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/wp-includes/sitemaps/ -> class-wp-sitemaps-stylesheet.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Sitemaps: WP_Sitemaps_Stylesheet class
   4   *
   5   * This class provides the XSL stylesheets to style all sitemaps.
   6   *
   7   * @package WordPress
   8   * @subpackage Sitemaps
   9   * @since 5.5.0
  10   */
  12  /**
  13   * Stylesheet provider class.
  14   *
  15   * @since 5.5.0
  16   */
  17  #[AllowDynamicProperties]
  18  class WP_Sitemaps_Stylesheet {
  19      /**
  20       * Renders the XSL stylesheet depending on whether it's the sitemap index or not.
  21       *
  22       * @param string $type Stylesheet type. Either 'sitemap' or 'index'.
  23       */
  24  	public function render_stylesheet( $type ) {
  25          header( 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8' );
  27          if ( 'sitemap' === $type ) {
  28              // All content is escaped below.
  29              echo $this->get_sitemap_stylesheet();
  30          }
  32          if ( 'index' === $type ) {
  33              // All content is escaped below.
  34              echo $this->get_sitemap_index_stylesheet();
  35          }
  37          exit;
  38      }
  40      /**
  41       * Returns the escaped XSL for all sitemaps, except index.
  42       *
  43       * @since 5.5.0
  44       */
  45  	public function get_sitemap_stylesheet() {
  46          $css         = $this->get_stylesheet_css();
  47          $title       = esc_xml( __( 'XML Sitemap' ) );
  48          $description = esc_xml( __( 'This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible for search engines.' ) );
  49          $learn_more  = sprintf(
  50              '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
  51              esc_url( __( 'https://www.sitemaps.org/' ) ),
  52              esc_xml( __( 'Learn more about XML sitemaps.' ) )
  53          );
  55          $text = sprintf(
  56              /* translators: %s: Number of URLs. */
  57              esc_xml( __( 'Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s.' ) ),
  58              '<xsl:value-of select="count( sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url )" />'
  59          );
  61          $lang       = get_language_attributes( 'html' );
  62          $url        = esc_xml( __( 'URL' ) );
  63          $lastmod    = esc_xml( __( 'Last Modified' ) );
  64          $changefreq = esc_xml( __( 'Change Frequency' ) );
  65          $priority   = esc_xml( __( 'Priority' ) );
  67          $xsl_content = <<<XSL
  68  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  69  <xsl:stylesheet
  70          version="1.0"
  71          xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
  72          xmlns:sitemap="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"
  73          exclude-result-prefixes="sitemap"
  74          >
  76      <xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
  78      <!--
  79        Set variables for whether lastmod, changefreq or priority occur for any url in the sitemap.
  80        We do this up front because it can be expensive in a large sitemap.
  81        -->
  82      <xsl:variable name="has-lastmod"    select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:lastmod )"    />
  83      <xsl:variable name="has-changefreq" select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:changefreq )" />
  84      <xsl:variable name="has-priority"   select="count( /sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url/sitemap:priority )"   />
  86      <xsl:template match="/">
  87          <html {$lang}>
  88              <head>
  89                  <title>{$title}</title>
  90                  <style>
  91                      {$css}
  92                  </style>
  93              </head>
  94              <body>
  95                  <div id="sitemap">
  96                      <div id="sitemap__header">
  97                          <h1>{$title}</h1>
  98                          <p>{$description}</p>
  99                          <p>{$learn_more}</p>
 100                      </div>
 101                      <div id="sitemap__content">
 102                          <p class="text">{$text}</p>
 103                          <table id="sitemap__table">
 104                              <thead>
 105                                  <tr>
 106                                      <th class="loc">{$url}</th>
 107                                      <xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
 108                                          <th class="lastmod">{$lastmod}</th>
 109                                      </xsl:if>
 110                                      <xsl:if test="\$has-changefreq">
 111                                          <th class="changefreq">{$changefreq}</th>
 112                                      </xsl:if>
 113                                      <xsl:if test="\$has-priority">
 114                                          <th class="priority">{$priority}</th>
 115                                      </xsl:if>
 116                                  </tr>
 117                              </thead>
 118                              <tbody>
 119                                  <xsl:for-each select="sitemap:urlset/sitemap:url">
 120                                      <tr>
 121                                          <td class="loc"><a href="{sitemap:loc}"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:loc" /></a></td>
 122                                          <xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
 123                                              <td class="lastmod"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:lastmod" /></td>
 124                                          </xsl:if>
 125                                          <xsl:if test="\$has-changefreq">
 126                                              <td class="changefreq"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:changefreq" /></td>
 127                                          </xsl:if>
 128                                          <xsl:if test="\$has-priority">
 129                                              <td class="priority"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:priority" /></td>
 130                                          </xsl:if>
 131                                      </tr>
 132                                  </xsl:for-each>
 133                              </tbody>
 134                          </table>
 135                      </div>
 136                  </div>
 137              </body>
 138          </html>
 139      </xsl:template>
 140  </xsl:stylesheet>
 142  XSL;
 144          /**
 145           * Filters the content of the sitemap stylesheet.
 146           *
 147           * @since 5.5.0
 148           *
 149           * @param string $xsl_content Full content for the XML stylesheet.
 150           */
 151          return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_content', $xsl_content );
 152      }
 154      /**
 155       * Returns the escaped XSL for the index sitemaps.
 156       *
 157       * @since 5.5.0
 158       */
 159  	public function get_sitemap_index_stylesheet() {
 160          $css         = $this->get_stylesheet_css();
 161          $title       = esc_xml( __( 'XML Sitemap' ) );
 162          $description = esc_xml( __( 'This XML Sitemap is generated by WordPress to make your content more visible for search engines.' ) );
 163          $learn_more  = sprintf(
 164              '<a href="%s">%s</a>',
 165              esc_url( __( 'https://www.sitemaps.org/' ) ),
 166              esc_xml( __( 'Learn more about XML sitemaps.' ) )
 167          );
 169          $text = sprintf(
 170              /* translators: %s: Number of URLs. */
 171              esc_xml( __( 'Number of URLs in this XML Sitemap: %s.' ) ),
 172              '<xsl:value-of select="count( sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap )" />'
 173          );
 175          $lang    = get_language_attributes( 'html' );
 176          $url     = esc_xml( __( 'URL' ) );
 177          $lastmod = esc_xml( __( 'Last Modified' ) );
 179          $xsl_content = <<<XSL
 180  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 181  <xsl:stylesheet
 182          version="1.0"
 183          xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
 184          xmlns:sitemap="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"
 185          exclude-result-prefixes="sitemap"
 186          >
 188      <xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
 190      <!--
 191        Set variables for whether lastmod occurs for any sitemap in the index.
 192        We do this up front because it can be expensive in a large sitemap.
 193        -->
 194      <xsl:variable name="has-lastmod" select="count( /sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap/sitemap:lastmod )" />
 196      <xsl:template match="/">
 197          <html {$lang}>
 198              <head>
 199                  <title>{$title}</title>
 200                  <style>
 201                      {$css}
 202                  </style>
 203              </head>
 204              <body>
 205                  <div id="sitemap">
 206                      <div id="sitemap__header">
 207                          <h1>{$title}</h1>
 208                          <p>{$description}</p>
 209                          <p>{$learn_more}</p>
 210                      </div>
 211                      <div id="sitemap__content">
 212                          <p class="text">{$text}</p>
 213                          <table id="sitemap__table">
 214                              <thead>
 215                                  <tr>
 216                                      <th class="loc">{$url}</th>
 217                                      <xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
 218                                          <th class="lastmod">{$lastmod}</th>
 219                                      </xsl:if>
 220                                  </tr>
 221                              </thead>
 222                              <tbody>
 223                                  <xsl:for-each select="sitemap:sitemapindex/sitemap:sitemap">
 224                                      <tr>
 225                                          <td class="loc"><a href="{sitemap:loc}"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:loc" /></a></td>
 226                                          <xsl:if test="\$has-lastmod">
 227                                              <td class="lastmod"><xsl:value-of select="sitemap:lastmod" /></td>
 228                                          </xsl:if>
 229                                      </tr>
 230                                  </xsl:for-each>
 231                              </tbody>
 232                          </table>
 233                      </div>
 234                  </div>
 235              </body>
 236          </html>
 237      </xsl:template>
 238  </xsl:stylesheet>
 240  XSL;
 242          /**
 243           * Filters the content of the sitemap index stylesheet.
 244           *
 245           * @since 5.5.0
 246           *
 247           * @param string $xsl_content Full content for the XML stylesheet.
 248           */
 249          return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_index_content', $xsl_content );
 250      }
 252      /**
 253       * Gets the CSS to be included in sitemap XSL stylesheets.
 254       *
 255       * @since 5.5.0
 256       *
 257       * @return string The CSS.
 258       */
 259  	public function get_stylesheet_css() {
 260          $text_align = is_rtl() ? 'right' : 'left';
 262          $css = <<<EOF
 264                      body {
 265                          font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;
 266                          color: #444;
 267                      }
 269                      #sitemap {
 270                          max-width: 980px;
 271                          margin: 0 auto;
 272                      }
 274                      #sitemap__table {
 275                          width: 100%;
 276                          border: solid 1px #ccc;
 277                          border-collapse: collapse;
 278                      }
 280                       #sitemap__table tr td.loc {
 281                          /*
 282                           * URLs should always be LTR.
 283                           * See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16834
 284                           * and https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/49949
 285                           */
 286                          direction: ltr;
 287                      }
 289                      #sitemap__table tr th {
 290                          text-align: {$text_align};
 291                      }
 293                      #sitemap__table tr td,
 294                      #sitemap__table tr th {
 295                          padding: 10px;
 296                      }
 298                      #sitemap__table tr:nth-child(odd) td {
 299                          background-color: #eee;
 300                      }
 302                      a:hover {
 303                          text-decoration: none;
 304                      }
 306  EOF;
 308          /**
 309           * Filters the CSS only for the sitemap stylesheet.
 310           *
 311           * @since 5.5.0
 312           *
 313           * @param string $css CSS to be applied to default XSL file.
 314           */
 315          return apply_filters( 'wp_sitemaps_stylesheet_css', $css );
 316      }
 317  }

Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 Cross-referenced by PHPXref