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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)






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File404.php           [source] [27 lines]    The template for displaying 404 pages (not found)
Filearchive.php       [source] [38 lines]    The template for displaying archive pages
Filecomments.php      [source] [92 lines]    The template for displaying comments
Filefooter.php        [source] [81 lines]    The template for displaying the footer
Filefunctions.php     [source] [655 lines]   Functions and definitions
Fileheader.php        [source] [37 lines]    The header.
Fileimage.php         [source] [113 lines]   The template for displaying image attachments
Fileindex.php         [source] [45 lines]    The main template file
Filepackage-lock.json [source] [17978 lines] 
Filepackage.json      [source] [75 lines]    
Filepage.php          [source] [25 lines]    The template for displaying all single posts
Filepostcss.config.js [source] [15 lines]    
Filereadme.txt        [source] [169 lines]   
Filesearch.php        [source] [65 lines]    The template for displaying search results pages
Filesearchform.php    [source] [27 lines]    The searchform.php template.
Filesingle.php        [source] [50 lines]    The template for displaying all single posts
Filestyle-rtl.css     [source] [5882 lines]  SETTINGS File-header..........The file header for the themes style.css file. Fonts................Any font files, if the project needs specific fonts. Global...............Project-specific, globally available variables. TOOLS Functions............Global functions. Mixins...............Global mixins.
Filestyle.css         [source] [5918 lines]  SETTINGS File-header..........The file header for the themes style.css file. Fonts................Any font files, if the project needs specific fonts. Global...............Project-specific, globally available variables. TOOLS Functions............Global functions. Mixins...............Global mixins.

Generated : Sat Feb 1 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref