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WordPress Feed API Many of the functions used in here belong in The Loop, or The Loop for the Feeds.
File Size: | 852 lines (23 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 5 files wp-includes/class-wp-simplepie-sanitize-kses.php wp-includes/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php wp-includes/class-wp-feed-cache.php wp-includes/class-wp-simplepie-file.php wp-includes/class-simplepie.php |
get_bloginfo_rss( $show = '' ) X-Ref |
Retrieves RSS container for the bloginfo function. You can retrieve anything that you can using the get_bloginfo() function. Everything will be stripped of tags and characters converted, when the values are retrieved for use in the feeds. param: string $show See get_bloginfo() for possible values. return: string |
bloginfo_rss( $show = '' ) X-Ref |
Displays RSS container for the bloginfo function. You can retrieve anything that you can using the get_bloginfo() function. Everything will be stripped of tags and characters converted, when the values are retrieved for use in the feeds. param: string $show See get_bloginfo() for possible values. |
get_default_feed() X-Ref |
Retrieves the default feed. The default feed is 'rss2', unless a plugin changes it through the {@see 'default_feed'} filter. return: string Default feed, or for example 'rss2', 'atom', etc. |
get_wp_title_rss( $deprecated = '&) X-Ref |
Retrieves the blog title for the feed title. param: string $deprecated Unused. return: string The document title. |
wp_title_rss( $deprecated = '&) X-Ref |
Displays the blog title for display of the feed title. param: string $deprecated Unused. |
get_the_title_rss( $post = 0 ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the current post title for the feed. param: int|WP_Post $post Optional. Post ID or WP_Post object. Default is global $post. return: string Current post title. |
the_title_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the post title in the feed. |
get_the_content_feed( $feed_type = null ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the post content for feeds. param: string $feed_type The type of feed. rss2 | atom | rss | rdf return: string The filtered content. |
the_content_feed( $feed_type = null ) X-Ref |
Displays the post content for feeds. param: string $feed_type The type of feed. rss2 | atom | rss | rdf |
the_excerpt_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the post excerpt for the feed. |
the_permalink_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the permalink to the post for use in feeds. |
comments_link_feed() X-Ref |
Outputs the link to the comments for the current post in an XML safe way. |
comment_guid( $comment_id = null ) X-Ref |
Displays the feed GUID for the current comment. param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Optional comment object or ID. Defaults to global comment object. |
get_comment_guid( $comment_id = null ) X-Ref |
Retrieves the feed GUID for the current comment. param: int|WP_Comment $comment_id Optional comment object or ID. Defaults to global comment object. return: string|false GUID for comment on success, false on failure. |
comment_link( $comment = null ) X-Ref |
Displays the link to the comments. param: int|WP_Comment $comment Optional. Comment object or ID. Defaults to global comment object. |
get_comment_author_rss() X-Ref |
Retrieves the current comment author for use in the feeds. return: string Comment Author. |
comment_author_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the current comment author in the feed. |
comment_text_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the current comment content for use in the feeds. |
get_the_category_rss( $type = null ) X-Ref |
Retrieves all of the post categories, formatted for use in feeds. All of the categories for the current post in the feed loop, will be retrieved and have feed markup added, so that they can easily be added to the RSS2, Atom, or RSS1 and RSS0.91 RDF feeds. param: string $type Optional, default is the type returned by get_default_feed(). return: string All of the post categories for displaying in the feed. |
the_category_rss( $type = null ) X-Ref |
Displays the post categories in the feed. param: string $type Optional, default is the type returned by get_default_feed(). |
html_type_rss() X-Ref |
Displays the HTML type based on the blog setting. The two possible values are either 'xhtml' or 'html'. |
rss_enclosure() X-Ref |
Displays the rss enclosure for the current post. Uses the global $post to check whether the post requires a password and if the user has the password for the post. If not then it will return before displaying. Also uses the function get_post_custom() to get the post's 'enclosure' metadata field and parses the value to display the enclosure(s). The enclosure(s) consist of enclosure HTML tag(s) with a URI and other attributes. |
atom_enclosure() X-Ref |
Displays the atom enclosure for the current post. Uses the global $post to check whether the post requires a password and if the user has the password for the post. If not then it will return before displaying. Also uses the function get_post_custom() to get the post's 'enclosure' metadata field and parses the value to display the enclosure(s). The enclosure(s) consist of link HTML tag(s) with a URI and other attributes. |
prep_atom_text_construct( $data ) X-Ref |
Determines the type of a string of data with the data formatted. Tell whether the type is text, HTML, or XHTML, per RFC 4287 section 3.1. In the case of WordPress, text is defined as containing no markup, XHTML is defined as "well formed", and HTML as tag soup (i.e., the rest). Container div tags are added to XHTML values, per section param: string $data Input string. return: array array(type, value) |
atom_site_icon() X-Ref |
Displays Site Icon in atom feeds. |
rss2_site_icon() X-Ref |
Displays Site Icon in RSS2. |
get_self_link() X-Ref |
Returns the link for the currently displayed feed. return: string Correct link for the atom:self element. |
self_link() X-Ref |
Displays the link for the currently displayed feed in a XSS safe way. Generate a correct link for the atom:self element. |
get_feed_build_date( $format ) X-Ref |
Gets the UTC time of the most recently modified post from WP_Query. If viewing a comment feed, the time of the most recently modified comment will be returned. param: string $format Date format string to return the time in. return: string|false The time in requested format, or false on failure. |
feed_content_type( $type = '' ) X-Ref |
Returns the content type for specified feed type. param: string $type Type of feed. Possible values include 'rss', rss2', 'atom', and 'rdf'. return: string Content type for specified feed type. |
fetch_feed( $url ) X-Ref |
Builds SimplePie object based on RSS or Atom feed from URL. param: string|string[] $url URL of feed to retrieve. If an array of URLs, the feeds are merged return: SimplePie\SimplePie|WP_Error SimplePie object on success or WP_Error object on failure. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |