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/wp-includes/ -> class-wp-http.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * HTTP API: WP_Http class
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage HTTP
   7   * @since 2.7.0
   8   */
  10  // Don't load directly.
  11  if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
  12      die( '-1' );
  13  }
  15  if ( ! class_exists( 'WpOrg\Requests\Autoload' ) ) {
  16      require  ABSPATH . WPINC . '/Requests/src/Autoload.php';
  18      WpOrg\Requests\Autoload::register();
  19      WpOrg\Requests\Requests::set_certificate_path( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt' );
  20  }
  22  /**
  23   * Core class used for managing HTTP transports and making HTTP requests.
  24   *
  25   * This class is used to consistently make outgoing HTTP requests easy for developers
  26   * while still being compatible with the many PHP configurations under which
  27   * WordPress runs.
  28   *
  29   * Debugging includes several actions, which pass different variables for debugging the HTTP API.
  30   *
  31   * @since 2.7.0
  32   */
  33  #[AllowDynamicProperties]
  34  class WP_Http {
  36      // Aliases for HTTP response codes.
  37      const HTTP_CONTINUE       = 100;
  38      const SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101;
  39      const PROCESSING          = 102;
  40      const EARLY_HINTS         = 103;
  42      const OK                            = 200;
  43      const CREATED                       = 201;
  44      const ACCEPTED                      = 202;
  46      const NO_CONTENT                    = 204;
  47      const RESET_CONTENT                 = 205;
  48      const PARTIAL_CONTENT               = 206;
  49      const MULTI_STATUS                  = 207;
  50      const IM_USED                       = 226;
  52      const MULTIPLE_CHOICES   = 300;
  53      const MOVED_PERMANENTLY  = 301;
  54      const FOUND              = 302;
  55      const SEE_OTHER          = 303;
  56      const NOT_MODIFIED       = 304;
  57      const USE_PROXY          = 305;
  58      const RESERVED           = 306;
  59      const TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307;
  60      const PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 308;
  62      const BAD_REQUEST                     = 400;
  63      const UNAUTHORIZED                    = 401;
  64      const PAYMENT_REQUIRED                = 402;
  65      const FORBIDDEN                       = 403;
  66      const NOT_FOUND                       = 404;
  67      const METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED              = 405;
  68      const NOT_ACCEPTABLE                  = 406;
  69      const PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED   = 407;
  70      const REQUEST_TIMEOUT                 = 408;
  71      const CONFLICT                        = 409;
  72      const GONE                            = 410;
  73      const LENGTH_REQUIRED                 = 411;
  74      const PRECONDITION_FAILED             = 412;
  75      const REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE        = 413;
  76      const REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG            = 414;
  77      const UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE          = 415;
  79      const EXPECTATION_FAILED              = 417;
  80      const IM_A_TEAPOT                     = 418;
  81      const MISDIRECTED_REQUEST             = 421;
  82      const UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY            = 422;
  83      const LOCKED                          = 423;
  84      const FAILED_DEPENDENCY               = 424;
  85      const TOO_EARLY                       = 425;
  86      const UPGRADE_REQUIRED                = 426;
  87      const PRECONDITION_REQUIRED           = 428;
  88      const TOO_MANY_REQUESTS               = 429;
  89      const REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431;
  90      const UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS   = 451;
  92      const INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR           = 500;
  93      const NOT_IMPLEMENTED                 = 501;
  94      const BAD_GATEWAY                     = 502;
  95      const SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE             = 503;
  96      const GATEWAY_TIMEOUT                 = 504;
  97      const HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED      = 505;
  98      const VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES         = 506;
  99      const INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE            = 507;
 100      const NOT_EXTENDED                    = 510;
 103      /**
 104       * Send an HTTP request to a URI.
 105       *
 106       * Please note: The only URI that are supported in the HTTP Transport implementation
 107       * are the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
 108       *
 109       * @since 2.7.0
 110       *
 111       * @param string       $url  The request URL.
 112       * @param string|array $args {
 113       *     Optional. Array or string of HTTP request arguments.
 114       *
 115       *     @type string       $method              Request method. Accepts 'GET', 'POST', 'HEAD', 'PUT', 'DELETE',
 116       *                                             'TRACE', 'OPTIONS', or 'PATCH'.
 117       *                                             Some transports technically allow others, but should not be
 118       *                                             assumed. Default 'GET'.
 119       *     @type float        $timeout             How long the connection should stay open in seconds. Default 5.
 120       *     @type int          $redirection         Number of allowed redirects. Not supported by all transports.
 121       *                                             Default 5.
 122       *     @type string       $httpversion         Version of the HTTP protocol to use. Accepts '1.0' and '1.1'.
 123       *                                             Default '1.0'.
 124       *     @type string       $user-agent          User-agent value sent.
 125       *                                             Default 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ).
 126       *     @type bool         $reject_unsafe_urls  Whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url().
 127       *                                             Default false.
 128       *     @type bool         $blocking            Whether the calling code requires the result of the request.
 129       *                                             If set to false, the request will be sent to the remote server,
 130       *                                             and processing returned to the calling code immediately, the caller
 131       *                                             will know if the request succeeded or failed, but will not receive
 132       *                                             any response from the remote server. Default true.
 133       *     @type string|array $headers             Array or string of headers to send with the request.
 134       *                                             Default empty array.
 135       *     @type array        $cookies             List of cookies to send with the request. Default empty array.
 136       *     @type string|array $body                Body to send with the request. Default null.
 137       *     @type bool         $compress            Whether to compress the $body when sending the request.
 138       *                                             Default false.
 139       *     @type bool         $decompress          Whether to decompress a compressed response. If set to false and
 140       *                                             compressed content is returned in the response anyway, it will
 141       *                                             need to be separately decompressed. Default true.
 142       *     @type bool         $sslverify           Whether to verify SSL for the request. Default true.
 143       *     @type string       $sslcertificates     Absolute path to an SSL certificate .crt file.
 144       *                                             Default ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt'.
 145       *     @type bool         $stream              Whether to stream to a file. If set to true and no filename was
 146       *                                             given, it will be dropped it in the WP temp dir and its name will
 147       *                                             be set using the basename of the URL. Default false.
 148       *     @type string       $filename            Filename of the file to write to when streaming. $stream must be
 149       *                                             set to true. Default null.
 150       *     @type int          $limit_response_size Size in bytes to limit the response to. Default null.
 151       *
 152       * }
 153       * @return array|WP_Error {
 154       *     Array of response data, or a WP_Error instance upon error.
 155       *
 156       *     @type \WpOrg\Requests\Utility\CaseInsensitiveDictionary $headers       Response headers keyed by name.
 157       *     @type string                                            $body          Response body.
 158       *     @type array                                             $response      {
 159       *         Array of HTTP response data.
 160       *
 161       *         @type int|false    $code    HTTP response status code.
 162       *         @type string|false $message HTTP response message.
 163       *     }
 164       *     @type WP_HTTP_Cookie[]                                  $cookies       Array of cookies set by the server.
 165       *     @type string|null                                       $filename      Optional. Filename of the response.
 166       *     @type WP_HTTP_Requests_Response|null                    $http_response Response object.
 167       * }
 168       */
 169  	public function request( $url, $args = array() ) {
 170          $defaults = array(
 171              'method'              => 'GET',
 172              /**
 173               * Filters the timeout value for an HTTP request.
 174               *
 175               * @since 2.7.0
 176               * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 177               *
 178               * @param float  $timeout_value Time in seconds until a request times out. Default 5.
 179               * @param string $url           The request URL.
 180               */
 181              'timeout'             => apply_filters( 'http_request_timeout', 5, $url ),
 182              /**
 183               * Filters the number of redirects allowed during an HTTP request.
 184               *
 185               * @since 2.7.0
 186               * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 187               *
 188               * @param int    $redirect_count Number of redirects allowed. Default 5.
 189               * @param string $url            The request URL.
 190               */
 191              'redirection'         => apply_filters( 'http_request_redirection_count', 5, $url ),
 192              /**
 193               * Filters the version of the HTTP protocol used in a request.
 194               *
 195               * @since 2.7.0
 196               * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 197               *
 198               * @param string $version Version of HTTP used. Accepts '1.0' and '1.1'. Default '1.0'.
 199               * @param string $url     The request URL.
 200               */
 201              'httpversion'         => apply_filters( 'http_request_version', '1.0', $url ),
 202              /**
 203               * Filters the user agent value sent with an HTTP request.
 204               *
 205               * @since 2.7.0
 206               * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 207               *
 208               * @param string $user_agent WordPress user agent string.
 209               * @param string $url        The request URL.
 210               */
 211              'user-agent'          => apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo( 'version' ) . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ), $url ),
 212              /**
 213               * Filters whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url() in an HTTP request.
 214               *
 215               * @since 3.6.0
 216               * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 217               *
 218               * @param bool   $pass_url Whether to pass URLs through wp_http_validate_url(). Default false.
 219               * @param string $url      The request URL.
 220               */
 221              'reject_unsafe_urls'  => apply_filters( 'http_request_reject_unsafe_urls', false, $url ),
 222              'blocking'            => true,
 223              'headers'             => array(),
 224              'cookies'             => array(),
 225              'body'                => null,
 226              'compress'            => false,
 227              'decompress'          => true,
 228              'sslverify'           => true,
 229              'sslcertificates'     => ABSPATH . WPINC . '/certificates/ca-bundle.crt',
 230              'stream'              => false,
 231              'filename'            => null,
 232              'limit_response_size' => null,
 233          );
 235          // Pre-parse for the HEAD checks.
 236          $args = wp_parse_args( $args );
 238          // By default, HEAD requests do not cause redirections.
 239          if ( isset( $args['method'] ) && 'HEAD' === $args['method'] ) {
 240              $defaults['redirection'] = 0;
 241          }
 243          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 244          /**
 245           * Filters the arguments used in an HTTP request.
 246           *
 247           * @since 2.7.0
 248           *
 249           * @param array  $parsed_args An array of HTTP request arguments.
 250           * @param string $url         The request URL.
 251           */
 252          $parsed_args = apply_filters( 'http_request_args', $parsed_args, $url );
 254          // The transports decrement this, store a copy of the original value for loop purposes.
 255          if ( ! isset( $parsed_args['_redirection'] ) ) {
 256              $parsed_args['_redirection'] = $parsed_args['redirection'];
 257          }
 259          /**
 260           * Filters the preemptive return value of an HTTP request.
 261           *
 262           * Returning a non-false value from the filter will short-circuit the HTTP request and return
 263           * early with that value. A filter should return one of:
 264           *
 265           *  - An array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', and 'filename' elements
 266           *  - A WP_Error instance
 267           *  - boolean false to avoid short-circuiting the response
 268           *
 269           * Returning any other value may result in unexpected behavior.
 270           *
 271           * @since 2.9.0
 272           *
 273           * @param false|array|WP_Error $response    A preemptive return value of an HTTP request. Default false.
 274           * @param array                $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
 275           * @param string               $url         The request URL.
 276           */
 277          $pre = apply_filters( 'pre_http_request', false, $parsed_args, $url );
 279          if ( false !== $pre ) {
 280              return $pre;
 281          }
 283          if ( function_exists( 'wp_kses_bad_protocol' ) ) {
 284              if ( $parsed_args['reject_unsafe_urls'] ) {
 285                  $url = wp_http_validate_url( $url );
 286              }
 287              if ( $url ) {
 288                  $url = wp_kses_bad_protocol( $url, array( 'http', 'https', 'ssl' ) );
 289              }
 290          }
 292          $parsed_url = parse_url( $url );
 294          if ( empty( $url ) || empty( $parsed_url['scheme'] ) ) {
 295              $response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'A valid URL was not provided.' ) );
 296              /** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
 297              do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
 298              return $response;
 299          }
 301          if ( $this->block_request( $url ) ) {
 302              $response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_not_executed', __( 'User has blocked requests through HTTP.' ) );
 303              /** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
 304              do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
 305              return $response;
 306          }
 308          // If we are streaming to a file but no filename was given drop it in the WP temp dir
 309          // and pick its name using the basename of the $url.
 310          if ( $parsed_args['stream'] ) {
 311              if ( empty( $parsed_args['filename'] ) ) {
 312                  $parsed_args['filename'] = get_temp_dir() . basename( $url );
 313              }
 315              // Force some settings if we are streaming to a file and check for existence
 316              // and perms of destination directory.
 317              $parsed_args['blocking'] = true;
 318              if ( ! wp_is_writable( dirname( $parsed_args['filename'] ) ) ) {
 319                  $response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.' ) );
 320                  /** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
 321                  do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
 322                  return $response;
 323              }
 324          }
 326          if ( is_null( $parsed_args['headers'] ) ) {
 327              $parsed_args['headers'] = array();
 328          }
 330          // WP allows passing in headers as a string, weirdly.
 331          if ( ! is_array( $parsed_args['headers'] ) ) {
 332              $processed_headers      = WP_Http::processHeaders( $parsed_args['headers'] );
 333              $parsed_args['headers'] = $processed_headers['headers'];
 334          }
 336          // Setup arguments.
 337          $headers = $parsed_args['headers'];
 338          $data    = $parsed_args['body'];
 339          $type    = $parsed_args['method'];
 340          $options = array(
 341              'timeout'   => $parsed_args['timeout'],
 342              'useragent' => $parsed_args['user-agent'],
 343              'blocking'  => $parsed_args['blocking'],
 344              'hooks'     => new WP_HTTP_Requests_Hooks( $url, $parsed_args ),
 345          );
 347          // Ensure redirects follow browser behavior.
 348          $options['hooks']->register( 'requests.before_redirect', array( static::class, 'browser_redirect_compatibility' ) );
 350          // Validate redirected URLs.
 351          if ( function_exists( 'wp_kses_bad_protocol' ) && $parsed_args['reject_unsafe_urls'] ) {
 352              $options['hooks']->register( 'requests.before_redirect', array( static::class, 'validate_redirects' ) );
 353          }
 355          if ( $parsed_args['stream'] ) {
 356              $options['filename'] = $parsed_args['filename'];
 357          }
 358          if ( empty( $parsed_args['redirection'] ) ) {
 359              $options['follow_redirects'] = false;
 360          } else {
 361              $options['redirects'] = $parsed_args['redirection'];
 362          }
 364          // Use byte limit, if we can.
 365          if ( isset( $parsed_args['limit_response_size'] ) ) {
 366              $options['max_bytes'] = $parsed_args['limit_response_size'];
 367          }
 369          // If we've got cookies, use and convert them to WpOrg\Requests\Cookie.
 370          if ( ! empty( $parsed_args['cookies'] ) ) {
 371              $options['cookies'] = WP_Http::normalize_cookies( $parsed_args['cookies'] );
 372          }
 374          // SSL certificate handling.
 375          if ( ! $parsed_args['sslverify'] ) {
 376              $options['verify']     = false;
 377              $options['verifyname'] = false;
 378          } else {
 379              $options['verify'] = $parsed_args['sslcertificates'];
 380          }
 382          // All non-GET/HEAD requests should put the arguments in the form body.
 383          if ( 'HEAD' !== $type && 'GET' !== $type ) {
 384              $options['data_format'] = 'body';
 385          }
 387          /**
 388           * Filters whether SSL should be verified for non-local requests.
 389           *
 390           * @since 2.8.0
 391           * @since 5.1.0 The `$url` parameter was added.
 392           *
 393           * @param bool|string $ssl_verify Boolean to control whether to verify the SSL connection
 394           *                                or path to an SSL certificate.
 395           * @param string      $url        The request URL.
 396           */
 397          $options['verify'] = apply_filters( 'https_ssl_verify', $options['verify'], $url );
 399          // Check for proxies.
 400          $proxy = new WP_HTTP_Proxy();
 401          if ( $proxy->is_enabled() && $proxy->send_through_proxy( $url ) ) {
 402              $options['proxy'] = new WpOrg\Requests\Proxy\Http( $proxy->host() . ':' . $proxy->port() );
 404              if ( $proxy->use_authentication() ) {
 405                  $options['proxy']->use_authentication = true;
 406                  $options['proxy']->user               = $proxy->username();
 407                  $options['proxy']->pass               = $proxy->password();
 408              }
 409          }
 411          // Avoid issues where mbstring.func_overload is enabled.
 412          mbstring_binary_safe_encoding();
 414          try {
 415              $requests_response = WpOrg\Requests\Requests::request( $url, $headers, $data, $type, $options );
 417              // Convert the response into an array.
 418              $http_response = new WP_HTTP_Requests_Response( $requests_response, $parsed_args['filename'] );
 419              $response      = $http_response->to_array();
 421              // Add the original object to the array.
 422              $response['http_response'] = $http_response;
 423          } catch ( WpOrg\Requests\Exception $e ) {
 424              $response = new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', $e->getMessage() );
 425          }
 427          reset_mbstring_encoding();
 429          /**
 430           * Fires after an HTTP API response is received and before the response is returned.
 431           *
 432           * @since 2.8.0
 433           *
 434           * @param array|WP_Error $response    HTTP response or WP_Error object.
 435           * @param string         $context     Context under which the hook is fired.
 436           * @param string         $class       HTTP transport used.
 437           * @param array          $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
 438           * @param string         $url         The request URL.
 439           */
 440          do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', 'WpOrg\Requests\Requests', $parsed_args, $url );
 441          if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
 442              return $response;
 443          }
 445          if ( ! $parsed_args['blocking'] ) {
 446              return array(
 447                  'headers'       => array(),
 448                  'body'          => '',
 449                  'response'      => array(
 450                      'code'    => false,
 451                      'message' => false,
 452                  ),
 453                  'cookies'       => array(),
 454                  'http_response' => null,
 455              );
 456          }
 458          /**
 459           * Filters a successful HTTP API response immediately before the response is returned.
 460           *
 461           * @since 2.9.0
 462           *
 463           * @param array  $response    HTTP response.
 464           * @param array  $parsed_args HTTP request arguments.
 465           * @param string $url         The request URL.
 466           */
 467          return apply_filters( 'http_response', $response, $parsed_args, $url );
 468      }
 470      /**
 471       * Normalizes cookies for using in Requests.
 472       *
 473       * @since 4.6.0
 474       *
 475       * @param array $cookies Array of cookies to send with the request.
 476       * @return WpOrg\Requests\Cookie\Jar Cookie holder object.
 477       */
 478  	public static function normalize_cookies( $cookies ) {
 479          $cookie_jar = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie\Jar();
 481          foreach ( $cookies as $name => $value ) {
 482              if ( $value instanceof WP_Http_Cookie ) {
 483                  $attributes                 = array_filter(
 484                      $value->get_attributes(),
 485                      static function ( $attr ) {
 486                          return null !== $attr;
 487                      }
 488                  );
 489                  $cookie_jar[ $value->name ] = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie( (string) $value->name, $value->value, $attributes, array( 'host-only' => $value->host_only ) );
 490              } elseif ( is_scalar( $value ) ) {
 491                  $cookie_jar[ $name ] = new WpOrg\Requests\Cookie( (string) $name, (string) $value );
 492              }
 493          }
 495          return $cookie_jar;
 496      }
 498      /**
 499       * Match redirect behavior to browser handling.
 500       *
 501       * Changes 302 redirects from POST to GET to match browser handling. Per
 502       * RFC 7231, user agents can deviate from the strict reading of the
 503       * specification for compatibility purposes.
 504       *
 505       * @since 4.6.0
 506       *
 507       * @param string                  $location URL to redirect to.
 508       * @param array                   $headers  Headers for the redirect.
 509       * @param string|array            $data     Body to send with the request.
 510       * @param array                   $options  Redirect request options.
 511       * @param WpOrg\Requests\Response $original Response object.
 512       */
 513  	public static function browser_redirect_compatibility( $location, $headers, $data, &$options, $original ) {
 514          // Browser compatibility.
 515          if ( 302 === $original->status_code ) {
 516              $options['type'] = WpOrg\Requests\Requests::GET;
 517          }
 518      }
 520      /**
 521       * Validate redirected URLs.
 522       *
 523       * @since 4.7.5
 524       *
 525       * @throws WpOrg\Requests\Exception On unsuccessful URL validation.
 526       * @param string $location URL to redirect to.
 527       */
 528  	public static function validate_redirects( $location ) {
 529          if ( ! wp_http_validate_url( $location ) ) {
 530              throw new WpOrg\Requests\Exception( __( 'A valid URL was not provided.' ), 'wp_http.redirect_failed_validation' );
 531          }
 532      }
 534      /**
 535       * Tests which transports are capable of supporting the request.
 536       *
 537       * @since 3.2.0
 538       * @deprecated 6.4.0 Use WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
 539       * @see WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
 540       *
 541       * @param array  $args Request arguments.
 542       * @param string $url  URL to request.
 543       * @return string|false Class name for the first transport that claims to support the request.
 544       *                      False if no transport claims to support the request.
 545       */
 546  	public function _get_first_available_transport( $args, $url = null ) {
 547          $transports = array( 'curl', 'streams' );
 549          /**
 550           * Filters which HTTP transports are available and in what order.
 551           *
 552           * @since 3.7.0
 553           * @deprecated 6.4.0 Use WpOrg\Requests\Requests::get_transport_class()
 554           *
 555           * @param string[] $transports Array of HTTP transports to check. Default array contains
 556           *                             'curl' and 'streams', in that order.
 557           * @param array    $args       HTTP request arguments.
 558           * @param string   $url        The URL to request.
 559           */
 560          $request_order = apply_filters_deprecated( 'http_api_transports', array( $transports, $args, $url ), '6.4.0' );
 562          // Loop over each transport on each HTTP request looking for one which will serve this request's needs.
 563          foreach ( $request_order as $transport ) {
 564              if ( in_array( $transport, $transports, true ) ) {
 565                  $transport = ucfirst( $transport );
 566              }
 567              $class = 'WP_Http_' . $transport;
 569              // Check to see if this transport is a possibility, calls the transport statically.
 570              if ( ! call_user_func( array( $class, 'test' ), $args, $url ) ) {
 571                  continue;
 572              }
 574              return $class;
 575          }
 577          return false;
 578      }
 580      /**
 581       * Dispatches a HTTP request to a supporting transport.
 582       *
 583       * Tests each transport in order to find a transport which matches the request arguments.
 584       * Also caches the transport instance to be used later.
 585       *
 586       * The order for requests is cURL, and then PHP Streams.
 587       *
 588       * @since 3.2.0
 589       * @deprecated 5.1.0 Use WP_Http::request()
 590       * @see WP_Http::request()
 591       *
 592       * @param string $url  URL to request.
 593       * @param array  $args Request arguments.
 594       * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
 595       *                        A WP_Error instance upon error.
 596       */
 597  	private function _dispatch_request( $url, $args ) {
 598          static $transports = array();
 600          $class = $this->_get_first_available_transport( $args, $url );
 601          if ( ! $class ) {
 602              return new WP_Error( 'http_failure', __( 'There are no HTTP transports available which can complete the requested request.' ) );
 603          }
 605          // Transport claims to support request, instantiate it and give it a whirl.
 606          if ( empty( $transports[ $class ] ) ) {
 607              $transports[ $class ] = new $class();
 608          }
 610          $response = $transports[ $class ]->request( $url, $args );
 612          /** This action is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
 613          do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', $class, $args, $url );
 615          if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
 616              return $response;
 617          }
 619          /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-http.php */
 620          return apply_filters( 'http_response', $response, $args, $url );
 621      }
 623      /**
 624       * Uses the POST HTTP method.
 625       *
 626       * Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
 627       *
 628       * @since 2.7.0
 629       *
 630       * @param string       $url  The request URL.
 631       * @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
 632       * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
 633       *                        A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
 634       */
 635  	public function post( $url, $args = array() ) {
 636          $defaults    = array( 'method' => 'POST' );
 637          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 638          return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
 639      }
 641      /**
 642       * Uses the GET HTTP method.
 643       *
 644       * Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
 645       *
 646       * @since 2.7.0
 647       *
 648       * @param string       $url  The request URL.
 649       * @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
 650       * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
 651       *                        A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
 652       */
 653  	public function get( $url, $args = array() ) {
 654          $defaults    = array( 'method' => 'GET' );
 655          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 656          return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
 657      }
 659      /**
 660       * Uses the HEAD HTTP method.
 661       *
 662       * Used for sending data that is expected to be in the body.
 663       *
 664       * @since 2.7.0
 665       *
 666       * @param string       $url  The request URL.
 667       * @param string|array $args Optional. Override the defaults.
 668       * @return array|WP_Error Array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies', 'filename'.
 669       *                        A WP_Error instance upon error. See WP_Http::response() for details.
 670       */
 671  	public function head( $url, $args = array() ) {
 672          $defaults    = array( 'method' => 'HEAD' );
 673          $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
 674          return $this->request( $url, $parsed_args );
 675      }
 677      /**
 678       * Parses the responses and splits the parts into headers and body.
 679       *
 680       * @since 2.7.0
 681       *
 682       * @param string $response The full response string.
 683       * @return array {
 684       *     Array with response headers and body.
 685       *
 686       *     @type string $headers HTTP response headers.
 687       *     @type string $body    HTTP response body.
 688       * }
 689       */
 690  	public static function processResponse( $response ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
 691          $response = explode( "\r\n\r\n", $response, 2 );
 693          return array(
 694              'headers' => $response[0],
 695              'body'    => isset( $response[1] ) ? $response[1] : '',
 696          );
 697      }
 699      /**
 700       * Transforms header string into an array.
 701       *
 702       * @since 2.7.0
 703       *
 704       * @param string|array $headers The original headers. If a string is passed, it will be converted
 705       *                              to an array. If an array is passed, then it is assumed to be
 706       *                              raw header data with numeric keys with the headers as the values.
 707       *                              No headers must be passed that were already processed.
 708       * @param string       $url     Optional. The URL that was requested. Default empty.
 709       * @return array {
 710       *     Processed string headers. If duplicate headers are encountered,
 711       *     then a numbered array is returned as the value of that header-key.
 712       *
 713       *     @type array            $response {
 714       *         @type int    $code    The response status code. Default 0.
 715       *         @type string $message The response message. Default empty.
 716       *     }
 717       *     @type array            $newheaders The processed header data as a multidimensional array.
 718       *     @type WP_Http_Cookie[] $cookies    If the original headers contain the 'Set-Cookie' key,
 719       *                                        an array containing `WP_Http_Cookie` objects is returned.
 720       * }
 721       */
 722  	public static function processHeaders( $headers, $url = '' ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
 723          // Split headers, one per array element.
 724          if ( is_string( $headers ) ) {
 725              // Tolerate line terminator: CRLF = LF (RFC 2616 19.3).
 726              $headers = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $headers );
 727              /*
 728               * Unfold folded header fields. LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) <US-ASCII SP, space (32)>,
 729               * <US-ASCII HT, horizontal-tab (9)> (RFC 2616 2.2).
 730               */
 731              $headers = preg_replace( '/\n[ \t]/', ' ', $headers );
 732              // Create the headers array.
 733              $headers = explode( "\n", $headers );
 734          }
 736          $response = array(
 737              'code'    => 0,
 738              'message' => '',
 739          );
 741          /*
 742           * If a redirection has taken place, The headers for each page request may have been passed.
 743           * In this case, determine the final HTTP header and parse from there.
 744           */
 745          for ( $i = count( $headers ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) {
 746              if ( ! empty( $headers[ $i ] ) && ! str_contains( $headers[ $i ], ':' ) ) {
 747                  $headers = array_splice( $headers, $i );
 748                  break;
 749              }
 750          }
 752          $cookies    = array();
 753          $newheaders = array();
 754          foreach ( (array) $headers as $tempheader ) {
 755              if ( empty( $tempheader ) ) {
 756                  continue;
 757              }
 759              if ( ! str_contains( $tempheader, ':' ) ) {
 760                  $stack   = explode( ' ', $tempheader, 3 );
 761                  $stack[] = '';
 762                  list( , $response['code'], $response['message']) = $stack;
 763                  continue;
 764              }
 766              list($key, $value) = explode( ':', $tempheader, 2 );
 768              $key   = strtolower( $key );
 769              $value = trim( $value );
 771              if ( isset( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
 772                  if ( ! is_array( $newheaders[ $key ] ) ) {
 773                      $newheaders[ $key ] = array( $newheaders[ $key ] );
 774                  }
 775                  $newheaders[ $key ][] = $value;
 776              } else {
 777                  $newheaders[ $key ] = $value;
 778              }
 779              if ( 'set-cookie' === $key ) {
 780                  $cookies[] = new WP_Http_Cookie( $value, $url );
 781              }
 782          }
 784          // Cast the Response Code to an int.
 785          $response['code'] = (int) $response['code'];
 787          return array(
 788              'response' => $response,
 789              'headers'  => $newheaders,
 790              'cookies'  => $cookies,
 791          );
 792      }
 794      /**
 795       * Takes the arguments for a ::request() and checks for the cookie array.
 796       *
 797       * If it's found, then it upgrades any basic name => value pairs to WP_Http_Cookie instances,
 798       * which are each parsed into strings and added to the Cookie: header (within the arguments array).
 799       * Edits the array by reference.
 800       *
 801       * @since 2.8.0
 802       *
 803       * @param array $r Full array of args passed into ::request()
 804       */
 805  	public static function buildCookieHeader( &$r ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
 806          if ( ! empty( $r['cookies'] ) ) {
 807              // Upgrade any name => value cookie pairs to WP_HTTP_Cookie instances.
 808              foreach ( $r['cookies'] as $name => $value ) {
 809                  if ( ! is_object( $value ) ) {
 810                      $r['cookies'][ $name ] = new WP_Http_Cookie(
 811                          array(
 812                              'name'  => $name,
 813                              'value' => $value,
 814                          )
 815                      );
 816                  }
 817              }
 819              $cookies_header = '';
 820              foreach ( (array) $r['cookies'] as $cookie ) {
 821                  $cookies_header .= $cookie->getHeaderValue() . '; ';
 822              }
 824              $cookies_header         = substr( $cookies_header, 0, -2 );
 825              $r['headers']['cookie'] = $cookies_header;
 826          }
 827      }
 829      /**
 830       * Decodes chunk transfer-encoding, based off the HTTP 1.1 specification.
 831       *
 832       * Based off the HTTP http_encoding_dechunk function.
 833       *
 834       * @link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-19.4.6 Process for chunked decoding.
 835       *
 836       * @since 2.7.0
 837       *
 838       * @param string $body Body content.
 839       * @return string Chunked decoded body on success or raw body on failure.
 840       */
 841  	public static function chunkTransferDecode( $body ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid
 842          // The body is not chunked encoded or is malformed.
 843          if ( ! preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', trim( $body ) ) ) {
 844              return $body;
 845          }
 847          $parsed_body = '';
 849          // We'll be altering $body, so need a backup in case of error.
 850          $body_original = $body;
 852          while ( true ) {
 853              $has_chunk = (bool) preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f]+)[^\r\n]*\r\n/i', $body, $match );
 854              if ( ! $has_chunk || empty( $match[1] ) ) {
 855                  return $body_original;
 856              }
 858              $length       = hexdec( $match[1] );
 859              $chunk_length = strlen( $match[0] );
 861              // Parse out the chunk of data.
 862              $parsed_body .= substr( $body, $chunk_length, $length );
 864              // Remove the chunk from the raw data.
 865              $body = substr( $body, $length + $chunk_length );
 867              // End of the document.
 868              if ( '0' === trim( $body ) ) {
 869                  return $parsed_body;
 870              }
 871          }
 872      }
 874      /**
 875       * Determines whether an HTTP API request to the given URL should be blocked.
 876       *
 877       * Those who are behind a proxy and want to prevent access to certain hosts may do so. This will
 878       * prevent plugins from working and core functionality, if you don't include `api.wordpress.org`.
 879       *
 880       * You block external URL requests by defining `WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL` as true in your `wp-config.php`
 881       * file and this will only allow localhost and your site to make requests. The constant
 882       * `WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS` will allow additional hosts to go through for requests. The format of the
 883       * `WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS` constant is a comma separated list of hostnames to allow, wildcard domains
 884       * are supported, eg `*.wordpress.org` will allow for all subdomains of `wordpress.org` to be contacted.
 885       *
 886       * @since 2.8.0
 887       *
 888       * @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8927 Allow preventing external requests.
 889       * @link https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14636 Allow wildcard domains in WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS
 890       *
 891       * @param string $uri URI of url.
 892       * @return bool True to block, false to allow.
 893       */
 894  	public function block_request( $uri ) {
 895          // We don't need to block requests, because nothing is blocked.
 896          if ( ! defined( 'WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL' ) || ! WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL ) {
 897              return false;
 898          }
 900          $check = parse_url( $uri );
 901          if ( ! $check ) {
 902              return true;
 903          }
 905          $home = parse_url( get_option( 'siteurl' ) );
 907          // Don't block requests back to ourselves by default.
 908          if ( 'localhost' === $check['host'] || ( isset( $home['host'] ) && $home['host'] === $check['host'] ) ) {
 909              /**
 910               * Filters whether to block local HTTP API requests.
 911               *
 912               * A local request is one to `localhost` or to the same host as the site itself.
 913               *
 914               * @since 2.8.0
 915               *
 916               * @param bool $block Whether to block local requests. Default false.
 917               */
 918              return apply_filters( 'block_local_requests', false );
 919          }
 921          if ( ! defined( 'WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS' ) ) {
 922              return true;
 923          }
 925          static $accessible_hosts = null;
 926          static $wildcard_regex   = array();
 927          if ( null === $accessible_hosts ) {
 928              $accessible_hosts = preg_split( '|,\s*|', WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS );
 930              if ( str_contains( WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS, '*' ) ) {
 931                  $wildcard_regex = array();
 932                  foreach ( $accessible_hosts as $host ) {
 933                      $wildcard_regex[] = str_replace( '\*', '.+', preg_quote( $host, '/' ) );
 934                  }
 935                  $wildcard_regex = '/^(' . implode( '|', $wildcard_regex ) . ')$/i';
 936              }
 937          }
 939          if ( ! empty( $wildcard_regex ) ) {
 940              return ! preg_match( $wildcard_regex, $check['host'] );
 941          } else {
 942              return ! in_array( $check['host'], $accessible_hosts, true ); // Inverse logic, if it's in the array, then don't block it.
 943          }
 944      }
 946      /**
 947       * Used as a wrapper for PHP's parse_url() function that handles edgecases in < PHP 5.4.7.
 948       *
 949       * @deprecated 4.4.0 Use wp_parse_url()
 950       * @see wp_parse_url()
 951       *
 952       * @param string $url The URL to parse.
 953       * @return bool|array False on failure; Array of URL components on success;
 954       *                    See parse_url()'s return values.
 955       */
 956  	protected static function parse_url( $url ) {
 957          _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '4.4.0', 'wp_parse_url()' );
 958          return wp_parse_url( $url );
 959      }
 961      /**
 962       * Converts a relative URL to an absolute URL relative to a given URL.
 963       *
 964       * If an Absolute URL is provided, no processing of that URL is done.
 965       *
 966       * @since 3.4.0
 967       *
 968       * @param string $maybe_relative_path The URL which might be relative.
 969       * @param string $url                 The URL which $maybe_relative_path is relative to.
 970       * @return string An Absolute URL, in a failure condition where the URL cannot be parsed, the relative URL will be returned.
 971       */
 972  	public static function make_absolute_url( $maybe_relative_path, $url ) {
 973          if ( empty( $url ) ) {
 974              return $maybe_relative_path;
 975          }
 977          $url_parts = wp_parse_url( $url );
 978          if ( ! $url_parts ) {
 979              return $maybe_relative_path;
 980          }
 982          $relative_url_parts = wp_parse_url( $maybe_relative_path );
 983          if ( ! $relative_url_parts ) {
 984              return $maybe_relative_path;
 985          }
 987          // Check for a scheme on the 'relative' URL.
 988          if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['scheme'] ) ) {
 989              return $maybe_relative_path;
 990          }
 992          $absolute_path = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://';
 994          // Schemeless URLs will make it this far, so we check for a host in the relative URL
 995          // and convert it to a protocol-URL.
 996          if ( isset( $relative_url_parts['host'] ) ) {
 997              $absolute_path .= $relative_url_parts['host'];
 998              if ( isset( $relative_url_parts['port'] ) ) {
 999                  $absolute_path .= ':' . $relative_url_parts['port'];
1000              }
1001          } else {
1002              $absolute_path .= $url_parts['host'];
1003              if ( isset( $url_parts['port'] ) ) {
1004                  $absolute_path .= ':' . $url_parts['port'];
1005              }
1006          }
1008          // Start off with the absolute URL path.
1009          $path = ! empty( $url_parts['path'] ) ? $url_parts['path'] : '/';
1011          // If it's a root-relative path, then great.
1012          if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) && '/' === $relative_url_parts['path'][0] ) {
1013              $path = $relative_url_parts['path'];
1015              // Else it's a relative path.
1016          } elseif ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['path'] ) ) {
1017              // Strip off any file components from the absolute path.
1018              $path = substr( $path, 0, strrpos( $path, '/' ) + 1 );
1020              // Build the new path.
1021              $path .= $relative_url_parts['path'];
1023              // Strip all /path/../ out of the path.
1024              while ( strpos( $path, '../' ) > 1 ) {
1025                  $path = preg_replace( '![^/]+/\.\./!', '', $path );
1026              }
1028              // Strip any final leading ../ from the path.
1029              $path = preg_replace( '!^/(\.\./)+!', '', $path );
1030          }
1032          // Add the query string.
1033          if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['query'] ) ) {
1034              $path .= '?' . $relative_url_parts['query'];
1035          }
1037          // Add the fragment.
1038          if ( ! empty( $relative_url_parts['fragment'] ) ) {
1039              $path .= '#' . $relative_url_parts['fragment'];
1040          }
1042          return $absolute_path . '/' . ltrim( $path, '/' );
1043      }
1045      /**
1046       * Handles an HTTP redirect and follows it if appropriate.
1047       *
1048       * @since 3.7.0
1049       *
1050       * @param string $url      The URL which was requested.
1051       * @param array  $args     The arguments which were used to make the request.
1052       * @param array  $response The response of the HTTP request.
1053       * @return array|false|WP_Error An HTTP API response array if the redirect is successfully followed,
1054       *                              false if no redirect is present, or a WP_Error object if there's an error.
1055       */
1056  	public static function handle_redirects( $url, $args, $response ) {
1057          // If no redirects are present, or, redirects were not requested, perform no action.
1058          if ( ! isset( $response['headers']['location'] ) || 0 === $args['_redirection'] ) {
1059              return false;
1060          }
1062          // Only perform redirections on redirection http codes.
1063          if ( $response['response']['code'] > 399 || $response['response']['code'] < 300 ) {
1064              return false;
1065          }
1067          // Don't redirect if we've run out of redirects.
1068          if ( $args['redirection']-- <= 0 ) {
1069              return new WP_Error( 'http_request_failed', __( 'Too many redirects.' ) );
1070          }
1072          $redirect_location = $response['headers']['location'];
1074          // If there were multiple Location headers, use the last header specified.
1075          if ( is_array( $redirect_location ) ) {
1076              $redirect_location = array_pop( $redirect_location );
1077          }
1079          $redirect_location = WP_Http::make_absolute_url( $redirect_location, $url );
1081          // POST requests should not POST to a redirected location.
1082          if ( 'POST' === $args['method'] ) {
1083              if ( in_array( $response['response']['code'], array( 302, 303 ), true ) ) {
1084                  $args['method'] = 'GET';
1085              }
1086          }
1088          // Include valid cookies in the redirect process.
1089          if ( ! empty( $response['cookies'] ) ) {
1090              foreach ( $response['cookies'] as $cookie ) {
1091                  if ( $cookie->test( $redirect_location ) ) {
1092                      $args['cookies'][] = $cookie;
1093                  }
1094              }
1095          }
1097          return wp_remote_request( $redirect_location, $args );
1098      }
1100      /**
1101       * Determines if a specified string represents an IP address or not.
1102       *
1103       * This function also detects the type of the IP address, returning either
1104       * '4' or '6' to represent an IPv4 and IPv6 address respectively.
1105       * This does not verify if the IP is a valid IP, only that it appears to be
1106       * an IP address.
1107       *
1108       * @link http://home.deds.nl/~aeron/regex/ for IPv6 regex.
1109       *
1110       * @since 3.7.0
1111       *
1112       * @param string $maybe_ip A suspected IP address.
1113       * @return int|false Upon success, '4' or '6' to represent an IPv4 or IPv6 address, false upon failure.
1114       */
1115  	public static function is_ip_address( $maybe_ip ) {
1116          if ( preg_match( '/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/', $maybe_ip ) ) {
1117              return 4;
1118          }
1120          if ( str_contains( $maybe_ip, ':' ) && preg_match( '/^(((?=.*(::))(?!.*\3.+\3))\3?|([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b|$)|\2))(?4){5}((?4){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i', trim( $maybe_ip, ' []' ) ) ) {
1121              return 6;
1122          }
1124          return false;
1125      }
1126  }

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref