testimonials and avatars.
Filetestimonials-6-col.php                             [source] [127 lines]   Title: 3 column layout with 6 testimonials Slug: twentytwentyfive/testimonials-6-col Keywords: testimonial Categories: testimonials Description: A section with three columns and two rows, each containing a testimonial and citation.
Filetestimonials-large.php                             [source] [54 lines]    Title: Review with large image on right Slug: twentytwentyfive/testimonials-large Keywords: testimonial Categories: testimonials Description: A testimonial with a large image on the right.
Filetext-faqs.php                                      [source] [75 lines]    Title: FAQs Slug: twentytwentyfive/text-faqs Categories: text, about Keywords: faq, about, frequently asked questions Viewport width: 1400 Description: A FAQs section with a FAQ heading and list of toggle questions and answers.
Filevertical-header.php                                [source] [29 lines]    Title: Vertical header Slug: twentytwentyfive/vertical-header Categories: header Block Types: core/template-part/vertical-header Description: Vertical Header with site title and navigation Viewport width: 300

Generated : Thu Oct 24 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref