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Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
File Size: | 781 lines (30 kb) |
Included or required: | 2 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
Tile:: (0 methods):
Prop:: (0 methods):
Dim_Prop:: (0 methods):
Chan_Prop:: (0 methods):
Features:: (2 methods):
Box:: (1 method):
Parser:: (7 methods):
get_item_features( $target_item_id, $tile_depth ) X-Ref |
Binds the width, height, bit depth and number of channels from stored internal features. param: int $target_item_id Id of the item whose features will be bound. param: int $tile_depth Maximum recursion to search within tile-parent relations. return: Status FOUND on success or NOT_FOUND on failure. |
get_primary_item_features() X-Ref |
Finds the width, height, bit depth and number of channels of the primary item. return: Status FOUND on success or NOT_FOUND on failure. |
parse( $handle, &$num_parsed_boxes, $num_remaining_bytes = MAX_SIZE ) X-Ref |
Reads the box header. param: stream $handle The resource the header will be parsed from. param: int $num_parsed_boxes The total number of parsed boxes. Prevents timeouts. param: int $num_remaining_bytes The number of bytes that should be available from the resource. return: Status FOUND on success or an error on failure. |
__construct( $handle ) X-Ref |
No description |
parse_ipco( $num_remaining_bytes ) X-Ref |
Parses an "ipco" box. "ispe" is used for width and height, "pixi" and "av1C" are used for bit depth and number of channels, and "auxC" is used for alpha. param: stream $handle The resource the box will be parsed from. param: int $num_remaining_bytes The number of bytes that should be available from the resource. return: Status FOUND on success or an error on failure. |
parse_iprp( $num_remaining_bytes ) X-Ref |
Parses an "iprp" box. The "ipco" box contain the properties which are linked to items by the "ipma" box. param: stream $handle The resource the box will be parsed from. param: int $num_remaining_bytes The number of bytes that should be available from the resource. return: Status FOUND on success or an error on failure. |
parse_iref( $num_remaining_bytes ) X-Ref |
Parses an "iref" box. The "dimg" boxes contain links between tiles and their parent items, which can be used to infer bit depth and number of channels for the primary item when the latter does not have these properties. param: stream $handle The resource the box will be parsed from. param: int $num_remaining_bytes The number of bytes that should be available from the resource. return: Status FOUND on success or an error on failure. |
parse_meta( $num_remaining_bytes ) X-Ref |
Parses a "meta" box. It looks for the primary item ID in the "pitm" box and recurses into other boxes to find its features. param: stream $handle The resource the box will be parsed from. param: int $num_remaining_bytes The number of bytes that should be available from the resource. return: Status FOUND on success or an error on failure. |
parse_ftyp() X-Ref |
Parses a file stream. The file type is checked through the "ftyp" box. return: bool True if the input stream is an AVIF bitstream or false. |
parse_file() X-Ref |
Parses a file stream. Features are extracted from the "meta" box. return: bool True if the main features of the primary item were parsed or false. |
read_big_endian( $input, $num_bytes ) X-Ref |
Reads an unsigned integer with most significant bits first. param: binary string $input Must be at least $num_bytes-long. param: int $num_bytes Number of parsed bytes. return: int Value. |
read( $handle, $num_bytes ) X-Ref |
Reads bytes and advances the stream position by the same count. param: stream $handle Bytes will be read from this resource. param: int $num_bytes Number of bytes read. Must be greater than 0. return: binary string|false The raw bytes or false on failure. |
skip( $handle, $num_bytes ) X-Ref |
Advances the stream position by the given offset. param: stream $handle Bytes will be skipped from this resource. param: int $num_bytes Number of skipped bytes. Can be 0. return: bool True on success or false on failure. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |