| Up one level
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 | widgets/
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 | admin-bar.php [source] [1396 lines] | Toolbar API: Top-level Toolbar functionality |
 | atomlib.php [source] [400 lines] | Atom Syndication Format PHP Library |
 | author-template.php [source] [630 lines] | Author Template functions for use in themes. These functions must be used within the WordPress Loop. |
 | block-bindings.php [source] [131 lines] | Block Bindings API Contains functions for managing block bindings in WordPress. |
 | block-editor.php [source] [858 lines] | Block Editor API. |
 | block-i18n.json [source] [17 lines] | |
 | block-patterns.php [source] [413 lines] | Register the block patterns and block patterns categories |
 | block-template-utils.php [source] [1762 lines] | Utilities used to fetch and create templates and template parts. |
 | block-template.php [source] [426 lines] | Block template loader functions. |
 | blocks.php [source] [2988 lines] | Functions related to registering and parsing blocks. |
 | bookmark-template.php [source] [336 lines] | Bookmark Template Functions for usage in Themes. |
 | bookmark.php [source] [471 lines] | Link/Bookmark API |
 | cache-compat.php [source] [201 lines] | Object Cache API functions missing from 3rd party object caches. |
 | cache.php [source] [415 lines] | Object Cache API |
 | canonical.php [source] [1061 lines] | Canonical API to handle WordPress Redirecting Based on "Permalink Redirect" from Scott Yang and "Enforce www. Preference" by Mark Jaquith |
 | capabilities.php [source] [1354 lines] | Core User Role & Capabilities API |
 | category-template.php [source] [1555 lines] | Taxonomy API: Core category-specific template tags |
 | category.php [source] [394 lines] | Taxonomy API: Core category-specific functionality |
 | class-IXR.php [source] [65 lines] | IXR - The Incutio XML-RPC Library |
 | class-avif-info.php [source] [781 lines] | Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. |
 | class-feed.php [source] [19 lines] | Feed API |
 | class-http.php [source] [14 lines] | Core class used for managing HTTP transports and making HTTP requests. |
 | class-json.php [source] [1045 lines] | Converts to and from JSON format. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. This feature can also be found in Python. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, TCL, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language. |
 | class-oembed.php [source] [15 lines] | API for fetching the HTML to embed remote content based on a provided URL. |
 | class-phpass.php [source] [264 lines] | Portable PHP password hashing framework. |
 | class-phpmailer.php [source] [19 lines] | The PHPMailer class has been moved to the wp-includes/PHPMailer subdirectory and now uses the PHPMailer\PHPMailer namespace. |
 | class-pop3.php [source] [666 lines] | |
 | class-requests.php [source] [78 lines] | Requests for PHP Inspired by Requests for Python. |
 | class-simplepie.php [source] [20 lines] | |
 | class-smtp.php [source] [15 lines] | The SMTP class has been moved to the wp-includes/PHPMailer subdirectory and now uses the PHPMailer\PHPMailer namespace. |
 | class-snoopy.php [source] [1259 lines] | Deprecated. Use WP_HTTP (http.php) instead. |
 | class-walker-category-dropdown.php [source] [87 lines] | Taxonomy API: Walker_CategoryDropdown class |
 | class-walker-category.php [source] [278 lines] | Taxonomy API: Walker_Category class |
 | class-walker-comment.php [source] [491 lines] | Comment API: Walker_Comment class |
 | class-walker-nav-menu.php [source] [366 lines] | Nav Menu API: Walker_Nav_Menu class |
 | class-walker-page-dropdown.php [source] [97 lines] | Post API: Walker_PageDropdown class |
 | class-walker-page.php [source] [245 lines] | Post API: Walker_Page class |
 | class-wp-admin-bar.php [source] [680 lines] | Toolbar API: WP_Admin_Bar class |
 | class-wp-ajax-response.php [source] [165 lines] | |
 | class-wp-application-passwords.php [source] [507 lines] | WP_Application_Passwords class |
 | class-wp-block-bindings-registry.php [source] [294 lines] | Block Bindings API: WP_Block_Bindings_Registry class. Supports overriding content in blocks by connecting them to different sources. |
 | class-wp-block-bindings-source.php [source] [109 lines] | Block Bindings API: WP_Block_Bindings_Source class. |
 | class-wp-block-editor-context.php [source] [58 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Editor_Context class |
 | class-wp-block-list.php [source] [214 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_List class |
 | class-wp-block-metadata-registry.php [source] [358 lines] | Block Metadata Registry |
 | class-wp-block-parser-block.php [source] [90 lines] | Block Serialization Parser |
 | class-wp-block-parser-frame.php [source] [79 lines] | Block Serialization Parser |
 | class-wp-block-parser.php [source] [404 lines] | Block Serialization Parser |
 | class-wp-block-pattern-categories-registry.php [source] [191 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Pattern_Categories_Registry class |
 | class-wp-block-patterns-registry.php [source] [305 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Patterns_Registry class |
 | class-wp-block-styles-registry.php [source] [208 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Styles_Registry class |
 | class-wp-block-supports.php [source] [220 lines] | Block support flags. |
 | class-wp-block-template.php [source] [165 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Template class |
 | class-wp-block-templates-registry.php [source] [256 lines] | Templates registry functions. |
 | class-wp-block-type-registry.php [source] [201 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Type_Registry class |
 | class-wp-block-type.php [source] [637 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block_Type class |
 | class-wp-block.php [source] [663 lines] | Blocks API: WP_Block class |
 | class-wp-classic-to-block-menu-converter.php [source] [132 lines] | WP_Classic_To_Block_Menu_Converter class |
 | class-wp-comment-query.php [source] [1248 lines] | Comment API: WP_Comment_Query class |
 | class-wp-comment.php [source] [382 lines] | Comment API: WP_Comment class |
 | class-wp-customize-control.php [source] [813 lines] | WordPress Customize Control classes |
 | class-wp-customize-manager.php [source] [6163 lines] | WordPress Customize Manager classes |
 | class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php [source] [1601 lines] | WordPress Customize Nav Menus classes |
 | class-wp-customize-panel.php [source] [412 lines] | WordPress Customize Panel classes |
 | class-wp-customize-section.php [source] [414 lines] | WordPress Customize Section classes |
 | class-wp-customize-setting.php [source] [989 lines] | WordPress Customize Setting classes |
 | class-wp-customize-widgets.php [source] [2250 lines] | WordPress Customize Widgets classes |
 | class-wp-date-query.php [source] [1069 lines] | |
 | class-wp-dependencies.php [source] [531 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Dependencies base class |
 | class-wp-dependency.php [source] [139 lines] | Dependencies API: _WP_Dependency class |
 | class-wp-duotone.php [source] [1342 lines] | WP_Duotone class Parts of this source were derived and modified from colord, released under the MIT license. |
 | class-wp-editor.php [source] [1949 lines] | Facilitates adding of the WordPress editor as used on the Write and Edit screens. |
 | class-wp-embed.php [source] [536 lines] | |
 | class-wp-error.php [source] [316 lines] | WordPress Error API. |
 | class-wp-exception.php [source] [16 lines] | WP_Exception class |
 | class-wp-fatal-error-handler.php [source] [247 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Fatal_Error_Handler class |
 | class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php [source] [137 lines] | Feed API: WP_Feed_Cache_Transient class |
 | class-wp-feed-cache.php [source] [39 lines] | Feed API: WP_Feed_Cache class |
 | class-wp-hook.php [source] [584 lines] | Plugin API: WP_Hook class |
 | class-wp-http-cookie.php [source] [277 lines] | HTTP API: WP_Http_Cookie class |
 | class-wp-http-curl.php [source] [417 lines] | HTTP API: WP_Http_Curl class |
 | class-wp-http-encoding.php [source] [234 lines] | HTTP API: WP_Http_Encoding class |
 | class-wp-http-ixr-client.php [source] [127 lines] | |
 | class-wp-http-proxy.php [source] [227 lines] | HTTP API: WP_HTTP_Proxy class |
 | class-wp-http-requests-hooks.php [source] [79 lines] | HTTP API: Requests hook bridge class |
 | class-wp-http-requests-response.php [source] [197 lines] | HTTP API: WP_HTTP_Requests_Response class |
 | class-wp-http-response.php [source] [154 lines] | HTTP API: WP_HTTP_Response class |
 | class-wp-http-streams.php [source] [536 lines] | HTTP API: WP_Http_Streams class |
 | class-wp-http.php [source] [1126 lines] | HTTP API: WP_Http class |
 | class-wp-image-editor-gd.php [source] [665 lines] | WordPress GD Image Editor |
 | class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php [source] [1134 lines] | WordPress Imagick Image Editor |
 | class-wp-image-editor.php [source] [650 lines] | Base WordPress Image Editor |
 | class-wp-list-util.php [source] [294 lines] | WordPress List utility class |
 | class-wp-locale-switcher.php [source] [302 lines] | Locale API: WP_Locale_Switcher class |
 | class-wp-locale.php [source] [463 lines] | Locale API: WP_Locale class |
 | class-wp-matchesmapregex.php [source] [90 lines] | WP_MatchesMapRegex helper class |
 | class-wp-meta-query.php [source] [890 lines] | Meta API: WP_Meta_Query class |
 | class-wp-metadata-lazyloader.php [source] [200 lines] | Meta API: WP_Metadata_Lazyloader class |
 | class-wp-navigation-fallback.php [source] [303 lines] | WP_Navigation_Fallback class Manages fallback behavior for Navigation menus. |
 | class-wp-network-query.php [source] [613 lines] | Network API: WP_Network_Query class |
 | class-wp-network.php [source] [476 lines] | Network API: WP_Network class |
 | class-wp-object-cache.php [source] [475 lines] | Object Cache API: WP_Object_Cache class |
 | class-wp-oembed-controller.php [source] [246 lines] | WP_oEmbed_Controller class, used to provide an oEmbed endpoint. |
 | class-wp-oembed.php [source] [788 lines] | API for fetching the HTML to embed remote content based on a provided URL Used internally by the WP_Embed class, but is designed to be generic. |
 | class-wp-paused-extensions-storage.php [source] [226 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Paused_Extensions_Storage class |
 | class-wp-phpmailer.php [source] [93 lines] | WordPress PHPMailer class. |
 | class-wp-plugin-dependencies.php [source] [878 lines] | WordPress Plugin Administration API: WP_Plugin_Dependencies class |
 | class-wp-post-type.php [source] [1042 lines] | Post API: WP_Post_Type class |
 | class-wp-post.php [source] [388 lines] | Post API: WP_Post class |
 | class-wp-query.php [source] [5099 lines] | Query API: WP_Query class |
 | class-wp-recovery-mode-cookie-service.php [source] [247 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Cookie_Service class |
 | class-wp-recovery-mode-email-service.php [source] [380 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Email_Link class |
 | class-wp-recovery-mode-key-service.php [source] [193 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Key_Service class |
 | class-wp-recovery-mode-link-service.php [source] [130 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode_Link_Handler class |
 | class-wp-recovery-mode.php [source] [471 lines] | Error Protection API: WP_Recovery_Mode class |
 | class-wp-rewrite.php [source] [2025 lines] | Rewrite API: WP_Rewrite class |
 | class-wp-role.php [source] [103 lines] | User API: WP_Role class |
 | class-wp-roles.php [source] [374 lines] | User API: WP_Roles class |
 | class-wp-script-modules.php [source] [506 lines] | Script Modules API: WP_Script_Modules class. Native support for ES Modules and Import Maps. |
 | class-wp-scripts.php [source] [1013 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Scripts class |
 | class-wp-session-tokens.php [source] [290 lines] | Session API: WP_Session_Tokens class |
 | class-wp-simplepie-file.php [source] [108 lines] | Feed API: WP_SimplePie_File class |
 | class-wp-simplepie-sanitize-kses.php [source] [61 lines] | Feed API: WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES class |
 | class-wp-site-query.php [source] [882 lines] | Site API: WP_Site_Query class |
 | class-wp-site.php [source] [353 lines] | Site API: WP_Site class |
 | class-wp-speculation-rules.php [source] [293 lines] | Class 'WP_Speculation_Rules'. |
 | class-wp-styles.php [source] [464 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Styles class |
 | class-wp-tax-query.php [source] [659 lines] | Taxonomy API: WP_Tax_Query class |
 | class-wp-taxonomy.php [source] [661 lines] | Taxonomy API: WP_Taxonomy class |
 | class-wp-term-query.php [source] [1178 lines] | Taxonomy API: WP_Term_Query class. |
 | class-wp-term.php [source] [245 lines] | Taxonomy API: WP_Term class |
 | class-wp-text-diff-renderer-inline.php [source] [33 lines] | Diff API: WP_Text_Diff_Renderer_inline class |
 | class-wp-text-diff-renderer-table.php [source] [628 lines] | Diff API: WP_Text_Diff_Renderer_Table class |
 | class-wp-textdomain-registry.php [source] [359 lines] | Locale API: WP_Textdomain_Registry class. This file uses rtrim() instead of untrailingslashit() and trailingslashit() to avoid formatting.php dependency. |
 | class-wp-theme-json-data.php [source] [83 lines] | WP_Theme_JSON_Data class |
 | class-wp-theme-json-resolver.php [source] [1025 lines] | WP_Theme_JSON_Resolver class |
 | class-wp-theme-json-schema.php [source] [229 lines] | WP_Theme_JSON_Schema class |
 | class-wp-theme-json.php [source] [4613 lines] | WP_Theme_JSON class |
 | class-wp-theme.php [source] [2160 lines] | WP_Theme Class |
 | class-wp-token-map.php [source] [820 lines] | Class for efficiently looking up and mapping string keys to string values, with limits. |
 | class-wp-url-pattern-prefixer.php [source] [135 lines] | Class 'WP_URL_Pattern_Prefixer'. |
 | class-wp-user-meta-session-tokens.php [source] [133 lines] | Session API: WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens class |
 | class-wp-user-query.php [source] [1219 lines] | User API: WP_User_Query class |
 | class-wp-user-request.php [source] [121 lines] | WP_User_Request class. Represents user request data loaded from a WP_Post object. |
 | class-wp-user.php [source] [914 lines] | User API: WP_User class |
 | class-wp-walker.php [source] [456 lines] | |
 | class-wp-widget-factory.php [source] [141 lines] | Widget API: WP_Widget_Factory class |
 | class-wp-widget.php [source] [641 lines] | Widget API: WP_Widget base class |
 | class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php [source] [7226 lines] | XML-RPC protocol support for WordPress. |
 | class-wp.php [source] [837 lines] | |
 | class-wpdb.php [source] [4138 lines] | WordPress database access abstraction class. Original code from {@link http://php.justinvincent.com Justin Vincent (justin@visunet.ie)} |
 | class.wp-dependencies.php [source] [14 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Dependencies base class |
 | class.wp-scripts.php [source] [14 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Scripts class |
 | class.wp-styles.php [source] [14 lines] | Dependencies API: WP_Styles class |
 | comment-template.php [source] [2911 lines] | Comment template functions These functions are meant to live inside of the WordPress loop. |
 | comment.php [source] [4082 lines] | Core Comment API |
 | compat.php [source] [545 lines] | WordPress implementation for PHP functions either missing from older PHP versions or not included by default. |
 | cron.php [source] [1306 lines] | WordPress Cron API |
 | date.php [source] [14 lines] | Class for generating SQL clauses that filter a primary query according to date. |
 | default-constants.php [source] [439 lines] | Defines constants and global variables that can be overridden, generally in wp-config.php. |
 | default-filters.php [source] [788 lines] | Sets up the default filters and actions for most of the WordPress hooks. This file is loaded very early in the bootstrap which means many functions are not yet available and site information such as if this is multisite is unknown. Before using functions besides `add_filter` and `add_action`, verify things will work as expected. |
 | default-widgets.php [source] [73 lines] | Widget API: Default core widgets |
 | deprecated.php [source] [6424 lines] | Deprecated functions from past WordPress versions. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version. |
 | embed-template.php [source] [13 lines] | Back-compat placeholder for the base embed template |
 | embed.php [source] [1263 lines] | oEmbed API: Top-level oEmbed functionality |
 | error-protection.php [source] [157 lines] | Error Protection API: Functions |
 | feed-atom-comments.php [source] [147 lines] | Atom Feed Template for displaying Atom Comments feed. |
 | feed-atom.php [source] [106 lines] | Atom Feed Template for displaying Atom Posts feed. |
 | feed-rdf.php [source] [99 lines] | RSS 1 RDF Feed Template for displaying RSS 1 Posts feed. |
 | feed-rss.php [source] [48 lines] | RSS 0.92 Feed Template for displaying RSS 0.92 Posts feed. |
 | feed-rss2-comments.php [source] [124 lines] | RSS2 Feed Template for displaying RSS2 Comments feed. |
 | feed-rss2.php [source] [130 lines] | RSS2 Feed Template for displaying RSS2 Posts feed. |
 | feed.php [source] [852 lines] | WordPress Feed API Many of the functions used in here belong in The Loop, or The Loop for the Feeds. |
 | fonts.php [source] [293 lines] | Fonts functions. |
 | formatting.php [source] [6256 lines] | Main WordPress Formatting API. Handles many functions for formatting output. |
 | functions.php [source] [9176 lines] | Main WordPress API |
 | functions.wp-scripts.php [source] [441 lines] | Dependencies API: Scripts functions |
 | functions.wp-styles.php [source] [245 lines] | Dependencies API: Styles functions |
 | general-template.php [source] [5390 lines] | General template tags that can go anywhere in a template. |
 | global-styles-and-settings.php [source] [607 lines] | APIs to interact with global settings & styles. |
 | http.php [source] [802 lines] | Core HTTP Request API Standardizes the HTTP requests for WordPress. Handles cookies, gzip encoding and decoding, chunk decoding, if HTTP 1.1 and various other difficult HTTP protocol implementations. |
 | https-detection.php [source] [189 lines] | HTTPS detection functions. |
 | https-migration.php [source] [142 lines] | HTTPS migration functions. |
 | kses.php [source] [2782 lines] | kses 0.2.2 - HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Ulf Harnhammar This program is free software and open source software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
 | l10n.php [source] [2011 lines] | Core Translation API |
 | link-template.php [source] [4853 lines] | WordPress Link Template Functions |
 | load.php [source] [2043 lines] | These functions are needed to load WordPress. |
 | locale.php [source] [11 lines] | Locale API |
 | media-template.php [source] [1585 lines] | WordPress media templates. |
 | media.php [source] [6319 lines] | WordPress API for media display. |
 | meta.php [source] [1835 lines] | Core Metadata API Functions for retrieving and manipulating metadata of various WordPress object types. Metadata for an object is a represented by a simple key-value pair. Objects may contain multiple metadata entries that share the same key and differ only in their value. |
 | ms-blogs.php [source] [972 lines] | Site/blog functions that work with the blogs table and related data. |
 | ms-default-constants.php [source] [183 lines] | Defines constants and global variables that can be overridden, generally in wp-config.php. |
 | ms-default-filters.php [source] [133 lines] | Sets up the default filters and actions for Multisite. |
 | ms-deprecated.php [source] [751 lines] | Deprecated functions from WordPress MU and the multisite feature. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version. |
 | ms-files.php [source] [95 lines] | Multisite upload handler. |
 | ms-functions.php [source] [2956 lines] | Multisite WordPress API |
 | ms-load.php [source] [573 lines] | These functions are needed to load Multisite. |
 | ms-network.php [source] [141 lines] | Network API |
 | ms-settings.php [source] [128 lines] | Used to set up and fix common variables and include the Multisite procedural and class library. Allows for some configuration in wp-config.php (see ms-default-constants.php) |
 | ms-site.php [source] [1335 lines] | Site API |
 | nav-menu-template.php [source] [701 lines] | Nav Menu API: Template functions |
 | nav-menu.php [source] [1349 lines] | Navigation Menu functions |
 | option.php [source] [3240 lines] | Option API |
 | pluggable-deprecated.php [source] [221 lines] | Deprecated pluggable functions from past WordPress versions. You shouldn't use these functions and look for the alternatives instead. The functions will be removed in a later version. Deprecated warnings are also thrown if one of these functions is being defined by a plugin. |
 | pluggable.php [source] [3342 lines] | These functions can be replaced via plugins. If plugins do not redefine these functions, then these will be used instead. |
 | plugin.php [source] [1008 lines] | The plugin API is located in this file, which allows for creating actions and filters and hooking functions, and methods. The functions or methods will then be run when the action or filter is called. The API callback examples reference functions, but can be methods of classes. To hook methods, you'll need to pass an array one of two ways. |
 | post-formats.php [source] [267 lines] | Post format functions. |
 | post-template.php [source] [2084 lines] | WordPress Post Template Functions. Gets content for the current post in the loop. |
 | post-thumbnail-template.php [source] [329 lines] | WordPress Post Thumbnail Template Functions. Support for post thumbnails. Theme's functions.php must call add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ) to use these. |
 | post.php [source] [8531 lines] | Core Post API |
 | query.php [source] [1257 lines] | WordPress Query API The query API attempts to get which part of WordPress the user is on. It also provides functionality for getting URL query information. |
 | registration-functions.php [source] [9 lines] | Deprecated. No longer needed. |
 | registration.php [source] [9 lines] | Deprecated. No longer needed. |
 | rest-api.php [source] [3481 lines] | REST API functions. |
 | revision.php [source] [1125 lines] | Post revision functions. |
 | rewrite.php [source] [662 lines] | WordPress Rewrite API |
 | robots-template.php [source] [193 lines] | Robots template functions. |
 | rss-functions.php [source] [14 lines] | Deprecated. Use rss.php instead. |
 | rss.php [source] [950 lines] | MagpieRSS: a simple RSS integration tool A compiled file for RSS syndication |
 | script-loader.php [source] [3457 lines] | WordPress scripts and styles default loader. Several constants are used to manage the loading, concatenating and compression of scripts and CSS: define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); loads the development (non-minified) versions of all scripts and CSS, and disables compression and concatenation, define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression and concatenation of scripts and CSS, define('COMPRESS_SCRIPTS', false); disables compression of scripts, define('COMPRESS_CSS', false); disables compression of CSS, define('ENFORCE_GZIP', true); forces gzip for compression (default is deflate). |
 | script-modules.php [source] [175 lines] | Script Modules API: Script Module functions |
 | session.php [source] [12 lines] | Session API |
 | shortcodes.php [source] [764 lines] | WordPress API for creating bbcode-like tags or what WordPress calls "shortcodes". The tag and attribute parsing or regular expression code is based on the Textpattern tag parser. A few examples are below: |
 | sitemaps.php [source] [129 lines] | Sitemaps: Public functions This file contains a variety of public functions developers can use to interact with the XML Sitemaps API. |
 | speculative-loading.php [source] [254 lines] | Speculative loading functions. |
 | spl-autoload-compat.php [source] [14 lines] | Polyfill for SPL autoload feature. This file is separate to prevent compiler notices on the deprecated __autoload() function. |
 | style-engine.php [source] [193 lines] | Style engine: Public functions This file contains a variety of public functions developers can use to interact with the Style Engine API. |
 | taxonomy.php [source] [5131 lines] | Core Taxonomy API |
 | template-canvas.php [source] [27 lines] | Template canvas file to render the current 'wp_template'. |
 | template-loader.php [source] [114 lines] | Loads the correct template based on the visitor's url |
 | template.php [source] [825 lines] | Template loading functions. |
 | theme-i18n.json [source] [113 lines] | |
 | theme-previews.php [source] [93 lines] | Theme previews using the Site Editor for block themes. |
 | theme-templates.php [source] [230 lines] | |
 | theme.json [source] [404 lines] | |
 | theme.php [source] [4418 lines] | Theme, template, and stylesheet functions. |
 | update.php [source] [1183 lines] | A simple set of functions to check the WordPress.org Version Update service. |
 | user.php [source] [5191 lines] | Core User API |
 | vars.php [source] [190 lines] | Creates common globals for the rest of WordPress Sets $pagenow global which is the filename of the current screen. Checks for the browser to set which one is currently being used. |
 | version.php [source] [57 lines] | WordPress Version Contains version information for the current WordPress release. |
 | widgets.php [source] [2154 lines] | Core Widgets API This API is used for creating dynamic sidebar without hardcoding functionality into themes. |
 | wp-db.php [source] [17 lines] | WordPress database access abstraction class. |
 | wp-diff.php [source] [28 lines] | WordPress Diff bastard child of old MediaWiki Diff Formatter. |