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Filebanner-hero.php                      [source] [56 lines]    Title: Hero Slug: twentytwentyfour/banner-hero Categories: banner, call-to-action, featured Viewport width: 1400 Description: A hero section with a title, a paragraph, a CTA button, and an image.
Filebanner-project-description.php       [source] [45 lines]    Title: Project description Slug: twentytwentyfour/banner-project-description Categories: featured, banner, about, portfolio Viewport width: 1400 Description: Project description section with title, paragraph, and an image.
Filecta-content-image-on-right.php       [source] [67 lines]    Title: Call to action with image on right Slug: twentytwentyfour/cta-content-image-on-right Categories: call-to-action, banner Viewport width: 1400 Description: A title, paragraph, two CTA buttons, and an image for a general CTA section.
Filecta-pricing.php                      [source] [215 lines]   Title: Pricing Slug: twentytwentyfour/cta-pricing Categories: call-to-action, services Viewport width: 1400 Description: A pricing section with a title, a paragraph and three pricing levels.
Filecta-rsvp.php                         [source] [58 lines]    Title: RSVP Slug: twentytwentyfour/cta-rsvp Categories: call-to-action, featured Viewport width: 1100 Description: A large RSVP heading sideways, a description, and a CTA button.
Filecta-services-image-left.php          [source] [49 lines]    Title: Services call to action with image on left Slug: twentytwentyfour/cta-services-image-left Categories: call-to-action, banner, featured, services Viewport width: 1400 Description: An image, title, paragraph and a CTA button to describe services.
Filecta-subscribe-centered.php           [source] [43 lines]    Title: Centered call to action Slug: twentytwentyfour/cta-subscribe-centered Categories: call-to-action Keywords: newsletter, subscribe, button Description: Subscribers CTA section with a title, a paragraph and a CTA button.
Filefooter-centered-logo-nav.php         [source] [32 lines]    Title: Footer with centered logo and navigation Slug: twentytwentyfour/footer-centered-logo-nav Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: A footer section with a centered logo, navigation, and WordPress credits.
Filefooter-colophon-3-col.php            [source] [106 lines]   Title: Footer with colophon, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/footer-colophon-3-col Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: A footer section with a colophon and 3 columns.
Filefooter.php                           [source] [129 lines]   Title: Footer with colophon, 4 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/footer Categories: footer Block Types: core/template-part/footer Description: A footer section with a colophon and 4 columns.
Filegallery-full-screen-image.php        [source] [22 lines]    Title: Full screen image Slug: twentytwentyfour/gallery-full-screen-image Categories: gallery, portfolio Description: A cover image section that covers the entire width.
Filegallery-offset-images-grid-2-col.php [source] [59 lines]    Title: Offset gallery, 2 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/gallery-offset-images-grid-2-col Categories: gallery, portfolio Keywords: project, images, media, masonry, columns Viewport width: 1400 Description: A gallery section with 2 columns and offset images.
Filegallery-offset-images-grid-3-col.php [source] [111 lines]   Title: Offset gallery, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/gallery-offset-images-grid-3-col Categories: gallery, portfolio Keywords: project, images, media, masonry, columns Viewport width: 1400 Description: A gallery section with 3 columns and offset images.
Filegallery-offset-images-grid-4-col.php [source] [150 lines]   Title: Offset gallery, 4 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/gallery-offset-images-grid-4-col Categories: gallery, featured, portfolio Keywords: project, images, media, masonry, columns Viewport width: 1400 Description: A gallery section with 4 columns and offset images.
Filegallery-project-layout.php           [source] [66 lines]    Title: Project layout Slug: twentytwentyfour/gallery-project-layout Categories: gallery, featured, portfolio Viewport width: 1600 Description: A gallery section with a project layout with 2 images.
Filehidden-404.php                       [source] [15 lines]    Title: 404 Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-404 Inserter: no
Filehidden-comments.php                  [source] [47 lines]    Title: Comments Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-comments Inserter: no
Filehidden-no-results.php                [source] [10 lines]    Title: No results Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-no-results Inserter: no
Filehidden-portfolio-hero.php            [source] [19 lines]    Title: Portfolio hero Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-portfolio-hero Inserter: no
Filehidden-post-meta.php                 [source] [30 lines]    Title: Post meta Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-post-meta Inserter: no
Filehidden-post-navigation.php           [source] [14 lines]    Title: Post navigation Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-post-navigation Inserter: no
Filehidden-posts-heading.php             [source] [11 lines]    Title: Posts heading Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-posts-heading Categories: hidden Inserter: no
Filehidden-search.php                    [source] [9 lines]     Title: Search Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-search Inserter: no
Filehidden-sidebar.php                   [source] [84 lines]    Title: Sidebar Slug: twentytwentyfour/hidden-sidebar Inserter: no
Filepage-about-business.php              [source] [20 lines]    Title: About Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-about-business Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A business about page with a hero section, a text section, a services section, a team section, a clients section, a FAQ section, and a CTA section.
Filepage-home-blogging.php               [source] [84 lines]    Title: Blogging home Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-home-blogging Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: page, starter Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A blogging home page with a hero section, a text section, a blog section, and a CTA section.
Filepage-home-business.php               [source] [19 lines]    Title: Business home Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-home-business Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A business home page with a hero section, a text section, a services section, a team section, a clients section, a FAQ section, and a CTA section.
Filepage-home-portfolio-gallery.php      [source] [15 lines]    Title: Portfolio home image gallery Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-home-gallery Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A portfolio home page that features a gallery.
Filepage-home-portfolio.php              [source] [15 lines]    Title: Portfolio home with post featured images Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-home-portfolio Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A portfolio home page with a description and a 4-column post section with only feature images.
Filepage-newsletter-landing.php          [source] [48 lines]    Title: Newsletter landing Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-newsletter-landing Categories: call-to-action, twentytwentyfour_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1100 Description: A block with a newsletter subscription CTA for a landing page.
Filepage-portfolio-overview.php          [source] [18 lines]    Title: Portfolio project overview Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-portfolio-overview Categories: twentytwentyfour_page, featured Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1400 Description: A full portfolio page with a section for project description, project details, a full screen image, and a gallery section with two images.
Filepage-rsvp-landing.php                [source] [57 lines]    Title: RSVP landing Slug: twentytwentyfour/page-rsvp-landing Categories: twentytwentyfour_page Keywords: starter Block Types: core/post-content Post Types: page, wp_template Viewport width: 1100 Description: A large RSVP heading sideways, a description, and a CTA button.
Fileposts-1-col.php                      [source] [44 lines]    Title: List of posts, 1 column Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-1-col Categories: query Block Types: core/query Description: A list of posts, 1 column.
Fileposts-3-col.php                      [source] [53 lines]    Title: List of posts, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-3-col Categories: query Block Types: core/query Description: A list of posts, 3 columns.
Fileposts-grid-2-col.php                 [source] [81 lines]    Title: Grid of posts featuring the first post, 2 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-grid-2-col Categories: query Block Types: core/query Description: A grid of posts featuring the first post, 2 columns.
Fileposts-images-only-3-col.php          [source] [36 lines]    Title: Posts with featured images only, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-images-only-3-col Categories: query Block Types: core/query Description: A list of posts with featured images only, 3 columns.
Fileposts-images-only-offset-4-col.php   [source] [84 lines]    Title: Offset posts with featured images only, 4 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-images-only-offset-4-col Categories: posts Description: A list of posts with featured images only, 4 columns.
Fileposts-list.php                       [source] [63 lines]    Title: List of posts without images, 1 column Slug: twentytwentyfour/posts-list Categories: query, posts Block Types: core/query Description: A list of posts without images, 1 column.
Fileteam-4-col.php                       [source] [130 lines]   Title: Team members, 4 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/team-4-col Categories: team, about Viewport width: 1400 Description: A team section, with a heading, a paragraph, and 4 columns for team members.
Filetemplate-archive-blogging.php        [source] [21 lines]    Title: Blogging archive template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-archive-blogging Template Types: archive, category, tag, author, date Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-archive-portfolio.php       [source] [23 lines]    Title: Portfolio archive template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-archive-portfolio Template Types: archive Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-blogging.php           [source] [21 lines]    Title: Blogging home template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-home-blogging Template Types: front-page, index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-business.php           [source] [19 lines]    Title: Business home template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-home-business Template Types: front-page, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-home-portfolio.php          [source] [22 lines]    Title: Portfolio home template with post featured images Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-home-portfolio Template Types: front-page, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-index-blogging.php          [source] [23 lines]    Title: Blogging index template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-index-blogging Template Types: index, home Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-index-portfolio.php         [source] [24 lines]    Title: Portfolio index template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-index-portfolio Template Types: index Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-search-blogging.php         [source] [26 lines]    Title: Blogging search template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-search-blogging Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-search-portfolio.php        [source] [27 lines]    Title: Portfolio search template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-search-portfolio Template Types: search Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetemplate-single-portfolio.php        [source] [36 lines]    Title: Portfolio single post template Slug: twentytwentyfour/template-single-portfolio Template Types: posts, single Viewport width: 1400 Inserter: no
Filetestimonial-centered.php             [source] [47 lines]    Title: Centered testimonial Slug: twentytwentyfour/testimonial-centered Keywords: quote, review, about Categories: testimonials, text Viewport width: 1300 Description: A centered testimonial section with an avatar, name, and job title.
Filetext-alternating-images.php          [source] [116 lines]   Title: Text with alternating images Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-alternating-images Categories: text, about Viewport width: 1400 Description: A text section, then a two-column section with text in one column and an image in the other.
Filetext-centered-statement-small.php    [source] [31 lines]    Title: Centered statement, small Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-centered-statement-small Categories: text, about Keywords: mission, introduction Viewport width: 1200 Description: A centered italic text statement with compact padding.
Filetext-centered-statement.php          [source] [30 lines]    Title: Centered statement Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-centered-statement Categories: text, about, featured Keywords: mission, introduction Viewport width: 1400 Description: A centered text statement with a large amount of padding on all sides.
Filetext-faq.php                         [source] [69 lines]    Title: FAQ Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-faq Categories: text, about, featured Keywords: faq, about, frequently asked Viewport width: 1400 Description: A FAQ section with a large FAQ heading and a group of questions and answers.
Filetext-feature-grid-3-col.php          [source] [119 lines]   Title: Feature grid, 3 columns Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-feature-grid-3-col Categories: text, about Viewport width: 1400 Description: A feature grid of 2 rows and 3 columns with headings and text.
Filetext-project-details.php             [source] [54 lines]    Title: Project details Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-project-details Categories: text, portfolio Viewport width: 1400 Description: A text-only section for project details.
Filetext-title-left-image-right.php      [source] [59 lines]    Title: Title text and button on left with image on right Slug: twentytwentyfour/text-title-left-image-right Categories: banner, about, featured Viewport width: 1400 Description: A title, a paragraph and a CTA button on the left with an image on the right.

Generated : Tue Jan 21 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref