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Style Engine: WP_Style_Engine class
File Size: | 744 lines (28 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key ) X-Ref |
Util: Extracts the slug in kebab case from a preset string, e.g. `heavenly-blue` from `var:preset|color|heavenlyBlue`. return: string The slug, or empty string if not found. param: string $style_value A single CSS preset value. param: string $property_key The CSS property that is the second element of the preset string. |
get_css_var_value( $style_value, $css_vars ) X-Ref |
Util: Generates a CSS var string, e.g. `var(--wp--preset--color--background)` from a preset string such as `var:preset|space|50`. return: string The CSS var, or an empty string if no match for slug found. param: string $style_value A single CSS preset value. param: string[] $css_vars An associate array of CSS var patterns |
is_valid_style_value( $style_value ) X-Ref |
Util: Checks whether an incoming block style value is valid. return: bool param: string $style_value A single CSS preset value. |
store_css_rule( $store_name, $css_selector, $css_declarations, $rules_group = '' ) X-Ref |
Stores a CSS rule using the provided CSS selector and CSS declarations. param: string $store_name A valid store key. param: string $css_selector When a selector is passed, the function will return param: string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions, param: string $rules_group Optional. A parent CSS selector in the case of nested CSS, or a CSS nested @rule, |
get_store( $store_name ) X-Ref |
Returns a store by store key. return: WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store|null param: string $store_name A store key. |
parse_block_styles( $block_styles, $options ) X-Ref |
Returns classnames and CSS based on the values in a styles object. Return values are parsed based on the instructions in BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. return: array { param: array $block_styles The style object. param: array $options { |
get_classnames( $style_value, $style_definition ) X-Ref |
Returns classnames, and generates classname(s) from a CSS preset property pattern, e.g. `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>`. return: string[] An array of CSS classnames, or empty array if there are none. param: string $style_value A single raw style value or CSS preset property param: array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. |
get_css_declarations( $style_value, $style_definition, $options = array() X-Ref |
Returns an array of CSS declarations based on valid block style values. return: string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. param: mixed $style_value A single raw style value from $block_styles array. param: array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. param: array $options { |
get_individual_property_css_declarations( $style_value, $individual_property_definition, $options = array() X-Ref |
Style value parser that returns a CSS definition array comprising style properties that have keys representing individual style properties, otherwise known as longhand CSS properties. Example: "$style_property-$individual_feature: $value;" Which could represent the following: "border-{top|right|bottom|left}-{color|width|style}: {value};" or: "border-image-{outset|source|width|repeat|slice}: {value};" return: string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`. param: array $style_value A single raw style value from `$block_styles` array. param: array $individual_property_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA param: array $options { |
get_url_or_value_css_declaration( $style_value, $style_definition ) X-Ref |
Style value parser that constructs a CSS definition array comprising a single CSS property and value. If the provided value is an array containing a `url` property, the function will return a CSS definition array with a single property and value, with `url` escaped and injected into a CSS `url()` function, e.g., array( 'background-image' => "url( '...' )" ). return: string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g., array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" ). param: array $style_value A single raw style value from $block_styles array. param: array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA. |
compile_css( $css_declarations, $css_selector ) X-Ref |
Returns compiled CSS from CSS declarations. return: string A compiled CSS string. param: string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions, param: string $css_selector When a selector is passed, the function will return |
compile_stylesheet_from_css_rules( $css_rules, $options = array() X-Ref |
Returns a compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules. return: string A compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules. param: WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule[] $css_rules An array of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule objects param: array $options { |
Generated : Sat Feb 22 08:20:01 2025 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref |