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wp_fast_hash › WordPress Function

wp_fast_hash ( $message )
  • (string) $message The message to hash.
    Required: Yes
  • (string) The hash of the message.
Defined at:

Returns a cryptographically secure hash of a message using a fast generic hash function.

Use the wp_verify_fast_hash() function to verify the hash. This function does not salt the value prior to being hashed, therefore input to this function must originate from a random generator with sufficiently high entropy, preferably greater than 128 bits. This function is used internally in WordPress to hash security keys and application passwords which are generated with high entropy. Important: - This function must not be used for hashing user-generated passwords. Use wp_hash_password() for that. - This function must not be used for hashing other low-entropy input. Use wp_hash() for that. The BLAKE2b algorithm is used by Sodium to hash the message.


function wp_fast_hash(
	string $message
): string {
	$hashed = sodium_crypto_generichash( $message, 'wp_fast_hash_6.8+', 30 );
	return '$generic$' . sodium_bin2base64( $hashed, SODIUM_BASE64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING );