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Widget API: WP_Widget base class
File Size: | 641 lines (18 kb) |
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Includes or requires: | 0 files |
WP_Widget:: (19 methods):
widget( $args, $instance ) X-Ref |
Echoes the widget content. Subclasses should override this function to generate their widget code. param: array $args Display arguments including 'before_title', 'after_title', param: array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget. |
update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) X-Ref |
Updates a particular instance of a widget. This function should check that `$new_instance` is set correctly. The newly-calculated value of `$instance` should be returned. If false is returned, the instance won't be saved/updated. param: array $new_instance New settings for this instance as input by the user via param: array $old_instance Old settings for this instance. return: array Settings to save or bool false to cancel saving. |
form( $instance ) X-Ref |
Outputs the settings update form. param: array $instance The settings for the particular instance of the widget. return: string|void Default return is 'noform'. |
__construct( $id_base, $name, $widget_options = array() X-Ref |
PHP5 constructor. param: string $id_base Base ID for the widget, lowercase and unique. If left empty, param: string $name Name for the widget displayed on the configuration page. param: array $widget_options Optional. Widget options. See wp_register_sidebar_widget() for param: array $control_options Optional. Widget control options. See wp_register_widget_control() for |
WP_Widget( $id_base, $name, $widget_options = array() X-Ref |
PHP4 constructor. param: string $id_base Base ID for the widget, lowercase and unique. If left empty, param: string $name Name for the widget displayed on the configuration page. param: array $widget_options Optional. Widget options. See wp_register_sidebar_widget() for param: array $control_options Optional. Widget control options. See wp_register_widget_control() for |
get_field_name( $field_name ) X-Ref |
Constructs name attributes for use in form() fields This function should be used in form() methods to create name attributes for fields to be saved by update() param: string $field_name Field name. return: string Name attribute for `$field_name`. |
get_field_id( $field_name ) X-Ref |
Constructs id attributes for use in WP_Widget::form() fields. This function should be used in form() methods to create id attributes for fields to be saved by WP_Widget::update(). param: string $field_name Field name. return: string ID attribute for `$field_name`. |
_register() X-Ref |
Register all widget instances of this widget class. |
_set( $number ) X-Ref |
Sets the internal order number for the widget instance. param: int $number The unique order number of this widget instance compared to other |
_get_display_callback() X-Ref |
Retrieves the widget display callback. return: callable Display callback. |
_get_update_callback() X-Ref |
Retrieves the widget update callback. return: callable Update callback. |
_get_form_callback() X-Ref |
Retrieves the form callback. return: callable Form callback. |
is_preview() X-Ref |
Determines whether the current request is inside the Customizer preview. If true -- the current request is inside the Customizer preview, then the object cache gets suspended and widgets should check this to decide whether they should store anything persistently to the object cache, to transients, or anywhere else. return: bool True if within the Customizer preview, false if not. |
display_callback( $args, $widget_args = 1 ) X-Ref |
Generates the actual widget content (Do NOT override). Finds the instance and calls WP_Widget::widget(). param: array $args Display arguments. See WP_Widget::widget() for information param: int|array $widget_args { |
update_callback( $deprecated = 1 ) X-Ref |
Handles changed settings (Do NOT override). param: int $deprecated Not used. |
form_callback( $widget_args = 1 ) X-Ref |
Generates the widget control form (Do NOT override). param: int|array $widget_args { return: string|null |
_register_one( $number = -1 ) X-Ref |
Registers an instance of the widget class. param: int $number Optional. The unique order number of this widget instance |
save_settings( $settings ) X-Ref |
Saves the settings for all instances of the widget class. param: array $settings Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings. |
get_settings() X-Ref |
Retrieves the settings for all instances of the widget class. return: array Multi-dimensional array of widget instance settings. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |