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Dependencies API: Scripts functions
File Size: | 441 lines (15 kb) |
Included or required: | 1 time |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
wp_scripts() X-Ref |
Initializes $wp_scripts if it has not been set. return: WP_Scripts WP_Scripts instance. |
_wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong( $function_name, $handle = '' ) X-Ref |
Helper function to output a _doing_it_wrong message when applicable. param: string $function_name Function name. param: string $handle Optional. Name of the script or stylesheet that was |
wp_print_scripts( $handles = false ) X-Ref |
Prints scripts in document head that are in the $handles queue. Called by admin-header.php and {@see 'wp_head'} hook. Since it is called by wp_head on every page load, the function does not instantiate the WP_Scripts object unless script names are explicitly passed. Makes use of already-instantiated `$wp_scripts` global if present. Use provided {@see 'wp_print_scripts'} hook to register/enqueue new scripts. return: string[] On success, an array of handles of processed WP_Dependencies items; otherwise, an empty array. param: string|string[]|false $handles Optional. Scripts to be printed. Default 'false'. |
wp_add_inline_script( $handle, $data, $position = 'after' ) X-Ref |
Adds extra code to a registered script. Code will only be added if the script is already in the queue. Accepts a string `$data` containing the code. If two or more code blocks are added to the same script `$handle`, they will be printed in the order they were added, i.e. the latter added code can redeclare the previous. return: bool True on success, false on failure. param: string $handle Name of the script to add the inline script to. param: string $data String containing the JavaScript to be added. param: string $position Optional. Whether to add the inline script before the handle |
wp_register_script( $handle, $src, $deps = array() X-Ref |
Registers a new script. Registers a script to be enqueued later using the wp_enqueue_script() function. return: bool Whether the script has been registered. True on success, false on failure. param: string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique. param: string|false $src Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory. param: string[] $deps Optional. An array of registered script handles this script depends on. Default empty array. param: string|bool|null $ver Optional. String specifying script version number, if it has one, which is added to the URL param: array|bool $args { |
wp_localize_script( $handle, $object_name, $l10n ) X-Ref |
Localizes a script. Works only if the script has already been registered. Accepts an associative array `$l10n` and creates a JavaScript object: "$object_name": { key: value, key: value, ... } return: bool True if the script was successfully localized, false otherwise. param: string $handle Script handle the data will be attached to. param: string $object_name Name for the JavaScript object. Passed directly, so it should be qualified JS variable. param: array $l10n The data itself. The data can be either a single or multi-dimensional array. |
wp_set_script_translations( $handle, $domain = 'default', $path = '' ) X-Ref |
Sets translated strings for a script. Works only if the script has already been registered. return: bool True if the text domain was successfully localized, false otherwise. param: string $handle Script handle the textdomain will be attached to. param: string $domain Optional. Text domain. Default 'default'. param: string $path Optional. The full file path to the directory containing translation files. |
wp_deregister_script( $handle ) X-Ref |
Removes a registered script. Note: there are intentional safeguards in place to prevent critical admin scripts, such as jQuery core, from being unregistered. param: string $handle Name of the script to be removed. |
wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src = '', $deps = array() X-Ref |
Enqueues a script. Registers the script if `$src` provided (does NOT overwrite), and enqueues it. param: string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique. param: string $src Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory. param: string[] $deps Optional. An array of registered script handles this script depends on. Default empty array. param: string|bool|null $ver Optional. String specifying script version number, if it has one, which is added to the URL param: array|bool $args { |
wp_dequeue_script( $handle ) X-Ref |
Removes a previously enqueued script. param: string $handle Name of the script to be removed. |
wp_script_is( $handle, $status = 'enqueued' ) X-Ref |
Determines whether a script has been added to the queue. For more information on this and similar theme functions, check out the {@link https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/conditional-tags/ Conditional Tags} article in the Theme Developer Handbook. return: bool Whether the script is queued. param: string $handle Name of the script. param: string $status Optional. Status of the script to check. Default 'enqueued'. |
wp_script_add_data( $handle, $key, $value ) X-Ref |
Adds metadata to a script. Works only if the script has already been registered. Possible values for $key and $value: 'conditional' string Comments for IE 6, lte IE 7, etc. return: bool True on success, false on failure. param: string $handle Name of the script. param: string $key Name of data point for which we're storing a value. param: mixed $value String containing the data to be added. |
Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |