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/wp-includes/ -> category-template.php (summary)

Taxonomy API: Core category-specific template tags

File Size: 1555 lines (57 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 30 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

get_category_link( $category )   X-Ref
Retrieves category link URL.

param: int|object $category Category ID or object.
return: string Link on success, empty string if category does not exist.

get_category_parents( $category_id, $link = false, $separator = '/', $nicename = false, $deprecated = array()   X-Ref
Retrieves category parents with separator.

param: int    $category_id Category ID.
param: bool   $link        Optional. Whether to format with link. Default false.
param: string $separator   Optional. How to separate categories. Default '/'.
param: bool   $nicename    Optional. Whether to use nice name for display. Default false.
param: array  $deprecated  Not used.
return: string|WP_Error A list of category parents on success, WP_Error on failure.

get_the_category( $post_id = false )   X-Ref
Retrieves post categories.

This tag may be used outside The Loop by passing a post ID as the parameter.

Note: This function only returns results from the default "category" taxonomy.
For custom taxonomies use get_the_terms().

param: int $post_id Optional. The post ID. Defaults to current post ID.
return: WP_Term[] Array of WP_Term objects, one for each category assigned to the post.

get_the_category_by_ID( $cat_id )   X-Ref
Retrieves category name based on category ID.

param: int $cat_id Category ID.
return: string|WP_Error Category name on success, WP_Error on failure.

get_the_category_list( $separator = '', $parents = '', $post_id = false )   X-Ref
Retrieves category list for a post in either HTML list or custom format.

Generally used for quick, delimited (e.g. comma-separated) lists of categories,
as part of a post entry meta.

For a more powerful, list-based function, see wp_list_categories().

param: string $separator Optional. Separator between the categories. By default, the links are placed
param: string $parents   Optional. How to display the parents. Accepts 'multiple', 'single', or empty.
param: int    $post_id   Optional. ID of the post to retrieve categories for. Defaults to the current post.
return: string Category list for a post.

in_category( $category, $post = null )   X-Ref
Checks if the current post is within any of the given categories.

The given categories are checked against the post's categories' term_ids, names and slugs.
Categories given as integers will only be checked against the post's categories' term_ids.

Prior to v2.5 of WordPress, category names were not supported.
Prior to v2.7, category slugs were not supported.
Prior to v2.7, only one category could be compared: in_category( $single_category ).
Prior to v2.7, this function could only be used in the WordPress Loop.
As of 2.7, the function can be used anywhere if it is provided a post ID or post object.

For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out
the {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/conditional-tags/
Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook.

param: int|string|int[]|string[] $category Category ID, name, slug, or array of such
param: int|WP_Post               $post     Optional. Post to check. Defaults to the current post.
return: bool True if the current post is in any of the given categories.

the_category( $separator = '', $parents = '', $post_id = false )   X-Ref
Displays category list for a post in either HTML list or custom format.

param: string $separator Optional. Separator between the categories. By default, the links are placed
param: string $parents   Optional. How to display the parents. Accepts 'multiple', 'single', or empty.
param: int    $post_id   Optional. ID of the post to retrieve categories for. Defaults to the current post.

category_description( $category = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves category description.

param: int $category Optional. Category ID. Defaults to the current category ID.
return: string Category description, if available.

wp_dropdown_categories( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Displays or retrieves the HTML dropdown list of categories.

The 'hierarchical' argument, which is disabled by default, will override the
depth argument, unless it is true. When the argument is false, it will
display all of the categories. When it is enabled it will use the value in
the 'depth' argument.

param: array|string $args {
return: string HTML dropdown list of categories.

wp_list_categories( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Displays or retrieves the HTML list of categories.

param: array|string $args {
return: void|string|false Void if 'echo' argument is true, HTML list of categories if 'echo' is false.

wp_tag_cloud( $args = '' )   X-Ref
Displays a tag cloud.

Outputs a list of tags in what is called a 'tag cloud', where the size of each tag
is determined by how many times that particular tag has been assigned to posts.

param: array|string $args {
return: void|string|string[] Void if 'echo' argument is true, or on failure. Otherwise, tag cloud

default_topic_count_scale( $count )   X-Ref
Default topic count scaling for tag links.

param: int $count Number of posts with that tag.
return: int Scaled count.

wp_generate_tag_cloud( $tags, $args = '' )   X-Ref
Generates a tag cloud (heatmap) from provided data.

param: WP_Term[]    $tags Array of WP_Term objects to generate the tag cloud for.
param: string|array $args {
return: string|string[] Tag cloud as a string or an array, depending on 'format' argument.

_wp_object_name_sort_cb( $a, $b )   X-Ref
Serves as a callback for comparing objects based on name.

Used with `uasort()`.

param: object $a The first object to compare.
param: object $b The second object to compare.
return: int Negative number if `$a->name` is less than `$b->name`, zero if they are equal,

_wp_object_count_sort_cb( $a, $b )   X-Ref
Serves as a callback for comparing objects based on count.

Used with `uasort()`.

param: object $a The first object to compare.
param: object $b The second object to compare.
return: int Negative number if `$a->count` is less than `$b->count`, zero if they are equal,

walk_category_tree( ...$args )   X-Ref
Retrieves HTML list content for category list.

param: mixed ...$args Elements array, maximum hierarchical depth and optional additional arguments.
return: string

walk_category_dropdown_tree( ...$args )   X-Ref
Retrieves HTML dropdown (select) content for category list.

param: mixed ...$args Elements array, maximum hierarchical depth and optional additional arguments.
return: string

get_tag_link( $tag )   X-Ref
Retrieves the link to the tag.

param: int|object $tag Tag ID or object.
return: string Link on success, empty string if tag does not exist.

get_the_tags( $post = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves the tags for a post.

param: int|WP_Post $post Post ID or object.
return: WP_Term[]|false|WP_Error Array of WP_Term objects on success, false if there are no terms

get_the_tag_list( $before = '', $sep = '', $after = '', $post_id = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves the tags for a post formatted as a string.

param: string $before  Optional. String to use before the tags. Default empty.
param: string $sep     Optional. String to use between the tags. Default empty.
param: string $after   Optional. String to use after the tags. Default empty.
param: int    $post_id Optional. Post ID. Defaults to the current post ID.
return: string|false|WP_Error A list of tags on success, false if there are no terms,

the_tags( $before = null, $sep = ', ', $after = '' )   X-Ref
Displays the tags for a post.

param: string $before Optional. String to use before the tags. Defaults to 'Tags:'.
param: string $sep    Optional. String to use between the tags. Default ', '.
param: string $after  Optional. String to use after the tags. Default empty.

tag_description( $tag = 0 )   X-Ref
Retrieves tag description.

param: int $tag Optional. Tag ID. Defaults to the current tag ID.
return: string Tag description, if available.

term_description( $term = 0, $deprecated = null )   X-Ref
Retrieves term description.

param: int  $term       Optional. Term ID. Defaults to the current term ID.
param: null $deprecated Deprecated. Not used.
return: string Term description, if available.

get_the_terms( $post, $taxonomy )   X-Ref
Retrieves the terms of the taxonomy that are attached to the post.

param: int|WP_Post $post     Post ID or object.
param: string      $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
return: WP_Term[]|false|WP_Error Array of WP_Term objects on success, false if there are no terms

get_the_term_list( $post_id, $taxonomy, $before = '', $sep = '', $after = '' )   X-Ref
Retrieves a post's terms as a list with specified format.

Terms are linked to their respective term listing pages.

param: int    $post_id  Post ID.
param: string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
param: string $before   Optional. String to use before the terms. Default empty.
param: string $sep      Optional. String to use between the terms. Default empty.
param: string $after    Optional. String to use after the terms. Default empty.
return: string|false|WP_Error A list of terms on success, false if there are no terms,

get_term_parents_list( $term_id, $taxonomy, $args = array()   X-Ref
Retrieves term parents with separator.

param: int          $term_id  Term ID.
param: string       $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
param: string|array $args {
return: string|WP_Error A list of term parents on success, WP_Error or empty string on failure.

the_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, $before = '', $sep = ', ', $after = '' )   X-Ref
Displays the terms for a post in a list.

param: int    $post_id  Post ID.
param: string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
param: string $before   Optional. String to use before the terms. Default empty.
param: string $sep      Optional. String to use between the terms. Default ', '.
param: string $after    Optional. String to use after the terms. Default empty.
return: void|false Void on success, false on failure.

has_category( $category = '', $post = null )   X-Ref
Checks if the current post has any of given category.

The given categories are checked against the post's categories' term_ids, names and slugs.
Categories given as integers will only be checked against the post's categories' term_ids.

If no categories are given, determines if post has any categories.

param: string|int|array $category Optional. The category name/term_id/slug,
param: int|WP_Post      $post     Optional. Post to check. Defaults to the current post.
return: bool True if the current post has any of the given categories

has_tag( $tag = '', $post = null )   X-Ref
Checks if the current post has any of given tags.

The given tags are checked against the post's tags' term_ids, names and slugs.
Tags given as integers will only be checked against the post's tags' term_ids.

If no tags are given, determines if post has any tags.

For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out
the {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/conditional-tags/
Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook.

param: string|int|array $tag  Optional. The tag name/term_id/slug,
param: int|WP_Post      $post Optional. Post to check. Defaults to the current post.
return: bool True if the current post has any of the given tags

has_term( $term = '', $taxonomy = '', $post = null )   X-Ref
Checks if the current post has any of given terms.

The given terms are checked against the post's terms' term_ids, names and slugs.
Terms given as integers will only be checked against the post's terms' term_ids.

If no terms are given, determines if post has any terms.

param: string|int|array $term     Optional. The term name/term_id/slug,
param: string           $taxonomy Optional. Taxonomy name. Default empty.
param: int|WP_Post      $post     Optional. Post to check. Defaults to the current post.
return: bool True if the current post has any of the given terms

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref