Introducing the wpseek Bot

I’m not much of a tweeter. While I’m pretty much into WordPress, I’m not much of a blogger either. As long as anyone hasn’t come up with a thing called 48-hours-day, that’s not gonna change anytime soon.

Introducing the wpseek Bot

While I am not tweeting much, I hired a guy called ‘wpseek Bot’ ‘Joe W.P. Seek’. Since went online sometime 2009, the wpseek Bot keeps the data updated that is based on. Namely functions, hooks, filters and all that comes with it. He’s a busy guy (called by crons every now and then), so here’s a brief overview on what he’s tweeting about with the wpseek Twitter account:

WordPress development version updates (Checked hourly):

Whenever the core devs update to a new development version, the wpseek Bot will keep you updated on Twitter.

New WordPress releases (Checked hourly):

The Automattic guys just released another security release? Know when there’s a new WP version available to download.

New WordPress functions on (Updated twice a week):

As of now, you can browse through more than 5000 WordPress functions on To keep data up-to-date, the wpseek Bot seeks for new WP functions regularly to add to the wpseek database. When there are new functions available, he will tweet about it.

New WordPress hooks/filters on (Updated twice a week):

Alongside WP functions you can find WP hooks and filters on These are updated twice a week to keep you updated on the newest WP API stuff.

WordPress release reminder (Updated once a month):

Don’t know when to expect the upcoming WordPress release? Not sure if you’ll manage to get your plugin’s new version out before a new WP version will be released? The wpseek Bot will tell you once a month!

There are several more crons, parsers and updates running behind the scenes to keep the data stock up-to-date, but the 5 above are the most important and relevant for the random WP developer and designer.

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