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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)






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Filealign.php                  [source] [65 lines]    Align block support flag.
Filearia-label.php             [source] [70 lines]    Aria label block support flag.
Filebackground.php             [source] [118 lines]   Background block support flag.
Fileblock-style-variations.php [source] [295 lines]   Block support to enable per-section styling of block types via block style variations.
Fileborder.php                 [source] [176 lines]   Border block support flag.
Filecolors.php                 [source] [144 lines]   Colors block support flag.
Filecustom-classname.php       [source] [65 lines]    Custom classname block support flag.
Filedimensions.php             [source] [173 lines]   Dimensions block support flag. This does not include the `spacing` block support even though that visually appears under the "Dimensions" panel in the editor. It remains in its original `spacing.php` file for compatibility with core.
Fileduotone.php                [source] [60 lines]    Duotone block support flag.
Fileelements.php               [source] [264 lines]   Elements styles block support.
Filegenerated-classname.php    [source] [71 lines]    Generated classname block support flag.
Filelayout.php                 [source] [1087 lines]  Layout block support flag.
Fileposition.php               [source] [151 lines]   Position block support flag.
Filesettings.php               [source] [152 lines]   Block level presets support.
Fileshadow.php                 [source] [85 lines]    Shadow block support flag.
Filespacing.php                [source] [89 lines]    Spacing block support flag. For backwards compatibility, this remains separate to the dimensions.php block support despite both belonging under a single panel in the editor.
Filetypography.php             [source] [690 lines]   Typography block support flag.
Fileutils.php                  [source] [36 lines]    Block support utility functions.

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref