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/wp-includes/ -> fonts.php (summary)

Fonts functions.

File Size: 293 lines (10 kb)
Included or required:0 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 10 functions


Functions that are not part of a class:

wp_print_font_faces( $fonts = array()   X-Ref
Generates and prints font-face styles for given fonts or theme.json fonts.

param: array[][] $fonts {

wp_print_font_faces_from_style_variations()   X-Ref
Generates and prints font-face styles defined the the theme style variations.

wp_register_font_collection( string $slug, array $args )   X-Ref
Registers a new font collection in the font library.

See {@link https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/font-collection.json} for the schema
the font collection data must adhere to.

return: WP_Font_Collection|WP_Error A font collection if it was registered
param: string $slug Font collection slug. May only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes,
param: array  $args {

wp_unregister_font_collection( string $slug )   X-Ref
Unregisters a font collection from the Font Library.

return: bool True if the font collection was unregistered successfully, else false.
param: string $slug Font collection slug.

wp_get_font_dir()   X-Ref
Retrieves font uploads directory information.

Same as wp_font_dir() but "light weight" as it doesn't attempt to create the font uploads directory.
Intended for use in themes, when only 'basedir' and 'baseurl' are needed, generally in all cases
when not uploading files.

return: array See wp_font_dir() for description.

wp_font_dir( $create_dir = true )   X-Ref
Returns an array containing the current fonts upload directory's path and URL.

return: array {
param: bool $create_dir Optional. Whether to check and create the font uploads directory. Default true.

_wp_filter_font_directory( $font_dir )   X-Ref
A callback function for use in the {@see 'upload_dir'} filter.

This function is intended for internal use only and should not be used by plugins and themes.
Use wp_get_font_dir() instead.

return: string The modified font directory.
param: string $font_dir The font directory.

_wp_after_delete_font_family( $post_id, $post )   X-Ref
Deletes child font faces when a font family is deleted.

param: int     $post_id Post ID.
param: WP_Post $post    Post object.

_wp_before_delete_font_face( $post_id, $post )   X-Ref
Deletes associated font files when a font face is deleted.

param: int     $post_id Post ID.
param: WP_Post $post    Post object.

_wp_register_default_font_collections()   X-Ref
Register the default font collections.

Generated : Sat Dec 21 08:20:01 2024 Cross-referenced by PHPXref