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wp-admin/includes/template.php › WordPress File
› Template WordPress Administration API.
Function | Short description |
add_meta_box | Adds a meta box to one or more screens. |
add_settings_error | Registers a settings error to be displayed to the user. |
add_settings_field | Adds a new field to a section of a settings page. |
add_settings_section | Adds a new section to a settings page. |
compression_test | Tests support for compressing JavaScript from PHP. |
convert_to_screen | Converts a screen string to a screen object. |
do_accordion_sections | Meta Box Accordion Template Function. |
do_block_editor_incompatible_meta_box | Renders a "fake" meta box with an information message, shown on the block editor, when an incompatible meta box is found. |
do_meta_boxes | Meta-Box template function. |
do_settings_fields | Prints out the settings fields for a particular settings section. |
do_settings_sections | Prints out all settings sections added to a particular settings page. |
find_posts_div | Outputs the modal window used for attaching media to posts or pages in the media-listing screen. |
get_inline_data | Adds hidden fields with the data for use in the inline editor for posts and pages. |
get_media_states | Retrieves an array of media states from an attachment. |
get_post_states | Retrieves an array of post states from a post. |
get_settings_errors | Fetches settings errors registered by add_settings_error(). |
get_submit_button | Returns a submit button, with provided text and appropriate class. |
iframe_footer | Generic Iframe footer for use with Thickbox. |
iframe_header | Generic Iframe header for use with Thickbox. |
list_meta | Outputs a post's public meta data in the Custom Fields meta box. |
meta_form | Prints the form in the Custom Fields meta box. |
page_template_dropdown | Prints out option HTML elements for the page templates drop-down. |
parent_dropdown | Prints out option HTML elements for the page parents drop-down. |
remove_meta_box | Removes a meta box from one or more screens. |
settings_errors | Displays settings errors registered by add_settings_error(). |
submit_button | Echoes a submit button, with provided text and appropriate class(es). |
the_post_password | Displays the post password. |
touch_time | Prints out HTML form date elements for editing post or comment publish date. |
wp_category_checklist | Outputs an unordered list of checkbox input elements labeled with category names. |
wp_comment_reply | Outputs the in-line comment reply-to form in the Comments list table. |
wp_comment_trashnotice | Outputs 'undo move to Trash' text for comments. |
wp_dropdown_roles | Prints out option HTML elements for role selectors. |
wp_import_upload_form | Outputs the form used by the importers to accept the data to be imported. |
wp_link_category_checklist | Outputs a link category checklist element. |
wp_popular_terms_checklist | Retrieves a list of the most popular terms from the specified taxonomy. |
wp_star_rating | Outputs a HTML element with a star rating for a given rating. |
wp_terms_checklist | Outputs an unordered list of checkbox input elements labelled with term names. |
_admin_search_query | Displays the search query. |
_draft_or_post_title | Gets the post title. |
_get_plugin_from_callback | Internal helper function to find the plugin from a meta box callback. |
_list_meta_row | Outputs a single row of public meta data in the Custom Fields meta box. |
_local_storage_notice | Outputs the HTML for restoring the post data from DOM storage |
_media_states | Outputs the attachment media states as HTML. |
_post_states | Echoes or returns the post states as HTML. |
_wp_admin_html_begin | Prints out the beginning of the admin HTML header. |