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/wp-includes/style-engine/ -> class-wp-style-engine.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * Style Engine: WP_Style_Engine class
   4   *
   5   * @package WordPress
   6   * @subpackage StyleEngine
   7   * @since 6.1.0
   8   */
  10  /**
  11   * The main class integrating all other WP_Style_Engine_* classes.
  12   *
  13   * The Style Engine aims to provide a consistent API for rendering styling for blocks
  14   * across both client-side and server-side applications.
  15   *
  16   * This class is final and should not be extended.
  17   *
  18   * This class is for internal Core usage and is not supposed to be used by extenders
  19   * (plugins and/or themes). This is a low-level API that may need to do breaking changes.
  20   * Please, use wp_style_engine_get_styles() instead.
  21   *
  22   * @access private
  23   * @since 6.1.0
  24   * @since 6.3.0 Added support for text-columns.
  25   * @since 6.4.0 Added support for background.backgroundImage.
  26   * @since 6.5.0 Added support for background.backgroundPosition,
  27   *              background.backgroundRepeat and dimensions.aspectRatio.
  28   */
  29  #[AllowDynamicProperties]
  30  final class WP_Style_Engine {
  31      /**
  32       * Style definitions that contain the instructions to parse/output valid Gutenberg styles from a block's attributes.
  33       *
  34       * For every style definition, the following properties are valid:
  35       *
  36       *  - classnames    => (array) an array of classnames to be returned for block styles. The key is a classname or pattern.
  37       *                    A value of `true` means the classname should be applied always. Otherwise, a valid CSS property (string)
  38       *                    to match the incoming value, e.g., "color" to match var:preset|color|somePresetSlug.
  39       *  - css_vars      => (array) an array of key value pairs used to generate CSS var values.
  40       *                     The key should be the CSS property name that matches the second element of the preset string value,
  41       *                     i.e., "color" in var:preset|color|somePresetSlug. The value is a CSS var pattern (e.g. `--wp--preset--color--$slug`),
  42       *                     whose `$slug` fragment will be replaced with the preset slug, which is the third element of the preset string value,
  43       *                     i.e., `somePresetSlug` in var:preset|color|somePresetSlug.
  44       *  - property_keys => (array) array of keys whose values represent a valid CSS property, e.g., "margin" or "border".
  45       *  - path          => (array) a path that accesses the corresponding style value in the block style object.
  46       *  - value_func    => (string) the name of a function to generate a CSS definition array for a particular style object. The output of this function should be `array( "$property" => "$value", ... )`.
  47       *
  48       * @since 6.1.0
  49       * @var array
  50       */
  52          'background' => array(
  53              'backgroundImage'    => array(
  54                  'property_keys' => array(
  55                      'default' => 'background-image',
  56                  ),
  57                  'value_func'    => array( self::class, 'get_url_or_value_css_declaration' ),
  58                  'path'          => array( 'background', 'backgroundImage' ),
  59              ),
  60              'backgroundPosition' => array(
  61                  'property_keys' => array(
  62                      'default' => 'background-position',
  63                  ),
  64                  'path'          => array( 'background', 'backgroundPosition' ),
  65              ),
  66              'backgroundRepeat'   => array(
  67                  'property_keys' => array(
  68                      'default' => 'background-repeat',
  69                  ),
  70                  'path'          => array( 'background', 'backgroundRepeat' ),
  71              ),
  72              'backgroundSize'     => array(
  73                  'property_keys' => array(
  74                      'default' => 'background-size',
  75                  ),
  76                  'path'          => array( 'background', 'backgroundSize' ),
  77              ),
  78          ),
  79          'color'      => array(
  80              'text'       => array(
  81                  'property_keys' => array(
  82                      'default' => 'color',
  83                  ),
  84                  'path'          => array( 'color', 'text' ),
  85                  'css_vars'      => array(
  86                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
  87                  ),
  88                  'classnames'    => array(
  89                      'has-text-color'  => true,
  90                      'has-$slug-color' => 'color',
  91                  ),
  92              ),
  93              'background' => array(
  94                  'property_keys' => array(
  95                      'default' => 'background-color',
  96                  ),
  97                  'path'          => array( 'color', 'background' ),
  98                  'css_vars'      => array(
  99                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
 100                  ),
 101                  'classnames'    => array(
 102                      'has-background'             => true,
 103                      'has-$slug-background-color' => 'color',
 104                  ),
 105              ),
 106              'gradient'   => array(
 107                  'property_keys' => array(
 108                      'default' => 'background',
 109                  ),
 110                  'path'          => array( 'color', 'gradient' ),
 111                  'css_vars'      => array(
 112                      'gradient' => '--wp--preset--gradient--$slug',
 113                  ),
 114                  'classnames'    => array(
 115                      'has-background'                => true,
 116                      'has-$slug-gradient-background' => 'gradient',
 117                  ),
 118              ),
 119          ),
 120          'border'     => array(
 121              'color'  => array(
 122                  'property_keys' => array(
 123                      'default'    => 'border-color',
 124                      'individual' => 'border-%s-color',
 125                  ),
 126                  'path'          => array( 'border', 'color' ),
 127                  'classnames'    => array(
 128                      'has-border-color'       => true,
 129                      'has-$slug-border-color' => 'color',
 130                  ),
 131              ),
 132              'radius' => array(
 133                  'property_keys' => array(
 134                      'default'    => 'border-radius',
 135                      'individual' => 'border-%s-radius',
 136                  ),
 137                  'path'          => array( 'border', 'radius' ),
 138              ),
 139              'style'  => array(
 140                  'property_keys' => array(
 141                      'default'    => 'border-style',
 142                      'individual' => 'border-%s-style',
 143                  ),
 144                  'path'          => array( 'border', 'style' ),
 145              ),
 146              'width'  => array(
 147                  'property_keys' => array(
 148                      'default'    => 'border-width',
 149                      'individual' => 'border-%s-width',
 150                  ),
 151                  'path'          => array( 'border', 'width' ),
 152              ),
 153              'top'    => array(
 154                  'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ),
 155                  'path'       => array( 'border', 'top' ),
 156                  'css_vars'   => array(
 157                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
 158                  ),
 159              ),
 160              'right'  => array(
 161                  'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ),
 162                  'path'       => array( 'border', 'right' ),
 163                  'css_vars'   => array(
 164                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
 165                  ),
 166              ),
 167              'bottom' => array(
 168                  'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ),
 169                  'path'       => array( 'border', 'bottom' ),
 170                  'css_vars'   => array(
 171                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
 172                  ),
 173              ),
 174              'left'   => array(
 175                  'value_func' => array( self::class, 'get_individual_property_css_declarations' ),
 176                  'path'       => array( 'border', 'left' ),
 177                  'css_vars'   => array(
 178                      'color' => '--wp--preset--color--$slug',
 179                  ),
 180              ),
 181          ),
 182          'shadow'     => array(
 183              'shadow' => array(
 184                  'property_keys' => array(
 185                      'default' => 'box-shadow',
 186                  ),
 187                  'path'          => array( 'shadow' ),
 188                  'css_vars'      => array(
 189                      'shadow' => '--wp--preset--shadow--$slug',
 190                  ),
 191              ),
 192          ),
 193          'dimensions' => array(
 194              'aspectRatio' => array(
 195                  'property_keys' => array(
 196                      'default' => 'aspect-ratio',
 197                  ),
 198                  'path'          => array( 'dimensions', 'aspectRatio' ),
 199                  'classnames'    => array(
 200                      'has-aspect-ratio' => true,
 201                  ),
 202              ),
 203              'minHeight'   => array(
 204                  'property_keys' => array(
 205                      'default' => 'min-height',
 206                  ),
 207                  'path'          => array( 'dimensions', 'minHeight' ),
 208                  'css_vars'      => array(
 209                      'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug',
 210                  ),
 211              ),
 212          ),
 213          'spacing'    => array(
 214              'padding' => array(
 215                  'property_keys' => array(
 216                      'default'    => 'padding',
 217                      'individual' => 'padding-%s',
 218                  ),
 219                  'path'          => array( 'spacing', 'padding' ),
 220                  'css_vars'      => array(
 221                      'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug',
 222                  ),
 223              ),
 224              'margin'  => array(
 225                  'property_keys' => array(
 226                      'default'    => 'margin',
 227                      'individual' => 'margin-%s',
 228                  ),
 229                  'path'          => array( 'spacing', 'margin' ),
 230                  'css_vars'      => array(
 231                      'spacing' => '--wp--preset--spacing--$slug',
 232                  ),
 233              ),
 234          ),
 235          'typography' => array(
 236              'fontSize'       => array(
 237                  'property_keys' => array(
 238                      'default' => 'font-size',
 239                  ),
 240                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'fontSize' ),
 241                  'css_vars'      => array(
 242                      'font-size' => '--wp--preset--font-size--$slug',
 243                  ),
 244                  'classnames'    => array(
 245                      'has-$slug-font-size' => 'font-size',
 246                  ),
 247              ),
 248              'fontFamily'     => array(
 249                  'property_keys' => array(
 250                      'default' => 'font-family',
 251                  ),
 252                  'css_vars'      => array(
 253                      'font-family' => '--wp--preset--font-family--$slug',
 254                  ),
 255                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'fontFamily' ),
 256                  'classnames'    => array(
 257                      'has-$slug-font-family' => 'font-family',
 258                  ),
 259              ),
 260              'fontStyle'      => array(
 261                  'property_keys' => array(
 262                      'default' => 'font-style',
 263                  ),
 264                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'fontStyle' ),
 265              ),
 266              'fontWeight'     => array(
 267                  'property_keys' => array(
 268                      'default' => 'font-weight',
 269                  ),
 270                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'fontWeight' ),
 271              ),
 272              'lineHeight'     => array(
 273                  'property_keys' => array(
 274                      'default' => 'line-height',
 275                  ),
 276                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'lineHeight' ),
 277              ),
 278              'textColumns'    => array(
 279                  'property_keys' => array(
 280                      'default' => 'column-count',
 281                  ),
 282                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'textColumns' ),
 283              ),
 284              'textDecoration' => array(
 285                  'property_keys' => array(
 286                      'default' => 'text-decoration',
 287                  ),
 288                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'textDecoration' ),
 289              ),
 290              'textTransform'  => array(
 291                  'property_keys' => array(
 292                      'default' => 'text-transform',
 293                  ),
 294                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'textTransform' ),
 295              ),
 296              'letterSpacing'  => array(
 297                  'property_keys' => array(
 298                      'default' => 'letter-spacing',
 299                  ),
 300                  'path'          => array( 'typography', 'letterSpacing' ),
 301              ),
 302          ),
 303      );
 305      /**
 306       * Util: Extracts the slug in kebab case from a preset string,
 307       * e.g. `heavenly-blue` from `var:preset|color|heavenlyBlue`.
 308       *
 309       * @since 6.1.0
 310       *
 311       * @param string $style_value  A single CSS preset value.
 312       * @param string $property_key The CSS property that is the second element of the preset string.
 313       *                             Used for matching.
 314       * @return string The slug, or empty string if not found.
 315       */
 316  	protected static function get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key ) {
 317          if ( is_string( $style_value ) && is_string( $property_key )
 318              && str_contains( $style_value, "var:preset|{$property_key}|" )
 319          ) {
 320              $index_to_splice = strrpos( $style_value, '|' ) + 1;
 321              return _wp_to_kebab_case( substr( $style_value, $index_to_splice ) );
 322          }
 323          return '';
 324      }
 326      /**
 327       * Util: Generates a CSS var string, e.g. `var(--wp--preset--color--background)`
 328       * from a preset string such as `var:preset|space|50`.
 329       *
 330       * @since 6.1.0
 331       *
 332       * @param string   $style_value  A single CSS preset value.
 333       * @param string[] $css_vars     An associate array of CSS var patterns
 334       *                               used to generate the var string.
 335       * @return string The CSS var, or an empty string if no match for slug found.
 336       */
 337  	protected static function get_css_var_value( $style_value, $css_vars ) {
 338          foreach ( $css_vars as $property_key => $css_var_pattern ) {
 339              $slug = static::get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key );
 340              if ( static::is_valid_style_value( $slug ) ) {
 341                  $var = strtr(
 342                      $css_var_pattern,
 343                      array( '$slug' => $slug )
 344                  );
 345                  return "var($var)";
 346              }
 347          }
 348          return '';
 349      }
 351      /**
 352       * Util: Checks whether an incoming block style value is valid.
 353       *
 354       * @since 6.1.0
 355       *
 356       * @param string $style_value A single CSS preset value.
 357       * @return bool
 358       */
 359  	protected static function is_valid_style_value( $style_value ) {
 360          return '0' === $style_value || ! empty( $style_value );
 361      }
 363      /**
 364       * Stores a CSS rule using the provided CSS selector and CSS declarations.
 365       *
 366       * @since 6.1.0
 367       * @since 6.6.0 Added the `$rules_group` parameter.
 368       *
 369       * @param string   $store_name       A valid store key.
 370       * @param string   $css_selector     When a selector is passed, the function will return
 371       *                                   a full CSS rule `$selector { ...rules }`
 372       *                                   otherwise a concatenated string of properties and values.
 373       * @param string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions,
 374       *                                   e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`.
 375       * @param string $rules_group        Optional. A parent CSS selector in the case of nested CSS, or a CSS nested @rule,
 376       *                                   such as `@media (min-width: 80rem)` or `@layer module`.
 377       */
 378  	public static function store_css_rule( $store_name, $css_selector, $css_declarations, $rules_group = '' ) {
 379          if ( empty( $store_name ) || empty( $css_selector ) || empty( $css_declarations ) ) {
 380              return;
 381          }
 382          static::get_store( $store_name )->add_rule( $css_selector, $rules_group )->add_declarations( $css_declarations );
 383      }
 385      /**
 386       * Returns a store by store key.
 387       *
 388       * @since 6.1.0
 389       *
 390       * @param string $store_name A store key.
 391       * @return WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store|null
 392       */
 393  	public static function get_store( $store_name ) {
 394          return WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rules_Store::get_store( $store_name );
 395      }
 397      /**
 398       * Returns classnames and CSS based on the values in a styles object.
 399       *
 400       * Return values are parsed based on the instructions in BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA.
 401       *
 402       * @since 6.1.0
 403       *
 404       * @param array $block_styles The style object.
 405       * @param array $options      {
 406       *     Optional. An array of options. Default empty array.
 407       *
 408       *     @type bool        $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns,
 409       *                                                   e.g. `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>`,
 410       *                                                   to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false.
 411       *     @type string      $selector                   Optional. When a selector is passed,
 412       *                                                   the value of `$css` in the return value will comprise
 413       *                                                   a full CSS rule `$selector { ...$css_declarations }`,
 414       *                                                   otherwise, the value will be a concatenated string
 415       *                                                   of CSS declarations.
 416       * }
 417       * @return array {
 418       *     @type string[] $classnames   Array of class names.
 419       *     @type string[] $declarations An associative array of CSS definitions,
 420       *                                  e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`.
 421       * }
 422       */
 423  	public static function parse_block_styles( $block_styles, $options ) {
 424          $parsed_styles = array(
 425              'classnames'   => array(),
 426              'declarations' => array(),
 427          );
 428          if ( empty( $block_styles ) || ! is_array( $block_styles ) ) {
 429              return $parsed_styles;
 430          }
 432          // Collect CSS and classnames.
 433          foreach ( static::BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA as $definition_group_key => $definition_group_style ) {
 434              if ( empty( $block_styles[ $definition_group_key ] ) ) {
 435                  continue;
 436              }
 437              foreach ( $definition_group_style as $style_definition ) {
 438                  $style_value = _wp_array_get( $block_styles, $style_definition['path'], null );
 440                  if ( ! static::is_valid_style_value( $style_value ) ) {
 441                      continue;
 442                  }
 444                  $parsed_styles['classnames']   = array_merge( $parsed_styles['classnames'], static::get_classnames( $style_value, $style_definition ) );
 445                  $parsed_styles['declarations'] = array_merge( $parsed_styles['declarations'], static::get_css_declarations( $style_value, $style_definition, $options ) );
 446              }
 447          }
 449          return $parsed_styles;
 450      }
 452      /**
 453       * Returns classnames, and generates classname(s) from a CSS preset property pattern,
 454       * e.g. `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>`.
 455       *
 456       * @since 6.1.0
 457       *
 458       * @param string $style_value      A single raw style value or CSS preset property
 459       *                                 from the `$block_styles` array.
 460       * @param array  $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA.
 461       * @return string[] An array of CSS classnames, or empty array if there are none.
 462       */
 463  	protected static function get_classnames( $style_value, $style_definition ) {
 464          if ( empty( $style_value ) ) {
 465              return array();
 466          }
 468          $classnames = array();
 469          if ( ! empty( $style_definition['classnames'] ) ) {
 470              foreach ( $style_definition['classnames'] as $classname => $property_key ) {
 471                  if ( true === $property_key ) {
 472                      $classnames[] = $classname;
 473                  }
 475                  $slug = static::get_slug_from_preset_value( $style_value, $property_key );
 477                  if ( $slug ) {
 478                      /*
 479                       * Right now we expect a classname pattern to be stored in BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA.
 480                       * One day, if there are no stored schemata, we could allow custom patterns or
 481                       * generate classnames based on other properties
 482                       * such as a path or a value or a prefix passed in options.
 483                       */
 484                      $classnames[] = strtr( $classname, array( '$slug' => $slug ) );
 485                  }
 486              }
 487          }
 489          return $classnames;
 490      }
 492      /**
 493       * Returns an array of CSS declarations based on valid block style values.
 494       *
 495       * @since 6.1.0
 496       *
 497       * @param mixed $style_value      A single raw style value from $block_styles array.
 498       * @param array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA.
 499       * @param array $options          {
 500       *     Optional. An array of options. Default empty array.
 501       *
 502       *     @type bool $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns,
 503       *                                            e.g. `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>`,
 504       *                                            to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false.
 505       * }
 506       * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`.
 507       */
 508  	protected static function get_css_declarations( $style_value, $style_definition, $options = array() ) {
 509          if ( isset( $style_definition['value_func'] ) && is_callable( $style_definition['value_func'] ) ) {
 510              return call_user_func( $style_definition['value_func'], $style_value, $style_definition, $options );
 511          }
 513          $css_declarations     = array();
 514          $style_property_keys  = $style_definition['property_keys'];
 515          $should_skip_css_vars = isset( $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'] ) && true === $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'];
 517          /*
 518           * Build CSS var values from `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>` values, e.g, `var(--wp--css--rule-slug )`.
 519           * Check if the value is a CSS preset and there's a corresponding css_var pattern in the style definition.
 520           */
 521          if ( is_string( $style_value ) && str_contains( $style_value, 'var:' ) ) {
 522              if ( ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $style_definition['css_vars'] ) ) {
 523                  $css_var = static::get_css_var_value( $style_value, $style_definition['css_vars'] );
 524                  if ( static::is_valid_style_value( $css_var ) ) {
 525                      $css_declarations[ $style_property_keys['default'] ] = $css_var;
 526                  }
 527              }
 528              return $css_declarations;
 529          }
 531          /*
 532           * Default rule builder.
 533           * If the input contains an array, assume box model-like properties
 534           * for styles such as margins and padding.
 535           */
 536          if ( is_array( $style_value ) ) {
 537              // Bail out early if the `'individual'` property is not defined.
 538              if ( ! isset( $style_property_keys['individual'] ) ) {
 539                  return $css_declarations;
 540              }
 542              foreach ( $style_value as $key => $value ) {
 543                  if ( is_string( $value ) && str_contains( $value, 'var:' ) && ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $style_definition['css_vars'] ) ) {
 544                      $value = static::get_css_var_value( $value, $style_definition['css_vars'] );
 545                  }
 547                  $individual_property = sprintf( $style_property_keys['individual'], _wp_to_kebab_case( $key ) );
 549                  if ( $individual_property && static::is_valid_style_value( $value ) ) {
 550                      $css_declarations[ $individual_property ] = $value;
 551                  }
 552              }
 554              return $css_declarations;
 555          }
 557          $css_declarations[ $style_property_keys['default'] ] = $style_value;
 558          return $css_declarations;
 559      }
 561      /**
 562       * Style value parser that returns a CSS definition array comprising style properties
 563       * that have keys representing individual style properties, otherwise known as longhand CSS properties.
 564       *
 565       * Example:
 566       *
 567       *     "$style_property-$individual_feature: $value;"
 568       *
 569       * Which could represent the following:
 570       *
 571       *     "border-{top|right|bottom|left}-{color|width|style}: {value};"
 572       *
 573       * or:
 574       *
 575       *     "border-image-{outset|source|width|repeat|slice}: {value};"
 576       *
 577       * @since 6.1.0
 578       *
 579       * @param array $style_value                    A single raw style value from `$block_styles` array.
 580       * @param array $individual_property_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA
 581       *                                              representing an individual property of a CSS property,
 582       *                                              e.g. 'top' in 'border-top'.
 583       * @param array $options                        {
 584       *     Optional. An array of options. Default empty array.
 585       *
 586       *     @type bool $convert_vars_to_classnames Whether to skip converting incoming CSS var patterns,
 587       *                                            e.g. `var:preset|<PRESET_TYPE>|<PRESET_SLUG>`,
 588       *                                            to `var( --wp--preset--* )` values. Default false.
 589       * }
 590       * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`.
 591       */
 592  	protected static function get_individual_property_css_declarations( $style_value, $individual_property_definition, $options = array() ) {
 593          if ( ! is_array( $style_value ) || empty( $style_value ) || empty( $individual_property_definition['path'] ) ) {
 594              return array();
 595          }
 597          /*
 598           * The first item in $individual_property_definition['path'] array
 599           * tells us the style property, e.g. "border". We use this to get a corresponding
 600           * CSS style definition such as "color" or "width" from the same group.
 601           *
 602           * The second item in $individual_property_definition['path'] array
 603           * refers to the individual property marker, e.g. "top".
 604           */
 605          $definition_group_key    = $individual_property_definition['path'][0];
 606          $individual_property_key = $individual_property_definition['path'][1];
 607          $should_skip_css_vars    = isset( $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'] ) && true === $options['convert_vars_to_classnames'];
 608          $css_declarations        = array();
 610          foreach ( $style_value as $css_property => $value ) {
 611              if ( empty( $value ) ) {
 612                  continue;
 613              }
 615              // Build a path to the individual rules in definitions.
 616              $style_definition_path = array( $definition_group_key, $css_property );
 617              $style_definition      = _wp_array_get( static::BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA, $style_definition_path, null );
 619              if ( $style_definition && isset( $style_definition['property_keys']['individual'] ) ) {
 620                  // Set a CSS var if there is a valid preset value.
 621                  if ( is_string( $value ) && str_contains( $value, 'var:' )
 622                      && ! $should_skip_css_vars && ! empty( $individual_property_definition['css_vars'] )
 623                  ) {
 624                      $value = static::get_css_var_value( $value, $individual_property_definition['css_vars'] );
 625                  }
 627                  $individual_css_property = sprintf( $style_definition['property_keys']['individual'], $individual_property_key );
 629                  $css_declarations[ $individual_css_property ] = $value;
 630              }
 631          }
 632          return $css_declarations;
 633      }
 635      /**
 636       * Style value parser that constructs a CSS definition array comprising a single CSS property and value.
 637       * If the provided value is an array containing a `url` property, the function will return a CSS definition array
 638       * with a single property and value, with `url` escaped and injected into a CSS `url()` function,
 639       * e.g., array( 'background-image' => "url( '...' )" ).
 640       *
 641       * @since 6.4.0
 642       *
 643       * @param array $style_value      A single raw style value from $block_styles array.
 644       * @param array $style_definition A single style definition from BLOCK_STYLE_DEFINITIONS_METADATA.
 645       * @return string[] An associative array of CSS definitions, e.g., array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" ).
 646       */
 647  	protected static function get_url_or_value_css_declaration( $style_value, $style_definition ) {
 648          if ( empty( $style_value ) ) {
 649              return array();
 650          }
 652          $css_declarations = array();
 654          if ( isset( $style_definition['property_keys']['default'] ) ) {
 655              $value = null;
 657              if ( ! empty( $style_value['url'] ) ) {
 658                  $value = "url('" . $style_value['url'] . "')";
 659              } elseif ( is_string( $style_value ) ) {
 660                  $value = $style_value;
 661              }
 663              if ( null !== $value ) {
 664                  $css_declarations[ $style_definition['property_keys']['default'] ] = $value;
 665              }
 666          }
 668          return $css_declarations;
 669      }
 671      /**
 672       * Returns compiled CSS from CSS declarations.
 673       *
 674       * @since 6.1.0
 675       *
 676       * @param string[] $css_declarations An associative array of CSS definitions,
 677       *                                   e.g. `array( "$property" => "$value", "$property" => "$value" )`.
 678       * @param string   $css_selector     When a selector is passed, the function will return
 679       *                                   a full CSS rule `$selector { ...rules }`,
 680       *                                   otherwise a concatenated string of properties and values.
 681       * @return string A compiled CSS string.
 682       */
 683  	public static function compile_css( $css_declarations, $css_selector ) {
 684          if ( empty( $css_declarations ) || ! is_array( $css_declarations ) ) {
 685              return '';
 686          }
 688          // Return an entire rule if there is a selector.
 689          if ( $css_selector ) {
 690              $css_rule = new WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule( $css_selector, $css_declarations );
 691              return $css_rule->get_css();
 692          }
 694          $css_declarations = new WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Declarations( $css_declarations );
 695          return $css_declarations->get_declarations_string();
 696      }
 698      /**
 699       * Returns a compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules.
 700       *
 701       * @since 6.1.0
 702       *
 703       * @param WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule[] $css_rules An array of WP_Style_Engine_CSS_Rule objects
 704       *                                              from a store or otherwise.
 705       * @param array                      $options   {
 706       *     Optional. An array of options. Default empty array.
 707       *
 708       *     @type string|null $context  An identifier describing the origin of the style object,
 709       *                                 e.g. 'block-supports' or 'global-styles'. Default 'block-supports'.
 710       *                                 When set, the style engine will attempt to store the CSS rules.
 711       *     @type bool        $optimize Whether to optimize the CSS output, e.g. combine rules.
 712       *                                 Default false.
 713       *     @type bool        $prettify Whether to add new lines and indents to output.
 714       *                                 Defaults to whether the `SCRIPT_DEBUG` constant is defined.
 715       * }
 716       * @return string A compiled stylesheet from stored CSS rules.
 717       */
 718  	public static function compile_stylesheet_from_css_rules( $css_rules, $options = array() ) {
 719          $processor = new WP_Style_Engine_Processor();
 720          $processor->add_rules( $css_rules );
 721          return $processor->get_css( $options );
 722      }
 723  }

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