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pre_reschedule_event › WordPress Filter Hooks

apply_filters( 'pre_reschedule_event', null, $event, $wp_error )
Parameters: (3)
  • (null|bool|WP_Error) $pre Value to return instead. Default null to continue adding the event.
    Required: Yes
  • (object) $event { An object containing an event's data. @type string $hook Action hook to execute when the event is run. @type int $timestamp Unix timestamp (UTC) for when to next run the event. @type string $schedule How often the event should subsequently recur. @type array $args Array containing each separate argument to pass to the hook's callback function. @type int $interval The interval time in seconds for the schedule. }
    Required: Yes
  • (bool) $wp_error Whether to return a WP_Error on failure.
    Required: Yes
Defined at:

Filter to override rescheduling of a recurring event.

Returning a non-null value will short-circuit the normal rescheduling process, causing the function to return the filtered value instead.

For plugins replacing wp-cron, return true if the event was successfully rescheduled, false or a WP_Error if not.


$pre = apply_filters( 'pre_reschedule_event', null, $event, $wp_error );