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Error Protection API: WP_Paused_Extensions_Storage class
File Size: | 226 lines (5 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
WP_Paused_Extensions_Storage:: (8 methods):
Class: WP_Paused_Extensions_Storage - X-Ref
Core class used for storing paused extensions.__construct( $extension_type ) X-Ref |
Constructor. param: string $extension_type Extension type. Either 'plugin' or 'theme'. |
set( $extension, $error ) X-Ref |
Records an extension error. Only one error is stored per extension, with subsequent errors for the same extension overriding the previously stored error. param: string $extension Plugin or theme directory name. param: array $error { return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
delete( $extension ) X-Ref |
Forgets a previously recorded extension error. param: string $extension Plugin or theme directory name. return: bool True on success, false on failure. |
get( $extension ) X-Ref |
Gets the error for an extension, if paused. param: string $extension Plugin or theme directory name. return: array|null Error that is stored, or null if the extension is not paused. |
get_all() X-Ref |
Gets the paused extensions with their errors. return: array { |
delete_all() X-Ref |
Remove all paused extensions. return: bool |
is_api_loaded() X-Ref |
Checks whether the underlying API to store paused extensions is loaded. return: bool True if the API is loaded, false otherwise. |
get_option_name() X-Ref |
Get the option name for storing paused extensions. return: string |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |