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PHP Cross Reference of WordPress Trunk (Updated Daily)





/wp-includes/js/ -> quicktags.js (source)

   2  /*
   3   * Quicktags
   4   *
   5   * This is the HTML editor in WordPress. It can be attached to any textarea and will
   6   * append a toolbar above it. This script is self-contained (does not require external libraries).
   7   *
   8   * Run quicktags(settings) to initialize it, where settings is an object containing up to 3 properties:
   9   * settings = {
  10   *   id : 'my_id',          the HTML ID of the textarea, required
  11   *   buttons: ''            Comma separated list of the names of the default buttons to show. Optional.
  12   *                          Current list of default button names: 'strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close';
  13   * }
  14   *
  15   * The settings can also be a string quicktags_id.
  16   *
  17   * quicktags_id string The ID of the textarea that will be the editor canvas
  18   * buttons string Comma separated list of the default buttons names that will be shown in that instance.
  19   *
  20   * @output wp-includes/js/quicktags.js
  21   */
  23  // New edit toolbar used with permission
  24  // by Alex King
  25  // http://www.alexking.org/
  27  /* global adminpage, wpActiveEditor, quicktagsL10n, wpLink, prompt, edButtons */
  29  window.edButtons = [];
  31  /* jshint ignore:start */
  33  /**
  34   * Back-compat
  35   *
  36   * Define all former global functions so plugins that hack quicktags.js directly don't cause fatal errors.
  37   */
  38  window.edAddTag = function(){};
  39  window.edCheckOpenTags = function(){};
  40  window.edCloseAllTags = function(){};
  41  window.edInsertImage = function(){};
  42  window.edInsertLink = function(){};
  43  window.edInsertTag = function(){};
  44  window.edLink = function(){};
  45  window.edQuickLink = function(){};
  46  window.edRemoveTag = function(){};
  47  window.edShowButton = function(){};
  48  window.edShowLinks = function(){};
  49  window.edSpell = function(){};
  50  window.edToolbar = function(){};
  52  /* jshint ignore:end */
  54  (function(){
  55      // Private stuff is prefixed with an underscore.
  56      var _domReady = function(func) {
  57          var t, i, DOMContentLoaded, _tryReady;
  59          if ( typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ) {
  60              jQuery( func );
  61          } else {
  62              t = _domReady;
  63              t.funcs = [];
  65              t.ready = function() {
  66                  if ( ! t.isReady ) {
  67                      t.isReady = true;
  68                      for ( i = 0; i < t.funcs.length; i++ ) {
  69                          t.funcs[i]();
  70                      }
  71                  }
  72              };
  74              if ( t.isReady ) {
  75                  func();
  76              } else {
  77                  t.funcs.push(func);
  78              }
  80              if ( ! t.eventAttached ) {
  81                  if ( document.addEventListener ) {
  82                      DOMContentLoaded = function(){document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', DOMContentLoaded, false);t.ready();};
  83                      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', DOMContentLoaded, false);
  84                      window.addEventListener('load', t.ready, false);
  85                  } else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
  86                      DOMContentLoaded = function(){if (document.readyState === 'complete'){ document.detachEvent('onreadystatechange', DOMContentLoaded);t.ready();}};
  87                      document.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', DOMContentLoaded);
  88                      window.attachEvent('onload', t.ready);
  90                      _tryReady = function() {
  91                          try {
  92                              document.documentElement.doScroll('left');
  93                          } catch(e) {
  94                              setTimeout(_tryReady, 50);
  95                              return;
  96                          }
  98                          t.ready();
  99                      };
 100                      _tryReady();
 101                  }
 103                  t.eventAttached = true;
 104              }
 105          }
 106      },
 108      _datetime = (function() {
 109          var now = new Date(), zeroise;
 111          zeroise = function(number) {
 112              var str = number.toString();
 114              if ( str.length < 2 ) {
 115                  str = '0' + str;
 116              }
 118              return str;
 119          };
 121          return now.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
 122              zeroise( now.getUTCMonth() + 1 ) + '-' +
 123              zeroise( now.getUTCDate() ) + 'T' +
 124              zeroise( now.getUTCHours() ) + ':' +
 125              zeroise( now.getUTCMinutes() ) + ':' +
 126              zeroise( now.getUTCSeconds() ) +
 127              '+00:00';
 128      })();
 130      var qt = window.QTags = function(settings) {
 131          if ( typeof(settings) === 'string' ) {
 132              settings = {id: settings};
 133          } else if ( typeof(settings) !== 'object' ) {
 134              return false;
 135          }
 137          var t = this,
 138              id = settings.id,
 139              canvas = document.getElementById(id),
 140              name = 'qt_' + id,
 141              tb, onclick, toolbar_id, wrap, setActiveEditor;
 143          if ( !id || !canvas ) {
 144              return false;
 145          }
 147          t.name = name;
 148          t.id = id;
 149          t.canvas = canvas;
 150          t.settings = settings;
 152          if ( id === 'content' && typeof(adminpage) === 'string' && ( adminpage === 'post-new-php' || adminpage === 'post-php' ) ) {
 153              // Back compat hack :-(
 154              window.edCanvas = canvas;
 155              toolbar_id = 'ed_toolbar';
 156          } else {
 157              toolbar_id = name + '_toolbar';
 158          }
 160          tb = document.getElementById( toolbar_id );
 162          if ( ! tb ) {
 163              tb = document.createElement('div');
 164              tb.id = toolbar_id;
 165              tb.className = 'quicktags-toolbar';
 166          }
 168          canvas.parentNode.insertBefore(tb, canvas);
 169          t.toolbar = tb;
 171          // Listen for click events.
 172          onclick = function(e) {
 173              e = e || window.event;
 174              var target = e.target || e.srcElement, visible = target.clientWidth || target.offsetWidth, i;
 176              // Don't call the callback on pressing the accesskey when the button is not visible.
 177              if ( !visible ) {
 178                  return;
 179              }
 181              // As long as it has the class ed_button, execute the callback.
 182              if ( / ed_button /.test(' ' + target.className + ' ') ) {
 183                  // We have to reassign canvas here.
 184                  t.canvas = canvas = document.getElementById(id);
 185                  i = target.id.replace(name + '_', '');
 187                  if ( t.theButtons[i] ) {
 188                      t.theButtons[i].callback.call(t.theButtons[i], target, canvas, t);
 189                  }
 190              }
 191          };
 193          setActiveEditor = function() {
 194              window.wpActiveEditor = id;
 195          };
 197          wrap = document.getElementById( 'wp-' + id + '-wrap' );
 199          if ( tb.addEventListener ) {
 200              tb.addEventListener( 'click', onclick, false );
 202              if ( wrap ) {
 203                  wrap.addEventListener( 'click', setActiveEditor, false );
 204              }
 205          } else if ( tb.attachEvent ) {
 206              tb.attachEvent( 'onclick', onclick );
 208              if ( wrap ) {
 209                  wrap.attachEvent( 'onclick', setActiveEditor );
 210              }
 211          }
 213          t.getButton = function(id) {
 214              return t.theButtons[id];
 215          };
 217          t.getButtonElement = function(id) {
 218              return document.getElementById(name + '_' + id);
 219          };
 221          t.init = function() {
 222              _domReady( function(){ qt._buttonsInit( id ); } );
 223          };
 225          t.remove = function() {
 226              delete qt.instances[id];
 228              if ( tb && tb.parentNode ) {
 229                  tb.parentNode.removeChild( tb );
 230              }
 231          };
 233          qt.instances[id] = t;
 234          t.init();
 235      };
 237  	function _escape( text ) {
 238          text = text || '';
 239          text = text.replace( /&([^#])(?![a-z1-4]{1,8};)/gi, '&#038;$1' );
 240          return text.replace( /</g, '&lt;' ).replace( />/g, '&gt;' ).replace( /"/g, '&quot;' ).replace( /'/g, '&#039;' );
 241      }
 243      qt.instances = {};
 245      qt.getInstance = function(id) {
 246          return qt.instances[id];
 247      };
 249      qt._buttonsInit = function( id ) {
 250          var t = this;
 252  		function _init( instanceId ) {
 253              var canvas, name, settings, theButtons, html, ed, id, i, use,
 254                  defaults = ',strong,em,link,block,del,ins,img,ul,ol,li,code,more,close,';
 256              ed = t.instances[instanceId];
 257              canvas = ed.canvas;
 258              name = ed.name;
 259              settings = ed.settings;
 260              html = '';
 261              theButtons = {};
 262              use = '';
 264              // Set buttons.
 265              if ( settings.buttons ) {
 266                  use = ','+settings.buttons+',';
 267              }
 269              for ( i in edButtons ) {
 270                  if ( ! edButtons[i] ) {
 271                      continue;
 272                  }
 274                  id = edButtons[i].id;
 275                  if ( use && defaults.indexOf( ',' + id + ',' ) !== -1 && use.indexOf( ',' + id + ',' ) === -1 ) {
 276                      continue;
 277                  }
 279                  if ( ! edButtons[i].instance || edButtons[i].instance === instanceId ) {
 280                      theButtons[id] = edButtons[i];
 282                      if ( edButtons[i].html ) {
 283                          html += edButtons[i].html( name + '_' );
 284                      }
 285                  }
 286              }
 288              if ( use && use.indexOf(',dfw,') !== -1 ) {
 289                  theButtons.dfw = new qt.DFWButton();
 290                  html += theButtons.dfw.html( name + '_' );
 291              }
 293              if ( 'rtl' === document.getElementsByTagName( 'html' )[0].dir ) {
 294                  theButtons.textdirection = new qt.TextDirectionButton();
 295                  html += theButtons.textdirection.html( name + '_' );
 296              }
 298              ed.toolbar.innerHTML = html;
 299              ed.theButtons = theButtons;
 301              if ( typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ) {
 302                  jQuery( document ).triggerHandler( 'quicktags-init', [ ed ] );
 303              }
 304          }
 306          if ( id ) {
 307              _init( id );
 308          } else {
 309              for ( id in t.instances ) {
 310                  _init( id );
 311              }
 312          }
 314          t.buttonsInitDone = true;
 315      };
 317      /**
 318       * Main API function for adding a button to Quicktags
 319       *
 320       * Adds qt.Button or qt.TagButton depending on the args. The first three args are always required.
 321       * To be able to add button(s) to Quicktags, your script should be enqueued as dependent
 322       * on "quicktags" and outputted in the footer. If you are echoing JS directly from PHP,
 323       * use add_action( 'admin_print_footer_scripts', 'output_my_js', 100 ) or add_action( 'wp_footer', 'output_my_js', 100 )
 324       *
 325       * Minimum required to add a button that calls an external function:
 326       *     QTags.addButton( 'my_id', 'my button', my_callback );
 327       *     function my_callback() { alert('yeah!'); }
 328       *
 329       * Minimum required to add a button that inserts a tag:
 330       *     QTags.addButton( 'my_id', 'my button', '<span>', '</span>' );
 331       *     QTags.addButton( 'my_id2', 'my button', '<br />' );
 332       *
 333       * @param string id Required. Button HTML ID
 334       * @param string display Required. Button's value="..."
 335       * @param string|function arg1 Required. Either a starting tag to be inserted like "<span>" or a callback that is executed when the button is clicked.
 336       * @param string arg2 Optional. Ending tag like "</span>"
 337       * @param string access_key Deprecated Not used
 338       * @param string title Optional. Button's title="..."
 339       * @param int priority Optional. Number representing the desired position of the button in the toolbar. 1 - 9 = first, 11 - 19 = second, 21 - 29 = third, etc.
 340       * @param string instance Optional. Limit the button to a specific instance of Quicktags, add to all instances if not present.
 341       * @param attr object Optional. Used to pass additional attributes. Currently supports `ariaLabel` and `ariaLabelClose` (for "close tag" state)
 342       * @return mixed null or the button object that is needed for back-compat.
 343       */
 344      qt.addButton = function( id, display, arg1, arg2, access_key, title, priority, instance, attr ) {
 345          var btn;
 347          if ( !id || !display ) {
 348              return;
 349          }
 351          priority = priority || 0;
 352          arg2 = arg2 || '';
 353          attr = attr || {};
 355          if ( typeof(arg1) === 'function' ) {
 356              btn = new qt.Button( id, display, access_key, title, instance, attr );
 357              btn.callback = arg1;
 358          } else if ( typeof(arg1) === 'string' ) {
 359              btn = new qt.TagButton( id, display, arg1, arg2, access_key, title, instance, attr );
 360          } else {
 361              return;
 362          }
 364          if ( priority === -1 ) { // Back-compat.
 365              return btn;
 366          }
 368          if ( priority > 0 ) {
 369              while ( typeof(edButtons[priority]) !== 'undefined' ) {
 370                  priority++;
 371              }
 373              edButtons[priority] = btn;
 374          } else {
 375              edButtons[edButtons.length] = btn;
 376          }
 378          if ( this.buttonsInitDone ) {
 379              this._buttonsInit(); // Add the button HTML to all instances toolbars if addButton() was called too late.
 380          }
 381      };
 383      qt.insertContent = function(content) {
 384          var sel, startPos, endPos, scrollTop, text, canvas = document.getElementById(wpActiveEditor), event;
 386          if ( !canvas ) {
 387              return false;
 388          }
 390          if ( document.selection ) { // IE.
 391              canvas.focus();
 392              sel = document.selection.createRange();
 393              sel.text = content;
 394              canvas.focus();
 395          } else if ( canvas.selectionStart || canvas.selectionStart === 0 ) { // FF, WebKit, Opera.
 396              text = canvas.value;
 397              startPos = canvas.selectionStart;
 398              endPos = canvas.selectionEnd;
 399              scrollTop = canvas.scrollTop;
 401              canvas.value = text.substring(0, startPos) + content + text.substring(endPos, text.length);
 403              canvas.selectionStart = startPos + content.length;
 404              canvas.selectionEnd = startPos + content.length;
 405              canvas.scrollTop = scrollTop;
 406              canvas.focus();
 407          } else {
 408              canvas.value += content;
 409              canvas.focus();
 410          }
 412          if ( document.createEvent ) {
 413              event = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' );
 414              event.initEvent( 'change', false, true );
 415              canvas.dispatchEvent( event );
 416          } else if ( canvas.fireEvent ) {
 417              canvas.fireEvent( 'onchange' );
 418          }
 420          return true;
 421      };
 423      // A plain, dumb button.
 424      qt.Button = function( id, display, access, title, instance, attr ) {
 425          this.id = id;
 426          this.display = display;
 427          this.access = '';
 428          this.title = title || '';
 429          this.instance = instance || '';
 430          this.attr = attr || {};
 431      };
 432      qt.Button.prototype.html = function(idPrefix) {
 433          var active, on, wp,
 434              title = this.title ? ' title="' + _escape( this.title ) + '"' : '',
 435              ariaLabel = this.attr && this.attr.ariaLabel ? ' aria-label="' + _escape( this.attr.ariaLabel ) + '"' : '',
 436              val = this.display ? ' value="' + _escape( this.display ) + '"' : '',
 437              id = this.id ? ' id="' + _escape( idPrefix + this.id ) + '"' : '',
 438              dfw = ( wp = window.wp ) && wp.editor && wp.editor.dfw;
 440          if ( this.id === 'fullscreen' ) {
 441              return '<button type="button"' + id + ' class="ed_button qt-dfw qt-fullscreen"' + title + ariaLabel + '></button>';
 442          } else if ( this.id === 'dfw' ) {
 443              active = dfw && dfw.isActive() ? '' : ' disabled="disabled"';
 444              on = dfw && dfw.isOn() ? ' active' : '';
 446              return '<button type="button"' + id + ' class="ed_button qt-dfw' + on + '"' + title + ariaLabel + active + '></button>';
 447          }
 449          return '<input type="button"' + id + ' class="ed_button button button-small"' + title + ariaLabel + val + ' />';
 450      };
 451      qt.Button.prototype.callback = function(){};
 453      // A button that inserts HTML tag.
 454      qt.TagButton = function( id, display, tagStart, tagEnd, access, title, instance, attr ) {
 455          var t = this;
 456          qt.Button.call( t, id, display, access, title, instance, attr );
 457          t.tagStart = tagStart;
 458          t.tagEnd = tagEnd;
 459      };
 460      qt.TagButton.prototype = new qt.Button();
 461      qt.TagButton.prototype.openTag = function( element, ed ) {
 462          if ( ! ed.openTags ) {
 463              ed.openTags = [];
 464          }
 466          if ( this.tagEnd ) {
 467              ed.openTags.push( this.id );
 468              element.value = '/' + element.value;
 470              if ( this.attr.ariaLabelClose ) {
 471                  element.setAttribute( 'aria-label', this.attr.ariaLabelClose );
 472              }
 473          }
 474      };
 475      qt.TagButton.prototype.closeTag = function( element, ed ) {
 476          var i = this.isOpen(ed);
 478          if ( i !== false ) {
 479              ed.openTags.splice( i, 1 );
 480          }
 482          element.value = this.display;
 484          if ( this.attr.ariaLabel ) {
 485              element.setAttribute( 'aria-label', this.attr.ariaLabel );
 486          }
 487      };
 488      // Whether a tag is open or not. Returns false if not open, or current open depth of the tag.
 489      qt.TagButton.prototype.isOpen = function (ed) {
 490          var t = this, i = 0, ret = false;
 491          if ( ed.openTags ) {
 492              while ( ret === false && i < ed.openTags.length ) {
 493                  ret = ed.openTags[i] === t.id ? i : false;
 494                  i ++;
 495              }
 496          } else {
 497              ret = false;
 498          }
 499          return ret;
 500      };
 501      qt.TagButton.prototype.callback = function(element, canvas, ed) {
 502          var t = this, startPos, endPos, cursorPos, scrollTop, v = canvas.value, l, r, i, sel, endTag = v ? t.tagEnd : '', event;
 504          if ( document.selection ) { // IE.
 505              canvas.focus();
 506              sel = document.selection.createRange();
 507              if ( sel.text.length > 0 ) {
 508                  if ( !t.tagEnd ) {
 509                      sel.text = sel.text + t.tagStart;
 510                  } else {
 511                      sel.text = t.tagStart + sel.text + endTag;
 512                  }
 513              } else {
 514                  if ( !t.tagEnd ) {
 515                      sel.text = t.tagStart;
 516                  } else if ( t.isOpen(ed) === false ) {
 517                      sel.text = t.tagStart;
 518                      t.openTag(element, ed);
 519                  } else {
 520                      sel.text = endTag;
 521                      t.closeTag(element, ed);
 522                  }
 523              }
 524              canvas.focus();
 525          } else if ( canvas.selectionStart || canvas.selectionStart === 0 ) { // FF, WebKit, Opera.
 526              startPos = canvas.selectionStart;
 527              endPos = canvas.selectionEnd;
 529              if ( startPos < endPos && v.charAt( endPos - 1 ) === '\n' ) {
 530                  endPos -= 1;
 531              }
 533              cursorPos = endPos;
 534              scrollTop = canvas.scrollTop;
 535              l = v.substring(0, startPos);      // Left of the selection.
 536              r = v.substring(endPos, v.length); // Right of the selection.
 537              i = v.substring(startPos, endPos); // Inside the selection.
 538              if ( startPos !== endPos ) {
 539                  if ( !t.tagEnd ) {
 540                      canvas.value = l + i + t.tagStart + r; // Insert self-closing tags after the selection.
 541                      cursorPos += t.tagStart.length;
 542                  } else {
 543                      canvas.value = l + t.tagStart + i + endTag + r;
 544                      cursorPos += t.tagStart.length + endTag.length;
 545                  }
 546              } else {
 547                  if ( !t.tagEnd ) {
 548                      canvas.value = l + t.tagStart + r;
 549                      cursorPos = startPos + t.tagStart.length;
 550                  } else if ( t.isOpen(ed) === false ) {
 551                      canvas.value = l + t.tagStart + r;
 552                      t.openTag(element, ed);
 553                      cursorPos = startPos + t.tagStart.length;
 554                  } else {
 555                      canvas.value = l + endTag + r;
 556                      cursorPos = startPos + endTag.length;
 557                      t.closeTag(element, ed);
 558                  }
 559              }
 561              canvas.selectionStart = cursorPos;
 562              canvas.selectionEnd = cursorPos;
 563              canvas.scrollTop = scrollTop;
 564              canvas.focus();
 565          } else { // Other browsers?
 566              if ( !endTag ) {
 567                  canvas.value += t.tagStart;
 568              } else if ( t.isOpen(ed) !== false ) {
 569                  canvas.value += t.tagStart;
 570                  t.openTag(element, ed);
 571              } else {
 572                  canvas.value += endTag;
 573                  t.closeTag(element, ed);
 574              }
 575              canvas.focus();
 576          }
 578          if ( document.createEvent ) {
 579              event = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' );
 580              event.initEvent( 'change', false, true );
 581              canvas.dispatchEvent( event );
 582          } else if ( canvas.fireEvent ) {
 583              canvas.fireEvent( 'onchange' );
 584          }
 585      };
 587      // Removed.
 588      qt.SpellButton = function() {};
 590      // The close tags button.
 591      qt.CloseButton = function() {
 592          qt.Button.call( this, 'close', quicktagsL10n.closeTags, '', quicktagsL10n.closeAllOpenTags );
 593      };
 595      qt.CloseButton.prototype = new qt.Button();
 597      qt._close = function(e, c, ed) {
 598          var button, element, tbo = ed.openTags;
 600          if ( tbo ) {
 601              while ( tbo.length > 0 ) {
 602                  button = ed.getButton(tbo[tbo.length - 1]);
 603                  element = document.getElementById(ed.name + '_' + button.id);
 605                  if ( e ) {
 606                      button.callback.call(button, element, c, ed);
 607                  } else {
 608                      button.closeTag(element, ed);
 609                  }
 610              }
 611          }
 612      };
 614      qt.CloseButton.prototype.callback = qt._close;
 616      qt.closeAllTags = function( editor_id ) {
 617          var ed = this.getInstance( editor_id );
 619          if ( ed ) {
 620              qt._close( '', ed.canvas, ed );
 621          }
 622      };
 624      // The link button.
 625      qt.LinkButton = function() {
 626          var attr = {
 627              ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.link
 628          };
 630          qt.TagButton.call( this, 'link', 'link', '', '</a>', '', '', '', attr );
 631      };
 632      qt.LinkButton.prototype = new qt.TagButton();
 633      qt.LinkButton.prototype.callback = function(e, c, ed, defaultValue) {
 634          var URL, t = this;
 636          if ( typeof wpLink !== 'undefined' ) {
 637              wpLink.open( ed.id );
 638              return;
 639          }
 641          if ( ! defaultValue ) {
 642              defaultValue = 'http://';
 643          }
 645          if ( t.isOpen(ed) === false ) {
 646              URL = prompt( quicktagsL10n.enterURL, defaultValue );
 647              if ( URL ) {
 648                  t.tagStart = '<a href="' + URL + '">';
 649                  qt.TagButton.prototype.callback.call(t, e, c, ed);
 650              }
 651          } else {
 652              qt.TagButton.prototype.callback.call(t, e, c, ed);
 653          }
 654      };
 656      // The img button.
 657      qt.ImgButton = function() {
 658          var attr = {
 659              ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.image
 660          };
 662          qt.TagButton.call( this, 'img', 'img', '', '', '', '', '', attr );
 663      };
 664      qt.ImgButton.prototype = new qt.TagButton();
 665      qt.ImgButton.prototype.callback = function(e, c, ed, defaultValue) {
 666          if ( ! defaultValue ) {
 667              defaultValue = 'http://';
 668          }
 669          var src = prompt(quicktagsL10n.enterImageURL, defaultValue), alt;
 670          if ( src ) {
 671              alt = prompt(quicktagsL10n.enterImageDescription, '');
 672              this.tagStart = '<img src="' + src + '" alt="' + alt + '" />';
 673              qt.TagButton.prototype.callback.call(this, e, c, ed);
 674          }
 675      };
 677      qt.DFWButton = function() {
 678          qt.Button.call( this, 'dfw', '', 'f', quicktagsL10n.dfw );
 679      };
 680      qt.DFWButton.prototype = new qt.Button();
 681      qt.DFWButton.prototype.callback = function() {
 682          var wp;
 684          if ( ! ( wp = window.wp ) || ! wp.editor || ! wp.editor.dfw ) {
 685              return;
 686          }
 688          window.wp.editor.dfw.toggle();
 689      };
 691      qt.TextDirectionButton = function() {
 692          qt.Button.call( this, 'textdirection', quicktagsL10n.textdirection, '', quicktagsL10n.toggleTextdirection );
 693      };
 694      qt.TextDirectionButton.prototype = new qt.Button();
 695      qt.TextDirectionButton.prototype.callback = function(e, c) {
 696          var isRTL = ( 'rtl' === document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].dir ),
 697              currentDirection = c.style.direction;
 699          if ( ! currentDirection ) {
 700              currentDirection = ( isRTL ) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
 701          }
 703          c.style.direction = ( 'rtl' === currentDirection ) ? 'ltr' : 'rtl';
 704          c.focus();
 705      };
 707      // Ensure backward compatibility.
 708      edButtons[10]  = new qt.TagButton( 'strong', 'b', '<strong>', '</strong>', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.strong, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.strongClose } );
 709      edButtons[20]  = new qt.TagButton( 'em', 'i', '<em>', '</em>', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.em, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.emClose } );
 710      edButtons[30]  = new qt.LinkButton(); // Special case.
 711      edButtons[40]  = new qt.TagButton( 'block', 'b-quote', '\n\n<blockquote>', '</blockquote>\n\n', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.blockquote, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.blockquoteClose } );
 712      edButtons[50]  = new qt.TagButton( 'del', 'del', '<del datetime="' + _datetime + '">', '</del>', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.del, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.delClose } );
 713      edButtons[60]  = new qt.TagButton( 'ins', 'ins', '<ins datetime="' + _datetime + '">', '</ins>', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.ins, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.insClose } );
 714      edButtons[70]  = new qt.ImgButton();  // Special case.
 715      edButtons[80]  = new qt.TagButton( 'ul', 'ul', '<ul>\n', '</ul>\n\n', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.ul, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.ulClose } );
 716      edButtons[90]  = new qt.TagButton( 'ol', 'ol', '<ol>\n', '</ol>\n\n', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.ol, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.olClose } );
 717      edButtons[100] = new qt.TagButton( 'li', 'li', '\t<li>', '</li>\n', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.li, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.liClose } );
 718      edButtons[110] = new qt.TagButton( 'code', 'code', '<code>', '</code>', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.code, ariaLabelClose: quicktagsL10n.codeClose } );
 719      edButtons[120] = new qt.TagButton( 'more', 'more', '<!--more-->\n\n', '', '', '', '', { ariaLabel: quicktagsL10n.more } );
 720      edButtons[140] = new qt.CloseButton();
 722  })();
 724  /**
 725   * Initialize new instance of the Quicktags editor
 726   */
 727  window.quicktags = function(settings) {
 728      return new window.QTags(settings);
 729  };
 731  /**
 732   * Inserts content at the caret in the active editor (textarea)
 733   *
 734   * Added for back compatibility
 735   * @see QTags.insertContent()
 736   */
 737  window.edInsertContent = function(bah, txt) {
 738      return window.QTags.insertContent(txt);
 739  };
 741  /**
 742   * Adds a button to all instances of the editor
 743   *
 744   * Added for back compatibility, use QTags.addButton() as it gives more flexibility like type of button, button placement, etc.
 745   * @see QTags.addButton()
 746   */
 747  window.edButton = function(id, display, tagStart, tagEnd, access) {
 748      return window.QTags.addButton( id, display, tagStart, tagEnd, access, '', -1 );
 749  };

Generated : Sun Mar 9 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref