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wp-includes/rewrite.php › WordPress File
› WordPress Rewrite API
Function | Short description |
add_feed | Adds a new feed type like /atom1/. |
add_permastruct | Adds a permalink structure. |
add_rewrite_endpoint | Adds an endpoint, like /trackback/. |
add_rewrite_rule | Adds a rewrite rule that transforms a URL structure to a set of query vars. |
add_rewrite_tag | Adds a new rewrite tag (like %postname%). |
flush_rewrite_rules | Removes rewrite rules and then recreate rewrite rules. |
remove_permastruct | Removes a permalink structure. |
remove_rewrite_tag | Removes an existing rewrite tag (like %postname%). |
url_to_postid | Examines a URL and try to determine the post ID it represents. |
wp_resolve_numeric_slug_conflicts | Resolves numeric slugs that collide with date permalinks. |
_wp_filter_taxonomy_base | Filters the URL base for taxonomies. |