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path_is_absolute › WordPress Function
› path_is_absolute ( $path )
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Tests if a given filesystem path is absolute.
For example, '/foo/bar', or 'c:windows'.Source
function path_is_absolute( $path ) {
* Check to see if the path is a stream and check to see if its an actual
* path or file as realpath() does not support stream wrappers.
if ( wp_is_stream( $path ) && ( is_dir( $path ) || is_file( $path ) ) ) {
return true;
* This is definitive if true but fails if $path does not exist or contains
* a symbolic link.
if ( realpath( $path ) === $path ) {
return true;
if ( strlen( $path ) === 0 || '.' === $path[0] ) {
return false;
// Windows allows absolute paths like this.
if ( preg_match( '#^[a-zA-Z]:\\\\#', $path ) ) {
return true;
// A path starting with / or \ is absolute; anything else is relative.
return ( '/' === $path[0] || '\\' === $path[0] );