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wp_prepare_revision_for_js › WordPress Filter Hooks

apply_filters( 'wp_prepare_revision_for_js', $revisions_data, $revision, $post )
Parameters: (3)
  • (array) $revisions_data { The bootstrapped data for the revisions screen. @type int $id Revision ID. @type string $title Title for the revision's parent WP_Post object. @type int $author Revision post author ID. @type string $date Date the revision was modified. @type string $dateShort Short-form version of the date the revision was modified. @type string $timeAgo GMT-aware amount of time ago the revision was modified. @type bool $autosave Whether the revision is an autosave. @type bool $current Whether the revision is both not an autosave and the post modified date matches the revision modified date (GMT-aware). @type bool|false $restoreUrl URL if the revision can be restored, false otherwise. }
    Required: Yes
  • (WP_Post) $revision The revision's WP_Post object.
    Required: Yes
  • (WP_Post) $post The revision's parent WP_Post object.
    Required: Yes
Defined at:

Filters the array of revisions used on the revisions screen.


$revisions[ $revision->ID ] = apply_filters( 'wp_prepare_revision_for_js', $revisions_data, $revision, $post );