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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily) |
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File Size: | 430 lines (11 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
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Includes or requires: | 0 files |
removeHoverIfEscape( event ) X-Ref |
Remove hover class for top level menu item when escape is pressed. param: {Event} event The keydown event. |
toggleHoverIfEnter( event ) X-Ref |
Toggle hover class for top level menu item when enter is pressed. param: {Event} event The keydown event. |
mobileHover( topMenuItems, event ) X-Ref |
Toggle hover class for mobile devices. param: {NodeList} topMenuItems All menu items. param: {Event} event The click event. |
clickShortlink( event ) X-Ref |
Handles the click on the Shortlink link in the adminbar. param: {Event} event The click event. return: {boolean} Returns false to prevent default click behavior. |
emptySessionStorage() X-Ref |
Clear sessionStorage on logging out. |
hasClass( element, className ) X-Ref |
Check if element has class. param: {HTMLElement} element The HTML element. param: {string} className The class name. return: {boolean} Whether the element has the className. |
addClass( element, className ) X-Ref |
Add class to an element. param: {HTMLElement} element The HTML element. param: {string} className The class name. |
removeClass( element, className ) X-Ref |
Remove class from an element. param: {HTMLElement} element The HTML element. param: {string} className The class name. |
removeAllHoverClass( topMenuItems ) X-Ref |
Remove hover class for all menu items. param: {NodeList} topMenuItems All menu items. |
scrollToTop( event ) X-Ref |
Scrolls to the top of the page. param: {Event} event The Click event. return: {void} |
getClosest( el, selector ) X-Ref |
Get closest Element. param: {HTMLElement} el Element to get parent. param: {string} selector CSS selector to match. |
Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |